path: root/site
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site')
-rw-r--r--site/files/coqffi-tutorial.tar.gzbin0 -> 1714 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/files/coqffi_jfla21.pdfbin196859 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/flycheck-inline.pngbin0 -> 80913 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/good-highlighting.pngbin0 -> 42107 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/knitting-20200901.jpegbin1616958 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/select-theme.pngbin0 -> 26716 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/spatial-shell-example.pngbin0 -> 140752 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/spatial-shell.pngbin0 -> 607954 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/spatial-sway-preview.pngbin0 -> 1200162 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/thinking.pngbin0 -> 136549 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/img/wrong-highlighting.pngbin0 -> 42076 bytes
86 files changed, 7134 insertions, 7495 deletions
diff --git a/site/ b/site/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0831621..0000000
--- a/site/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: A Series on Generating this Static Website
-#+SERIES: ./meta.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./posts/Thanks.html
-At some point, I felt like the whole process of generating this
-website was interesting enough so that it would deserve a write-up of
-its own, but the risk was that such a piece of text would quickly
-become out-dated. This is reminescent of documenting any software
-project, and I was aware at that time of a dedicated paradigm to
-prevent these kind of issues: [[][literate programming]].
-I spent quite some time turning my custom toolchain into a literate program, so
-that its actual code source would actually be the write-ups I wanted to add to
-my website. This was an interesting challenge, since it meant *~cleopatra~*
-would have to generate itself before it could build my website. In other words,
-*~cleopatra~* achieves the bootstsrapping challenge!
-I really enjoyed this first experiment with literate programming, and
-I started using *~cleopatra~* for other projects of mine where
-literate programming felt like an interesting choice. In doing so, it
-quickly became clear *~cleopatra~* was cumbersome to set-up for a new
-project. At the end, [[][I ended up rewriting it]] to overcome the specific
-issues posed by its initial design[fn::For the record, this second
-version is also implemented using literate programming, and if I was
-first using the first version to build it, I quickly “made the
-bootstrap jump.”]. But the so-called generation processes I had
-written for *~cleopatra~* the first basically “just worked” with
-*~cleopatra~* the second.
-So, coming back to this series, it is just the very reason why I started using
-*~cleopatra~* in the first place: the generation processes used by this website,
-written as literate programs.
-- [[./cleopatra/][Installing Dependencies]] ::
-- [[file:cleopatra/][Authoring Contents with Coq ~(TODO)~]] ::
-- [[./cleopatra/][Authoring Contents with ~org-mode~ ~(TODO)~]] ::
-- [[./cleopatra/][Literate Programming Projects]] ::
- Literate programming is an interesting exercice, and it is
- particularly well-suited for blog posts, since at the very least it
- provides the tool to enforce the code presented to readers is
- correct. We use Emacs and ~org-mode~ to tangle the literate
- programming projects present in the ~posts/~ directory of this
- website.
-- [[./cleopatra/][Layout and Style]] ::
-- [[./cleopatra/][Processing HTML with ~soupault~]] ::
- ~soupault~ is a HTML processor, and it can be used as a static website
- generator. We leverage *~soupault~* to provide a unified look and feel to a
- website generated with diverse tools.
-*Appendix:* In case you are curious, you can have a look at
-[[./posts/CleopatraV1.html][the first implementaiton of *~cleopatra~*]].
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbf0430..0000000
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Adhoc *~cleopatra~* commands
-#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./soupault.html
-In this generation process, we provide adhoc commands to ease the
-authoring experience. A given command ~<cmd>~ is implemented as a
-~makefile~ rule, and can be called with ~cleopatra <cmd>~.
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/cleopatra/</div>
-* ~serve~
- This command spawns a simple HTTP server which allows us to navigate
- the website more easily.
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle
-serve :
- @cleopatra echo Spwaning "HTTP server"
- @cd out && python -m http.server
- #+end_src
-* ~update~
- This commands updates the various dependencies locally installed to
- build this website, such as ~soupault~ for instance.
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle
-update :
- @cleopatra echo "Updating" "OCaml dependencies"
- @opam update
- @opam upgrade -y
- #+end_src
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f3d27..0000000
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Authoring Content with Coq
-#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./dependencies.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./org.html
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/cleopatra/</div>
-* Author Guidelines
-* Under the Hood
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
-COQ_POSTS := $(shell find site/ -name "*.v")
-COQ_HTML := $(COQ_POSTS:.v=.html)
- $(COQ_POSTS:.v=.vok) \
- $(COQ_POSTS:.v=.vos) \
- $(COQ_POSTS:.v=.glob) \
- $(join $(dir ${COQ_POSTS}),$(addprefix ".",$(notdir $(COQ_POSTS:.v=.aux))))
-coq-build : ${COQ_HTML}
-soupault-build : coq-build
-COQLIB := ""
-COQCARG := -async-proofs-cache force \
- -w -custom-entry-overriden
-COQDOCARG := --no-index --charset utf8 --short \
- --body-only --coqlib "${COQLIB}" \
- --external "" ExtLib \
- --external "" compcert \
- --external "" SimpleIO
-%.html : %.v _opam/init
- @cleopatra echo Exporting "$*.v"
- @coqc ${COQCARG} $<
- @coqdoc ${COQDOCARG} -d $(shell dirname $<) $<
- @rm -f $(shell dirname $<)/coqdoc.css
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cce498..0000000
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Installing Dependencies
-#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./coq.html
-* OCaml and Coq
- #+caption: Dependencies for Coq articles
- #+name: coq-deps
- | Package | Version |
- |--------------+---------|
- | coq | 8.13.2 |
- | coq-compcert | 3.8 |
- #+caption: Dependencies for the ~coqffi~ series
- #+name: lp-deps
- | Package | Version |
- |---------------+-------------|
- | dune | 2.9.0 |
- | coq-coqffi | 1.0.0~beta7 |
- | coq-simple-io | 1.5.0 |
- #+caption: Soupault
- #+name: soupault-deps
- | Package | Version |
- |----------+---------|
- | soupault | 3.1.0 |
- #+name: deps-listing
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :var coq-deps=coq-deps :var lp-deps=lp-deps :var soupault-deps=soupault-deps :results value raw :exports none
-;; We use this Emacs Lisp snippet to generate the list of dependencies
-;; we have to install with Opam
-(defun fmt-deps (d)
- (mapconcat (lambda (d) (format "%s" d)) d "."))
- (append (mapcar 'fmt-deps lp-deps)
- (mapcar 'fmt-deps soupault-deps)
- (mapcar 'fmt-deps coq-deps))
- " ")
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle :noweb yes
-OCAML_VERSION := 4.12.0
-OCAML := ocaml-base-compiler.${OCAML_VERSION}
-_opam/init :
- @cleopatra echo "Creating" "a local Opam switch"
- @opam switch create . ${OCAML} --repos default,coq-released || true
- @cleopatra echo "Installing" "OCaml dependencies"
- @opam install <<deps-listing()>> -y
- @touch $@
-CONFIGURE += _opam
- #+end_src
-* Frontend
- #+caption: Frontend dependencies
- #+name: frontend-deps
- | Package | Version |
- |---------------+---------|
- | katex | 0.13.13 |
- | minify | 7.0.2 |
- | normalize.css | 8.0.1 |
- #+name: frontend-listing
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var frontend-deps=frontend-deps :exports none
-;; We use this Emacs Lisp snippet to generate the list of dependencies
-;; we have to install with npm
-(defun fmt-deps (d)
- (format " \"%s\": \"^%s\"" (nth 0 d) (nth 1 d)))
-(string-join (mapcar 'fmt-deps frontend-deps) ",\n")
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src json :tangle package.json :noweb yes
- "dependencies": {
- <<frontend-listing()>>
- }
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle :noweb yes
-package-lock.json : package.json
- @cleopatra echo "Installing" "frontend dependencies"
- @npm install
-CONFIGURE += package-lock.json
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle :noweb yes
-dependencies-prebuild : _opam/init package-lock.json
- #+end_src
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
deleted file mode 100644
index 63e0b02..0000000
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Literate Programming Projects
-#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./org.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./theme.html
-Literate programming is an interesting exercice. It forces programmers
-to think about how to present their code for other people to
-understand it. It poses several significant challenges, in particular
-in terms of code refactoring. If a given piece of code is too much
-entangled with proses explaining it, rewriting it becomes cumbersome.
-That being said, literate programming is particularly well-suited for
-blog posts, since at the very least it provides the tool to enforce
-the code presented to readers is correct.
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/cleopatra/</div>
-* Tangling
-We use Emacs and ~org-mode~ to tangle the literate programming
-projects present in the ~posts/~ directory of this website. This is
-done with the following emacs lisp script.
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle export-lp.el
-;; opinionated configuration provided by cleopatra
-;; allow the execution of shell block code
- 'org-babel-load-languages
- '((shell . t)))
-;; scan the posts/ directory and tangled it into lp/
-(setq org-publish-project-alist
- '(("lp"
- :base-directory "site/posts"
- :publishing-directory "lp"
- :recursive t
- :publishing-function cleopatra:tangle-publish)))
-Tangling literate programming is done in the =prebuild= phase of
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
-literate-programming-prebuild :
- @cleopatra echo "Tangling" "literate programming project"
- @cleopatra exec -- cleopatra-run-elisp export-lp.el \
- >> build.log 2>&1
-ARTIFACTS += lp/ site/posts/deps.svg
-* Building
-In the =build= phase, we actually try to compile the tangled projects.
-As of now, there is only one literate program: [[../posts/][the Echo server
-implemented in Coq]] which demonstrates how ~coqffi~ can be used to
-implement realistic software projects.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
-COQFFI_ARCHIVE := site/files/coqffi-tutorial.tar.gz
-coqffi-tutorial-build : literate-programming-prebuild _opam/init
- @cleopatra echo "Building" "coqffi tutorial"
- @cd lp/coqffi-tutorial; dune build --display quiet
- @cleopatra echo "Archiving" "coqffi tutorial"
- @rm -f ${COQFFI_ARCHIVE}
- @tar --exclude="_build" -C lp/ -czvf ${COQFFI_ARCHIVE} coqffi-tutorial \
- 2>&1 >> build.log
-site/posts/CoqffiEcho.html : coqffi-tutorial-build
-literate-programming-build : coqffi-tutorial-build
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
deleted file mode 100644
index 829272b..0000000
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Authoring Content with ~org-mode~
-#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./coq.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./literate-programming.html
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/cleopatra/</div>
-* Author Guidelines
-* Implementation
-#+begin_src makefile :tangle
-EMACS := cleopatra-emacs
-ORG_IN := $(shell find site/ -name "*.org")
-ORG_OUT := $(
-org-prebuild : .emacs
-org-build : ${ORG_OUT}
-soupault-build : org-build
-CONFIGURE += .emacs
-EXPORT := --batch \
- --load="${ROOT}/scripts/packages.el" \
- --load="${ROOT}/scripts/export-org.el" \
- 2>> build.log
-INIT := --batch --load="${ROOT}/scripts/packages.el" \
- 2>> build.log
-.emacs : scripts/packages.el
- @cleopatra echo Initiating "Emacs configuration"
- @${EMACS} ${INIT}
- @touch .emacs
-%.html : scripts/packages.el scripts/export-org.el \
- .emacs
- @cleopatra echo Exporting "$*.org"
- @${EMACS} $< ${EXPORT}
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/packages.el
-(use-package ox-tufte :ensure t)
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/export-org.el
- 'org-babel-load-languages
- '((dot . t)
- (shell . t)))
-(setq org-export-with-toc nil
- org-html-htmlize-output-type nil
- org-export-with-section-numbers nil)
-(add-to-list 'org-entities-user
- '("im" "\\(" nil "<span class=\"imath\">" "" "" ""))
-(add-to-list 'org-entities-user
- '("mi" "\\)" nil "</span>" "" "" ""))
-(defun with-keyword (keyword k)
- "Look-up for keyword KEYWORD, and call continuation K with its value."
- (pcase (org-collect-keywords `(,keyword))
- (`((,keyword . ,kw))
- (when kw (funcall k (string-join kw " "))))))
-(defun get-keyword (keyword)
- "Look-up for keyword KEYWORD, and returns its value"
- (with-keyword keyword (lambda (x) x)))
-(defun get-org-title (path)
- "Fetch the title of an Org file whose path is PATH."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (find-file-read-only path)
- (get-keyword "TITLE")))
-(defun insert-title ()
- "Insert the title of the article."
- (with-keyword
- (lambda (title)
- (insert
- (format "\n\n@@html:<h1>@@ %s @@html:</h1>@@\n\n" title)))))
-(defun insert-series ()
- "Insert the series root link."
- (with-keyword
- (lambda (series)
- (insert "\n\n#+attr_html: :class series\n")
- (insert series))))
-(defun insert-series-prev ()
- "Insert the series previous article link."
- (with-keyword
- (lambda (series-prev)
- (insert "\n\n#+attr_html: :class series-prev\n")
- (insert series-prev))))
-(defun insert-series-next ()
- "Insert the series next article link."
- (with-keyword
- (lambda (series-next)
- (insert "\n\n#+attr_html: :class series-next\n")
- (insert series-next))))
-(defun insert-nav ()
- "Insert the navigation links."
- (when (get-keyword "SERIES")
- (insert "\n\n#+begin_nav\n")
- (insert-series)
- (insert-series-prev)
- (insert-series-next)
- (insert "\n\n#+end_nav\n")))
-(let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name ".html"))
- (org-html-footnotes-section "<!-- %s --><!-- %s -->"))
- (org-export-to-file 'tufte-html outfile nil nil nil t))
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19a1096..0000000
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,698 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: ~soupault~
-#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./theme.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./commands.html
-We use ~soupault~ to build this website[fn::~soupault~ is an awesome
-free software project, with a unique approach to static website
-generation. You should definitely [[][check out their website]]!].
-#+begin_export html
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-* Installation
- We install ~soupault~ in a local switch. We use a witness file
- ~_opam/.init~ to determine whether or not our switch has always been
- created during a previous invocation of *~cleopatra~*.
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle
-CONFIGURE += _opam rss.json
-soupault-prebuild : _opam/init
- #+end_src
- Using ~soupault~ is as simple as calling it, without any particular
- command-line arguments.
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle
-soupault-build : dependencies-prebuild style.min.css
- @cleopatra echo "Executing" "soupault"
- @soupault
- #+end_src
- We now describe our configuration file for ~soupault~.
-* Configuration
- #+name: base-dir
- #+begin_src verbatim :noweb yes :exports none
- #+end_src
-** Global Settings
- The options of the ~[settings]~ section of a ~soupault~
- configuration are often self-explanatory, and we do not spend too
- much time to detaul them.
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf :noweb yes
-strict = true
-site_dir = "site"
-build_dir = "out/<<base-dir>>"
-doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html>"
-clean_urls = false
-generator_mode = true
-complete_page_selector = "html"
-default_content_selector = "main"
-page_file_extensions = ["html"]
-ignore_extensions = [
- "v", "vo", "vok", "vos", "glob",
- "html~", "org"
-default_template_file = "templates/main.html"
-pretty_print_html = false
- #+end_src
-** Setting Page Title
- We use the “page title” widget to set the title of the webpage
- based on the first (and hopefully the only) ~<h1>~ tag of the
- page.
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-widget = "title"
-selector = "h1"
-default = "~lthms"
-prepend = "~lthms: "
- #+end_src
-** Acknowledging ~soupault~
- When creating a new ~soupault~ project (using ~soupault --init~),
- the default configuration file suggests advertising the use of
- ~soupault~. Rather than hard-coding the used version of ~soupault~
- (which is error-prone), we rather determine the version of
- ~soupault~ with the following script.
- #+NAME: soupault-version
- #+begin_src bash :results verbatim output
-soupault --version | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n'
- #+end_src
- The configuration of the widget ---initially provided by
- ~soupault~--- becomes less subject to the obsolescence[fn::That
- is, as long as ~soupault~ does not change the output of its
- ~--version~ option.].
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf :noweb yes
-widget = "insert_html"
-html = """<meta name="generator" content="<<soupault-version()>>">"""
-selector = "head"
- #+end_src
-** Prefixing Internal URLs
- On the one hand, internal links can be absolute, meaning they
- start with a leading ~/~, and therefore are relative to the
- website root. On the other hand, website (especially static
- website) can be placed in larger context. For instance, my
- personal website lives inside the ~~lthms~ directory of the
- domain[fn::To my experience in hosting webapps and
- websites, this set-up is way harder to get right than I initially
- expect.].
- The purpose of this plugin is to rewrite internal URLs which are relative to the
- root, in order to properly prefix them.
- From a high-level perspective, the plugin structure is the following.
- First, we validate the widget configuration.
- #+BEGIN_SRC lua :tangle plugins/urls-rewriting.lua
-prefix_url = config["prefix_url"]
-if not prefix_url then
-"Missing mandatory field: `prefix_url'")
-if not Regex.match(prefix_url, "^/(.*)") then
- prefix_url = "/" .. prefix_url
-if not Regex.match(prefix_url, "(.*)/$") then
- prefix_url = prefix_url .. "/"
- Then, we propose a generic function to enumerate and rewrite tags
- which can have.
- #+BEGIN_SRC lua :tangle plugins/urls-rewriting.lua
-function prefix_urls (links, attr, prefix_url)
- index, link = next(links)
- while index do
- href = HTML.get_attribute(link, attr)
- if href then
- if Regex.match(href, "^/") then
- href = Regex.replace(href, "^/*", "")
- href = prefix_url .. href
- end
- HTML.set_attribute(link, attr, href)
- end
- index, link = next(links, index)
- end
- Finally, we use this generic function for relevant tags.
- #+BEGIN_SRC lua :tangle plugins/urls-rewriting.lua
-prefix_urls(, "a"), "href", prefix_url)
-prefix_urls(, "link"), "href", prefix_url)
-prefix_urls(, "img"), "src", prefix_url)
-prefix_urls(, "script"), "src", prefix_url)
-prefix_urls(, "use"), "href", prefix_url)
- Again, configuring soupault to use this plugin is relatively
- straightforward.
- #+BEGIN_SRC toml :tangle soupault.conf :noweb yes
-widget = "urls-rewriting"
-prefix_url = "<<base-dir>>"
-after = "mark-external-urls"
-** Marking External Links
- #+BEGIN_SRC lua :tangle plugins/external-urls.lua
-function mark(name)
- return '<span class="icon"><svg><use href="/img/icons.svg#'
- .. name ..
- '"></use></svg></span>'
-links =, "a")
-index, link = next(links)
-while index do
- href = HTML.get_attribute(link, "href")
- if href then
- if Regex.match(href, "^https?://") then
- icon = HTML.parse(mark("github"))
- HTML.append_child(link, icon)
- elseif Regex.match(href, "^https?://") then
- icon = HTML.parse(mark("external-link"))
- HTML.append_child(link, icon)
- end
- end
- index, link = next(links, index)
- #+BEGIN_SRC toml :tangle soupault.conf
-after = "generate-history"
-widget = "external-urls"
-** Generating a Table of Contents
- The ~toc~ widget allows for generating a table of contents for
- HTML files which contains a node matching a given ~selector~ (in
- the case of this document, ~#generate-toc~).
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-widget = "toc"
-selector = "#generate-toc"
-action = "replace_content"
-valid_html = true
-min_level = 2
-max_level = 3
-numbered_list = false
-heading_links = true
-heading_link_text = " §"
-heading_links_append = true
-heading_link_class = "anchor-link"
-widget = "insert_html"
-selector = "#generate-toc"
-action = "prepend_child"
-html = '<h2>Table of Contents</h2>'
-after = "table-of-contents"
- #+end_src
-** Generating Per-File Revisions Tables
-*** Users Instructions
- This widgets allows to generate a so-called “revisions table” of
- the filename contained in a DOM element of id ~history~, based on
- its history. Paths should be relative to the directory from which
- you start the build process (typically, the root of your
- repository). The revisions table notably provides hyperlinks to a
- ~git~ webview for each commit.
- For instance, considering the following HTML snippet
- #+begin_src html
-<div id="history">
- site/posts/
- #+end_src
- This plugin will replace the content of this ~<div>~ with the
- revisions table of ~site/posts/
-*** Customization
- The base of the URL webview for the document you are currently
- reading is src_verbatim[:noweb yes :exports code]{<<repo>>}.
- #+name: repo
- #+begin_src verbatim :exports none
- #+end_src
- The template used to generate the revision table is the following.
- #+begin_src html :tangle templates/history.html :noweb yes
-<details id="history">
- <summary>Revisions</summary>
- <p>
- This revisions table has been automatically generated
- from <a href="<<repo>>">the
- <code>git</code> history of this website repository</a>, and the
- change descriptions may not always be as useful as they should.
- </p>
- <p>
- You can consult the source of this file in its current version
- <a href="<<repo>>/tree/{{file}}">here</a>.
- </p>
- <table class="fullwidth">
- {{#history}}
- <tr>
- <td class="date"
- id="created-at"
- id="modified-at"
- >{{date}}</td>
- <td class="subject">{{subject}}</td>
- <td class="commit">
- <a href="<<repo>>/commit/{{filename}}/?id={{hash}}">{{abbr_hash}}</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- {{/history}}
- </table>
- #+end_src
-*** Implementation
- We use the built-in [[][=preprocess_element=]] to implement, which
- means we need a script which gets its input from the standard
- input, and echoes its output to the standard input.
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-widget = "preprocess_element"
-selector = "#history"
-command = 'scripts/ templates/history.html'
-action = "replace_element"
- #+end_src
- This plugin proceeds as follows:
- 1. Using an ad-hoc script, it generates a JSON containing for each revision
- - The subject, date, hash, and abbreviated hash of the related commit
- - The name of the file at the time of this commit
- 2. This JSON is passed to a mustache engine (~haskell-mustache~) with a
- proper template
- 3. The content of the selected DOM element is replaced with the output of
- ~haskell-mustache~
- This translates in Bash like this.
