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+(** * Mixing Ltac and Gallina for Fun and Benefits *)
+(** One of the most misleading introduction to Coq is to say that “Gallina is
+ for programs, while tactics are for proofs.” Indeed, in Coq we construct
+ terms of given types, always. Terms encodes both programs and proofs about
+ these programs. Gallina is the preferred way to construct programs, and
+ tactics are the preferred way to construct proofs.
+ The key word here is “preferred.” We do not always need to use tactics to
+ construct a proof term. Conversly, there are some occasions where
+ constructing a program with tactics become handy. Furthermore, Coq allows
+ for calling tactics from Gallina definitions. Compare to Gallina, Ltac
+ provides two very interesting features:
+ - With [match goal with] it can inspect its context
+ - With [match type of _ with] it can pattern matches on types
+ It turns out these features are more than handy when it comes to
+ metaprogramming (that is, the generation of programs by programs).
+ We proceed as follows. First, we try to demystify how Ltac actually works
+ under the hood. Then, we detail which bridges exists between Gallian and
+ Ltac. Finally, we quickly discuss the risk of using Ltac to generate
+ terms that do not encode proofs. *)
+(** #<div id="generate-toc"></div>#
+ #<div id="history">site/posts/MixingLtacAndGallina.v</div># *)
+(** ** What Do Tactics Do? *)
+(** The Coq proof environment is basically a State monad, where said state is
+ an incomplete terms that is being gradually constructed. This term is hidden
+ to the user, and Coq rather presents so-called “goals.”
+ From this perspective, a goal in Coq in basically a hole within the term we
+ are constructing. It is presented to users as:
+ - A list of “hypotheses,” which are nothing more than the variables
+ in the scope of the hole
+ - A type, which is the type of the term to construct to fill the hole
+ We illustrate what happens under the hood of Coq executes a simple proof
+ script. *)
+Definition identity : forall (α : Type), α -> α.
+(** At this point, we have tell Coq that we want to construct a term of type
+ [forall (α : Type), α -> α]. *)
+(** Coq presents us one goal of the form
+ #<div class="dmath">#\vdash \forall (\alpha : \mathrm{Type}),\ \alpha \rightarrow \alpha#</div>#
+ As for the term that we want to construct and that Coq is hiding from us, it
+ is just a hole.
+ In a Coq course, you will learn than the <<intro>> allows for turning the
+ premise of an implication into an hypothesis within the context, that is
+ #<div class="dmath">#C \vdash P \rightarrow Q#</div>#
+ becomes
+ #<div class="dmath">#C,\ P \vdash Q#</div>#
+ What <<intro>> actually does in refining the “hidden” terms, by inserting
+ an anonymous function. So, when we use *)
+ intro α.
+(** it refines the term
+ into
+fun (α : Type) => _2
+ Similarly, *)
+ intros x.
+(** refines <<_2>> into
+fun (x : α) => _3
+ which means the term constructed (and hidden) by Coq is now
+fun (α : Type) (x : α) => _3
+ In the scope wherein <<_3>> lives, two variables are available: [α] and
+ [x]. Therefore, the goal presented by Coq is
+ #<div class="dmath">#\alpha : \mathrm{Type},\ x : \alpha \vdash \alpha#</div>#
+ The [assert] tactic is used to “add an hypothesis to the context, assuming
+ you can prove the hypothesis is true from the context.” What [assert] does
+ under the hood is refine the term we are constructed using [let _ in _].
+ More precisely, when we use *)
+ assert (y : α).
+(** It refines the hole [_3] into
+let y : α := _4 in _5
+ which means the term we are constructing becomes
+fun (α : Type) (x : α) => let y : α := _4 in _5
+ On the one hand, there are two variables availabre inside the scope wherein <<_4>> lives,
+ so the related goal is
+ #<div class="dmath">#α : \mathrm{Type},\ x : α \vdash \alpha#</div>#
+ On the other hand, there are _three_ variables available for defining
+ <<_5>> and the goal presented to the user is now
+ #<div class="dmath">#\alpha : \mathrm{Type},\ x : \alpha,\ y : \alpha \vdash \alpha#</div>#
+ To conclude this first example, we can discuss the [exact] tactic. This
+ tactic takes a term as its argument, and fills the current hole (solves the
+ current goal) with this term. We solve the two subgoals generated by
+ [assert] using [exact].
+ First, we fill <<_4>> with [x]. *)
+ + exact x.
+(** Therefore, <<_4>> becomes [x], and the terms that we are gradually defining
+ now is
+fun (α : Type) (x : α) => let y : α := x in _5
+ Similarly, *)
+ + exact y.
+(** fill the last hole with [y].
+fun (α : Type) (x : α) => let y : α := x in y
+ The term that we are constructing does not have any hole we need to fill,
+ and therefore Coq does not present us any more “goals to solve.”
+ This is not the end of the story, though. Tactics in Coq are not trusted.
+ It is assumed they can be buggy, which would mean that they can in theory
+ generate incorrect terms. As a consequence, we need to tell Coq to check the
+ term (or verify the proof) using [Qed] or [Defined]. *)
+(** Coq accepts the [Defined] command without complaining. It means that the
+ term generated by the tactics typechecks.
+ To some extend, the [refine] tactics is actually the most basic tool you may
+ need. For instance,
+ - [intro x] is equivalent to [refine (fun x => _)]
+ - [assert (x : T)] is equivalent to [refine (let x : T := _ in _)]
+ - [exact x] is equivalent to [refine x]
+ And so on. As a consequence, we can rewrite the previous proof script using
+ [refine]. *)
+Definition identity' : forall (α : Type), α -> α.
