coqffi in a Nutshell

#+END_EXPORT For each entry of a ~cmi~ file, ~coqffi~ tries to generate an equivalent (from the extraction mechanism perspective) Coq definition. In this article, we walk through how ~coqffi~ works. Note that we do not dive into the vernacular commands ~coqffi~ generates. They are of no concern for ~coqffi~’s users. #+TOC: headlines 2 * Getting Started ** Requirements The latest versiof of ~coqffi~ (~coqffi.1.0.0~beta2~ at the time of writing) is compatible with OCaml ~4.08~ up to ~4.11~, and Coq ~8.12~. If you want to use ~coqffi~, but have incompatible requirements of your own, feel free to [[https://github.com/coq-community/coqffi/issues][submit an issue]]. ** Installing ~coqffi~ The recommended way to install ~coqffi~ is through the [[https://coq.inria.fr/opam/www][Opam Coq Archive]], in the ~released~ repository. If you haven’t activated this repository yet, you can use the following bash command. #+BEGIN_SRC sh opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released #+END_SRC Then, installing ~coqffi~ is as simple as #+BEGIN_SRC sh opam install coq-coqffi #+END_SRC You can also get the source from [[https://github.com/coq-community/coqffi][the upstream ~git~ repository]]. The ~README~ provides the necessary pieces of information to build it from source. ** Additional Dependencies One major difference between Coq and OCaml is that the former is pure, while the latter is not. Impurity can be modelled in pure languages, and Coq does not lack of frameworks in this respect. ~coqffi~ currently supports two of them: [[https://github.com/Lysxia/coq-simple-io][~coq-simple-io~]] and [[https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/FreeSpec][FreeSpec]]. It is also possible to use it with [[https://github.com/DeepSpec/InteractionTrees][Interaction Trees]], albeit in a less direct manner. * Primitives Types ~coqffi~ supports a set of primitives types, /i.e./, a set of OCaml types for which it knows an equivalent type in Coq. The list is the following (the Coq types are fully qualified in the table, but not in the generated Coq module as the necessry ~Import~ statement are generated too). | Ocaml type | Coq type | |-------------+-------------------------------| | =bool= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.bool= | | =char= | =Coq.Strings.Ascii.ascii= | | =int= | =CoqFFI.Data.Int.i63= | | ='a list= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.list a= | | ='a option= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.option a= | | =string= | =Coq.Strings.String.string= | | =unit= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.unit= | The =i63= type is introduced by the =CoqFFI= theory to provide signed primitive integers to Coq users. They are implemented on top of the (sadly unsigned) Coq native integers introduced in Coq ~8.10~. Hopefully, the =i63= type will be deprecated once [[https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/13559][signed primitive integers find their way to Coq upstream]]. When processing the entries of a given interface model, ~coqffi~ will checks that they only use these types, or types introduced by the interface module itself. * Code Generation ~coqffi~ distinguishes three types of entries: types, pure functions, and impure primitives. We now discuss how each one of them are handled. ** Types By default, ~coqffi~ generates axiomatized definitions for each type defined in a ~cmi~ files. This means that src_ocaml[:exports code]{type t} becomes src_coq[:exports code]{Axiom t : Type}. Polymorphism is supported, /i.e./, src_ocaml[:exports code]{type 'a t} becomes src_coq[:exports code]{Axiom t : forall (a : Type), Type}. It is possible to provide a “model” for a type using the =coq_model= annotation, for instance for reasoning purposes. For instance, we can specify that a type is equivalent to a =list=. #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml type 'a t [@@coq_model "list"] #+END_SRC This generates the following Coq definition. #+BEGIN_SRC coq Definition t : forall (a : Type), Type := list. #+END_SRC It is important to be careful when using the =coq_model= annotation. More precisely, the fact that =t= is a =list= in the “Coq universe” shall not be used while the implementation phase, only the verification phase. Finally, ~coqffi~ has got an experimental feature called ~transparent-types~ (enable by using the ~-ftransparent-types~ command-line argument). If the type definition is given in the module interface, then ~coqffi~ tries to generates an equivalent definition in Coq. For instance, #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml type 'a llist = | LCons of 'a * (unit -> 'a llist) | LNil #+END_SRC becomes #+BEGIN_SRC coq Inductive llist (a : Type) : Type := | LCons (x0 : a) (x1 : unit -> llist a) : llist a | LNil : llist a. #+END_SRC Mutually recursive types