- #+begin_src bash :tangle scripts/ :shebang "#!/usr/bin/bash"
-function main () {
- local file="${1}"
- local template="${2}"
- tmp_file=$(mktemp)
- generate_json ${file} > ${tmp_file}
- haskell-mustache ${template} ${tmp_file}
- rm ${tmp_file}
- #+end_src
- Generating the expected JSON is therefore as simple as:
- - Fetching the logs
- - Reading 8 line from the logs, parse the filename from the 6th
- line
- - Outputing the JSON
- We will use ~git~ to get the information we need. By default,
- ~git~ subcommands use a pager when its output is likely to be
- long. This typically includes ~git-log~. To disable this
- behavior, ~git~ exposes the ~--no-pager~ command. Besides, we
- also need ~--follow~ and ~--stat~ to deal with file
- renaming. Without this option, ~git-log~ stops when the file
- first appears in the repository, even if this “creation” is
- actually a renaming. Therefore, the ~git~ command line we use to
- collect our history is
- #+name: gitlog
- #+begin_src bash :tangle scripts/ :noweb yes
-function gitlog () {
- local file="${1}"
- git --no-pager log \
- --follow \
- --stat=10000 \
- --pretty=format:'%s%n%h%n%H%n%cs%n' \
- "${file}"
- #+end_src
- This function will generate a sequence of 8 lines containing all
- the relevant information we are looking for, for each commit,
- namely:
- - Subject
- - Abbreviated hash
- - Full hash
- - Date
- - Empty line
- - Change summary
- - Shortlog
- - Empty line
- For instance, the =gitlog= function will output the following
- lines for the last commit of this very file:
- #+begin_src bash :results verbatim :exports results :noweb yes
-gitlog "" | head -n8
- #+end_src
- Among other things, the 6th line contains the filename. We need
- to extract it, and we do that with ~sed~. In case of file
- renaming, we need to parse something of the form ~both/to/{old =>
- new}~.
- #+begin_src bash :tangle scripts/ :noweb yes
-function parse_filename () {
- local line="${1}"
- local shrink='s/ *\(.*\) \+|.*/\1/'
- local unfold='s/\(.*\){\(.*\) => \(.*\)}/\1\3/'
- echo ${line} | sed -e "${shrink}" | sed -e "${unfold}"
- #+end_src
- The next step is to process the logs to generate the expected
- JSON. We have to deal with the fact that JSON does not allow the
- last item of an array to be concluded by ",". Besides, we also
- want to indicate which commit is responsible for the creation of
- the file. To do that, we use two variables: =idx= and
- =last_entry=. When =idx= is equal to 0, we know it is the latest
- commit. When =idx= is equal to =last_entry=, we know we are
- looking at the oldest commit for that file.
- #+begin_src bash :tangle scripts/ :noweb yes
-function generate_json () {
- local input="${1}"
- local logs="$(gitlog ${input})"
- if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- let "idx=0"
- let "last_entry=$(echo "${logs}" | wc -l) / 8"
- local subject=""
- local abbr_hash=""
- local hash=""
- local date=""
- local file=""
- local created="true"
- local modified="false"
- echo -n "{"
- echo -n "\"file\": \"${input}\""
- echo -n ",\"history\": ["
- while read -r subject; do
- read -r abbr_hash
- read -r hash
- read -r date
- read -r # empty line
- read -r file
- read -r # short log
- read -r # empty line
- if [ ${idx} -ne 0 ]; then
- echo -n ","
- fi
- if [ ${idx} -eq ${last_entry} ]; then
- created="true"
- modified="false"
- else
- created="false"
- modified="true"
- fi
- output_json_entry "${subject}" \
- "${abbr_hash}" \
- "${hash}" \
- "${date}" \
- "$(parse_filename "${file}")" \
- "${created}" \
- "${modified}"
- let idx++
- done < <(echo "${logs}")
- echo -n "]}"
- #+end_src
- Generating the JSON object for a given commit is as simple as
- #+begin_src bash :tangle scripts/ :noweb yes
-function output_json_entry () {
- local subject="${1}"
- local abbr_hash="${2}"
- local hash="${3}"
- local date="${4}"
- local file="${5}"
- local created="${6}"
- local last_entry="${7}"
- echo -n "{\"subject\": \"${subject}\""
- echo -n ",\"created\":${created}"
- echo -n ",\"modified\":${modified}"
- echo -n ",\"abbr_hash\":\"${abbr_hash}\""
- echo -n ",\"hash\":\"${hash}\""
- echo -n ",\"date\":\"${date}\""
- echo -n ",\"filename\":\"${file}\""
- echo -n "}"
- #+end_src
- And we are done! We can safely call the =main= function to generate
- our revisions table.
- #+begin_src bash :tangle scripts/
-main "$(cat)" "${1}"
- #+end_src
-** Rendering Equations Offline
-*** Users instructions
- Inline equations written in the DOM under the class
- src_css{.imath} and using the \im \LaTeX \mi syntax can be
- rendered once and for all by ~soupault~. User For instance,
- ~<span class="imath">\LaTeX</span>~ is rendered \im \LaTeX \mi as
- expected.
- Using this widgets requires being able to inject raw HTML in
- input files.
-*** Implementation
- #+begin_src js :tangle scripts/render-equations.js
-var katex = require("katex");
-var fs = require("fs");
-var input = fs.readFileSync(0);
-var displayMode = process.env.DISPLAY != undefined;
-var html = katex.renderToString(String.raw`${input}`, {
- throwOnError : false,
- displayModed : displayMode
- #+end_src
- We reuse once again the =preprocess_element= widget. The selector
- is ~.imath~ (~i~ stands for inline in this context), and we
- replace the previous content with the result of our script.
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-widget = "preprocess_element"
-selector = ".imath"
-command = "node scripts/render-equations.js"
-action = "replace_content"
-widget = "preprocess_element"
-selector = ".dmath"
-command = "DISPLAY=1 node scripts/render-equations.js"
-action = "replace_content"
- #+end_src
-** RSS Feed
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-index = true
-dump_json = "rss.json"
-extract_after_widgets = ["urls-rewriting"]
-title = { selector = ["h1"] }
-modified-at = { selector = ["#modified-at"] }
-created-at = { selector = ["#created-at"] }
- #+end_src
-** Series Navigation
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/series.lua
-function get_title_from_path (path)
- if Sys.is_file(path) then
- local content_raw = Sys.read_file(path)
- local content_dom = HTML.parse(content_raw)
- local title = HTML.select_one(content_dom, "h1")
- if title then
- return String.trim(HTML.inner_html(title))
- else
- .. ' has no <h1> tag')
- end
- else
- .. ' is not a file')
- end
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/series.lua
-function generate_nav_item_from_title (title, url, template)
- local env = {}
- env["url"] = url
- env["title"] = title
- local new_content = String.render_template(template, env)
- return HTML.parse(new_content)
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/series.lua
-function generate_nav_items (cwd, cls, template)
- local elements =, cls)
- local i = 1
- while elements[i] do
- local element = elements[i]
- local url = HTML.strip_tags(element)
- local path = Sys.join_path(cwd, url)
- local title_str = get_title_from_path(path)
- HTML.replace_content(
- element,
- generate_nav_item_from_title(title_str, url, template)
- )
- i = i + 1
- end
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/series.lua
-cwd = Sys.dirname(page_file)
-home_template = 'This article is part of the series “<a href="{{ url }}">{{ title }}</a>.”'
-nav_template = '<a href="{{ url }}">{{ title }}</a>'
-generate_nav_items(cwd, ".series", home_template)
-generate_nav_items(cwd, ".series-prev", nav_template)
-generate_nav_items(cwd, ".series-next", nav_template)
- #+end_src
-#+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-widget = "series"
-** Injecting Minified CSS
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/css.lua
-style = HTML.select_one(page, "style")
-if style then
- css = HTML.create_text(Sys.read_file("style.min.css"))
- HTML.replace_content(style, css)
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-widget = "css"
- #+end_src
-** Cleaning-up
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/clean-up.lua
-function remove_if_empty(html)
- if String.trim(HTML.inner_html(html)) == "" then
- HTML.delete(html)
- end
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/clean-up.lua
-function remove_all_if_empty(cls)
- local elements =, cls)
- local i = 1
- while elements[i] do
- local element = elements[i]
- remove_if_empty(element)
- i = i + 1
- end
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src lua :tangle plugins/clean-up.lua
-remove_all_if_empty("p") -- introduced by org-mode
-remove_all_if_empty("div.code") -- introduced by coqdoc
- #+end_src
-#+begin_src toml :tangle soupault.conf
-widget = "clean-up"
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
deleted file mode 100644
index 628baf8..0000000
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Layout and Style
-#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./literate-programming.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./soupault.html
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/cleopatra/</div>
-* Setup
- As often when it comes to frontend development, we will use several
- tools hosted in the ~npm~ packages repository. ~npm~ is infamous
- for downloading lots of files and to store it in the ~node_modules/~
- directory. We configure *~cleopatra~* accordingly.
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle
-CONFIGURE += package.json package-lock.json node_modules
- #+end_src
-* Base CSS
- We know construct piece by piece the “base” CSS layout which we will
- inject inside a ~<style>~ tag in each web page.
-** Layout
- Our goal is to have a three columns layout: one aside menu, with
- the top-level navigation links (technical articles, news, etc.) and
- the table of contents of the current pages if relevant, one main
- area for the webpage content, and a margin column with side notes
- and margin notes.
- #+caption: Widths of page components (in ~rem~)
- #+name: widths
- | Content | 35 |
- | Gutter | 3 |
- | Margin | 13 |
- #+name: main-width
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :noweb yes :var widths=widths[,1]
-(nth 0 widths)
- #+end_src
- #+name: gutter-width
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :noweb yes :var widths=widths[,1]
-(nth 1 widths)
- #+end_src
- #+name: margin-width
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :noweb yes :var widths=widths[,1]
-(nth 2 widths)
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src css :tangle style.css :noweb yes
-:root {
- --main-width: <<main-width()>>rem;
- --gutter-width: <<gutter-width()>>rem;
- --margin-width: <<margin-width()>>rem;
- --code-width: calc(var(--main-width) + var(--gutter-width) + var(--margin-width));
- --body-width: calc(var(--main-width) + 2 * (var(--gutter-width) + var(--margin-width)));
- #+end_src
- According to CSS’ own [[][specification]], you cannot use ~var()~ inside
- media queries. As a consequnece, for our theme to be responsive,
- the full width of the page content (\im 2 \times (that is,
- \mathrm{margin\_width} + \mathrm{gutter\_width}) +
- \mathrm{content\_width} \mi or call_body-width[:results raw]()rem)
- has to be hard-coded[fn::Fortunately, this is a literate
- program. This value is actually programmatically computed, so that
- we do not have to worry about forgetting to update it].
- #+name: body-width
- #+begin_src bash :exports none :noweb yes
-echo $((2 * (<<margin-width()>> + <<gutter-width()>>) + <<main-width()>>))
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src css :tangle style.css :noweb yes
-@media (max-width: <<body-width()>>rem) {
- :root {
- --body-width: var(--main-width);
- --code-width: var(--main-width);
- }
- #+end_src
- And now, we are free to actually implement the layout.
- #+begin_src css :tangle style.css :noweb yes
-,* {
- box-sizing: border-box;
-.fullwidth {
- width: var(--body-width);
-@media (min-width: <<body-width()>>rem) {
- .fullwidth {
- margin-left: calc(-1 * (var(--margin-width) + var(--gutter-width)));
- }
-html {
- font-size: 1rem;
-body {
- line-height: 1.4;
- max-width: var(--body-width);
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
-aside {
- background: var(--bg);
- z-index: 9999;
- width: var(--body-width);
- align-self: flex-start;
- position: sticky;
- top: 0;
-aside nav {
- text-align: center;
- border-bottom: 1px solid var(--fade);
-aside nav ul {
- list-style: none;
- padding: 1rem 0;
- margin: 0;
-aside nav li {
- display: inline;
-aside nav li:not(:first-of-type)::before {
- content: " · ";
-main {
- counter-reset: sidenote-counter;
- max-width: var(--main-width);
- margin: auto;
-main nav {
- font-style: italic;
- color: var(--fg-plus);
- background: var(--current-line);
- padding: .5rem 1rem;
-main nav .series-next {
- text-align: right;
-main nav p.series-next::after {
- content: " →";
-main nav p.series-prev::before {
- content: "← ";
-img {
- max-width: 100%;
-dd {
- margin-left: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
-.marginnote {
- font-size: smaller;
- position: relative;
- width: var(--margin-width);
-.sidenote {
- margin-right: calc(-1 * (var(--margin-width) + var(--gutter-width)));
- float: right;
- clear: right;
-.marginnote {
- float: left;
- clear: left;
- margin-left: calc(-1 * (var(--margin-width) + var(--gutter-width)));
-input.margin-toggle {
- display: none;
-label.sidenote-number {
- display: inline;
-label.margin-toggle:not(.sidenote-number) {
- display: none;
-.sidenote:before {
- position: relative;
- vertical-align: baseline;
-.sidenote-number {
- counter-increment: sidenote-counter;
-.sidenote-number::after {
- content: "(" counter(sidenote-counter, lower-greek) ")";
- font-size: 60%;
- top: -0.4rem;
- left: 0.1rem;
-.sidenote::before {
- content: "(" counter(sidenote-counter, lower-greek) ")";
- font-size: 70%;
- top: -0.5rem;
- right: 0.1rem;
-pre {
- width: var(--code-width);
- overflow-x: auto;
- overflow-y: hidden;
- padding: 1rem 2rem;
-main {
- padding-top: 4.2rem;
- padding-bottom: 4.2rem;
-h1 {
- text-align: center;
-h2, h3, h4 {
- font-style: italic;
-h1, h2, h3, h4 {
- font-family: serif;
- font-weight: normal;
-dt {
- font-weight: bold;
-.doc pre,
-.imath {
- font-family: monospace;
- font-size: 80%;
-details {
- margin: 1.5rem 0;
-table {
- border-top: 2px solid var(--fg);
- border-bottom: 2px solid var(--fg);
- border-collapse: collapse;
- width: 100%;
- margin: 1.5rem 0;
-th {
- font-weight: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
-th {
- border-top: 1px solid var(--fade);
- height: 2em;
- padding: 0 1em;
-td.commit {
- text-align: center;
- font-size: 0.75em;
- font-family: monospace;
-/* max-width has to be equal to --body-width */
-@media (max-width: <<body-width()>>rem) {
- body {
- padding: 2rem;
- margin: auto;
- display: block;
- }
- aside {
- width: var(--main-width);
- margin: auto;
- }
- label.margin-toggle:not(.sidenote-number) {
- display: inline;
- }
- .sidenote,
- .marginnote {
- display: none;
- }
- .margin-toggle:checked + .sidenote,
- .margin-toggle:checked + .marginnote {
- display: block;
- float: left;
- left: 1rem;
- clear: both;
- width: 95%;
- margin: 1rem 2.5%;
- vertical-align: baseline;
- position: relative;
- }
- label {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- pre, aside {
- width: 100%;
- }
- #+end_src
-** Colors
- #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
-:root {
- --bg: white;
- --bg-plus: #f9f8f4;
- --current-line: #fbfbfb;
- --fade: #cfcecb;
- --fg: #3c3c3c;
- --fg-plus: #575757;
- --doc: #91003e;
- --warning: #bd745e;
- --red: #b3534b;
- --green: #6d9319;
- --yellow: #d4b100;
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
-body {
- font-family: sans-serif;
- color: var(--fg);
- background: var(--bg);
-a[href] {
- color: inherit;
- text-decoration-color: var(--doc);
-h2 a.anchor-link,
-h3 a.anchor-link,
-h4 a.anchor-link {
- display: none;
- font-style: normal;
- text-decoration: none;
- font-family: monospace;
- font-size: smaller;
- color: var(--doc);
-[id] {
- scroll-margin-top: 4rem;
-h2:hover a.anchor-link,
-h3:hover a.anchor-link,
-h4:hover a.anchor-link {
- display: inline;
-.marginnote {
- color: var(--fg-plus);
-tt {
- color: var(--doc);
- #+end_src
-** Coq
- #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
-div.code {
- white-space: nowrap;
-span.inlinecode {
- font-family : monospace;
-.paragraph {
- margin-bottom : .8em;
-.code a[href] {
- color : inherit;
- text-decoration : none;
- background : var(--bg-plus);
- padding : .1rem .15rem .1rem .15rem;
- border-radius : 15%;
-.code .icon {
- display: none;
-** Icons
- #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
-.icon svg {
- fill: var(--doc);
- display: inline;
- width: 1em;
- height: .9em;
- vertical-align: text-top;
-.url-mark.fa {
- display: inline;
- font-size: 90%;
- width: 1em;
-.url-mark.fa-github::before {
- content: "\00a0\f09b";
-.url-mark.fa-external-link::before {
- content: "\00a0\f08e";
- #+end_src
-** Minify CSS
- #+begin_src shell :shebang #!/bin/bash :tangle scripts/
-minify="$(npm bin)/minify"
-normalize="$(npm root)/normalize.css/normalize.css"
-# minify add a newline character at the end of its input
-# we remove it using `head'
-echo "
-@charset \"UTF-8\";
-$(cat ${normalize})
-$(cat ${style})
-" | ${minify} --css | head -c -1 > style.min.css
- #+end_src
- #+begin_src makefile :tangle
-style.min.css : style.css dependencies-prebuild
- @cleopatra echo "Minifying" "CSS"
- @scripts/
-ARTIFACTS += style.min.css
-theme-build : style.min.css
- #+end_src
-* HTML Templates
- It would be best if we had a preprocessing step to inject the
- minified style, rather than using ~soupault~ to do the work once per
- page.
- #+begin_src html :tangle templates/main.html :noweb yes
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
- <style></style>
- <link href="" rel="stylesheet" media="none" onload="if(media!='all')media='all'">
- <title></title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <aside>
- <nav>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="/">Technical Posts</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="/opinions">Opinions</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="/news">News</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </nav>
- </aside>
- <main>
- </main>
- </body>
- #+end_src
diff --git a/site/ b/site/
deleted file mode 100644
index d13d387..0000000
--- a/site/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#+SERIES: ./index.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: haskell.html
-#+TITLE: About Coq
-Coq is a formal proof management system which provides a pure
-functional language with nice dependent types together with an
-environment for writing machine-checked proofs.
-- [[./posts/][A Series on Strongly-Specified Funcions in Coq]] ::
- Using dependent types and the ~Prop~ sort, it becomes possible to specify
- functions whose arguments and results are constrained by properties.
- Using such a “strongly-specified” function requires to provide a proof that
- the supplied arguments satisfy the expected properties, and allows for soundly
- assuming the results are correct too. However, implementing dependently-typed
- functions can be challenging.
-- [[./posts/][A Series on Ltac]] ::
- Ltac is the “tactic language” of Coq. It is commonly advertised as the common
- approach to write proofs, which tends to bias how it is introduced to new Coq
- users (/e.g./, in Master courses). In this series, we present Ltac as the
- metaprogramming tool it is, since fundamentally it is an imperative language
- which allows for constructing Coq terms interactively and incrementally.
-- [[./posts/RewritingInCoq.html][Rewriting in Coq]] ::
- The ~rewrite~ tactics are really useful, since they are not limited to the Coq
- built-in equality relation.
-- [[./posts/ClightIntroduction.html][A Study of Clight and its Semantics]] ::
- Clight is a “simplified” C AST used by CompCert, the certified C compiler. In
- this write-up, we prove a straighforward functional property of a small C
- function, as an exercise to discover the Clight semantics.
-- [[./posts/AlgebraicDatatypes.html][Proving Algebraic Datatypes are “Algebraic”]] ::
- The set of types which can be defined in a language together with ~+~ and ~*~
- form an “algebraic structure” in the mathematical sense, hence the name. It
- means the definitions of ~+~ and ~*~ have to satisfy properties such as
- commutativity or the existence of neutral elements.
-- [[./posts/][A Series on ~coqffi~]] ::
- ~coqffi~ generates Coq FFI modules from compiled OCaml interface
- modules (~.cmi~). In practice, it greatly reduces the hassle to
- together OCaml and Coq modules within the same codebase, especially
- when used together with the ~dune~ build system.
diff --git a/site/files/coqffi-tutorial.tar.gz b/site/files/coqffi-tutorial.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce74cc3
--- /dev/null
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-#+SERIES: index.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: coq.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: miscellaneous.html
-#+TITLE: About Haskell
-Haskell is a pure, lazy, functional programming language with a very
-expressive type system.
-- [[./posts/ExtensibleTypeSafeErrorHandling.html][Extensible, Type-Safe Error Handling In Haskell]] ::
- Ever heard of “extensible effects?” By applying the same principle, but for
- error handling, the result is nice, type-safe API for Haskell, with a lot of
- GHC magic under the hood.
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+abstract: |
+ Welcome to my little corner of the Internel. You will find it dusty more
+ often than not, but it’s been there for quite a while now, and its contents
+ might be of interest for you. If that is the case, I’m thrilled, or I would
+ be if I knew
+# Hi 👋
+Welcome to my little corner of the Internet.
+You will find it dusty more often than not, but it’s been there for quite a
+while now, and its contents might be of interest for you. If that is the case,
+I’m thrilled!
+## Latest Posts
+[See more →](/posts)
+## Projects
+Here is a list of the free software projects I have most enjoyed writing, and
+that made an impact on my daily life.
+- [Spatial Shell]( (MPL-2.0) enables a
+ dynamic tiling management a la Material Shell and PaperWM.
+- [**keyr**]( (GPL-3) lets you know how many
+ keystrokes you have made since you have started using it.
+Additionally, you might be interested in the following software projects. I
+don’t work on them actively anymore, but they reach a state where they could be
+useful to you, and they work pretty well.
+- [`coqffi`]( (MIT) generates the
+ necessary boilerplate to use OCaml functions in a Coq development, and
+ configure the Coq extraction mechanism accordingly.
+- [ogam]( (MPL-2.0) is a
+ domain-specific markup language intended to free fiction writers from the
+ pain to enforce typographic rules themselves.
diff --git a/site/ b/site/
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index 4a27d6c..0000000
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Technical Articles
-Over the past years, I have tried to capitalize on my findings. What I
-have lacked in regularity I made up for in subject exoticism. If you
-like what you read, have a question or for any other reasons really,
-you can shoot an [[][email]], or start a discussion on whichever site you
-like[fn::I personnaly enjoy [[][]] very much].
-* About Coq
- :CUSTOM_ID: coq
- :END:
- #+include: ./
-* About Haskell
- #+include: ./
-* Miscellaneous
- #+include: ./
-* About this Website
- #+include: ./
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/site/
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-#+TITLE: About this Website
-#+SERIES: ./index.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: miscellaneous.html
-The generation of this website is far from being trivial, and requires
-the combination of —probably too— many tools. For instance, even if I
-mostly use Org mode for authoring content, most of my write-ups about
-Coq are actually Coq files, and I use ~coqdoc~ to generate the HTML
-pages you read.
-- [[./posts/][Thanks!]] ::
- This website could not exist without many awesome free software
- projects. Although I could not list them all even if I wanted, my
- desire is at least to try keeping up-to-date a curated description
- of the most significant ones.
