Theming and Templating

#+END_EXPORT The purpose of this build process is to implement the default layout of this website. To that end, it provides a template file (~main.html~), and a collection of SASS files that *~cleopatra~* then compiles into a single CSS file using ~sassc~. We first discuss the structure of the website, by defining the default HTML template =soupault= will use to generate the website. Then, we specify its minimal design, implemented in SASS. Finally, we discuss the necessary build instructions for *~cleopatra~*. * Main HTML Template #+BEGIN_SRC html :tangle templates/main.html :noweb yes <> <!-- page title will be inserted here --> <> <> <> #+END_SRC ** ~~ #+NAME: meta-tags #+BEGIN_SRC html :noweb no-export #+END_SRC *** Assets Loading #+NAME: syncloading_html #+BEGIN_SRC html #+END_SRC #+NAME: asyncloading_js #+BEGIN_SRC js let noscript = document.getElementById('asyncloading'); noscript.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', noscript.innerText); noscript.parentNode.removeChild(noscript); #+END_SRC #+NAME: asyncloading_html #+BEGIN_SRC html