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#+END_EXPORT Over the past years, I have tried to capitalize on my findings. What I have lacked in regularity I made up for in subject exoticism. If you like what you read, have a question or for any other reasons really, you can shoot an [[mailto:lthms@soap.coffee][email]], or start a discussion on whichever site you like (I personnaly enjoy [[https://lobste.rs][Lobste.rs]] very much). * About Coq Coq is a formal proof management system which provides a pure functional language with nice dependent types together with an environment for writing machine-checked proofs. - [[./posts/ClightIntroduction.html][A Study of Clight and its Semantics]] :: Clight is a “simplified” C AST used by CompCert, the certified C compiler. In this write-up, we prove a straighforward functional property of a small C function, as an exercise to discover the Clight semantics. - [[./posts/MiniHTTPServer.html][Implementing and Certifying a Web Server in Coq]] :: An explanation on how to write an almost pure Coq, and working (albeit minimal) HTTP server. - [[./posts/Ltac101.html][Ltac 101]] :: Ltac is the “tactic language” of Coq. It allows for writing proof scripts which construct proof terms later checked by Coq. - [[./posts/RewritingInCoq.html][Rewriting in Coq]] :: The ~rewrite~ tactics are really useful, since they are not limited to the Coq built-in equality relation. - A Series on Strongly-Specified Funcions in Coq :: Coq ~Prop~ sort allows for defining properties function arguments have to satisfy, such that using such a function requires providing a proof the property is satisfied. 1. [[./posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.html][Using the ~refine~ Tactics]] 2. [[./posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.html][Using the ~Program~ Framework]] * About Haskell Haskell is a pure, lazy, functional programming language with a very expressive type system. - [[./posts/ExtensibleTypeSafeErrorHandling.html][Extensible, Type-Safe Error Handling In Haskell]] :: Ever heard of “extensible effects?” By applying the same principle, but for error handling, the result is nice, type-safe API for Haskell, with a lot of GHC magic under the hood. - [[./posts/MonadTransformers.org][Monad Transformers are a Great Abstraction]] :: Monads are hard to get right, monad transformers are harder. Yet, they remain a very powerful abstraction. * About Common Lisp Common Lisp is a venerable programming languages like no other I know. - [[./posts/DiscoveringCommonLisp.html][Discovering Common Lisp with ~trivial-gamekit~]] :: From the creation of a Lisp package up to the creation of a standalone executable. * About this website One of my goal with this website is for it to /feel/ simple, but the truth is under the hood it is generated from a bunch of files using a not-that-simple process. - [[./cleopatra.html][A Series on Generating this Static Website]] :: This series consolidates the [[https://cleopatra.soap.coffee][*~cleopatra~*]] generation processes used to build this website. That is, each write-up is a literate program responsible for a particular step of the build process, and you are guaranteed that the code you read is the code that has been used to generate the HTML page you read it from. 1. [[./cleopatra/theme.org][Theming with SASS ~(TODO)~]] 2. [[./cleopatra/coq.org][Authoring Contents As Coq Documents ~(TODO)~]] 3. [[./cleopatra/org.org][Authoring Contents As Org Documents ~(TODO)~]] 4. [[./cleopatra/soupault.org][Processing HTML with ~soupault~]] - [[./posts/Thanks.html][Thanks!]] :: If it were not for many awesome FOSS projects, this corner of the Internet would not exist. This is my attempt to give well-deserved credit to them and their creators. - [[./posts/CleopatraV1.html][*~cleopatra~* the First]] :: This write-up is the literate program of the first version of *~cleopatra~*, before it became a command-line program implemented in Rust. #+BEGIN_EXPORT html