-- [[./][A Series on Generating this Website]] ::
- At some point, I felt like the whole process of generating this
- website was interesting enough so that it would deserve a write-up
- of its own. As a result, I spent quite some time turning my custom
- toolchain into a literate program, so that its actual code source
- would actually be the write-ups I wanted to add to my website.
diff --git a/site/ b/site/
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index c348c28..0000000
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-#+SERIES: index.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: haskell.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: meta.html
-#+TITLE: Miscellaneous
-Over the years, I have made a habit of learning new programming
-languages, out of curiosity, and I intend to continue this way for the
-time being.
-- [[./posts/DiscoveringCommonLisp.html][Discovering Common Lisp with ~trivial-gamekit~]] ::
- Common Lisp is a venerable programming languages like no other I
- know. From the creation of a Lisp package up to the creation of a
- standalone executable, we explore the shore of this strange beast.
diff --git a/site/news/ b/site/news/
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-<h1>Release of <code>colorless-themes-0.2</code>,
-<code>nordless-theme-0.2</code>, and <code>lavenderless-theme-0.2</code></h1>
-<p><span class="time">February 15, 2020</span></p>
-[[][I have tagged and released a new version of ~colorless-themes~]]. The motivation
-behind modifying the version number is an important breaking change regarding
-how the =colorless-themes-make= macro shall be used. Before ~0.2~, the macro was
-calling =deftheme= and =provide-theme= itself. In practices, it meant the actual
-themes were not using these two functions themselves. It was working great in
-isolation, but it turns out many tools such as ~use-package~ or [[][Peach Melpa]] (an
-auto-generated Emacs themes gallery) are relying on the presence of these
-functions to decide whether a file provides a theme or not. As of now,
-~nordless-theme~ and ~lavenderless-theme~ have been updated accordingly, and
-[[][they appear on Peach Melpa]]. Their loading can also be defered using the =:defer=
-keyword of the =use-package= macro.
-Maybe now is a good time to get in touch with ~melpa-stable~, and see if we can
-add ~colorless-themes~ and its companion themes there. Also, if you happen to
-be a user of ~colorless-themes~, feel free to shoot an email! I would love to
-hear about your experience using a mostly colorless theme.
diff --git a/site/news/index.html b/site/news/index.html
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@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- <li>
- On <strong>August 20, 2021</strong>, <code>coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta7</code>
- has been released.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>June 21, 2021</strong>, <code>coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6</code>
- has been released.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>March 4, 2021</strong>,
- FreeSpec packages
- (<code>coq-freespec-core.0.3</code>, <code>coq-freespec-ffi.0.3</code>
- and
- <code>coq-freespec-exec.0.3</code>) have finally been released.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>March 1st, 2021</strong>, <code>coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta5</code>
- has been released.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>February 24, 2021</strong>, <code>coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta4</code>
- has been released.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>January 27, 2021</strong>,
- <a href="">FreeSpec</a> has been
- relicensed under the terms of the
- <a href="">Mozilla Public
- License version 2</a>.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>January 24, 2021</strong>, <code>coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta3</code>
- has been released.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>December 16, 2020</strong>, FreeSpec packages have been
- published to the <code>extra-dev</code> repository of the Opam Coq
- archive.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>December 10, 2020</strong>, <code>coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta2</code>
- has been published to the Opam Coq archive.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>December 7, 2020</strong>, <code></code>
- and <code>coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta1</code> have been published to the
- Opam Coq archive.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>November 16, 2020</strong>, we have been notified that
- our tool paper on <code>coqffi</code> has been accepted
- to <a href="">JFLA'21</a>! You
- can find the paper (2 pages, in
- French) <a href="/files/coqffi_jfla21.pdf">here</a>!
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>October 8, 2020</strong>, <code>coqffi</code> has officially been
- published as
- a <a href=""><code>coq-community</code>’s
- project</a>.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>April 17, 2020</strong>, my first contribution to
- Dune <a href="">has been merged
- to <code>master</code></a>.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>April 2, 2020</strong>, I started using the rewriting of
- <a href=""><strong><code>cleopatra</code></strong></a>
- to build this website.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>April 1, 2020</strong>, my first contribution ever to
- Coq <a href="">has been merged
- to <code>master</code></a>.
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>February 23, 2020</strong>,
- <strong><code>cleopatra</code></strong> has been completely
- bootstrapped, in that it generates itself!
- </li>
- <li>
- On <strong>February 15, 2020</strong>, I have tagged and
- released <code>colorless-themes-0.2</code>,
- <code>nordless-theme-0.2</code>,
- and <code>lavenderless-theme-0.2</code>.
- <a href="./ColorlessThemes-0.2.html">Learn more.</a>
- </li>
diff --git a/site/opinions/ b/site/opinions/
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--- a/site/opinions/
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Monad Transformers are a Great Abstraction
-#+SERIES: index.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: StackedGit.html
-[[mn:1][Time has passed since the publication of this article. Whether
-or not I remain in sync with its conclusions is an open
-question. Monad Transformers are a great abstraction, but given the
-choice, I would probably choose another approach, namely extensible
-effects.]] This article has originally been published on @@html:<span
-id="original-created-at">@@July 15, 2017@@html:</span>@@.
-<div id="history">site/opinions/</div>
-Monads are hard to get right. I think it took me around a year of Haskelling to
-feel like I understood them. The reason is, to my opinion, there is not such
-thing as /the/ Monad. It is even the contrary. When someone asks me how I would
-define Monads in only a few words, I say monads are a convenient formalism to
-chain specific computations. Once I’ve got that, I started noticing “monadic
-construction” everywhere, from the Rust ~?~ operator to the [[][Elixir ~with~
-Haskell often uses another concept above Monads: Monad Transformers. This allows
-you to work not only with /one/ Monad, but rather a stack. Each Monad brings its
-own properties and you can mix them into your very own one. That you can’t have
-in Rust or Elixir, but it works great in Haskell. Unfortunately, it is not an
-easy concept and it can be hard to understand. This article is not an attempt to
-do so, but rather a postmortem review of one situation where I found them
-extremely useful. If you think you have understood how they work, but don’t see
-the point yet, you might find here a beginning of answer.
-Recently, I ran into a very good example of why Monad Transformers worth it. I
-have been working on a project called [[][ogma]] for a couple years now. In a
-nutshell, I want to build “a tool” to visualize in time and space a
-storytelling. We are not here just yet, but in the meantime I have wrote a
-software called ~celtchar~ to build a novel from a list of files. One of its
-newest feature is the choice of language, and by extension, the typographic
-rules. This information is read from a configuration file very early in the
-program flow. Unfortunately, its use comes much later, after several function
-In Haskell, you deal with that kind of challenges by relying on the Reader
-Monad. It carries an environment in a transparent way. The only thing is, I was
-already using the State Monad to carry the computation result. But that’s not an
-issue with the Monad Transformers.
-#+BEGIN_SRC diff
--type Builder = StateT Text IO
-+type Builder = StateT Text (ReaderT Language IO)
-As you may have already understood, I wasn't using the “raw” ~State~ Monad, but
-rather the transformer version ~StateT~. The underlying Monad was ~IO~, because
-I needed to be able to read some files from the filesystem. By replacing ~IO~ by
-~ReaderT Language IO~, I basically fixed my “carry the variable to the correct
-function call easily” problem.
-Retrieving the chosen language is as simple as:
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-getLanguage :: Builder Language
-getLanguage = lift ask
-And that was basically it. The complete [[][commit]] can be found on Github.
-Now, my point is not that Monad Transformers are the ultimate beast we will have
-to tame once and then everything will be shiny and easy. There are a lot of
-other way to achieve what I did with my ~Builder~ stack. For instance, in an
-OO language, I probably would have to add a new class member to my ~Builder~
-class and I would have done basically the same thing.
-However, there is something I really like about this approach: the ~Builder~
-type definition gives you a lot of useful information already. Both the ~State~
-and ~Reader~ Monads have a well established semantics most Haskellers will
-understand in a glance. A bit of documentation won’t hurt, but I suspect it is
-not as necessary as one could expect. Moreover, the presence of the ~IO~ Monad
-tells everyone using the ~Builder~ Monad might cause I/O.
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-#+TITLE: How I Use Stacked Git at ~$WORK~
-#+SERIES: index.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: MonadTransformers.html
-According to [[][my history]], I have run into [[][Stacked Git]] in
-early April, 2021, and I remember its promises hit a soft spot.
-A few weeks later, I was submitting [[][a /pull request/ to teach Stacked
-Git to sign commits]].
-It was all I needed to start using it at ~$WORK~, and now it has
-become a cornerstone of my development workflow.
-<div id="history">site/opinions/</div>
-* What is Stacked Git?
- Before going any further, it is probably a good idea to take a
- moment and present Stacked Git.
- The website introduces the tool as follows:
- #+begin_quote
- Stacked Git, *StGit* for short, is an application for managing Git
- commits as a stack of patches.
- #+end_quote
- There is a few things to unpack here.
- First and as its name suggests, Stacked Git is a tool built on top
- of Git.
- [[mn:1][My main takeaway from my Pijul adventure is connected to this.
- Git is not limited to the ~git~ binary.
- Git comes with a collection of powerful forges, nice editor plugins,
- and years of good practices.
- To this day, it’s neither the bugs nor the breaking changes that
- made me quite Pijul.
- Those were expected.
- What I naively did not anticipate is the dry feeling that Pijul was
- just the ~pijul~ binary, which left me with a lot of tasks to do
- manually.]]
- It is *not* a brand new VCS, and as a consequence you keep to use
- all your existing tools and plugins[fn::I am looking at you,
- Magit.].
- Secondly, Stacked Git helps you curate your Git history, by turning
- your commits into patches, and your branches into stacks of patches.
- This speaks to me, maybe because I have been fascinated by
- email-based workflows for quite some time.
- To me, the two core features of Stacked Git are (1) allowing you to
- name your commits, and (2) to navigate among them.
- Together, they create a wonderful companion to help you keep your
- history clean.
-* My Subset of Stacked Git
- I do not want this article to be a Stacked Git tutorial.
- Fortunately, I don’t really use the tool at its full potential.
- I only care about a relatively small subset of commands I feel
- comfortable with and use daily.
- First, to decide which commits are part of my “stack of patches,” I
- can count of these commands:
- - ~stg new NAME~ creates an empty commit, and gives it the name
- ~NAME~.
- Having a way to identify a patch with a meaningful name that is
- resistant to rebase and amend is very nice.
- These are two properties commit hashes do not have.
- - ~stg uncommit NAME~ names the most recent commit under my
- stack with ~NAME~ and integrates it into it. I do this when I am
- tasked to work on a merge request made by a colleague, for
- instance.
- - ~stg commit~ removes from my stack its last patch. I do this when
- said commit has been merged into ~master~.
- Once my stack of patches is ready, the fun begins.
- At a given time, a patch can either be (1) applied, (2) unapplied,
- or (3) hidden.
- On the one hand, if a patch is applied it is part of the Git history.
- On the other hand, unapplying a patch means removing it from the
- working branch (but not from the stack of patches of Stacked Git).
- If a patch becomes unrelevant, but you don’t want to remove it
- entierely because it can become handy later, you can hide it.
- A hidden patch sits beside the stack of patches, and can be
- reintegrated if need be.
- Analoguous to ~git log~ ---which allows you to visualize your Git
- history---, ~stg series~ gives you a view the state of your stack of
- patches.
- Patches prefixed with ~+~ (or ~>~) are applied, while ~-~ means the
- patch is unapplied.
- Then,
- - ~stg pop~ unapplies the patch on top of the list of applied
- patches.
- - ~stg push~ applies the patch on the bottom of the list of unapplied
- patches.
- - ~stg goto NAME~ unapplies or applies the necessary patches so that
- ~NAME~ becomes the top patch of the list of applied patches.
- ~HEAD~ and the worktree are updated accordingly.
- In addition, ~stg sink~ and ~stg float~ allow to reorganize your
- stack of patches, moving patches around.
- Basically, they are like ~git rebase -i~, but without having to use
- ~$EDITOR~.
- Modifying patches is done with ~stg refresh~.
- It’s akin to ~git commit --amend~, except it is more powerful because
- you can modify any applied patches with the ~-p~ option.
- I’d always encourage you to ~stg goto~ first, because ~stg refresh
- -p~ remains unfortunately error prone (nothing prevents you to target
- the wrong patch).
- But when used carefully, it can be very handy.
- [[mn:3][Stacked Git is supposedly able to detect, during a rebase,
- which of your patches have been applied to your target branch.
- I’d rather use ~stg uncommit~ before do the rebase, though.]]
- Finally, ~stg rebase REF~ moves your stack of patches on top of
- ~REF~.
- It is akin to ~git rebase --onto~, but more straightforward.
- What happens is Stacked Git pop all the patches of my stack, reset
- the ~HEAD~ of the current branch to ~REF~, and tries applying the
- patches one by one
- In case of conflicts, the process stop, and I am left with an empty
- patch, and a dirty worktree with conflicts to solve.
- The hidden gem is that, contrary to ~git rebase~, the repository is
- not “in the middle of a rebase.”
- Suppos there are many conflicting patches still waiting in my stack
- of patches, and an urgent task I need to take care of first.
- I can just leave them here.
- I can switch to another branch, and when I come back, I get my
- patches back.
- I call this feature “incremental rebases.”
- And that is basically it.
- In a nutshell, Stacked Git equips commits with the same features as
- branches.
-* My Stacked Git Workflow
- As mentioned in the introduction of this article, Stacked Git has
- become a cornerstone of my workflow.
- I’ve been asked a few times what this workflow is, and why Magit is
- not enough[fn::It’s always about Magit ;).].
- So let’s try to do that.
- But first, a warning.
- Yes, because Stacked Git is only a wrapper above Git, everything I
- will explain can be achieved using Git alone, especially if you are
- a Magit wizard.
- Stacked Git makes just everything so more convenient to me.
-** Planning My Commits Ahead Of Time
- I’ve been introduced to Git with a pretty simple workflow: I am
- supposed to start working on a feature, and once it’s ready, I
- can commit, and move on to the next task on my todo list.
- To me, this approach is backward.
- It makes you set your intent after the fact.
- With Stacked Git, I often try to plan my final history /before
- writing the very first line of code/.
- Using ~stack new~, I create my patches, and take the time to write
- their description.
- It helps me visualizing where I want to go.
- Then, I use ~stack goto~ to go back to the beginning of my stack,
- and start working.
- It is not, and cannot be, an exact science. I often have to refine
- them as my work progresses.
- Yet, I think my Git history is cleaner, more focused, since I have
- started this exercise.
-** Getting My Fixup Commits Right
- Reviews are a fundamental aspect of a software developer job.
- At ~$WORK~, we use Gitlab and their merge requests workflow,
- which I find very annoying, because it does not provide meaningful
- ways to compare two versions of your submission[fn::There is a
- notion of “versions” in Gitlab, but its ergonomics fall short of my
- expectations for such tool.].
- What we end up doing is creating “fixup commits”, and we push them
- to Gitlab so that reviewers can easily verify that their feedback
- have correctly been taken into account.
- A fixup commit is a commit that will eventually be squashed into
- another.
- You can understand it as a delayed ~git commit --amend~.
- Git has some built-in features to manipulate them.
- You create them with ~git commit --fixup=<HASH>~, and they are
- interpreted in a specific manner by ~git rebase -i~.
- But they have always felt to me like a sordid hack.
- It is way too easy to create a fixup commit that targets the wrong
- commit, and you can end up with strange conflicts when you finally
- squash them.
- That being said, if used carefully, they are a powerful tool to
- keep a Git history clean.
- I am not sure we are using them carefully, though.
- Some reviews can be excruciating, with dozens of comments to
- address, and theoretically as many fixup commits to create.
- Then you push all of them on Gitlab, and days later, after the
- green light from the reviewer, you get to call ~git rebase~
- and discover your history is broken, you have tones of conflicts
- to fix, and you’re good for a long afternoon of untangling.
- The main reason behind this mess is that you end up fixing a commit
- from the ~HEAD~ of your working branch, not the commit itself.
- But with Stacked Git, things are different.
- With ~stg goto~, I put my working tree in the best state possible
- to fix a commit: the commit itself.
- I can use ~stg new~ to create a fixup commit, with a meaningful
- name.
- Then, I am forced to deal with the potential conflicts it brings
- when I call ~stg push~.
- Once my reviewer is happy with my work, I can call ~stg squash~.
- It is less automated than ~git rebase -i~, but the comfort I gained
- during the development is worth this little annoyance.
-** Managing Stacked Merge Requests
- At ~$WORK~, we are trying to change how we deliver new features to
- our ~master~ branch.
- More precisely, we want to merge smaller contributions more
- frequently.
- We have had our fair share of large and complex merge requests that
- were a nightmare to review in the past, and it’s really not a fun
- position to be put in.
- For a few months, I have been involved in a project wherein we
- decided /not/ to fall in the same trap again.
- We agreed on a “planning of merge requests” and started working.
- The first merge request was soon opened.
- We’ve nominated a “owner” to take care of the review, and the rest
- of the team carried on.
- Before the first merge request was merged, the second one was
- declared ready, and another owner was appointed.
- Then, the owner of the first merge request had a baby, and yours
- truly ended up having to manage two interdependent merge requests.
- It turns out Stacked Git is a wonderful tool to help me keep this
- under control.
- I only have one branch, and I use the same workflow to deal with
- feedbacks, even if they are coming from more than one one merge
- request.
- To remember the structure of everything, I just prefix the name of
- my patches with a merge request nickname.
- So my stack will look something like this:
- #+begin_src
- + mr1-base
- + mr1-tests
- + mr1-doc
- > mr2-command
- - mr2-tests
- #+end_src
- A reviewer leaves a hard-truth comment that requires a significant
- rework of the oldest merge request?
- ~stg goto~ reverts my worktree in the appropriate state, and ~stg
- push~ allows me to deal with conflicts one patch at a time.
- If at some point I need to spend more time on the oldest merge
- request, I can continue my work, knowing the patches related to the
- newest one are awaiting in my stack.
- The most annoying part is when the time comes to push everything.
- I need to ~stg goto~ at the last patch of each merge request, and
- ~git push HEAD:the-branch~.
- It’s not horrible.
- But I will probably try to automate it at some point.
-* Grievances
- Stacked Git have changed how I contribute to ~$SOFTWARE~ at ~$WORK~.
- It makes my life so much easier, especially now that I am dealing
- with stacked merge requests.
- That being said, I still have some grievances I’d like to address at
- some point, hopefully by contributing upstream.
-** Stacked Git Feels Slow
- I suspect this is due to the conjunction of (1) ~$WORK~ repository
- is large, and (2) Stacked Git is implemented in Python.
- Maybe I am unfair, and the real causes lie somewhere else.
- But the measurable fact I am witnessing is that ~stg series~ and
- ~stg top~ (which prints the top patch name of the applied patches)
- take 0.1s each.
- It’s not an issue when you call them from the shell, but it is when
- you use them in your prompt.
- Which I do.
- This brings an annoying latency to my every interaction with the
- repository.
-** I’d Like ~stg abort~ Please
- In this article, I have praised how Stacked Git allows for
- its so-called ---by me--- incremental rebases.
- However, the other side of the coin is that Stacked Git does not
- have something analoguous to the ~--abort~ command-line argument
- that you can pass to ~git cherry-pick~ and ~git rebase~.
- Not really.
- [[mn:2][I don’t want to be unfair to Stacked Git here. Maybe the
- documentation of Stacked Git provides useful tips to deal with this
- issue, and I have just overlooked it.]]
- Stacked Git has a command called ~stg undo~, which can achieve this
- to some extent.
- But ~stg undo~ does not like conflicts.
- When called after a conflicting ~stg push~, its output is not
- really helpful.
- #+begin_src
- Error: Need to resolve conflicts first
- stg undo: Command aborted (all changes rolled back)
- #+end_src
- The only way out that I am aware of is:
- - ~git add~ the files with conflicts.
- - ~stg refresh~ to fix recover.
- - ~stg undo~, twice.
-I’d argue we have seen better UXs.
-* Conclusion
- Overall, I am really thankful to Stacked Git’s authors!
- Thank you!
- You are making my interactions with Git fun and carefree.
- You provide me some of the convenience of patch-based VCS like [[][Darcs]]
- and [[][Pijul]], but without sacrificing the power of Git.
- I encourage anyone to at least give it a try, and I really hope I
- will be able to contribute back to Stacked Git when ~$WORK~ is a bit
- less crazy.
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-#+TITLE: Opinions
-I may have some opinions on some topics, and sometimes I may want to share
-them. However, I strongly believe facts and opinions are two differents things,
-and even though I do not intend to write plain wrong facts, I prefer to keep two
-separate indexes.
-I would encourage you to use your critical mind while reading these write-ups.
-** 2022
- - [[./][How I Use Stacked Git at ~$WORK~]] ::
- I’ve been using Stacked Git at ~work~ for a few months, and as of
- January 2022,
-** 2017
-- [[./][Monad Transformers are a Great Abstraction]] ::
- Monads are hard to get right, monad transformers are harder. Yet, they remain
- a very powerful abstraction.
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+published: 2020-07-12
+modified: 2023-05-07
+tags: ['coq']
+abstract: |
+ The set of types which can be defined in a language together with $+$ and
+ $*$ form an “algebraic structure” in the mathematical sense, hence the
+ name. It means the definitions of $+$ and $*$ have to satisfy properties
+ such as commutativity or the existence of neutral elements. In this
+ article, we prove the `sum`{.coq} and `prod`{.coq} Coq types satisfy these
+ properties.
+# Proving Algebraic Datatypes are “Algebraic”
+Several programming languages allow programmers to define (potentially
+recursive) custom types, by composing together existing ones. For instance, in
+OCaml, one can define lists as follows:
+type 'a list =
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+| Nil
+This translates in Haskell as
+data List a =
+ Cons a (List a)
+| Nil
+In Rust as
+enum List<A> {
+ Cons(A, Box<List<a>>),
+ Nil,
+Or in Coq as
+Inductive list a :=
+| cons : a -> list a -> list a
+| nil
+And so forth.
+Each language will have its own specific constructions, and the type systems
+of OCaml, Haskell, Rust and Coq —to only cite them— are far from being
+equivalent. That being said, they often share a common “base formalism,”
+usually (and sometimes abusively) referred to as *algebraic datatypes*. This
+expression is used because under the hood any datatype can be encoded as a
+composition of types using two operators: sum ($+$) and product ($*$) for
+ - $a + b$ is the disjoint union of types $a$ and $b$. Any term of $a$
+ can be injected into $a + b$, and the same goes for $b$. Conversely,
+ a term of $a + b$ can be projected into either $a$ or $b$.
+ - $a * b$ is the Cartesian product of types $a$ and $b$. Any term of $a *
+ b$ is made of one term of $a$ and one term of $b$ (think tuples).
