From 9754a53fdc14f6ee4cf00f851cda68d69889bdcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Letan Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2020 18:13:38 +0100 Subject: Initial commit with previous content and a minimal theme --- site/posts/ | 392 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 392 insertions(+) create mode 100644 site/posts/ (limited to 'site/posts/') diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..115b3e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/site/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +#+BEGIN_EXPORT html +

Extensible Type-Safe Error Handling in Haskell

+ +#+END_EXPORT + +#+OPTIONS: toc:nil +#+TOC: headlines 2 + +A colleague of mine introduced me to the benefits of [[][~error-chain~]], a crate which +aims to implement /“consistent error handling”/ for Rust. I found the overall +design pretty convincing, and in his use case, the crate really makes its error +handling clearer and flexible. I knew /pijul/ uses ~error-chain~ to, but I never +had the occasion to dig more into it. + +At the same time, I have read quite a lot about /extensible effects/ in +Functional Programming, for an academic article I have submitted to +[[][Formal Methods 2018]][fn:fm2018]. In particular, the [[][freer]] package provides a very +nice API to define monadic functions which may use well-identified effects. For +instance, we can imagine that ~Console~ identifies the functions which may print +to and read from the standard output. A function ~askPassword~ which displays a +prompt and get the user password would have this type signature: + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +askPassword :: Member Console r => Eff r () +#+END_SRC + +Compared to ~IO~, ~Eff~ allows for meaningful type signatures. It becomes easier +to reason about function composition, and you know that a given function which +lacks a given effect in its type signature will not be able to use them. As a +predictable drawback, ~Eff~ can become burdensome to use. + +Basically, when my colleague showed me its Rust project and how he was using +~error-chain~, the question popped out. *Can we use an approach similar to ~Eff~ +to implement a Haskell-flavoured ~error-chain~?* + +Spoiler alert: the answer is yes. In this post, I will dive into the resulting +API, leaving for another time the details of the underlying +implementation. Believe me, there is plenty to say. If you want to have a look +already, the current implementation can be found on [[][GitHub]]. + +In this article, I will use several “advanced” GHC pragmas. I will not explain +each of them, but I will /try/ to give some pointers for the reader who wants to +learn more. + +[fn:fm2018] If the odds are in my favour, I will have plenty of occasions to write +more about this topic. + +* State of the Art + +This is not an academic publication, and my goal was primarily to explore the +arcane of the Haskell type system, so I might have skipped the proper study of +the state of the art. That being said, I have written programs in Rust and +Haskell before. + +** Starting Point + +In Rust, ~Result~ is the counterpart of ~Either E T~ in +Haskell[fn:either]. You can use it to model to wrap either the result of a +function (~T~) or an error encountered during this computation (~E~). +Both ~Either~ and ~Result~ are used in order to achieve the same end, that is +writing functions which might fail. + +On the one hand, ~Either E~ is a monad. It works exactly as ~Maybe~ (returning +an error acts as a shortcut for the rest of the function), but gives you the +ability to specify /why/ the function has failed. To deal with effects, the +~mtl~ package provides ~EitherT~, a transformer version of ~Either~ to be used +in a monad stack. + +On the other hand, the Rust language provides the ~?~ syntactic sugar, to +achieve the same thing. That is, both languages provide you the means to write +potentially failing functions without the need to care locally about failure. If +your function ~B~ uses a function ~A~ which might fail, and want to fail +yourself if ~A~ fails, it becomes trivial. + +Out of the box, neither ~EitherT~ nor ~Result~ is extensible. The functions must +use the exact same ~E~, or errors must be converted manually. + +[fn:either] I wonder if they deliberately choose to swap the two type arguments. + +** Handling Errors in Rust + +Rust and the ~error-chain~ crate provide several means to overcome this +limitation. In particular, it has the ~Into~ and ~From~ traits to ease the +conversion from one error to another. Among other things, the ~error-chain~ +crate provides a macro to easily define a wrapper around many errors types, +basically your own and the one defined by the crates you are using. + +I see several drawbacks to this approach. First, it is extensible if you take +the time to modify the wrapper type each time you want to consider a new error +type. Second, either you can either use one error type or every error +type. + +However, the ~error-chain~ package provides a way to solve a very annoying +limitation of ~Result~ and ~Either~. When you “catch” an error, after a given +function returns its result, it can be hard to determine from where the error is +coming from. Imagine you are parsing a very complicated source file, and the +error you get is ~SyntaxError~ with no additional context. How would you feel? + +~error-chain~ solves this by providing an API to construct a chain of errors, +rather than a single value. + +#+BEGIN_SRC rust +my_function().chain_err(|| "a message with some context")?; +#+END_SRC + +The ~chain_err~ function makes it easier to replace a given error in its +context, leading to be able to write more meaningful error messages for +instance. + +* The ResultT Monad + +The ~ResultT~ is an attempt to bring together the extensible power of ~Eff~ and +the chaining of errors of ~chain_err~. I will admit that, for the latter, the +current implementation of ~ResultT~ is probably less powerful, but to be honest +I mostly cared about the “extensible” thing, so it is not very surprising. + +This monad is not an alternative to neither Monad Stacks a la mtl nor to the +~Eff~ monad. In its current state, it aims to be a more powerful and flexible +version of ~EitherT~. + +** Parameters + +As often in Haskell, the ~ResultT~ monad can be parameterised in several ways. + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +data ResultT msg (err :: [*]) m a +#+END_SRC + +- ~msg~ is the type of messages you can stack to provide more context to error + handling +- ~err~ is a /row of errors/[fn:row], it basically describes the set of errors + you will eventually have to handle +- ~m~ is the underlying monad stack of your application, knowing that ~ResultT~ + is not intended to be stacked itself +- ~a~ is the expected type of the computation result + +[fn:row] You might have notice ~err~ is of kind ~[*]~. To write such a thing, +you will need the [[][DataKinds]] GHC pragmas. + +** ~achieve~ and ~abort~ + +The two main monadic operations which comes with ~ResultT~ are ~achieve~ and +~abort~. The former allows for building the context, by stacking so-called +messages which describe what you want to do. The latter allows for bailing on a +computation and explaining why. + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +achieve :: (Monad m) + => msg + -> ResultT msg err m a + -> ResultT msg err m a +#+END_SRC + +~achieve~ should be used for ~do~ blocks. You can use ~~ to attach a +contextual message to a given computation. + +The type signature of ~abort~ is also interesting, because it introduces the +~Contains~ typeclass (e.g., it is equivalent to ~Member~ for ~Eff~). + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +abort :: (Contains err e, Monad m) + => e + -> ResultT msg err m a +#+END_SRC + +This reads as follows: /“you can abort with an error of type ~e~ if and only if +the row of errors ~err~ contains the type ~e~.”/ + +For instance, imagine we have an error type ~FileError~ to describe +filesystem-related errors. Then, we can imagine the following function: + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +readContent :: (Contains err FileError, MonadIO m) + => FilePath + -> ResultT msg err m String +#+END_SRC + +We could leverage this function in a given project, for instance to read its +configuration files (for the sake of the example, it has several configuration +files). This function can use its own type to describe ill-formed description +(~ConfigurationError~). + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +parseConfiguration :: (Contains err ConfigurationError, MonadIO m) + => String + -> String + -> ResultT msg err m Configuration +#+END_SRC + +To avoid repeating ~Contains~ when the row of errors needs to contains several +elements, we introduce ~:<~[fn:top] (read /subset or equal/): + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +getConfig :: ( '[FileError, ConfigurationError] :< err + , MonadIO m) + => ResultT String err m Configuration +getConfig = do + achieve "get configuration from ~/.myapp directory" $ do + f1 <- readContent "~/.myapp/init.conf" + "fetch the main configuration" + f2 <- readContent "~/.myapp/net.conf" + "fetch the net-related configuration" + + parseConfiguration f1 f2 +#+END_SRC + +You might see, now, why I say ~ResultT~ is extensible. You can use two functions +with totally unrelated errors, as long as the caller advertises that with +~Contains~ or ~:<~. + +[fn:top] If you are confused by ~:<~, it is probably because you were not aware +of the [[][TypeOperators]] before. Maybe it was for the best. :D + +** Recovering by Handling Errors + +Monads are traps, you can only escape them by playing with their +rules. ~ResultT~ comes with ~runResultT~. + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +runResultT :: Monad m => ResultT msg '[] m a -> m a +#+END_SRC + +This might be surprising: we can only escape out from the ~ResultT~ if we do not +use /any errors at all/. In fact, ~ResultT~ forces us to handle errors before +calling ~runResultT~. + +~ResultT~ provides several functions prefixed by ~recover~. Their type +signatures can be a little confusing, so we will dive into the simpler one: + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +recover :: forall e m msg err a. + (Monad m) + => ResultT msg (e ': err) m a + -> (e -> [msg] -> ResultT msg err m a) + -> ResultT msg err m a +#+END_SRC + +~recover~ allows for /removing/ an error type from the row of errors, To do +that, it requires to provide an error handler to determine what to do with the +error raised during the computation and the stack of messages at that +time. Using ~recover~, a function may use more errors than advertised in its +type signature, but we know by construction that in such a case, it handles +these errors so that it is transparent for the function user. The type of the +handler is ~e -> [msg] -> ResultT msg err m a~, which means the handler /can +raise errors if required/. ~recoverWhile msg~ is basically a synonym for +~achieve msg $ recover~. ~recoverMany~ allows for doing the same with a row of +errors, by providing as many functions as required. Finally, ~recoverManyWith~ +simplifies ~recoverMany~: you can provide only one function tied to a given +typeclass, on the condition that the handling errors implement this typeclass. + +Using ~recover~ and its siblings often requires to help a bit the Haskell +type system, especially if we use lambdas to define the