Theming and Templating

#+END_EXPORT The purpose of this build process is to implement the default layout of this website. To that end, it provides a template file (~main.html~), and a collection of SASS files that *~cleopatra~* then compiles into a single CSS file using ~sassc~. We first discuss the structure of the website, by defining the default HTML template =soupault= will use to generate the website. Then, we specify its minimal design, implemented in SASS. Finally, we discuss the necessary build instructions for *~cleopatra~*. * Main HTML Template #+BEGIN_SRC html :tangle templates/main.html :noweb yes <> <!-- page title will be inserted here --> <> <> <> #+END_SRC ** ~~ #+NAME: meta-tags #+BEGIN_SRC html :noweb no-export #+END_SRC *** Assets Loading #+NAME: syncloading_html #+BEGIN_SRC html #+END_SRC #+NAME: asyncloading_js #+BEGIN_SRC js let noscript = document.getElementById('asyncloading'); noscript.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', noscript.innerText); noscript.parentNode.removeChild(noscript); #+END_SRC #+NAME: asyncloading_html #+BEGIN_SRC html #+END_SRC ** ~body~ #+NAME: body #+BEGIN_SRC html :noweb no-export
Technical Articles / Opinions / News / Projects
#+END_SRC * Main SASS File First, we introduce a set of variables. #+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/main.sass $content-width : 35rem $large-side-margin : 7rem $small-side-margin : 2rem #+END_SRC Then, we introduce a key CSS variable whose definition will change according to the current width of the page (something we cannot achieve with SASS variables, whose behavior is purely static). #+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/main.sass \:root @media screen and (min-width: calc(#{$content-width} + 2 * #{$large-side-margin})) --side-margin : #{$large-side-margin} @media screen and (max-width: calc(#{$content-width} + 2 * #{$large-side-margin})) --side-margin : #{$small-side-margin} #+END_SRC Then, we style! #+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/main.sass * box-sizing : border-box html width : 100% height : 100% font-size : 100% font-weight : normal color : #222 a color : black a:visited color : #222 body font-family : serif margin : 0 var(--side-margin) 0 calc(var(--side-margin) - 2rem) !important padding : 2rem @media screen and (min-width: calc(#{$content-width} + 2 * #{$large-side-margin})) border-left : 1px solid #ccc main p, main h1, main h2, main h3, main h4, main h5, main h6, main ul, main dl, main ol, header, footer max-width : $content-width line-height : 140% main h1, main h2, main h3, main h4, main h5, main h6 font-weight : bold color : #0c0016 header a, footer p font-size : 90% main padding-top : 4rem padding-bottom : 4rem dl dd margin-left : 0 dl dt font-weight : bold dl dt:not(:first-child) padding-top : .5rem details font-size : 90% filter : opacity(0.8) footer img border-radius : 100% max-width : 7rem float : right margin-left : 1rem margin-bottom : 1rem pre overflow-x : auto code, tt, pre font-family : 'Fira Code', monospace font-size : 80% line-height : 140% #gallery display : flex flex-wrap : wrap align-content : flex-start img max-width : 20rem @import plugins @import org @import coq #+END_SRC * Build Instructions The build instruction are pretty straightforward. We start by how to compile the main CSS file. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle theme.mk SASS := $(wildcard site/style/*.sass) MAIN_SASS := site/style/main.sass CSS := $(MAIN_SASS:.sass=.css) ${CSS} : ${SASS} @cleopatra echo Compiling "${CSS}" @sassc --style=compressed --sass ${MAIN_SASS} ${CSS} #+END_SRC Since the HTML template does not need any particular processing, the =theme-build= phase is only responsible for generating the main CSS file. The [[./soupault.org][=soupault= build phase]] needs to start after the CSS file is compiled (since it copies all relevant files to the ~build/~ directory), so we explicit this dependency. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle theme.mk theme-build : ${CSS} soupault-build : theme-build #+END_SRC Therefore, at the end of this generation process only one file has been generated. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle theme.mk ARTIFACTS += ${CSS} #+END_SRC