+For an algebraic datatype, one constructor allows for defining “named
+tuples,” that is ad hoc product types. Besides, constructors are mutually
+exclusive: you cannot define the same term using two different constructors.
+Therefore, a datatype with several constructors is reminiscent of a disjoint
+union. Coming back to the $\mathrm{list}$ type, under the syntactic sugar of
+algebraic datatypes, we can define it as
+$$\mathrm{list}_\alpha \equiv \mathrm{unit} + \alpha * \mathrm{list}_\alpha$$
+where $\mathrm{unit}$ models the `nil`{.coq} case, and $α * \mathrm{list}_\alpha$
+models the `cons`{.coq} case.
+The set of types which can be defined in a language together with $+$ and
+$*$ form an “algebraic structure” in the mathematical sense, hence the
+name. It means the definitions of $+$ and $*$ have to satisfy properties
+such as commutativity or the existence of neutral elements. In this article,
+we will prove some of them in Coq. More precisely,
+ - $+$ is commutative, that is $\forall (x, y),\ x + y = y + x$
+ - $+$ is associative, that is $\forall (x, y, z),\ (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)$
+ - $+$ has a neutral element, that is $\exists e_s,\ \forall x,\ x + e_s = x$
+ - $*$ is commutative, that is $\forall (x, y),\ x * y = y * x$
+ - $*$ is associative, that is $\forall (x, y, z),\ (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)$
+ - $*$ has a neutral element, that is $\exists e_p,\ \forall x,\ x * e_p = x$
+ - The distributivity of $+$ and $*$, that is $\forall
+ (x, y, z),\ x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z$
+ - $*$ has an absorbing element, that is $\exists e_a,\ \forall x, \ x * e_a = e_a$
+For the record, the `sum`{.coq} ($+$) and `prod`{.coq} ($*$) types are defined
+in Coq as follows:
+Inductive sum (A B : Type) : Type :=
+| inl : A -> sum A B
+| inr : B -> sum A B
+Inductive prod (A B : Type) : Type :=
+| pair : A -> B -> prod A B
+## An Equivalence for `Type`{.coq}
+Algebraic structures come with *equations* expected to be true. This means
+there is an implicit dependency which is —to my opinion— too easily overlooked:
+the definition of $=$. In Coq, `=`{.coq} is a built-in relation that states
+that two terms are “equal” if they can be reduced to the same “hierarchy” of
+constructors. This is too strong in the general case, and in particular for our
+study of algebraic structures of `Type`{.coq}. It is clear that, to Coq’s
+opinion, $\alpha + \beta$ is not structurally *equal* to $\beta + \alpha$, yet
+we will have to prove they are “equivalent.”
+### Introducing `type_equiv`{.coq}
+Since `=`{.coq} for `Type`{.coq} is not suitable for reasoning about algebraic
+datatypes, we introduce our own equivalence relation, denoted `==`{.coq}. We
+say two types $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are equivalent up to an isomorphism
+when for any term of type $\alpha$, there exists a counterpart term of type
+$\beta$ and vice versa. In other words, $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are equivalent if
+we can exhibit two functions $f$ and $g$ such that:
+$$\forall (x : α),\ x = g(f(x))$$
+$$\forall (y : β),\ y = f(g(y))$$
+This translates into the following inductive type.
+Reserved Notation "x == y" (at level 72).
+Inductive type_equiv (α β : Type) : Prop :=
+| mk_type_equiv (f : α -> β) (g : β -> α)
+ (equ1 : forall (x : α), x = g (f x))
+ (equ2 : forall (y : β), y = f (g y))
+ : α == β
+where "x == y" := (type_equiv x y).
+As mentioned earlier, we prove two types are equivalent by exhibiting
+two functions, and proving these functions satisfy two properties. We
+introduce a `Ltac` notation to that end.
+Tactic Notation "equiv" "with" uconstr(f) "and" uconstr(g)
+ := apply (mk_type_equiv f g).
+The tactic `equiv with f and g`{.coq} will turn a goal of the form `α ==
+β`{.coq} into two subgoals to prove `f` and `g` form an isomorphism.
+### `type_equiv`{.coq} is an Equivalence
+We can prove it by demonstrating it is
+1. Reflexive,
+2. Symmetric, and
+3. Transitive.
+#### `type_equiv`{.coq} is reflexive
+This proof is straightforward. A type $\alpha$ is equivalent to itself because:
+$$\forall (x : α),\ x = id(id(x))$$
+Lemma type_equiv_refl (α : Type) : α == α.
+ now equiv with (@id α) and (@id α).
+#### `type_equiv`{.coq} is symmetric
+If $\alpha = \beta$, then we know there exists two functions $f$ and $g$ which
+satisfy the expected properties. We can “swap” them to prove that $\beta ==
+Lemma type_equiv_sym {α β} (equ : α == β) : β == α.
+ destruct equ as [f g equ1 equ2].
+ now equiv with g and f.
+#### `type_equiv`{.coq} is transitive
+If $\alpha = \beta$, we know there exists two functions $f_\alpha$ and
+$g_\beta$ which satisfy the expected properties of `type_equiv`{.coq}.
+Similarly, because $\beta = \gamma$,
+we know there exists two additional functions $f_\beta$ and $g_\gamma$. We can
+compose these functions together to prove $\alpha = \gamma$.
+As a reminder, composing two functions $f$ and $g$ (denoted by `f >>> g`{.coq}
+thereafter) consists in using the result of $f$ as the input of $g$.
+Infix ">>>" := (fun f g x => g (f x)) (at level 70).
+Lemma type_equiv_trans {α β γ} (equ1 : α == β) (equ2 : β == γ)
+ : α == γ.
+ destruct equ1 as [fα gβ equαβ equβα],
+ equ2 as [fβ gγ equβγ equγβ].
+ equiv with (fα >>> fβ) and (gγ >>> gβ).
+ + intros x.
+ rewrite <- equβγ.
+ now rewrite <- equαβ.
+ + intros x.
+ rewrite <- equβα.
+ now rewrite <- equγβ.
+#### Conclusion
+The Coq standard library introduces the `Equivalence`{.coq} type class. We can
+provide an instance of this type class for `type_equiv`{.coq}, using the three
+lemmas we have proven in this section.
+Instance type_equiv_Equivalence : Equivalence type_equiv :=
+ {}.
+ + intros x.
+ apply type_equiv_refl.
+ + intros x y.
+ apply type_equiv_sym.
+ + intros x y z.
+ apply type_equiv_trans.
+### Examples
+#### `list`{.coq}’s canonical form
+We now come back to our initial example, given in the introduction of this
+write-up. We can prove our assertion, that is `list α == unit + α * list
+Lemma list_equiv (α : Type)
+ : list α == unit + α * list α.
+ equiv with (fun x => match x with
+ | [] => inl tt
+ | x :: rst => inr (x, rst)
+ end)
+ and (fun x => match x with
+ | inl _ => []
+ | inr (x, rst) => x :: rst
+ end).
+ + now intros [| x rst].
+ + now intros [[] | [x rst]].
+#### `list`{.coq} is a morphism
+This means that if `α == β`{.coq}, then `list α == list β`{.coq}. We prove this
+by defining an instance of the `Proper`{.coq} type class.
+Instance list_Proper
+ : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv) list.
+ add_morphism_tactic.
+ intros α β [f g equαβ equβα].
+ equiv with (map f) and (map g).
+ all: setoid_rewrite map_map; intros l.
+ + replace (fun x : α => g (f x))
+ with (@id α).
+ ++ symmetry; apply map_id.
+ ++ apply functional_extensionality.
+ apply equαβ.
+ + replace (fun x : β => f (g x))
+ with (@id β).
+ ++ symmetry; apply map_id.
+ ++ apply functional_extensionality.
+ apply equβα.
+The use of the `Proper`{.coq} type class allows for leveraging hypotheses of
+the form `α == β`{.coq} with the `rewrite` tactic. I personally consider
+providing instances of `Proper`{.coq} whenever it is possible to be a good
+practice, and would encourage any Coq programmers to do so.
+#### `nat`{.coq} is a special purpose `list`
+Did you notice? Now, using `type_equiv`{.coq}, we can prove it!
+Lemma nat_and_list : nat == list unit.
+ equiv with (fix to_list n :=
+ match n with
+ | S m => tt :: to_list m
+ | _ => []
+ end)
+ and (fix of_list l :=
+ match l with
+ | _ :: rst => S (of_list rst)
+ | _ => 0
+ end).
+ + induction x; auto.
+ + induction y; auto.
+ rewrite <- IHy.
+ now destruct a.
+#### Non-empty lists
+We can introduce a variant of `list`{.coq} which contains at least one element
+by modifying the `nil`{.coq} constructor so that it takes one argument instead
+of none.
+Inductive non_empty_list (α : Type) :=
+| ne_cons : α -> non_empty_list α -> non_empty_list α
+| ne_singleton : α -> non_empty_list α.
+We can demonstrate the relation between `list`{.coq} and
+`non_empty_list`{.coq}, which reveals an alternative implementation of
+`non_empty_list`{.coq}. More precisely, we can prove that `forall (α : Type),
+non_empty_list α == α * list α`{.coq}. It is a bit more cumbersome, but not that
+much. We first define the conversion functions, then prove they satisfy the
+properties expected by `type_equiv`{.coq}.
+Fixpoint non_empty_list_of_list {α} (x : α) (l : list α)
+ : non_empty_list α :=
+ match l with
+ | y :: rst => ne_cons x (non_empty_list_of_list y rst)
+ | [] => ne_singleton x
+ end.
+Fixpoint list_of_non_empty_list {α} (l : non_empty_list α)
+ : list α :=
+ match l with
+ | ne_cons x rst => x :: list_of_non_empty_list rst
+ | ne_singleton x => [x]
+ end.
+Definition list_of_non_empty_list {α} (l : non_empty_list α)
+ : α * list α :=
+ match l with
+ | ne_singleton x => (x, [])
+ | ne_cons x rst => (x, list_of_non_empty_list rst)
+ end.
+Lemma ne_list_list_equiv (α : Type)
+ : non_empty_list α == α * list α.
+ equiv with list_of_non_empty_list
+ and (prod_curry non_empty_list_of_list).
+ + intros [x rst|x]; auto.
+ cbn.
+ revert x.
+ induction rst; intros x; auto.
+ cbn; now rewrite IHrst.
+ + intros [x rst].
+ cbn.
+ destruct rst; auto.
+ change (non_empty_list_of_list x (α0 :: rst))
+ with (ne_cons x (non_empty_list_of_list α0 rst)).
+ replace (α0 :: rst)
+ with (list_of_non_empty_list
+ (non_empty_list_of_list α0 rst)); auto.
+ revert α0.
+ induction rst; intros y; [ reflexivity | cbn ].
+ now rewrite IHrst.
+## The `sum`{.coq} Operator
+### `sum`{.coq} Is a Morphism
+To prove this, we compose together the functions whose existence is implied by
+$\alpha = \alpha'$ and $\beta = \beta'$. To that end, we introduce the
+auxiliary function `lr_map`{.coq}.
+Definition lr_map_sum {α β α' β'} (f : α -> α') (g : β -> β')
+ (x : α + β)
+ : α' + β' :=
+ match x with
+ | inl x => inl (f x)
+ | inr y => inr (g y)
+ end.
+Then, we prove `sum`{.coq} is a morphism by defining a `Proper`{.coq} instance.
+Instance sum_Proper
+ : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv ==> type_equiv) sum.
+ add_morphism_tactic.
+ intros α α' [fα gα' equαα' equα'α]
+ β β' [fβ gβ' equββ' equβ'β].
+ equiv with (lr_map_sum fα fβ)
+ and (lr_map_sum gα' gβ').
+ + intros [x|y]; cbn.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equαα'.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equββ'.
+ + intros [x|y]; cbn.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equα'α.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equβ'β.
+### `sum`{.coq} Is Commutative
+Definition sum_invert {α β} (x : α + β) : β + α :=
+ match x with
+ | inl x => inr x
+ | inr x => inl x
+ end.
+Lemma sum_com {α β} : α + β == β + α.
+ equiv with sum_invert and sum_invert;
+ now intros [x|x].
+### `sum`{.coq} Is Associative
+The associativity of `sum`{.coq} is straightforward to prove, and should not
+pose a particular challenge to prospective readers[^joke].
+[^joke]: If we assume that this article is well written, that is.
+Lemma sum_assoc {α β γ} : α + β + γ == α + (β + γ).
+ equiv with (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | inl (inl x) => inl x
+ | inl (inr x) => inr (inl x)
+ | inr x => inr (inr x)
+ end)
+ and (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | inl x => inl (inl x)
+ | inr (inl x) => inl (inr x)
+ | inr (inr x) => inr x
+ end).
+ + now intros [[x|x]|x].
+ + now intros [x|[x|x]].
+### `sum`{.coq} Has A Neutral Element
+We need to find a type $e$ such that $\alpha + e = \alpha$ for any type
+$\alpha$ (similarly to $x + 0 = x$ for any natural number $x$).
+Any empty type (that is, a type with no term such as `False`{.coq}) can act as
+the natural element of `Type`{.coq}. As a reminder, empty types in Coq are
+defined with the following syntax[^empty]:
+Inductive empty := .
+[^empty]: Note that `Inductive empty.`{.coq} is erroneous.
+ When the `:=`{.coq} is omitted, Coq defines an inductive type with one
+ constructor, making such a type equivalent to `unit`{.coq}, not
+ `False`{.coq}.
+From a high-level perspective, `empty`{.coq} being the neutral element of
+`sum`{.coq} makes sense. Because we cannot construct a term of type `empty`{.coq},
+then `α + empty`{.coq} contains exactly the same numbers of terms as `α`{.coq}.
+This is the intuition. Now, how can we convince Coq that our intuition is
+correct? Just like before, by providing two functions of types:
+ - `α -> α + empty`{.coq}
+ - `α + empty -> α`{.coq}
+The first function is `inl`{.coq}, that is one of the constructors of
+The second function is trickier to write in Coq, because it comes down to
+writing a function of type is `empty -> α`{.coq}.
+Definition from_empty {α} : empty -> α :=
+ fun x => match x with end.
+It is the exact same trick that allows Coq to encode proofs by
+If we combine `from_empty`{.coq} with the generic function
+Definition unwrap_left_or {α β}
+ (f : β -> α) (x : α + β)
+ : α :=
+ match x with
+ | inl x => x
+ | inr x => f x
+ end.
+Then, we have everything to prove that `α == α + empty`{.coq}.
+Lemma sum_neutral (α : Type) : α == α + empty.
+ equiv with inl and (unwrap_left_or from_empty);
+ auto.
+ now intros [x|x].
+## The `prod`{.coq} Operator
+This is very similar to what we have just proven for `sum`{.coq}, so expect
+less text for this section.
+### `prod`{.coq} Is A Morphism
+Definition lr_map_prod {α α' β β'}
+ (f : α -> α') (g : β -> β')
+ : α * β -> α' * β' :=
+ fun x => match x with (x, y) => (f x, g y) end.
+Instance prod_Proper
+ : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv ==> type_equiv) prod.
+ add_morphism_tactic.
+ intros α α' [fα gα' equαα' equα'α]
+ β β' [fβ gβ' equββ' equβ'β].
+ equiv with (lr_map_prod fα fβ)
+ and (lr_map_prod gα' gβ').
+ + intros [x y]; cbn.
+ rewrite <- equαα'.
+ now rewrite <- equββ'.
+ + intros [x y]; cbn.
+ rewrite <- equα'α.
+ now rewrite <- equβ'β.
+### `prod`{.coq} Is Commutative
+Definition prod_invert {α β} (x : α * β) : β * α :=
+ (snd x, fst x).
+Lemma prod_com {α β} : α * β == β * α.
+ equiv with prod_invert and prod_invert;
+ now intros [x y].
+### `prod`{.coq} Is Associative
+Lemma prod_assoc {α β γ}
+ : α * β * γ == α * (β * γ).
+ equiv with (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | ((x, y), z) => (x, (y, z))
+ end)
+ and (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | (x, (y, z)) => ((x, y), z)
+ end).
+ + now intros [[x y] z].
+ + now intros [x [y z]].
+### `prod`{.coq} Has A Neutral Element
+Lemma prod_neutral (α : Type) : α * unit == α.
+ equiv with fst and ((flip pair) tt).
+ + now intros [x []].
+ + now intros.
+### `prod`{.coq} Has An Absorbing Element *)
+And this absorbing element is `empty`{.coq}, just like the absorbing element of
+the multiplication of natural numbers is $0$ (that is, the neutral element of
+the addition).
+Lemma prod_absord (α : Type) : α * empty == empty.
+ equiv with (snd >>> from_empty)
+ and (from_empty).
+ + intros [_ []].
+ + intros [].
+## `prod`{.coq} And `sum`{.coq} Distributivity
+Finally, we can prove the distributivity property of `prod`{.coq} and
+`sum`{.coq} using a similar approach to prove the associativity of `prod`{.coq}
+and `sum`{.coq}.
+Lemma prod_sum_distr (α β γ : Type)
+ : α * (β + γ) == α * β + α * γ.
+ equiv with (fun x => match x with
+ | (x, inr y) => inr (x, y)
+ | (x, inl y) => inl (x, y)
+ end)
+ and (fun x => match x with
+ | inr (x, y) => (x, inr y)
+ | inl (x, y) => (x, inl y)
+ end).
+ + now intros [x [y | y]].
+ + now intros [[x y] | [x y]].
+## Bonus: Algebraic Datatypes and Metaprogramming
+Algebraic datatypes are very suitable for generating functions, as demonstrated
+by the automatic deriving of typeclass in Haskell or trait in Rust. Because a
+datatype can be expressed in terms of `sum`{.coq} and `prod`{.coq}, you just
+have to know how to deal with these two constructions to start metaprogramming.
+We can take the example of the `fold`{.coq} functions. A `fold`{.coq} function
+is a function which takes a container as its argument, and iterates over the
+values of that container in order to compute a result.
+We introduce `fold_type INPUT CANON_FORM OUTPUT`{.coq}, a tactic to compute the
+type of the fold function of the type `INPUT`, whose “canonical form” (in terms
+of `prod`{.coq} and `sum`{.coq}) is `CANON_FORM` and whose result type is
+`OUTPUT`. Interested readers have to be familiar with `Ltac`.
+Ltac fold_args b a r :=
+ lazymatch a with
+ | unit =>
+ exact r
+ | b =>
+ exact (r -> r)
+ | (?c + ?d)%type =>
+ exact (ltac:(fold_args b c r) * ltac:(fold_args b d r))%type
+ | (b * ?c)%type =>
+ exact (r -> ltac:(fold_args b c r))
+ | (?c * ?d)%type =>
+ exact (c -> ltac:(fold_args b d r))
+ | ?a =>
+ exact (a -> r)
+ end.
+Ltac currying a :=
+ match a with
+ | ?a * ?b -> ?c => exact (a -> ltac:(currying (b -> c)))
+ | ?a => exact a
+ end.
+Ltac fold_type b a r :=
+ exact (ltac:(currying (ltac:(fold_args b a r) -> b -> r))).
+We use it to compute the type of a `fold`{.coq} function for `list`{.coq}.
+Definition fold_list_type (α β : Type) : Type :=
+ ltac:(fold_type (list α) (unit + α * list α)%type β).
+fold_list_type =
+ fun α β : Type => β -> (α -> β -> β) -> list α -> β
+ : Type -> Type -> Type
+It is exactly what you could have expected (as match the type of
+Generating the body of the function is possible in theory, but probably not in
+`Ltac` without modifying a bit `type_equiv`{.coq}. This could be a nice
+use case for [MetaCoq]( though.
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- <p class="series-prev">./ClightIntroduction.html</p>
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-(** * Proving Algebraic Datatypes are “Algebraic” *)
-(** Several programming languages allow programmers to define (potentially
- recursive) custom types, by composing together existing ones. For instance,
- in OCaml, one can define lists as follows:
-type 'a list =
-| Cons of 'a * 'a list
-| Nil
- This translates in Haskell as
-data List a =
- Cons a (List a)
-| Nil
- In Rust:
-enum List<A> {
- Cons(A, Box< List<a> >),
- Nil,
- In Coq:
-Inductive list a :=
-| cons : a -> list a -> list a
-| nil
- And so forth.
- Each language will have its own specific constructions, and the type systems
- of OCaml, Haskell, Rust and Coq —to only cite them— are far from being
- equivalent. That being said, they often share a common “base formalism,”
- usually (and sometimes abusively) referred to as _algebraic datatypes_. This
- expression is used because under the hood any datatype can be encoded as a
- composition of types using two operators: sum ([+]) and product ([*]) for
- types.
- - [a + b] is the disjoint union of types [a] and [b]. Any term of [a]
- can be injected into [a + b], and the same goes for [b]. Conversely,
- a term of [a + b] can be projected into either [a] or [b].
- - [a * b] is the Cartesian product of types [a] and [b]. Any term of [a *
- b] is made of one term of [a] and one term of [b] (remember tuples?).
- For an algebraic datatype, one constructor allows for defining “named
- tuples”, that is ad-hoc product types. Besides, constructors are mutually
- exclusive: you cannot define the same term using two different constructors.
- Therefore, a datatype with several constructors is reminescent of a disjoint
- union. Coming back to the [list] type, under the syntactic sugar of
- algebraic datatypes, the [list α] type is equivalent to [unit + α * list α],
- where [unit] models the [nil] case, and [α * list α] models the [cons] case.
- The set of types which can be defined in a language together with [+] and
- [*] form an “algebraic structure” in the mathematical sense, hence the
- name. It means the definitions of [+] and [*] have to satisfy properties
- such as commutativity or the existence of neutral elements. In this article,
- we will prove some of them in Coq. More precisely,
- - [+] is commutative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y),\ x + y
- = y + x#</span>#
- - [+] is associative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y, z),\ (x
- + y) + z = x + (y + z)#</span>#
- - [+] has a neutral element, that is #<span class="imath">#\exists e_s,
- \ \forall x,\ x + e_s = x#</span>#
- - [*] is commutative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y),\ x * y
- = y * x#</span>#
- - [*] is associative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y, z),\ (x
- * y) * z = x * (y * z)#</span>#
- - [*] has a neutral element, that is #<span class="imath">#\exists e_p,
- \ \forall x,\ x * e_p = x#</span>#
- - The distributivity of [+] and [*], that is #<span class="imath">#\forall
- (x, y, z),\ x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z#</span>#
- - [*] has an absorbing element, that is #<span class="imath">#\exists e_a,
- \ \forall x, \ x * e_a = e_a#</span>#
- For the record, the [sum] and [prod] types are defined in Coq as follows:
-Inductive sum (A B : Type) : Type :=
-| inl : A -> sum A B
-| inr : B -> sum A B
-Inductive prod (A B : Type) : Type :=
-| pair : A -> B -> prod A B
- #<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>#
- #<div id="history">site/posts/AlgebraicDatatypes.v</div># *)
-From Coq Require Import
- Basics Setoid Equivalence Morphisms
- List FunctionalExtensionality.