+ refine (fun (α : Type) => _).
+ refine (fun (x : α) => _).
+ unshelve refine (let y : α := _ in _).
+ + refine x.
+ + refine y.
+(** ** A Tale of Two Worlds, and Some Bridges *)
+(** Constructing terms proofs directly in Gallina often happens when one is
+ writing dependently-typed definition. For instance, we can write a type safe
+ [from_option] function (inspired by #<a
+ href="">#this very
+ nice write-up#</a>#) such that the option to unwrap shall be accompagnied by
+ a proof that said option contains something. This extra argument is used in
+ the [None] case to derive a proof of [False], from which we can derive
+ anything. *)
+Definition is_some {α} (x : option α) : bool :=
+ match x with Some _ => true | None => false end.
+Lemma is_some_None {α} (x : option α)
+ : x = None -> is_some x <> true.
+Proof. intros H. rewrite H. discriminate. Qed.
+Definition from_option {α}
+ (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
+ : α :=
+ match x as y return x = y -> α with
+ | Some x => fun _ => x
+ | None => fun equ => False_rect α (is_some_None x equ some)
+ end eq_refl.
+(** In [from_option], we construct two proofs without using tactics:
+ - [False_rect α (is_some_None x equ some)] to exclude the absurd case
+ - [eq_refl] in conjunction with a dependent pattern matching (if you are
+ not familiar with this trick: the main idea is to allow Coq to
+ “remember” that [x = None] in the second branch)
+ We can use another approach. We can decide to implement [from_option]
+ with a proof script. *)
+Definition from_option' {α}
+ (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
+ : α.
+ case_eq x.
+ + intros y _.
+ exact y.
+ + intros equ.
+ rewrite equ in some.
+ now apply is_some_None in some.
+(** There is a third approach we can consider: mixing Gallina terms, and
+ tactics. This is possible thanks to the [ltac:()] feature. *)
+Definition from_option'' {α}
+ (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
+ : α :=
+ match x as y return x = y -> α with
+ | Some x => fun _ => x
+ | None => fun equ => ltac:(rewrite equ in some;
+ now apply is_some_None in some)
+ end eq_refl.
+(** When Coq encounters [ltac:()], it treats it as a hole. It sets up a
+ corresponding goal, and tries to solve it with the supplied tactic.
+ Conversly, there exists ways to construct terms in Gallina when writing a
+ proof script. Certains tactics takes such terms as arguments. Besides, Ltac
+ provides [constr:()] and [uconstr:()] which work similarly to [ltac:()].
+ The difference between [constr:()] and [uconstr:()] is that Coq will try to
+ assign a type to the argument of [constr:()], but will leave the argument of
+ [uconstr:()] untyped.
+ For instance, consider the following tactic definition. *)
+Tactic Notation "wrap_id" uconstr(x) :=
+ let f := uconstr:(fun x => x) in
+ exact (f x).
+(** Both [x] the argument of [wrap_id] and [f] the anonymous identity function
+ are not typed. It is only when they are composed together as an argument of
+ [exact] (which expects a typed argument, more precisely of the type of the
+ goal) that Coq actually tries to typecheck it.
+ As a consequence, [wrap_id] generates a specialized identity function for
+ each specific context. *)
+Definition zero : nat := ltac:(wrap_id 0).
+(** The generated anonymous identity function is [fun x : nat => x]. *)
+Definition empty_list α : list α := ltac:(wrap_id nil).
+(** The generated anonymous identity function is [fun x : list α => x]. Besides,
+ we do not need to give more type information about [nil]. If [wrap_id] were
+ to be expecting a typed term, we would have to replace [nil] by [(@nil
+ α)]. *)
+(** ** Beware the Automation Elephant in the Room *)
+(** Proofs and computational programs are encoded in Coq as terms, but there is
+ a fundamental difference between them, and it is highlighted by one of the
+ axiom provided by the Coq standard library: proof irrelevance.
+ Proof irrelevance states that two proofs of the same theorem (i.e., two
+ proof terms which share the same type) are essentially equivalent, and can
+ be substituted without threatening the trustworthiness of the system. From a
+ formal methods point of view, it makes sense. Even if we value “beautiful
+ proofs,” we mostly want correct proofs.
+ The same reasoning does _not_ apply to computational programs. Two functions
+ of type [nat -> nat -> nat] are unlikely to be equivalent. For instance,
+ [add], [mul] or [sub] share the same type, but computes totally different
+ results.
+ Using tactics such as [auto] to generate terms which do not live inside
+ [Prop] is risky, to say the least. For instance, *)
+Definition add (x y : nat) : nat := ltac:(auto).
+(** This works, but it is certainly not what you would expect:
+add = fun _ y : nat => y
+ : nat -> nat -> nat
+ That being said, if we keep that in mind, and assert the correctness of the
+ generated programs (either by providing a proof, or by extensively testing
+ it), there is no particular reason not to use Ltac to generate terms when it
+ makes sens.
+ Dependently-typed programming can help here. If we decorate the return type
+ of a function with the expected properties of the result wrt. the function’s
+ arguments, we can ensure the function is correct, and conversly prevent
+ tactics such as [auto] to generate “incorrect” terms. Interested readers may
+ refer to #<a href="/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.html">#the dedicated
+ series on this very website#</a>. *)