#+TITLE: Opinions I may have some opinions on some topics, and sometimes I may want to share them. However, I strongly believe facts and opinions are two differents things, and even though I do not intend to write plain wrong facts, I prefer to keep two separate indexes. I would encourage you to use your critical mind while reading these write-ups. ** 2022 - [[./StackedGit.org][How I Use Stacked Git at ~$WORK~]] :: I’ve been using Stacked Git at ~work~ for in early 2021, and as of January 2022, it has become a cornerstone of my daily workflow. ** 2017 - [[./MonadTransformers.org][Monad Transformers are a Great Abstraction]] :: Monads are hard to get right, monad transformers are harder. Yet, they remain a very powerful abstraction.