-Import ListNotations.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-(** ** An Equivalence for [Type] *)
-(** Algebraic structures come with _equations_ expected to be true. This means
- there is an implicit dependency which is —to my opinion— too easily
- overlooked: the definition of [=]. In Coq, [=] is a built-in relation that
- states that two terms are “equal” if they can be reduced to the same
- “hierarchy” of constructors. This is too strong in the general case, and in
- particular for our study of algebraic structures of [Type]. It is clear
- that, to Coq’s opinion, [α + β] is not structurally _equal_ to [β + α], yet
- we will have to prove they are “equivalent.” *)
-(** *** Introducing [type_equiv] *)
-(** Since [=] for [Type] is not suitable for reasoning about algebraic
- datatypes, we introduce our own equivalence relation, denoted [==]. We say
- two types [α] and [β] are equivalent up to an isomorphism (denoted by [α ==
- β]) when for any term of type [α], there exists a counter-part term of type
- [β] and vice versa. In other words, [α] and [β] are equivalent if we can
- exhibit two functions [f] and [g] such that:
- #<span class="dmath">#\forall (x : α),\ x = g(f(x))#</span>#
- #<span class="dmath">#\forall (y : β),\ y = f(g(y))#</span>#
- In Coq, this translates into the following inductive types. *)
-Reserved Notation "x == y" (at level 72).
-Inductive type_equiv (α β : Type) : Prop :=
-| mk_type_equiv (f : α -> β) (g : β -> α)
- (equ1 : forall (x : α), x = g (f x))
- (equ2 : forall (y : β), y = f (g y))
- : α == β
-where "x == y" := (type_equiv x y).
-(** As mentioned earlier, we prove two types are equivalent by exhibiting
- two functions, and proving these functions satisfy two properties. We
- introduce a <<Ltac>> notation to that end. *)
-Tactic Notation "equiv" "with" uconstr(f) "and" uconstr(g)
- := apply (mk_type_equiv f g).
-(** The tactic [equiv with f and g] will turn a goal of the form [α == β] into
- two subgoals to prove [f] and [g] form an isomorphism. *)
-(** *** [type_equiv] is an Equivalence *)
-(** [type_equiv] is an equivalence, and we can prove it by demonstrating it is
- (1) reflexive, (2) symmetric, and (3) transitive.
- [type_equiv] is reflexive. *)
-Lemma type_equiv_refl (α : Type) : α == α.
-(** This proof is straightforward. A type [α] is equivalent to itself because:
- #<span class="imath">#\forall (x : α),\ x = id(id(x))#</span># *)
- now equiv with (@id α) and (@id α).
-(** [type_equiv] is symmetric. *)
-Lemma type_equiv_sym {α β} (equ : α == β) : β == α.
-(** If [α == β], then we know there exists two functions [f] and [g] which
- satisfy the expected properties. We can “swap” them to prove that [β == α].
- *)
- destruct equ as [f g equ1 equ2].
- now equiv with g and f.
-(** [type_equiv] is transitive *)
-Lemma type_equiv_trans {α β γ} (equ1 : α == β) (equ2 : β == γ)
- : α == γ.
-(** If [α == β], we know there exists two functions [fα] and [gβ] which satisfy
- the expected properties of [type_equiv]. Similarly, because [β == γ], we
- know there exists two additional functions [fβ] and [gγ]. We can compose
- these functions together to prove [α == γ].
- As a reminder, composing two functions [f] and [g] (denoted by [f >>> g]
- thereafter) consists in using the result of [f] as the input of [g]: *)
-Infix ">>>" := (fun f g x => g (f x)) (at level 70).
-(** Then comes the proof. *)
- destruct equ1 as [fα gβ equαβ equβα],
- equ2 as [fβ gγ equβγ equγβ].
- equiv with (fα >>> fβ) and (gγ >>> gβ).
- + intros x.
- rewrite <- equβγ.
- now rewrite <- equαβ.
- + intros x.
- rewrite <- equβα.
- now rewrite <- equγβ.
-(** The Coq standard library introduces the [Equivalence] type class. We can
- provide an instance of this type class for [type_equiv], using the three
- lemmas we have proven in this section. *)
-Instance type_equiv_Equivalence : Equivalence type_equiv :=
- {}.
- + intros x.
- apply type_equiv_refl.
- + intros x y.
- apply type_equiv_sym.
- + intros x y z.
- apply type_equiv_trans.
-(** *** Examples *)
-(** **** [list]’s Canonical Form *)
-(** We now come back to our initial example, given in the Introduction of this
- write-up. We can prove our assertion, that is [list α == unit + α * list
- α]. *)
-Lemma list_equiv (α : Type)
- : list α == unit + α * list α.
- equiv with (fun x => match x with
- | [] => inl tt
- | x :: rst => inr (x, rst)
- end)
- and (fun x => match x with
- | inl _ => []
- | inr (x, rst) => x :: rst
- end).
- + now intros [| x rst].
- + now intros [[] | [x rst]].
-(** **** [list] is a Morphism *)
-(** This means that if [α == β], then [list α == list β]. We prove this by
- defining an instance of the [Proper] type class. *)
-Instance list_Proper
- : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv) list.
- add_morphism_tactic.
- intros α β [f g equαβ equβα].
- equiv with (map f) and (map g).
- all: setoid_rewrite map_map; intros l.
- + replace (fun x : α => g (f x))
- with (@id α).
- ++ symmetry; apply map_id.
- ++ apply functional_extensionality.
- apply equαβ.
- + replace (fun x : β => f (g x))
- with (@id β).
- ++ symmetry; apply map_id.
- ++ apply functional_extensionality.
- apply equβα.
-(** The use of the [Proper] type class allows for leveraging hypotheses of the
- form [α == β] with the [rewrite] tactic. I personally consider providing
- instances of [Proper] whenever it is possible to be a good practice, and
- would encourage any Coq programmers to do so. *)
-(** **** [nat] is a Special-Purpose [list] *)
-(** Did you notice? Now, using [type_equiv], we can prove it! *)
-Lemma nat_and_list : nat == list unit.
- equiv with (fix to_list n :=
- match n with
- | S m => tt :: to_list m
- | _ => []
- end)
- and (fix of_list l :=
- match l with
- | _ :: rst => S (of_list rst)
- | _ => 0
- end).
- + induction x; auto.
- + induction y; auto.
- rewrite <- IHy.
- now destruct a.
-(** **** Non-empty Lists *)
-(** We can introduce a variant of [list] which contains at least one element by
- modifying the [nil] constructor so that it takes one argument instead of
- none. *)
-Inductive non_empty_list (α : Type) :=
-| ne_cons : α -> non_empty_list α -> non_empty_list α
-| ne_singleton : α -> non_empty_list α.
-(** We can demonstrate the relation between [list] and [non_empty_list], which
- reveals an alternative implementation of [non_empty_list]. More precisely,
- we can prove that [forall (α : Type), non_empty_list α == α * list α]. It
- is a bit more cumbersome, but not that much. We first define the conversion
- functions, then prove they satisfy the properties expected by
- [type_equiv]. *)
-Fixpoint non_empty_list_of_list {α} (x : α) (l : list α)
- : non_empty_list α :=
- match l with
- | y :: rst => ne_cons x (non_empty_list_of_list y rst)
- | [] => ne_singleton x
- end.
-Fixpoint list_of_non_empty_list {α} (l : non_empty_list α)
- : list α :=
- match l with
- | ne_cons x rst => x :: list_of_non_empty_list rst
- | ne_singleton x => [x]
- end.
-Definition prod_list_of_non_empty_list {α} (l : non_empty_list α)
- : α * list α :=
- match l with
- | ne_singleton x => (x, [])
- | ne_cons x rst => (x, list_of_non_empty_list rst)
- end.
-Lemma ne_list_list_equiv (α : Type)
- : non_empty_list α == α * list α.
- equiv with prod_list_of_non_empty_list
- and (prod_curry non_empty_list_of_list).
- + intros [x rst|x]; auto.
- cbn.
- revert x.
- induction rst; intros x; auto.
- cbn; now rewrite IHrst.
- + intros [x rst].
- cbn.
- destruct rst; auto.
- change (non_empty_list_of_list x (α0 :: rst))
- with (ne_cons x (non_empty_list_of_list α0 rst)).
- replace (α0 :: rst)
- with (list_of_non_empty_list
- (non_empty_list_of_list α0 rst)); auto.
- revert α0.
- induction rst; intros y; [ reflexivity | cbn ].
- now rewrite IHrst.
-(** ** The [sum] Operator *)
-(** *** [sum] is a Morphism *)
-(** This means that if [α == α'] and [β == β'], then [α + β == α' + β']. To
- prove this, we compose together the functions whose existence is implied by
- [α == α'] and [β == β']. To that end, we introduce the auxiliary function
- [lr_map]. *)
-Definition lr_map_sum {α β α' β'} (f : α -> α') (g : β -> β')
- (x : α + β)
- : α' + β' :=
- match x with
- | inl x => inl (f x)
- | inr y => inr (g y)
- end.
-(** Then, we prove [sum] is a morphism by defining a [Proper] instance. *)
-Instance sum_Proper
- : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv ==> type_equiv) sum.
- add_morphism_tactic.
- intros α α' [fα gα' equαα' equα'α]
- β β' [fβ gβ' equββ' equβ'β].
- equiv with (lr_map_sum fα fβ)
- and (lr_map_sum gα' gβ').
- + intros [x|y]; cbn.
- ++ now rewrite <- equαα'.
- ++ now rewrite <- equββ'.
- + intros [x|y]; cbn.
- ++ now rewrite <- equα'α.
- ++ now rewrite <- equβ'β.
-(** *** [sum] is Commutative *)
-Definition sum_invert {α β} (x : α + β) : β + α :=
- match x with
- | inl x => inr x
- | inr x => inl x
- end.
-Lemma sum_com {α β} : α + β == β + α.
- equiv with sum_invert and sum_invert;
- now intros [x|x].
-(** *** [sum] is Associative *)
-(** The associativity of [sum] is straightforward to prove, and should not pose
- a particular challenge to perspective readers; if we assume that this
- article is well-written, that is! *)
-Lemma sum_assoc {α β γ} : α + β + γ == α + (β + γ).
- equiv with (fun x =>
- match x with
- | inl (inl x) => inl x
- | inl (inr x) => inr (inl x)
- | inr x => inr (inr x)
- end)
- and (fun x =>
- match x with
- | inl x => inl (inl x)
- | inr (inl x) => inl (inr x)
- | inr (inr x) => inr x
- end).
- + now intros [[x|x]|x].
- + now intros [x|[x|x]].
-(** *** [sum] has a Neutral Element *)
-(** We need to find a type [e] such that [α + e == α] for any type [α]
- (similarly to #<span class="imath">#x~+~0~=~x#</span># for any natural
- number #<span class="imath">#x#</span># that is).
- Any empty type (that is, a type with no term such as [False]) can act as the
- natural element of [Type]. As a reminder, empty types in Coq are defined
- with the following syntax: *)
-Inductive empty := .
-(** Note that the following definition is erroneous.
-Inductive empty.
- Using [Print] on such a type illustrates the issue.
-Inductive empty : Prop := Build_empty { }
- That is, when the [:=] is omitted, Coq defines an inductive type with one
- constructor.
- Coming back to [empty] being the neutral element of [sum]. From a high-level
- perspective, this makes sense. Because we cannot construct a term of type
- [empty], then [α + empty] contains exactly the same numbers of terms as [α].
- This is the intuition. Now, how can we convince Coq that our intuition is
- correct? Just like before, by providing two functions of types:
- - [α -> α + empty]
- - [α + empty -> α]
- The first function is [inl], that is one of the constructor of [sum].
- The second function is more tricky to write in Coq, because it comes down to
- writing a function of type is [empty -> α]. *)
-Definition from_empty {α} : empty -> α :=
- fun x => match x with end.
-(** It is the exact same trick that allows Coq to encode proofs by
- contradiction.
- If we combine [from_empty] with the generic function *)
-Definition unwrap_left_or {α β}
- (f : β -> α) (x : α + β)
- : α :=
- match x with
- | inl x => x
- | inr x => f x
- end.
-(** Then, we have everything to prove that [α == α + empty]. *)
-Lemma sum_neutral (α : Type) : α == α + empty.
- equiv with inl and (unwrap_left_or from_empty);
- auto.
- now intros [x|x].
-(** ** The [prod] Operator *)
-(** This is very similar to what we have just proven for [sum], so expect less
- text for this section. *)
-(** *** [prod] is a Morphism *)
-Definition lr_map_prod {α α' β β'}
- (f : α -> α') (g : β -> β')
- : α * β -> α' * β' :=
- fun x => match x with (x, y) => (f x, g y) end.
-Instance prod_Proper
- : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv ==> type_equiv) prod.
- add_morphism_tactic.
- intros α α' [fα gα' equαα' equα'α]
- β β' [fβ gβ' equββ' equβ'β].
- equiv with (lr_map_prod fα fβ)
- and (lr_map_prod gα' gβ').
- + intros [x y]; cbn.
- rewrite <- equαα'.
- now rewrite <- equββ'.
- + intros [x y]; cbn.
- rewrite <- equα'α.
- now rewrite <- equβ'β.
-(** *** [prod] is Commutative *)
-Definition prod_invert {α β} (x : α * β) : β * α :=
- (snd x, fst x).
-Lemma prod_com {α β} : α * β == β * α.
- equiv with prod_invert and prod_invert;
- now intros [x y].
-(** *** [prod] is Associative *)
-Lemma prod_assoc {α β γ}
- : α * β * γ == α * (β * γ).
- equiv with (fun x =>
- match x with
- | ((x, y), z) => (x, (y, z))
- end)
- and (fun x =>
- match x with
- | (x, (y, z)) => ((x, y), z)
- end).
- + now intros [[x y] z].
- + now intros [x [y z]].
-(** *** [prod] has a Neutral Element *)
-Lemma prod_neutral (α : Type) : α * unit == α.
- equiv with fst and ((flip pair) tt).
- + now intros [x []].
- + now intros.
-(** ** [prod] has an Absorbing Element *)
-(** And this absorbing element is [empty], just like the absorbing element of
- the multiplication of natural number is #<span class="imath">#0#</span>#
- (the neutral element of the addition). *)
-Lemma prod_absord (α : Type) : α * empty == empty.
- equiv with (snd >>> from_empty)
- and (from_empty).
- + intros [_ []].
- + intros [].
-(** ** [prod] and [sum] Distributivity *)
-(** Finally, we can prove the distributivity property of [prod] and [sum] using
- a similar approach to prove the associativity of [prod] and [sum]. *)
-Lemma prod_sum_distr (α β γ : Type)
- : α * (β + γ) == α * β + α * γ.
- equiv with (fun x => match x with
- | (x, inr y) => inr (x, y)
- | (x, inl y) => inl (x, y)
- end)
- and (fun x => match x with
- | inr (x, y) => (x, inr y)
- | inl (x, y) => (x, inl y)
- end).
- + now intros [x [y | y]].
- + now intros [[x y] | [x y]].
-(** ** Bonus: Algebraic Datatypes and Metaprogramming *)
-(** Algebraic datatypes are very suitable for generating functions, as
- demonstrated by the automatic deriving of typeclass in Haskell or trait in
- Rust. Because a datatype can be expressed in terms of [sum] and [prod], you
- just have to know how to deal with these two constructions to start
- metaprogramming.
- We can take the example of the [fold] functions. A [fold] function is a
- function which takes a container as its argument, and iterates over the
- values of that container in order to compute a result.
- We introduce [fold_type INPUT CANON_FORM OUTPUT], a tactic to compute the
- type of the fold function of the type <<INPUT>>, whose “canonical form” (in
- terms of [prod] and [sum]) is <<CANON_FORM>> and whose result type is
- #<code>#OUTPUT#</code>#. Interested readers have to be familiar with
- [Ltac]. *)
-Ltac fold_args b a r :=
- lazymatch a with
- | unit =>
- exact r
- | b =>
- exact (r -> r)
- | (?c + ?d)%type =>
- exact (ltac:(fold_args b c r) * ltac:(fold_args b d r))%type
- | (b * ?c)%type =>
- exact (r -> ltac:(fold_args b c r))
- | (?c * ?d)%type =>
- exact (c -> ltac:(fold_args b d r))
- | ?a =>
- exact (a -> r)
- end.
-Ltac currying a :=
- match a with
- | ?a * ?b -> ?c => exact (a -> ltac:(currying (b -> c)))
- | ?a => exact a
- end.
-Ltac fold_type b a r :=
- exact (ltac:(currying (ltac:(fold_args b a r) -> b -> r))).
-(** We use it to compute the type of a [fold] function for [list]. *)
-Definition fold_list_type (α β : Type) : Type :=
- ltac:(fold_type (list α) (unit + α * list α)%type β).
-(** Here is the definition of [fold_list_type], as outputed by [Print].
-fold_list_type =
- fun α β : Type => β -> (α -> β -> β) -> list α -> β
- : Type -> Type -> Type
- It is exactly what you could have expected (as match the type of
- [fold_right]).
- Generating the body of the function is possible in theory, but probably not
- in [Ltac] without modifying a bit [type_equiv]. This could be a nice
- use-case for #<a href="">#MetaCoq#</a>#,
- though. *)
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40a0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+published: 2022-08-15
+modified: 2023-05-09
+ parent: series/Retrospectives.html
+ next: posts/September2022.html
+tags: ['emacs', 'meta']
+abstract: |
+ In an attempt to start a regular blogging habbits, I am giving a try to the
+ monthly “status updates” format. This month: some Emacs config hacking, and
+ some changes on how this website is generated.
+# What happened in August 2022?
+Without further ado, let’s take a look at what was achieved
+for the last thirty days or so.
+## Emacs
+I have started tweaking and improving my Emacs
+[^minimalism]: After having used Emacs for seven years now, I am nowhere close
+ to consider my configuration as a done project. I really envy developers
+ who are using their editor with little to no customization.
+### Theme Selection Menu
+The change I am the most excited about is that I have *finally* reduced the
+boilerplate in need to write to use a new theme. I am very indecisive when
+it comes to theming. I like to have my choices, and I get tired of any
+color scheme pretty quickly. As a consequence, I introduced a customizable
+variable to let me select a theme dynamically, and have this choice persist
+across Emacs session.
+I have a Hydra menu that allows me to select which theme I want to
+use for the time being. It looks like this.
+#[A Hydra menu for selecting a theme.](/img/select-theme.png)
+But adding new entries to this menu was very cumbersome, and mostly
+boilerplate that I know a good macro could abstract away. And I can
+finally report that I was right all along. I have my macros now,
+and they allow me to have the Hydra menu above generated with these
+simple lines of code.
+(use-theme ancientless "a" :straight nil :load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp")
+(use-theme darkless "d" :straight nil :load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp")
+(use-theme brightless "b" :straight nil :load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp")
+(use-theme monotropic "m")
+(use-theme monokai "M")
+(use-theme nothing "n")
+(use-theme eink "e")
+(use-theme dracula "D")
+(use-theme chocolate "c")
+(use-themes-from tao-theme
+ '(("tl" . tao-yang)
+ ("td" . tao-yin)))
+### Eldoc and Flycheck Popups
+I have been experimenting with several combinations of packages to
+have Eldoc and Flycheck using pop-up-like mechanisms to report
+things to me, instead of the echo area.
+The winning setup for now is the one that uses the [`quick-peek`
+package]( That is,
+[`flycheck-inline`]( (customized to
+use `quick-peek`, as suggested in their README), and
+[`eldoc-overlay`]( This works well enough,
+so the pop-ups of eldoc are maybe a bit too distracting.
+#[`flycheck-inline` in action with an OCaml compilation error.](/img/flycheck-inline.png)
+In my quest for pop-ups, I ran into several issues with the packages I tried
+out. For instance, [`eldoc-box`]( was very
+nice, but also very slow for some reason. It turns out there was an issue
+about that slowness, wherein the culprit was identified. This allowed me to
+[submit a pull request that got merged rather
+Similarly, after a packages update, I discovered
+[`flycheck-ocaml`]( was no longer
+working, and [submit a patch to fix the
+## This Website
+ I have not been investing a lot of time in this website for the past
+ six years or so. This month, things change a bit on that side too.
+### New Contents
+First, I have published a (short) article on [higher-order
+polymorphism in OCaml](/posts/RankNTypesInOCaml.html). The goal was for me to
+log somewhere the solution for an odd problem I was confronted to at
+`$WORK`{.bash}, but the resulting article was not doing a great job as
+conveying this. In particular, two comments on Reddit motivated me to rework
+it, and I am glad I did. I hope you enjoy the retake.
+Once this was out of the way, I decided that generating this website was taking
+way too much time for no good enough reason. The culprit was **`cleopatra`**, a
+toolchain I had developed in 2020 to integrate the build process of this
+website as additional contents that I thought might interest people. The sad
+things were: **`cleopatra`** was adding a significant overhead, and I never take
+the time to actually document them properly.
+### Under the Hood
+Overall, the cost of using **`cleopatra`** was not worth the burden, and so I
+got rid of it. Fortunately, it was not very difficult, since the job of
+**`cleopatra`** was to extracting the generation processes from org files; I
+just add to implement a small `makefile` to make use of these files, without
+having to rely on **`cleopatra`** anymore.
+This was something I was pondering to do for a long time, and as
+often in these circumstances, this gave me the extra motivation I
+needed to tackle other ideas I had in mind for this website. This
+is why now, rather than starting one Emacs process per Org file I
+have to process, my build toolchain starts one Emacs server, and
+later uses `emacsclient`.
+Now, most of the build time is spent by [soupault]( I guess
+I will have to spend some time on the Lua plugins I have developed for it at
+some point.
+## A New Mailing List
+Finally, I have created [a public
+mailing]( list that is available if you
+want to start a discussion on one of my articles. Don’t hesitate to use it, or
+to register to it!
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602bd21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+published: 2023-04-27
+tags: ['spatial-shell']
+abstract: |
+ In August, 2022, I have discovered Material Shell, and decided to implement
+ a dynamic tiling management “a la Material Shell” for sway I called Spatial
+ Shell. Spatial Shell works on my machine, which means it will definitely
+ break on yours, and I would love to know how.
+# Spatial Shell: Call For Testers
+In August 2022, I have discovered [Material
+Shell]( A few weeks later, I had pieced together a
+working prototype of a dynamic tiling management “a la Material Shell” for
+[sway]( By October, the project was basically fulfilling my
+needs, and I had already started to use it on my workstation[^1]. The project
+sat there for a while until I rediscovered this thing called *holidays*.