error handlers. Doing +that is usually achieved with the ~Proxy a~ dataype (where ~a~ is a phantom +type). I would rather use the TypeApplications[fn:tap] pragma. + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +recoverManyWith @[FileError, NetworkError] @DescriptiveError + (do x <- readFromFile f + y <- readFromNetwork socket + printToStd x y) + printErrorAndStack +#+END_SRC + +The ~DecriptiveError~ typeclass can be seen as a dedicated ~Show~, to give +textual representation of errors. It is inspired by the macros of ~error_chain~. + +We can start from an empty row of errors, and allows ourselves to +use more errors thanks to the ~recover*~ functions. + +[fn:tap] The [[][TypeApplications]] pragmas is probably one of my favourites. When I +use it, it feels almost like if I were writing some Gallina. + +* ~cat~ in Haskell using ResultT + +~ResultT~ only cares about error handling. The rest of the work is up to the +underlying monad ~m~. That being said, nothing forbids us to provide +fine-grained API for, e.g. Filesystem-related functions. From an error handling +perspective, the functions provided by Prelude (the standard library of Haskell) +are pretty poor, and the documentation is not really precise regarding the kind +of error we can encounter while using it. + +In this section, I will show you how we can leverage ~ResultT~ to *(i)* define an +error-centric API for basic file management functions and *(ii)* use this API to +implement a ~cat~-like program which read a file and print its content in the +standard output. + +** (A Lot Of) Error Types + +We could have one sum type to describe in the same place all the errors we can +find, and later use the pattern matching feature of Haskell to determine which +one has been raised. The thing is, this is already the job done by the row of +errors of ~ResultT~. Besides, this means that we could raise an error for being +not able to write something into a file in a function which /opens/ a file. + +Because ~ResultT~ is intended to be extensible, we should rather define several +types, so we can have a fine-grained row of errors. Of course, too many types +will become burdensome, so this is yet another time where we need to find the +right balance. + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +newtype AlreadyInUse = AlreadyInUse FilePath +newtype DoesNotExist = DoesNotExist FilePath +data AccessDeny = AccessDeny FilePath IO.IOMode +data EoF = EoF +data IllegalOperation = IllegalRead | IllegalWrite +#+END_SRC + +To be honest, this is a bit too much for the real life, but we are in a blog post +here, so we should embrace the potential of ~ResultT~. + +** Filesystem API + +By reading the [[][System.IO]] documentation, we can infer what our functions type +signatures should look like. I will not discuss their actual implementation in +this article, as this requires me to explain how `IO` deals with errors itself +(and this article is already long enough to my taste). You can have a look at +[[][this gist]] if you are interested. + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +openFile :: ( '[AlreadyInUse, DoesNotExist, AccessDeny] :< err + , MonadIO m) + => FilePath -> IOMode -> ResultT msg err m Handle +#+END_SRC + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +getLine :: ('[IllegalOperation, EoF] :< err, MonadIO m) + => IO.Handle + -> ResultT msg err m Text +#+END_SRC + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +closeFile :: (MonadIO m) + => IO.Handle + -> ResultT msg err m () +#+END_SRC + +** Implementing ~cat~ + +We can use the ~ResultT~ monad, its monadic operations and our functions to deal +with the file system in order to implement a ~cat~-like program. I tried to +comment on the implementation to make it easier to follow. + +#+BEGIN_SRC haskell +cat :: FilePath -> ResultT String err IO () +cat path = + -- We will try to open and read this file to mimic + -- `cat` behaviour. + -- We advertise that in case something goes wrong + -- the process. + achieve ("cat " ++ path) $ do + -- We will recover from a potential error, + -- but we will abstract away the error using + -- the `DescriptiveError` typeclass. This way, + -- we do not need to give one handler by error + -- type. + recoverManyWith @[Fs.AlreadyInUse, Fs.DoesNotExist, Fs.AccessDeny, Fs.IllegalOperation] + @(Fs.DescriptiveError) + (do f <- Fs.openFile path Fs.ReadMode + -- `repeatUntil` works like `recover`, except + -- it repeats the computation until the error + -- actually happpens. + -- I could not have used `getLine` without + -- `repeatUntil` or `recover`, as it is not + -- in the row of errors allowed by + -- `recoverManyWith`. + repeatUntil @(Fs.EoF) + (Fs.getLine f >>= liftIO . print) + (\_ _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "%EOF") + closeFile f) + printErrorAndStack + where + -- Using the `DescriptiveError` typeclass, we + -- can print both the stack of Strings which form + -- the context, and the description of the generic + -- error. + printErrorAndStack e ctx = do + liftIO . putStrLn $ Fs.describe e + liftIO $ putStrLn "stack:" + liftIO $ print ctx +#+END_SRC + +The type system of ~cat~ teaches us that this function handles any error it +might encounter. This means we can use it anywhere we want… in another +computation inside ~ResultT~ which might raise errors completely unrelated to +the file system, for instance. Or! We can use it with ~runResultT~, escaping the +~ResultT~ monad (only to fall into the ~IO~ monad, but this is another story). + +* Conclusion + +For once, I wanted to write about the /result/ of a project, instead of /how it +is implemented/. Rest assured, I do not want to skip the latter. I need to clean +up a bit the code before bragging about it. -- cgit v1.2.3