are supported, so #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml type even = Zero | ESucc of odd and odd = OSucc of even #+END_SRC becomes #+BEGIN_SRC coq Inductive odd : Type := | OSucc (x0 : even) : odd with even : Type := | Zero : even | ESucc (x0 : odd) : even. #+END_SRC The ~transparent-types~ feature is *experimental*, and is currently limited to variant types. It notably does not support records. Besides, it may generate incorrect Coq types, because it does not check whether or not the [[https://coq.inria.fr/refman/language/core/inductive.html#positivity-condition][positivity condition]] is satisfied. ** Pure Functions ~coqffi~ assumes OCaml values are pure by default, and will generate regular axiomatized Coq definitions for them. Similarly to type entries, it is possible to provide a Coq model using the =coq_module= annotation. #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml val unpack : string -> (char * string) option #+END_SRC becomes #+BEGIN_SRC coq Axiom unpack : string -> option (ascii * string). #+END_SRC Polymorphic functions are supported. #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list #+END_SRC becomes #+BEGIN_SRC coq Axiom map : forall (a : Type) (b : Type), (a -> b) -> list a -> list b. #+END_SRC ** Impure Primitives Finally, ~coqffi~ reserves a special treatment for OCaml value explicitely marked as impure, using the =impure= annotation. Impurity is usually handled in pure programming languages by means of monads, and ~coqffi~ is no exception to the rule. Given the set of impure primitives declared in an interface module, ~coqffi~ will (1) generates a typeclass which gathers these primitives, and (2) generates instances of this typeclass for supported backends. We illustrate the rest of this section with the following impure primitives. #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml val echo : string -> unit [@@impure] val scan : unit -> string [@@impure] #+END_SRC where =echo= allows to write something the standard output, and =scan= to read the standard input. Assuming the processed module interface is named ~console.mli~, the following Coq typeclass is generated. #+BEGIN_SRC coq Class MonadConsole (m : Type -> Type) := { echo : string -> m unit ; scan : unit -> m string }. #+END_SRC Using this typeclass and with the additional support of an additional =Monad= typeclass, we can specify impure computations which interacts with the console. For instance, with the support of ~ExtLib~, one can write. #+BEGIN_SRC coq Definition pipe `{Monad m, MonadConsole m} : m unit := let* msg := scan () in echo msg. #+END_SRC There is no canonical way to model impurity in Coq, but over the years several frameworks have been released to tackle this challenge. ~coqffi~ provides three features related to impure primitives. *** ~simple-io~ This feature allows to generate an instance of the typeclass for the =IO= monad introduced in the ~coq-simple-io~ package #+BEGIN_SRC coq Axiom io_echo : string -> IO unit. Axiom io_scan : unit -> IO string. Instance IO_MonadConsole : MonadConsole IO := { echo := io_echo ; scan := io_scan }. #+END_SRC It is enabled by default, but can be disabled using the ~-fno-simple-io~ command-line argument. *** ~interface~ This feature allows to generate an inductive type which describes the set of primitives available, to be used with frameworks like [[https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/FreeSpec][FreeSpec]] or [[https://github.com/DeepSpec/InteractionTrees][Interactions Trees]] #+BEGIN_SRC coq Inductive CONSOLE : Type -> Type := | Echo : string -> CONSOLE unit | Scan : unit -> CONSOLE string. Definition inj_echo `{Inject CONSOLE m} (x0 : string) : m unit := inject (Echo x0). Definition inj_scan `{Inject CONSOLE m} (x0 : unit) : m string := inject (Scan x0). Instance Inject_MonadConsole `{Inject CONSOLE m} : MonadConsole m := { echo := inj_echo ; scan := inj_scan }. #+END_SRC Providing an instance of the form src_coq[:exports code]{forall i, Inject i M} is enough for your monad =M= to be compatible with this feature (see for instance [[https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/FreeSpec/blob/master/theories/FFI/FFI.v][how FreeSpec implements it]]). *** ~freespec~ It allows to generate a semantics for the inductive type generated by the ~interface~ feature. #+BEGIN_SRC coq Axiom unsafe_echo : string -> unit. Axiom unsafe_scan : uint -> string. Definition console_unsafe_semantics : semantics CONSOLE := bootstrap (fun a e => local match e in CONSOLE a return a with | Echo x0 => unsafe_echo x0 | Scan x0 => unsafe_scan x0 end). #+END_SRC * Moving Forward ~coqffi~ comes with a comprehensive man page. In addition, the interested reader can proceed to the next article of this series, which explains how [[./CoqffiEcho.org][~coqffi~ can be used to easily implement an echo server in Coq]].