+[^1]: I tried so you do not have to: having my graphical session going crazy
+ during a work meeting because of a software I had written.
+For a short week, I tried to address at many of the remaining issues and
+missing features that I was aware of. Then, I started to write
+[man pages](, which
+turned out to be the perfect opportunity to clean up every clunkiness I could
+possibly find.
+I can’t help but find the result rather nice and satisfying, and I hope you
+will enjoy it too! [Spatial Shell](
+works on my machine, which means it will definitely break on yours. But this is
+where the fun lies, right? At this point, I definitely think the project is
+ready to fall into the hands of (motivated) alpha testers.
+Anyway, let me give you a tour!
+## Spatial Model
+At its core, Spatial Shell allows you to navigate a grid of windows.
+Workspace are rows which can be individually configured to determine how many
+windows (cells) you can see at once. More precisely, workspaces in Spatial
+Shell can use two layouts:
+- **Maximize:** One window is displayed at a time
+- **Column:** Several windows are displayed side by side, to your convenience
+The reason **Maximize** is not a particular case of **Column**, but instead a
+layout on its own, is to easily allow you to switch to and back from maximizing
+the focused window. The following picture[^2] summarizes one particular setup with
+tree workspaces, each configured differently.
+[^2]: Created using [Excalidraw](
+#[Spatial Shell allows users to configure the layout of each workspace individually.](/img/spatial-shell-example.png)
+- Workspace 1 contains three windows, and uses the **Column** layout to display
+ at most three windows, so each window is visible, with the focus being on
+ the leftmost one.
+- Workspace 2 contains four windows, and uses the **Column** layout to display at
+ most two windows. As a consequence, two windows are not visible.
+- Workspace 3 contains two windows, and uses the **Maximize** layout so only the
+ focused window is visible.
+To help users know which window is currently holding the focus, Spatial Shell
+slightly reduces the opacity of unfocused windows (as poorly hinted by the gray
+backgrounds in the figure). Finally, Spatial Shell can also set a background
+for empty workspaces (using `swaybg`{.bash} under the hood).
+And this is basically it. There is not much more to say about Spatial Shell
+## Configuration
+From an implementation and user experience perspective, Spatial Shell is taking
+inspiration from i3 and sway.
+More precisely, Spatial Shell comprises two executables:
+- [**spatial**(1)](, the
+ daemon implementing the spatial model described in the previous section, and
+- [**spatialmsg**(1)](, a
+ client used to control the current instance of spatial.
+Assuming `$spatial`{.bash} and `$spatialmsg`{.bash} contains the paths to
+spatial and spatialmsg binaries respectively, then the simplest sway
+configuration to start using Spatial Shell is the following
+exec $spatial
+# moving the focus
+bindsym $mod+h exec $spatialmsg "focus left"
+bindsym $mod+l exec $spatialmsg "focus right"
+bindsym $mod+k exec $spatialmsg "focus up"
+bindsym $mod+j exec $spatialmsg "focus down"
+# moving the focused window
+bindsym $mod+Shift+h exec $spatialmsg "move left"
+bindsym $mod+Shift+l exec $spatialmsg "move right"
+bindsym $mod+Shift+k exec $spatialmsg "move up"
+bindsym $mod+Shift+j exec $spatialmsg "move down"
+# toggle between Maximize and Column layout
+bindsym $mod+space exec $spatialmsg "toggle layout"
+# modify the number of windows to display in the Column layout
+bindsym $mod+i exec $spatialmsg "column count decrement"
+bindsym $mod+o exec $spatialmsg "column count increment"
+# start waybar, spatial will take care of the rest
+exec waybar
+By default, Spatial Shell sets the initial configuration of a workspace to
+the Column layout with two columns at most, and sets the opacity of the
+unfocused windows to 75%. This can be customized, either globally or per
+workspace, by creating a configuration file in
+[^3]: If unset, `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`{.bash} defaults to
+ `$HOME/.config`{.bash}.
+For instance, my config file looks like that.
+[workspace=3] default layout maximize
+background "~/.config/spatial/wallpaper.jpg"
+unfocus opacity 85
+See [**spatial**(5)]( for
+the list of commands supported by Spatial Shell.
+As a side note, readers familiar with sway will definitely pick the resemblance
+with sway and swaymsg, and it actually goes pretty deep. In a nutshell, swaymsg
+connects to a UNIX socket created by sway at startup time, to send it commands
+(see [**spatial**(5)](
+using a dedicated IPC protocol inherited from i3 (see
+[**sway-ipc**(7)]( Not
+only spatial also relies on sway IPC protocol to interact with sway and
+implement its spatial model, it creates a UNIX of its own, and supports its own
+## Waybar Integration
+It is a common practice to use a so-called “bar” with sway, to display some
+useful information about the current state of the system. In the `contrib/`
+directory of [Spatial Shell repository](,
+interested readers will find a configuration for
+[Waybar]([^design]. This configuration is
+somewhat clunky at the moment, due to the limitations of the custom widget of
+Waybar which does not allow to have one widget defines several “buttons.” I am
+interested in investing a bit of time to see if I could write a native widget,
+similarly to sway’s one.
+[^design]: Readers familiar with Material Shell design will not be surprised by
+ the general look and feel of the screenshot below.
+#[Mandatory screenshot of Spatial Shell, with the Waybar configuration.](/img/spatial-shell.png)
+That being said, the user experience with this integration is already pretty
+neat. As long as you don’t need more than 6 workspaces and 8 windows per
+workspaces[^constants], you are good to go!
+[^constants]: These constants are totally arbitrary and can be increased by
+ modifying the Waybar config, but the issue will remain that a
+ limit will exist.
+## Building from Source
+As of April 2023, the only way to get Spatial Shell is to build it from source.
+You will need the following runtime dependencies:
+- sway (i3 might be supported at some point)
+- gmp (for bad reasons, fortunalety this will be removed at some point)
+- swaybg
+- waybar (if you want the full experience)
+You will need the following build dependencies:
+- opam
+- scdoc (for the man pages)
+Then, building and installing Spatial Shell is as simple as using the two
+following commands.
+make build-deps
+make install
+The latter command will install Spatial Shell’s binaries in
+`/usr/local/bin`{.bash}, and the man pages in `/usr/local/man`{.bash}. You can
+remove them with `make uninstall`{.bash}.
+To install Waybar theme, copy `contrib/waybar/`{.bash} to
+`/usr/local/bin/spatialbar`{.bash} for instance, and the Waybar style and
+config file to `$HOME/.config/waybar`{.bash}.
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddefcc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+published: 2020-02-04
+modified: 2023-05-12
+tags: ['meta', 'literate-programming', 'emacs']
+abstract: |
+ Our literate programming toolchain cannot live solely inside Org files,
+ waiting to be turned into actual code by Babel. Otherwise there we would
+ not have any code to execute the first time we try to generate the website.
+# A Literate Toolchain To Build This Website
+A literate program is a particular type of software program where code is not
+directly written in source files, but rather in a text document as code
+snippets. In essence, literate programming allows for writing in the same place
+both the software program and its technical documentation.
+**`cleopatra`** is a “literate toolchain” I have implemented to build this
+website, and you are currently reading it[^past]. That is, **`cleopatra`** is
+both the build system and an article of this website! To achieve this,
+**`cleopatra`** has been written as a collection of org files which can be
+either “tangled” using [Babel]( or
+“exported” as a HTML document. Tangling here refers to extract marked code
+blocks into files.
+[^past]: This sentence was true when this article was published, but things
+ have changed since then.
+ What you are reading is actually the rendered version of a Markdown
+ document that was manually “translated” from the Org original document,
+ named ``. Interested readers can [have a look at the original
+ version
+ here](
+ Truth be told, said version is probably complete gibberish for anyone who
+ isn’t me. For this reason, this version was actually heavily reworked…
+ Because I have too much free time, probably.
+The page you are currently reading is **`cleopatra`** entry point. Its
+primary purpose is to define two Makefiles —`makefile` and ``—
+and the necessary emacs-lisp script to tangle this document.
+On the one hand, `makefile` is the main entrypoint of **`cleopatra`**. It
+serves two purposes:
+1. It initiates a few global variables, and
+2. It provides a rule to tangle this document, that is to update itself and
+ ``.
+On the other hand, `` is used to declare the various “generation
+processes” used to generate this website.
+`makefile` and the emacs-lisp scripts are versioned, because they are necessary
+to bootstrap **`cleopatra`**; but since they are also defined in this document,
+it means **`cleopatra`** can update itself, in some sense. This is to be kept in mind
+when modifying this document to hastily.
+## Global Constants and Variables
+First, `makefile` defines several global “constants”[^constants]. In a nutshell,
+- `$ROOT`{.bash} tells Emacs where the root of your website sources is, so
+ that tangled output filenames can be given relative to it rather than the org
+ files. So for instance, the `block_src` tangle parameter for `Makefile`
+ looks like `:tangle Makefile`{.lisp}, instead of `:tangle
+ ../../Makefile`{.lisp}.
+- `$CLEODIR`{.bash} tells **`cleopatra`** where its sources live. If you place
+ it inside the `site/` directory (as it is intended), and you enable the use
+ of `org` files to author your contents, then **`cleopatra`** documents will
+ be part of your website. If you don’t want that, just move the directory
+ outside the `site/` directory, and update the `$CLEODIR`{.bash} variable
+ accordingly.
+[^constants]: As far as I know, `make` does not support true *constant* values,
+ It is assumed generation processes will not modify them.
+For this website, these constants are defined as follows[^comments].
+[^comments]: I will use a comment in the first line to recall to which file a
+ given block code is expected to be tangled.
+# makefile:
+ROOT := $(shell pwd)
+CLEODIR := site/cleopatra
+We then introduce two variables to list the output of the generation processes,
+with two purposes in mind: keeping the `.gitignore` up-to-date automatically,
+and providing rules to remove them.
+- `$ARTIFACTS`{.bash} lists the short-term artifacts which can be removed
+ frequently without too much hassle. They will be removed by `make clean`.
+- `$CONFIGURE`{.bash} lists the long-term artifacts whose generation can be
+ time consuming. They will only be removed by`~make cleanall`.
+# makefile:
+ARTIFACTS := build.log
+clean :
+ @rm -rf ${ARTIFACTS}
+cleanall : clean
+ @rm -rf ${CONFIGURE}
+Generation processes can declare new build outputs using the `+=` assignement
+operators. Using another operator will likely provoke an undesirable result.
+## Tangling Org Documents
+**`cleopatra`** is a literate program implemented with Org mode, an Emacs major
+editing mode. We provide the necessary bits to easily tangle Org documents.
+The configuration of Babel is done using an emacs lisp script called
+`tangle-org.el` whose status is similar to `Makefile`. It is part of the
+bootstrap process, and therefore lives “outside” of **`cleopatra`** (it is not
+deleted with `make clean` for instance). However, it is overwritten when this
+file is tangled. If you try to modify it and find that **`cleopatra`** does not
+work properly, you should restore it.
+;;; tangle-org.el:
+(require 'org)
+(cd (getenv "ROOT"))
+(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
+(setq org-src-preserve-indentation t)
+(add-to-list 'org-babel-default-header-args
+ '(:mkdirp . "yes"))
+ 'org-babel-load-languages
+ '((shell . t)))
+We define variables that ensure that the `$ROOT`{.bash} environment variable is
+set and `tangle-org.el` is loaded when using Emacs.
+# makefile:
+EMACSBIN := emacs
+TANGLE := --batch \
+ --load="${ROOT}/scripts/tangle-org.el" \
+ 2>> build.log
+Finally, we introduce a [canned
+to seamlessly tangle a given file[^canned].
+[^canned]: It was the first time I had used canned recipes, and I don’t think I
+ had the opportunity to re-use it ever again.
+# makefile:
+define emacs-tangle =
+echo " tangle $<"
+${EMACS} $< ${TANGLE}
+## Updating `.gitignore` Automatically
+Assuming each generation process correctly defines its `$ARTIFACTS`{.bash}
+and `$CONFIGURE`{.bash} variables, we have all the information we need to
+update `.gitignore` automatically.
+This is done by adding markers in `.gitignore` to define a region under the
+control of **`cleopatra`**, and writing a script to update said region after
+each build.
+BEGIN_MARKER="# begin generated files"
+END_MARKER="# begin generated files"
+# remove the previous list of generated files to ignore
+sed -i -e "/${BEGIN_MARKER}/,/${END_MARKER}/d" .gitignore
+# remove trailing empty lines
+sed -i -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' .gitignore
+# output the list of files to ignore
+echo "" >> .gitignore
+echo ${BEGIN_MARKER} >> .gitignore
+for f in $@; do
+ echo "${f}" >> .gitignore
+echo ${END_MARKER} >> .gitignore
+The `ignore` rule of `makefile` is defined as follows.
+# makefile:
+ignore :
+ @echo " update gitignore"
+ @scripts/ \
+## Bootstrapping
+The core purpose of `makefile` remains to bootstrap the chain of generation
+processes. This chain is divided into three stages: `prebuild`, `build`, and
+This translates as follows in `makefile`.
+# makefile:
+default : postbuild ignore
+init :
+ @rm -f build.log
+prebuild : init
+build : prebuild
+postbuild : build
+.PHONY : init prebuild build postbuild ignore
+A *generation process* in **`cleopatra`** is a Makefile which provides rules for
+these three stages, along with the utilities used by these rules. More
+precisely, a generation process `proc` is defined in ``. The rules of
+`` for each stage are expected to be prefixed by `proc-`, *e.g.*,
+`proc-prebuild` for the `prebuild` stage.
+Eventually, the following dependencies are expected between within the chain of
+generation processes for every generation process.
+prebuild : proc-prebuild
+build : proc-build
+postbuild : proc-postbuild
+proc-build : proc-prebuild
+proc-postbuild : proc build
+**`cleopatra`** is a literate toolchain whose main purpose is to allow me to
+turn the scripts I wrote to generate my website into blogposts of said website.
+As such, it allows me to implement the generation processes using Org mode,
+which means that before being able to start generating HTML files,
+**`cleopatra`** has to tangle the generation processes.
+To achieve this, **`cleopatra`** relies on a particular behavior of `make`
+regarding the `include` directive. If there exists a rule to generate a
+Makefile used as an operand of `include`, `make` will use this rule to update
+(if necessary) said Makefile before actually including it.
+Therefore, the rules of the following form achieve our ambition of extensibility.
+include ${PROC}.mk
+prebuild : ${PROC}-prebuild
+build : ${PROC}-build
+postbuild : ${PROC}-postbuild
+${PROC}-prebuild : ${PROC}.mk ${AUX}
+${PROC}-build : ${PROC}-prebuild
+${PROC}-postbuild : ${PROC}-build
+${PROC}.mk ${AUX} &:\
+ ${CLEODIR}/${IN}
+ @$(emacs-tangle)
+.PHONY : ${PROC}-prebuild \
+ ${PROC}-build \
+ ${PROC}-postbuild
+- `$IN`{.bash} is the Org document which contains the generation process code
+- `$PROC`{.bash} is the name of the generation process
+- `$AUX`{.bash} lists the utilities of the generation process tangled from
+ `$IN`{.bash} with `$`{.bash}
+We use `&:` is used in place of `:` to separate the target from its
+dependencies in the “tangle rule.”[^obscure] This tells `make` that the recipe of this
+rule generates all these files.
+[^obscure]: Yet another obscure Makefile trick I have never encountered again.
+Rather than writing these rules manually for each generation process we want to
+define, we rely on to [noweb of
+Babel]( We call
+`extends` the primitive to generate new generation processes.
+We derive the rule to tangle `` using `extends`, using the following Org mode syntax.
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :noweb yes
+# makefile:
+<<extends(IN="", PROC="bootstrap", AUX="scripts/")>>
+which gives the following result.
+prebuild : bootstrap-prebuild
+build : bootstrap-build
+postbuild : bootstrap-postbuild
+bootstrap-prebuild : scripts/
+bootstrap-build : bootstrap-prebuild
+bootstrap-postbuild : bootstrap-build
+ scripts/ &:\
+ @$(emacs-tangle)
+CONFIGURE += scripts/
+.PHONY : bootstrap-prebuild \
+ bootstrap-build \
+ bootstrap-postbuild
+These are the last lines of `makefile`. The rest of the generation processes will be
+declared in ``.
+## Generation Processes
+In this section, we construct `` by enumerating the generation
+processes that are currently used to generate the website you are reading.
+We recall that each generation process shall
+1. Define `proc-prebuild`, `proc-build`, and `proc-postbuild`
+2. Declare dependencies between stages of generation processes
+3. Declare build outputs (see `ARTIFACTS` and `CONFIGURE`)
+### Theming and Templating
+generation process controls the general appearance of the website. More
+precisely, it introduces the main template used by `soupault`
+(`main/templates.html`), and the main SASS sheet used by this template.
+If a generation process produces a set of styles within a specific SASS files,
+the current approach is
+1. To make this file a dependency of `theme-build`
+2. To modify `style/main.sass` in `theme`
+ to import this file
+Eventually, the second step will be automated, but, in the meantime,
+this customization is mandatory.
+### Configuring Soupault
+generation configures and run `soupault`, in order to generate a static
+If a generation process `proc` produces files that will eventually be
+integrated to your website, its `proc-build` recipe needs to be executed
+*before* the `soupault-build` recipe. This can be enforced by making the
+dependency explicit to `make`, *i.e.*,
+soupault-build : proc-build
+Eventually, generation processes shall be allowed to produce specific `soupault`
+widgets to be integrated into `soupault.conf`.
+### Authoring Contents
+The fact that **`cleopatra`** is a literate program which gradually generates
+itself was not intended: it is a consequence of my desire to be able to easily
+use whatever format I so desire for writing my contents, and Org documents in
+In the present website, contents can be written in the following format:
+- **HTML Files:** This requires no particular set-up, since HTML is the *lingua
+ franca* of `soupault`.
+- **Regular Coq files:** Coq is a system which allows writing machine-checked
+ proofs, and it comes with a source “prettifier” called `coqdoc`. [Learn more
+ about the generation process for Coq
+ files](
+- **Org documents:** Emacs comes with a powerful editing mode called [Org
+ mode](, and Org documents are really pleasant to work
+ with. [Learn more about the generation process for Org
+ documents](
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee5789d..0000000
--- a/site/posts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-<h1><strong><code>cleopatra</code></strong>: Bootstrapping an Extensible Toolchain</h1>
-You are about to read the first version of *~cleopatra~*, the toolchain
-initially implemented to build the website you are reading. Since then,
-*~cleopatra~* has been completely rewritten as a
-[[][independant, more generic command-line
-program]]. That being said, the build process described in this write-up remains
-the one implemented in *~cleopatra~* the Second.
-A literate program is a particular type of software program where code is not
-directly written in source files, but rather in text document as code
-snippets. In some sense, literate programming allows for writing in the same
-place both the software program and its technical documentation.
-That being said, *~cleopatra~* is a toolchain to build a website before being a
-literate program, and one of its objective is to be /part of this very website
-it is used to generate/. To acheive this, *~cleopatra~* has been written as a
-collection of org files which can be either “tangled” using
-[[][Babel]] or “exported” as a HTML
-document. Tangling here refers to extracted marked code blocks into files.
-The page you are currently reading is *~cleopatra~* entry point. Its primilarly
-purpose is to introduce two Makefiles: ~Makefile~ and
-#+TOC: headlines 2
-<div id="history">site/posts/</div>
-~Makefile~ serves two purposes: it initiates a few global variables, and it
-provides a rule to generate At this point, some readers may
-wonder /why/ we need ~Makefile~ in this context, and the motivation behind this
-choice is really reminescent of a boot sequence. The rationale is that we need a
-“starting point” for *~cleopatra~*. The toolchain cannot live solely inside
-org-files, otherwise there would not have any code to execute the first time we
-tried to generate the website. We need an initial Makefile, one that has little
-chance to change, so that we can almost consider it read-only. Contrary to the
-other Makefiles that we will generate, this one will not be deleted by ~make
-This is similar to your computer: it requires a firmware to boot, whose purpose
-—in a nutshell— is to find and load an operating system.
-Modifying the content of ~Makefile~ in this document /will/ modify
-~Makefile~. This means one can easily put *~cleopatra~* into an inconsistent
-state, which would prevent further generation. This is why the generated
-~Makefile~ should be versioned, so that you can restore it using ~git~ if you
-made a mistake when you modified it.
-For readers interested in using *~cleopatra~* for their own websites, this
-documents tries to highlight the potential modifications they would have to
-* Global Constants and Variables
-First, ~Makefile~ defines several global “constants” (although as far as I know
-~make~ does not support true constant values, it is expected further generation
-process will not modify them).
-In a nutshell,
-- ~ROOT~ ::
- Tell Emacs where the root of your website sources is, so that tangled output
- filenames can be given relative to it rather than the org files. So for
- instance, the ~BLOCK_SRC~ tangle parameter for ~Makefile~ looks like ~:tangle
- Makefile~, instead of ~:tangle ../../Makefile~.
-- ~CLEODIR~ ::
- Tell *~cleopatra~* where its sources live. If you place it inside the ~site/~
- directory (as it is intended), and you enable the use of ~org~ files to author
- your contents, then *~cleopatra~* documents will be part of your website. If
- you don’t want that, just move the directory outside the ~site/~ directory,
- and update the ~CLEODIR~ variable accordingly.
-For this website, these constants are defined as follows.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :noweb no-export
-ROOT := $(shell pwd)
-CLEODIR := site/cleopatra
-We then introduce two variables to list the output of the generation processes,
-with two purposes in mind: keeping the ~.gitignore~ up-to-date automatically,
-and providing rules to remove them.
- Short-term artifacts which can be removed frequently without too much
- hassle. They will be removed by ~make clean~.
- Long-term artifacts whose generation can be time consuming. They will only be
- removed by ~make cleanall~.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-ARTIFACTS := build.log
-Generation processes shall declare new build outputs using the ~+=~ assignement
-operators. Using another operator will likely provent an underisable result.
-* Easy Tangling of Org Documents
-*~cleopatra~* is a literate program implemented with Org mode, an Emacs major
-editing mode. We provide the necessary bits to easily tangle Org documents.
-The configuration of Babel is done using an emacs lisp script called
-~tangle-org.el~ whose status is similar to ~Makefile~. It is part of the
-bootstrap process, and therefore lives “outside” of *~cleopatra~* (it is not
-deleted with ~make clean~ for instance). However, it is overwritten. If you try
-to modify it and find that *~cleopatra~* does not work properly, you should
-restore it using ~git~.
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(require 'org)
-(cd (getenv "ROOT"))
-(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
-(setq org-src-preserve-indentation t)
-(add-to-list 'org-babel-default-header-args
- '(:mkdirp . "yes"))
- 'org-babel-load-languages
- '((shell . t)))
-We define variables that ensure that the ~ROOT~ environment variable is set and
-~tangle-org.el~ is loaded when using Emacs.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-EMACSBIN := emacs
-TANGLE := --batch \
- --load="${ROOT}/scripts/tangle-org.el" \
- 2>> build.log
-Finally, we introduce a
-recipe]] to seamlessly tangle a given file.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-define emacs-tangle =
-echo " tangle $<"
-${EMACS} $< ${TANGLE}
-* Bootstrapping
-The core purpose of ~Makefile~ remains to bootstrap the chain of generation
-processes. This chain is divided into three stages: ~prebuild~, ~build~, and
-This translates as follows in ~Makefile~.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-default : postbuild ignore
-init :
- @rm -f build.log
-prebuild : init
-build : prebuild
-postbuild : build
-.PHONY : init prebuild build postbuild ignore
-A *generation process* in *~cleopatra~* is a Makefile which provides rules for
-these three stages, along with the utilities used by these rules. More
-precisely, a generation process ~proc~ is defined in The rules of for each stage are expected to be prefixed by ~proc-~, /e.g./,
-~proc-prebuild~ for the ~prebuild~ stage.
-Eventually, the following dependencies are expected between within the chain of
-generation processes.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-prebuild : proc-prebuild
-build : proc-build
-postbuild : proc-postbuild
-proc-build : proc-prebuild
-proc-postbuild : proc build
-Because *~cleopatra~* is a literate program, generation processes are defined in
-Org documents –which may contains additional utilities like scripts or
-templates—, and therefore need to be tangled prior to be effectively
-useful. *~cleopatra~ relies on a particular behavior of ~make~ regarding the
-~include~ directive. If there exists a rule to generate a Makefile used as an
-operand of ~include~, ~make~ will use this rule to update (if necessary) said
-Makefile before actually including it.
-Therefore, rules of the following form achieve our ambition of extensibility.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :noweb yes
-<<extends(PROC="${PROC}", IN="${IN}", AUX="${AUX}")>>
-- ~${IN}~ is the Org document which contains the generation process code
-- ~${PROC}~ is the name of the generation process
-- ~${AUX}~ lists the utilities of the generation process tangled from ~${IN}~
- with ~${PROC}.mk~
-We use ~&:~ is used in place of ~:~ to separate the target from its dependencies
-in the “tangle rule.” This tells ~make~ that the recipe of this rule generates
-all these files.
-Writing these rules manually —has yours truly had to do in the early days of his
-website— has proven to be error-prone.
-One desirable feature for *~cleopatra~* would be to generate them automatically,
-by looking for relevant ~:tangle~ directives inside the input Org document. The
-challenge lies in the “relevant” part: the risk exists that we have false
-posivite. However and as a first steps towards a fully automated solution, we
-can leverage the evaluation features of Babel here.
-Here is a bash script which, given the proper variables, would generate the
-expected Makefile rule.
-#+NAME: extends
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash :var PROC="" :var AUX="" :var IN="" :results output
-cat <<EOF
-include ${PROC}.mk
-prebuild : ${PROC}-prebuild
-build : ${PROC}-build
-postbuild : ${PROC}-postbuild
-${PROC}-prebuild : ${PROC}.mk ${AUX}
-${PROC}-build : ${PROC}-prebuild
-${PROC}-postbuild : ${PROC}-build
-${PROC}.mk ${AUX} &:\\
- \${CLEODIR}/${IN}
- @\$(emacs-tangle)
-.PHONY : ${PROC}-prebuild \\
- ${PROC}-build \\
- ${PROC}-postbuild
-The previous source block is given a name (=extends=), and an explicit lists of
-variables (~IN~, ~PROC~, and ~AUX~). Thanks to the
-[[][noweb syntax of
-Babel]], we can insert the result of the evaluation of =extends= inside another
-source block when the latter is tangled.
-We derive the rule to tangle using =extends=, which gives us the
-following Makefile snippet.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :noweb yes
-<<extends(IN="", PROC="bootstrap", AUX="scripts/")>>
-Beware that, as a consequence, modifying code block of =extends= is as
-“dangerous” as modifying ~Makefile~ itself. Keep that in mind if you start
-hacking *~cleopatra~*!
-Additional customizations of *~cleopatra~* will be parth, rather
-than ~Makefile~.
-* Generation Processes
-Using the =extends= noweb reference, *~cleopatra~* is easily extensible. In
-this section, we first detail the structure of a typical generation process.
-Then, we construct by enumerating the generation processes that
-are currently used to generate the website you are reading.
-Each generation process shall
-1. Define ~proc-prebuild~, ~proc-build~, and ~proc-postbuild~
-2. Declare dependencies between stages of generation processes
-3. Declare build outputs (see ~ARTIFACTS~ and ~CONFIGURE~)
-* Wrapping-up
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash :shebang "#+/bin/bash"
-BEGIN_MARKER="# begin generated files"
-END_MARKER="# begin generated files"
-# remove the previous list of generated files to ignore
-sed -i -e "/${BEGIN_MARKER}/,/${END_MARKER}/d" .gitignore
-# remove trailing empty lines
-sed -i -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' .gitignore
-# output the list of files to ignore
-echo "" >> .gitignore
-echo ${BEGIN_MARKER} >> .gitignore
-for f in $@; do
- echo "${f}" >> .gitignore
-echo ${END_MARKER} >> .gitignore
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-ignore :
- @echo " update gitignore"
- @scripts/ \
-clean :
- @rm -rf ${ARTIFACTS}
-cleanall : clean
- @rm -rf ${CONFIGURE}
-# Local Variables:
-# org-src-preserve-indentation: t
-# End:
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b40db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+tags: ['coq']
+published: 2020-03-20
+modified: 2020-12-08
+abstract: |
+ Clight is a “simplified” C AST used by CompCert, the certified C compiler.
+ In this write-up, we prove a straighforward functional property of a small
+ C function, as an exercise to discover the Clight semantics.
+# A Study of Clight and its Semantics
+CompCert is a certified C compiler which comes with a proof of semantics
+preservation. What this means is the following: the semantics of the C code you
+write is preserved by CompCert compilation passes up to the generated machine
+I had been interested in CompCert for quite some times, and ultimately
+challenged myself to study Clight and its semantics. This write-up is the
+result of this challenge, written as I was progressing.
+## Installing CompCert
+CompCert has been added to `opam`, and as a consequence can be very easily
+used as a library for other Coq developments. A typical use case is for a
+project to produce Clight (the high-level AST of CompCert), and to benefit
+from CompCert proofs after that.
+Installing CompCert is as easy as
+opam install coq-compcert
+More precisely, this article uses `coq-compcert.3.8`.
+Once `opam` terminates, the `compcert` namespace becomes available. In
+addition, several binaries are now available if you have correctly set your
+`$PATH`{.bash} environment variable. For instance, `clightgen` takes a C file
+as an argument, and generates a Coq file which contains the Clight generated by
+## Problem Statement
+Our goal for this first write-up is to prove that the C function
+int add (int x, int y) {
+ return x + y;
+returns the expected result, that is `x + y`{.c}. The `clightgen` tool
+generates (among other things) the following AST[^read].
+[^read]: It has been modified in order to improve its readability.
+From compcert Require Import Clight Ctypes Clightdefs AST
+ Coqlib Cop.
+Definition _x : ident := 1%positive.
+Definition _y : ident := 2%positive.
+Definition f_add : function :=
+ {| fn_return := tint
+ ; fn_callconv := cc_default
+ ; fn_params := [(_x, tint); (_y, tint)]
+ ; fn_vars := []
+ ; fn_temps := []
+ ; fn_body := Sreturn
+ (Some (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint))
+ |}.
+The fields of the `function`{.coq} type are pretty self-explanatory (as it is
+often the case in CompCert’s ASTs as far as I can tell for now).
+Identifiers in Clight are (`positive`{.coq}) indices. The `fn_body` field is of
+type `statement`{.coq}, with the particular constructor `Sreturn`{.coq} whose argument
+is of type `option expr`{.coq}, and `statement`{.coq} and `expr`{.coq} look like the two main
+types to study. The predicates `step1`{.coq} and `step2`{.coq} allow for reasoning
+about the execution of a `function`{.coq}, step-by-step (hence the name). It
+appears that `clightgen` generates Clight terms using the function call
+convention encoded by `step2`{.coq}. To reason about a complete execution, it
+appears that we can use `star`{.coq} (from the `Smallstep`{.coq} module) which is
+basically a trace of `step`{.coq}. These semantics are defined as predicates (that
+is, they live in `Prop`{.coq}). They allow for reasoning about
+state transformation, where a state is either
+- A function call, with a given list of arguments and a continuation
+- A function return, with a result and a continuation
+- A `statement`{.coq} execution within a `function`{.coq}
+We import several CompCert modules to manipulate *values* (in our case,
+bounded integers).
+From compcert Require Import Values Integers.
+Import Int.
+Putting everything together, the lemma we want to prove about `f_add`{.coq} is
+the following.
+Lemma f_add_spec (env : genv)
+ (t : Events.trace)
+ (m m' : Memory.Mem.mem)
+ (v : val) (x y z : int)
+ (trace : step2 env
+ (Callstate (Ctypes.Internal f_add)
+ [Vint x; Vint y]
+ Kstop
+ m)
+ t
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m'))
+ : z = add x y.
+## Proof Walkthrough
+We introduce a custom `inversion`{.coq} tactic which does some clean-up in
+addition to just perform the inversion.
+Ltac smart_inv H :=
+ inversion H; subst; cbn in *; clear H.
+We can now try to prove our lemma.
+We first destruct `trace`{.coq}, and we rename the generated hypothesis in order
+to improve the readability of these notes.
+ smart_inv trace.
+ rename H into Hstep.
+ rename H0 into Hstar.
+This generates two hypotheses.
+Hstep : step1
+ env
+ (Callstate (Ctypes.Internal f_add)
+ [Vint x; Vint y]
+ Kstop
+ m)
+ t1
+ s2
+Hstar :
+ step2
+ env
+ s2
+ t2
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
+In other words, to “go” from a `Callstate`{.coq} of `f_add`{.coq} to a
+`Returnstate`{.coq}, there is a first step from a `Callstate`{.coq} to a state
+`s2`{.coq}, then a succession of steps to go from `s2`{.coq} to a
+We consider the single `step`{.coq}, in order to determine the actual value of
+`s2`{.coq} (among other things). To do that, we use `smart_inv`{.coq} on
+`Hstep`{.coq}, and again perform some renaming.
+ smart_inv Hstep.
+ rename le into tmp_env.
+ rename e into c_env.
+ rename H5 into f_entry.
+This produces two effects. First, a new hypothesis is added to the context.
+f_entry : function_entry1
+ env
+ f_add
+ [Vint x; Vint y]
+ m
+ c_env
+ tmp_env
+ m1
+Then, the `Hstar`{.coq} hypothesis has been updated, because we now have a more
+precise value of `s2`{.coq}. More precisely, `s2`{.coq} has become
+ f_add
+ (Sreturn
+ (Some (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint)))
+ Kstop
+ c_env
+ tmp_env
+ m1
+Using the same approach as before, we can uncover the next step.
+ smart_inv Hstar.
+ rename H into Hstep.
+ rename H0 into Hstar.
+The resulting hypotheses are
+Hstep : step2 env
+ (State
+ f_add
+ (Sreturn
+ (Some
+ (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint)))
+ Kstop c_env tmp_env m1) t1 s2
+Hstar :
+ step2
+ env
+ s2
+ t0
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
+An inversion of `Hstep`{.coq} can be used to learn more about its resulting
+state… So let’s do just that.
+ smart_inv Hstep.
+ rename H7 into ev.
+ rename v0 into res.
+ rename H8 into res_equ.
+ rename H9 into mem_equ.
+The generated hypotheses have become
+res : val
+ev : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1
+ (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint)
+ res
+res_equ : sem_cast res tint tint m1 = Some v'
+mem_equ : Memory.Mem.free_list m1
+ (blocks_of_env env c_env)
+ = Some m'0
+Our understanding of these hypotheses is the following
+- The expression `_x + _y`{.coq} is evaluated using the `c_env`{.coq}
+ environment (and we know thanks to `binding`{.coq} the value of `_x`{.coq}
+ and `_y`{.coq}), and its result is stored in `res`{.coq}
+- `res`{.coq} is cast into a `tint`{.coq} value, and acts as the result of
+ `f_add`{.coq}
+The `Hstar`{.coq} hypothesis is now interesting
+Hstar :
+ step2 env
+ (Returnstate v' Kstop m'0) t0
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
+It is clear that we are at the end of the execution of `f_add`{.coq} (even if
+Coq generates two subgoals, the second one is not relevant and easy to
+ smart_inv Hstar; [| smart_inv H ].
+We are making good progress here, and we can focus our attention on the `ev`{.coq}
+hypothesis, which concerns the evaluation of the `_x + _y`{.coq} expression. We can
+simplify it a bit further.
+ smart_inv ev; [| smart_inv H].
+ rename H4 into fetch_x.
+ rename H5 into fetch_y.
+ rename H6 into add_op.
+In a short-term, the hypotheses `fetch_x`{.coq} and `fetch_y`{.coq} are the
+most important.
+fetch_x : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1 (Etempvar _x tint) v1
+fetch_y : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1 (Etempvar _y tint) v2
+The current challenge we face is to prove that we know their value. At this
+point, we can have a look at `f_entry`{.coq}. This is starting to look
+familiar: `smart_inv`{.coq}, then renaming, etc.
+ smart_inv f_entry.
+ clear H.
+ clear H0.
+ clear H1.
+ smart_inv H3; subst.
+ rename H2 into allocs.
+We are almost done. Let’s simplify as much as possible `fetch_x`{.coq} and
+`fetch_y`{.coq}. Each time, the `smart_inv`{.coq} tactic generates two subgoals,
+but only the first one is relevant. The second one is not, and can be
+ smart_inv fetch_x; [| inversion H].
+ smart_inv H2.
+ smart_inv fetch_y; [| inversion H].
+ smart_inv H2.
+We now know the values of the operands of `add`{.coq}. The two relevant
+hypotheses that we need to consider next are `add_op`{.coq} and
+`res_equ`{.coq}. They are easy to read.
+add_op : sem_binarith
+ (fun (_ : signedness) (n1 n2 :
+ => Some (Vint (add n1 n2)))
+ (fun (_ : signedness) (n1 n2 : int64)
+ => Some (Vlong (Int64.add n1 n2)))
+ (fun n1 n2 : Floats.float
+ => Some (Vfloat (Floats.Float.add n1 n2)))
+ (fun n1 n2 : Floats.float32
+ => Some (Vsingle (Floats.Float32.add n1 n2)))
+ v1 tint v2 tint m1 = Some res
+- `add_op`{.coq} is the addition of `Vint x`{.coq} and `Vint y`{.coq}, and its
+ result is `res`{.coq}.
+ ```
+ res_equ : sem_cast res tint tint m1 = Some (Vint z)
+ ```
+- `res_equ`{.coq} is the equation which says that the result of `f_add`{.coq} is `res`{.coq},
+ after it has been cast as a `tint`{.coq} value.
+We can simplify `add_op`{.coq} and `res_equ`{.coq}, and this allows us to
+ smart_inv add_op.
+ smart_inv res_equ.
+ reflexivity.
+## Conclusion
+The definitions of Clight are straightforward, and the [CompCert
+documentation]( is very pleasant to
+read. Understanding Clight and its semantics can be very interesting if you
+are working on a language that you want to translate into machine code.
+However, proving some functional properties of a given C snippet using only CompCert
+can quickly become cumbersome. From this perspective, the
+[VST]( project is very interesting,
+as its main purpose is to provide tools to reason about Clight programs more
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-(** #<nav><p class="series">../coq.html</p>
- <p class="series-prev">./RewritingInCoq.html</p>
- <p class="series-next">./AlgebraicDatatypes.html</p></nav># *)
-(** * A Study of Clight and its Semantics *)
-(* begin hide *)
-From Coq Require Import List.
-Import ListNotations.
-(* end hide *)
-(** CompCert is a certified C compiler which comes with a proof of semantics
- preservation. What this means is the following: the semantics of the C code
- you write is preserved by CompCert compilation passes up to the generated
- machine code.
- I had been interested in CompCert for quite some times, and ultimately
- challenged myself to study Clight and its semantics. This write-up is the
- result of this challenge, written as I was progressing.
- #<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>#
- #<div id="history">site/posts/ClightIntroduction.v</div># *)
-(** ** Installing CompCert *)
-(** CompCert has been added to <<opam>>, and as a consequence can be very easily
- used as a library for other Coq developments. A typical use case is for a
- project to produce Clight (the high-level AST of CompCert), and to benefit
- from CompCert proofs after that.
- Installing CompCert is as easy as
-opam install coq-compcert
- More precisely, this article uses #<code>coq-compcert.3.8</code>#.
- Once <<opam>> terminates, the <<compcert>> namespace becomes available. In
- addition, several binaries are now available if you have correctly set your
- <<PATH>> environment variable. For instance, <<clightgen>> takes a C file as
- an argument, and generates a Coq file which contains the Clight generated by
- CompCert. *)
-(** ** Problem Statement *)
-(** Our goal for this first write-up is to prove that the C function
-int add (int x, int y) {
- return x + y;
- returns the expected result, that is <<x + y>>. The <<clightgen>> tool
- generates (among other things) the following AST (note: I have modified it
- in order to improve its readability). *)
-From compcert Require Import Clight Ctypes Clightdefs AST
- Coqlib Cop.
-Definition _x : ident := 1%positive.
-Definition _y : ident := 2%positive.
-Definition f_add : function :=
- {| fn_return := tint
- ; fn_callconv := cc_default
- ; fn_params := [(_x, tint); (_y, tint)]
- ; fn_vars := []
- ; fn_temps := []
- ; fn_body := Sreturn
- (Some (Ebinop Oadd
- (Etempvar _x tint)
- (Etempvar _y tint)
- tint))
- |}.
-(** The fields of the [function] type are pretty self-explanatory (as it is
- often the case in CompCert’s ASTs as far as I can tell for now).
- Identifiers in Clight are ([positive]) indices. The [fn_body] field is of
- type [statement], with the particular constructor [Sreturn] whose argument
- is of type [option expr], and [statement] and [expr] look like the two main
- types to study. The predicates [step1] and [step2] allow for reasoning
- about the execution of a [function], step by step (hence the name). It
- appears that <<clightgen>> generates Clight terms using the function call
- convention encoded by [step2]. To reason about a complete execution, it
- appears that we can use [star] (from the [Smallstep] module) which is
- basically a trace of [step]. These semantics are defined as predicates (that
- is, they live in [Prop]). They allow for reasoning about
- state-transformation, where a state is either
- - A function call, with a given list of arguments and a continuation
- - A function return, with a result and a continuation
- - A [statement] execution within a [function]
- We import several CompCert modules to manipulate _values_ (in our case,
- bounded integers). *)
-From compcert Require Import Values Integers.
-Import Int.
-(** Putting everything together, the lemma we want to prove about [f_add] is
- the following. *)
-Lemma f_add_spec (env : genv)
- (t : Events.trace)
- (m m' : Memory.Mem.mem)
- (v : val) (x y z : int)
- (trace : step2 env
- (Callstate (Ctypes.Internal f_add)
- [Vint x; Vint y]
- Kstop
- m)
- t
- (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m'))
- : z = add x y.
-(** ** Proof Walkthrough *)
-(** We introduce a custom [inversion] tactic which does some clean-up in
- addition to just perform the inversion. *)
-Ltac smart_inv H :=
- inversion H; subst; cbn in *; clear H.
-(** We can now try to prove our lemma. *)
-(** We first destruct [trace], and we rename the generated hypothesis in order
- to improve the readability of these notes. *)
- smart_inv trace.
- rename H into Hstep.
- rename H0 into Hstar.
-(** This generates two hypotheses.
-Hstep : step1
- env
- (Callstate (Ctypes.Internal f_add)
- [Vint x; Vint y]
- Kstop
- m)
- t1
- s2
-Hstar :
- step2
- env
- s2
- t2
- (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
- In other words, to “go” from a [Callstate] of [f_add] to a [Returnstate],
- there is a first step from a [Callstate] to a state [s2], then a succession
- of steps to go from [s2] to a [Returnstate].
- We consider the single [step], in order to determine the actual value of
- [s2] (among other things). To do that, we use [smart_inv] on [Hstep], and
- again perform some renaming. *)
- smart_inv Hstep.
- rename le into tmp_env.
- rename e into c_env.
- rename H5 into f_entry.
-(** This produces two effects. First, a new hypothesis is added to the context.
-f_entry : function_entry1
- env
- f_add
- [Vint x; Vint y]
- m
- c_env
- tmp_env
- m1
- Then, the [Hstar] hypothesis has been updated, because we now have a more
- precise value of [s2]. More precisely, [s2] has become
- f_add
- (Sreturn
- (Some (Ebinop Oadd
- (Etempvar _x tint)
- (Etempvar _y tint)
- tint)))
- Kstop
- c_env
- tmp_env
- m1
- Using the same approach as before, we can uncover the next step. *)
- smart_inv Hstar.
- rename H into Hstep.
- rename H0 into Hstar.
-(** The resulting hypotheses are
-Hstep : step2 env
- (State
- f_add
- (Sreturn
- (Some
- (Ebinop Oadd
- (Etempvar _x tint)
- (Etempvar _y tint)
- tint)))
- Kstop c_env tmp_env m1) t1 s2
-Hstar :
- step2
- env
- s2
- t0
- (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
- An inversion of [Hstep] can be used to learn more about its resulting
- state… So let’s do just that. *)
- smart_inv Hstep.
- rename H7 into ev.
- rename v0 into res.
- rename H8 into res_equ.
- rename H9 into mem_equ.
-(** The generated hypotheses have become
-res : val
-ev : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1
- (Ebinop Oadd
- (Etempvar _x tint)
- (Etempvar _y tint)
- tint)
- res
-res_equ : sem_cast res tint tint m1 = Some v'
-mem_equ : Memory.Mem.free_list m1
- (blocks_of_env env c_env)
- = Some m'0
- Our understanding of these hypotheses is the following
- - The expression [_x + _y] is evaluated using the [c_env] environment (and
- we know thanks to [binding] the value of [_x] and [_y]), and its result
- is stored in [res]
- - [res] is cast into a [tint] value, and acts as the result of [f_add]
- The [Hstar] hypothesis is now interesting
-Hstar :
- step2 env
- (Returnstate v' Kstop m'0) t0
- (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
- It is clear that we are at the end of the execution of [f_add] (even if Coq
- generates two subgoals, the second one is not relevant and easy to
- discard). *)
- smart_inv Hstar; [| smart_inv H ].
-(** We are making good progress here, and we can focus our attention on the [ev]
- hypothesis, which concerns the evaluation of the [_x + _y] expression. We
- can simplify it a bit further. *)
- smart_inv ev; [| smart_inv H].
- rename H4 into fetch_x.
- rename H5 into fetch_y.
- rename H6 into add_op.
-(** In a short-term, the hypotheses [fetch_x] and [fetch_y] are the most
- important.
-fetch_x : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1 (Etempvar _x tint) v1
-fetch_y : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1 (Etempvar _y tint) v2
- The current challenge we face is to prove that we know their value. At this
- point, we can have a look at [f_entry]. This is starting to look familiar:
- [smart_inv], then renaming, etc. *)
- smart_inv f_entry.
- clear H.
- clear H0.
- clear H1.
- smart_inv H3; subst.
- rename H2 into allocs.
-(** We are almost done. Let’s simplify as much as possible [fetch_x] and
- [fetch_y]. Each time, the [smart_inv] tactic generates two suboals, but only
- the first one is relevant. The second one is not, and can be discarded. *)
- smart_inv fetch_x; [| inversion H].
- smart_inv H2.
- smart_inv fetch_y; [| inversion H].
- smart_inv H2.
-(** We now know the values of the operands of [add]. The two relevant hypotheses
- that we need to consider next are [add_op] and [res_equ]. They are easy to
- read.
-add_op : sem_binarith
- (fun (_ : signedness) (n1 n2 :
- => Some (Vint (add n1 n2)))
- (fun (_ : signedness) (n1 n2 : int64)
- => Some (Vlong (Int64.add n1 n2)))
- (fun n1 n2 : Floats.float
- => Some (Vfloat (Floats.Float.add n1 n2)))
- (fun n1 n2 : Floats.float32
- => Some (Vsingle (Floats.Float32.add n1 n2)))
- v1 tint v2 tint m1 = Some res
- - [add_op] is the addition of [Vint x] and [Vint y], and its result is
- [res].
-res_equ : sem_cast res tint tint m1 = Some (Vint z)
- - [res_equ] is the equation which says that the result of [f_add] is
- [res], after it has been cast as a [tint] value.
- We can simplify [add_op] and [res_equ], and this allows us to
- conclude. *)
- smart_inv add_op.
- smart_inv res_equ.
- reflexivity.
-(** ** Conclusion *)
-(** The definitions of Clight are easy to understand, and the #<a
- href="">#CompCert
- documentation#</a># is very pleasant to read. Understanding
- Clight and its semantics can be very interesting if you are
- working on a language that you want to translate into machine
- code. However, proving functional properties of a given C snippet
- using only CompCert can quickly become cumbersome. From this
- perspective, the #<a
- href="">#VST#</a>#
- project is very interesting, as its main purpose is to provide
- tools to reason about Clight programs more easily. *)
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+published: 2020-02-15
+tags: ['releases']
+abstract: |
+ Introducing a new macro, more friendly with themes gallery like Peach
+ Melpa.
+# Release of `colorless-themes-0.2`
+[I have tagged and released a new version of
+The motivation behind modifying the version number is an important breaking
+change regarding how the `colorless-themes-make`{.lisp} macro shall be used.
+Before `0.2`, the macro was calling `deftheme`{.lisp} and
+`provide-theme`{.lisp} itself. In practices, it meant the actual themes were
+not using these two functions themselves. It was working great in isolation,
+but it turns out many tools such as `use-package`{.lisp} or [Peach
+Melpa]( (an auto-generated Emacs themes gallery) are
+relying on the presence of these functions to decide whether a file provides a
+theme or not. As of now, `nordless-theme` and `lavenderless-theme` have been
+updated accordingly, and [they appear on Peach
+Their loading can also be deferred using the `:defer`{.lisp} keyword of the
+`use-package`{.lisp} macro.
+if you happen to be a user of `colorless-themes`, feel free to shoot an email!
+I would love to hear about your experience using a mostly colorless theme.
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+published: 2020-12-10
+modified: 2023-04-29
+tags: ['coq', 'ocaml', 'coqffi']
+abstract: |
+ For each entry of a cmi file, coqffi tries to generate an equivalent (from
+ the extraction mechanism perspective) Coq definition. In this article, we
+ walk through how coqffi works.
+# `coqffi.1.0.0` In A Nutshell
+For each entry of a `cmi` file (a *compiled* `mli` file), `coqffi`
+tries to generate an equivalent (from the extraction mechanism
+perspective) Coq definition. In this article, we walk through how
+`coqffi` works.
+Note that we do not dive into the vernacular commands `coqffi`
+generates. They are of no concern for users of `coqffi`.
+## Getting Started
+### Requirements
+The latest version of `coqffi` (`1.0.0~beta8`)
+is compatible with OCaml `4.08` up to `4.14`, and Coq `8.12` up top
+`8.13`. If you want to use `coqffi`, but have incompatible
+requirements of your own, feel free to
+[submit an issue](
+### Installing `coqffi`
+The recommended way to install `coqffi` is through the
+[Opam Coq Archive](, in the `released`
+repository. If you haven’t activated this repository yet, you can use the
+following bash command.
+opam repo add coq-released
+Then, installing `coqffi` is as simple as
+opam install coq-coqffi
+You can also get the source from [the upstream `git`
+repository]( The `README` provides the
+necessary pieces of information to build it from source.
+### Additional Dependencies
+One major difference between Coq and OCaml is that the former is pure,
+while the latter is not. Impurity can be modeled in pure languages,
+and Coq does not lack of frameworks in this respect. `coqffi` currently
+supports two of them:
+[`coq-simple-io`]( and
+[FreeSpec]( It is also possible to use it
+with [Interaction Trees](, albeit
+in a less direct manner.
+### Primitive Types
+`coqffi` supports a set of primitive types, *i.e.*, a set of OCaml
+types for which it knows an equivalent type in Coq. The list is the
+following (the Coq types are fully qualified in the table, but not in
+the generated Coq module as the necessary `Import` statements are
+generated too).
+| OCaml type | Coq type |
+| ----------------- | ----------------------------- |
+| `bool`{.ocaml} | `Coq.Init.Datatypes.bool` |
+| `char`{.ocaml} | `Coq.Strings.Ascii.ascii` |
+| `int`{.ocaml} | `CoqFFI.Data.Int.i63` |
+| `'a list`{.ocaml} | `Coq.Init.Datatypes.list a` |
+| `'a Seq.t`{.ocaml} | `CoqFFI.Data.Seq.t` |
+| `'a option`{.ocaml} | `Coq.Init.Datatypes.option a` |
+| `('a, 'e) result`{.ocaml} | `Coq.Init.Datatypes.sum` |
+| `string`{.ocaml} | `Coq.Strings.String.string` |
+| `unit`{.ocaml} | `Coq.Init.Datatypes.unit` |
+| `exn`{.ocaml} | `CoqFFI.Exn` |
+The `i63`{.coq} type is introduced by the `CoqFFI`{.coq} theory to provide
+signed primitive integers to Coq users. They are implemented on top of the
+(unsigned) Coq native integers introduced in Coq `8.13`. The `i63` type will be
+deprecated once the support for [signed primitive
+integers]( is implemented[^compat].
+[^compat]: This is actually one of the sources of incompatibility of `coqffi`
+ with most recent versions of Coq.
+When processing the entries of a given interface model, `coqffi` will
+check that they only use these types, or types introduced by the
+interface module itself.
+Sometimes, you may encounter a situation where you have two interface
+modules `b.mli` and `b.mli`, such that `b.mli` uses a type introduced
+in `a.mli`. To deal with this scenario, you can use the `--witness`
+flag to generate `A.v`. This will tell `coqffi` to also generate
+`A.ffi`; this file can then be used when generating `B.v` thanks to
+the `-I` option. Furthermore, for `B.v` to compile the `--require`
+option needs to be used to ensure the `A` Coq library (`A.v`) is
+To give a more concrete example, given ~a.mli~
+type t
+and `b.mli`
+type a = A.t
+To generate `A.v`, we can use the following commands:
+ocamlc a.mli
+coqffi --witness -o A.v a.cmi
+Which would generate the following axiom for `t`.
+Axiom t : Type.
+Then, generating `B.v` can be achieved as follows:
+ocamlc b.mli
+coqffi -I A.ffi -ftransparent-types -r A -o B.v b.cmi
+which results in the following output for `v`:
+Require A.
+Definition u : Type := A.t.
+## Code Generation
+`coqffi` distinguishes five types of entries: types, pure values,
+impure primitives, asynchronous primitives, exceptions, and
+modules. We now discuss how each one of them is handled.
+### Types
+By default, `coqffi` generates axiomatized definitions for each type defined in
+a `.cmi` file. This means that `type t`{.ocaml} becomes `Axiom t : Type`{.coq}.
+Polymorphism is supported, *i.e.*, `type 'a t`{.ocaml} becomes `Axiom t :
+forall (a : Type), Type`{.coq}.
+It is possible to provide a “model” for a type using the `coq_model`
+annotation, for instance, for reasoning purposes. That is, we can specify
+that a type is equivalent to a `list`.
+type 'a t [@@coq_model "list"]
+This generates the following Coq definition.
+Definition t : forall (a : Type), Type := list.
+It is important to be careful when using the =coq_model= annotation. More
+precisely, the fact that `t` is a `list` in the “Coq universe” shall not be
+used while the implementation phase, only the verification phase.
+Unnamed polymorphic type parameters are also supported. In presence of
+such parameters, `coqffi` will find it a name that is not already
+used. For instance,
+type (_, 'a) ast
+Axiom ast : forall (b : Type) (a : Type), Type.
+Finally, `coqffi` has got an experimental feature called `transparent-types`
+(enabled by using the `-ftransparent-types` command-line argument). If the type
+definition is given in the module interface, then `coqffi` tries to generate
+an equivalent definition in Coq. For instance,
+type 'a llist =
+ | LCons of 'a * (unit -> 'a llist)
+ | LNil
+Inductive llist (a : Type) : Type :=
+| LCons (x0 : a) (x1 : unit -> llist a) : llist a
+| LNil : llist a.
+Mutually recursive types are supported, so
+type even = Zero | ESucc of odd
+and odd = OSucc of even
+Inductive odd : Type :=
+| OSucc (x0 : even) : odd
+with even : Type :=
+| Zero : even
+| ESucc (x0 : odd) : even.
+Besides, `coqffi` supports alias types, as suggested in this write-up
+when we discuss witness files.
+The `transparent-types` feature is **experimental**, and is currently
+limited to variant types. It notably does not support records. Besides, it may
+generate incorrect Coq types, because it does not check whether or not the
+is satisfied.
+### Pure values
+`coqffi` decides whether or not a given OCaml value is pure or impure
+with the following heuristics:
+- Constants are pure
+- Functions are impure by default
+- Functions with a `coq_model` annotation are pure
+- Functions marked with the `pure` annotation are pure
+- If the `pure-module` feature is enabled (`-fpure-module`), then synchronous
+ functions (which do not live inside the
+ [~Lwt~]( monad) are pure
+Similarly to types, `coqffi` generates axioms (or definitions if the
+`coq_model` annotation is used) for pure values. Then,
+val unpack : string -> (char * string) option [@@pure]
+Axiom unpack : string -> option (ascii * string).
+Polymorphic values are supported.
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list [@@pure]
+Axiom map : forall (a : Type) (b : Type), (a -> b) -> list a -> list b.
+Again, unnamed polymorphic typse are supported, so
+val ast_to_string : _ ast -> string [@@pure]
+Axiom ast_to_string : forall (a : Type), string.
+### Impure Primitives
+`coqffi` reserves a special treatment for /impure/ OCaml functions.
+Impurity is usually handled in pure programming languages by means of
+monads, and `coqffi` is no exception to the rule.
+Given the set of impure primitives declared in an interface module,
+`coqffi` will (1) generate a typeclass which gathers these primitives,
+and (2) generate instances of this typeclass for supported backends.
+We illustrate the rest of this section with the following impure
+val echo : string -> unit
+val scan : unit -> string
+where `echo` allows writing something the standard output, and `scan`
+to read the standard input.
+Assuming the processed module interface is named `console.mli`, the
+following Coq typeclass is generated.
+Class MonadConsole (m : Type -> Type) := { echo : string -> m unit
+ ; scan : unit -> m string
+ }.
+Using this typeclass and with the additional support of an additional
+`Monad` typeclass, we can specify impure computations which interacts
+with the console. For instance, with the support of `ExtLib`, one can
+Definition pipe `{Monad m, MonadConsole m} : m unit :=
+ let* msg := scan () in
+ echo msg.
+There is no canonical way to model impurity in Coq, but over the years
+several frameworks have been released to tackle this challenge.
+`coqffi` provides three features related to impure primitives.
+#### `simple-io`
+When this feature is enabled, `coqffi` generates an instance of the
+typeclass for the =IO= monad introduced in the `coq-simple-io` package
+Axiom io_echo : string -> IO unit.
+Axiom io_scan : unit -> IO string.
+Instance IO_MonadConsole : MonadConsole IO := { echo := io_echo
+ ; scan := io_scan
+ }.
+It is enabled by default, but can be disabled using the
+`-fno-simple-io` command-line argument.
+#### `interface`
+When this feature is enabled, `coqffi` generates an inductive type which
+describes the set of primitives available, to be used with frameworks like
+[FreeSpec]( or [Interactions
+Inductive CONSOLE : Type -> Type :=
+| Echo : string -> CONSOLE unit
+| Scan : unit -> CONSOLE string.
+Definition inj_echo `{Inject CONSOLE m} (x0 : string) : m unit :=
+ inject (Echo x0).
+Definition inj_scan `{Inject CONSOLE m} (x0 : unit) : m string :=
+ inject (Scan x0).
+Instance Inject_MonadConsole `{Inject CONSOLE m} : MonadConsole m :=
+ { echo := inj_echo
+ ; scan := inj_scan
+ }.
+Providing an instance of the form `forall i, Inject i M`{.coq} is enough for
+your monad `M` to be compatible with this feature[^example].
+[^example]: See for instance [how FreeSpec implements
+ it](
+#### `freespec`
+When this feature in enabled, `coqffi` generates a semantics for the
+inductive type generated by the `interface` feature.
+Axiom unsafe_echo : string -> unit.
+Axiom unsafe_scan : uint -> string.
+Definition console_unsafe_semantics : semantics CONSOLE :=
+ bootstrap (fun a e =>
+ local match e in CONSOLE a return a with
+ | Echo x0 => unsafe_echo x0
+ | Scan x0 => unsafe_scan x0
+ end).
+### Asynchronous Primitives
+`coqffi` also reserves a special treatment for *asynchronous*
+primitives —*i.e.*, functions which live inside the `Lwt` monad— when
+the `lwt` feature is enabled.
+The treatment is very analogous to the one for impure primitives: (1)
+a typeclass is generated (with the `_Async` suffix), and (2) an
+instance for the `Lwt` monad is generated. Besides, an instance for
+the “synchronous” primitives is also generated for `Lwt`. If the
+`interface` feature is enabled, an interface datatype is generated,
+which means you can potentially use Coq to reason about your
+asynchronous programs (using FreeSpec and alike, although the
+interleaving of asynchronous programs in not yet supported in
+By default, the type of the `Lwt` monad is `Lwt.t`. You can override
+this setting using the `--lwt-alias` option. This can be useful when
+you are using an alias type in place of `Lwt.t`.
+### Exceptions
+OCaml features an exception mechanism. Developers can define their
+own exceptions using the `exception` keyword, whose syntax is similar
+to the constructors’ definition. For instance,
+exception Foo of int * bool
+introduces a new exception `Foo` which takes two parameters of type `int`{.ocaml} and
+`bool`{.ocaml}. `Foo (x, y)` constructs of value of type `exn`{.ocaml}.
+For each new exception introduced in an OCaml module, `coqffi`
+generates (1) a so-called “proxy type,” and (2) conversion functions
+to and from this type.
+Coming back to our example, the “proxy type” generates by `coqffi` is
+Inductive FooExn : Type :=
+| MakeFooExn (x0 : i63) (x1 : bool) : FooExn.
+Then, `coqffi` generates conversion functions.
+Axiom exn_of_foo : FooExn -> exn.
+Axiom foo_of_exn : exn -> option FooExn.
+Besides, `coqffi` also generates an instance for the `Exn` typeclass
+provided by the `CoqFFI` theory:
+Instance FooExn_Exn : Exn FooExn :=
+ { to_exn := exn_of_foo
+ ; of_exn := foo_of_exn
+ }.
+Under the hood, `exn`{.ocaml} is an
+and how `coqffi` supports it will probably be generalized in future releases.
+Finally, `coqffi` has a minimal support for functions which may raise
+exceptions. Since OCaml type system does not allow to identify such
+functions, they need to be annotated explicitly, using the
+=may_raise= annotation. In such a case, `coqffi` will change the
+return type of the function to use the =sum= Coq inductive type.
+For instance,
+val from_option : 'a option -> 'a [@@may_raise] [@@pure]
+Axiom from_option : forall (a : Type), option a -> sum a exn.
+### Modules
+Lastly, `coqffi` supports OCaml modules described within `mli` files,
+when they are specified as `module T : sig ... end`{.ocaml}. For instance,
+module T : sig
+ type t
+ val to_string : t -> string [@@pure]
+Module T.
+ Axiom t : Type.
+ Axiom to_string : t -> string.
+End T.
+As of now, the following construction is unfortunately *not*
+supported, and will be ignored by `coqffi`:
+module S = sig
+ type t
+ val to_string : t -> string [@@pure]
+module T : S
+## Moving Forward
+`coqffi` comes with a comprehensive man page. In addition, the
+interested reader can proceed to the next article of this series,
+which explains how [`coqffi` can be used to easily implement an echo
+server in Coq](/posts/CoqffiEcho.html).
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-#+TITLE: A series on ~coqffi~
-#+SERIES: ../coq.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: AlgebraicDatatypes.html
-~coqffi~ generates Coq FFI modules from compiled OCaml interface
-modules (~.cmi~). In practice, it greatly reduces the hassle to mix
-OCaml and Coq modules within the same codebase, especially when used
-together with the ~dune~ build system.
-- [[./][~coqffi~ in a Nutshell]] ::
- For each entry of a ~cmi~ file, ~coqffi~ tries to generate an
- equivalent (from the extraction mechanism perspective) Coq
- definition. In this article, we walk through how ~coqffi~ works.
-- [[./][Implementing an Echo Server in Coq with ~coqffi~]] ::
- In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how ~coqffi~ can be used to
- implement an echo server, /i.e./, a TCP server which sends back
- any input it receives from its clients.
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+published: 2020-12-10
+modified: 2021-08-20
+tags: ['coq', 'ocaml', 'coqffi']
+abstract: |
+ In this article, we will demonstrate how `coqffi` can be used to implement
+ an echo server, *i.e.*, a TCP server which sends back any input it receives
+ from its clients.
+# Implementing an Echo Server in Coq with `coqffi.1.0.0`
+In this article, we will demonstrate how `coqffi` can be used to
+implement an echo server, *i.e.*, a TCP server which sends back any
+input it receives from its clients. In addition to `coqffi`, you will need to
+install `coq-simple-io`. The latter is available in the [`released` repository
+of the Opam Coq Archive](
+opam install coq-coqffi coq-simple-io
+Besides, you can download [the source tree presented in this
+article](/files/coqffi-tutorial.tar.gz) if you want to try to read the source
+directly, or modify it to your taste.
+## Project Layout
+Before diving too much into the implementation of our echo server, we
+first give an overview of the resulting project’s layout. Since we aim
+at implementing a program, we draw our inspiration from the idiomatic
+way of organizing a OCaml project.
+We have three directories at the root of the project.
+- **`ffi/` contains the low-level OCaml code:**
+ It provides an OCaml library (`ffi`), and a Coq theory (`FFI`{.coq}) which
+ gathers the FFI modules generated by `coqffi`.
+- **`src/` contains the Coq implementation of our echo server:** It provides a
+ Coq theory (`Echo`{.coq}) which depends on the `FFI`{.coq} theory the
+ `SimpleIO`{.coq} theory of `coq-simple~io`. This theory provides the
+ implementation of our echo server in Coq.
+- **`bin/` contains the pieces of code to get an executable program:** It
+ contains a Coq module (`echo.v`) which configures and uses the extraction
+ mechanism to generate an OCaml module (``). This OCaml module can be
+ compiled to get an executable program.
+Note that we could have decided to only have one Coq theory. We could
+also have added a fourth directory (`theories/`) for formal
+verification specific code, but this is out of the scope of this
+Overall, we use `dune` to compile and compose the different parts of
+the echo server. `dune` has a native —yet unstable at the time of
+writing— support for building Coq projects, with very convenient
+stanzas like `coq.theory` and `coq.extraction`.
+The following graph summarizes the dependencies between each component
+(plain arrows symbolize software dependencies).
+#[The echo server dependency graph. Dashed boxes are generated.](/img/echo-deps.svg [The echo server dependy graph])
+We enable Coq-related stanza with `(using coq 0.2)`{.lisp} in the
+`dune-project`{.dune}. file.
+(lang dune 2.7)
+(using coq 0.2)
+The rest of this tutorial proceeds by diving into each directory.
+## FFI Bindings
+Our objective is to implement an echo server, *i.e.*, a server which
+(1) accepts incoming connections, and (2) sends back any incoming
+messages. We will consider two classes of effects. One is related to
+creating and manipulating TCP sockets. The other is dedicated to
+process management, more precisely to be able to fork when receiving
+incoming connections.
+Therefore, the `ffi` library will provide two modules. Likewise, the
+`FFI`{.coq} theory will provide two analogous modules generated by `coqffi`.
+In the `ffi/` directory, we add the following stanza to the `dune` file.
+ (name ffi)
+ (libraries unix))
+`dune` will look for any `.ml` and `.mli` files within the directory and will
+consider they belong to the `ffi` library. We use the
+[`unix`]( library
+to implement the features we are looking for.
+Then, we add the following stanza to the `dune` file of the `ffi/`
+ (name FFI))
+This tells `dune` to look for `.v` file within the `ffi/` directory,
+in order to build them with Coq. A nice feature of `dune` is that if we
+automatically generate Coq files, they will be automatically “attached” to this
+### Sockets
+Sockets are boring. The following OCaml module interface provides the
+necessary type and functions to manipulate them.
+type socket_descr
+val open_socket : string -> int -> socket_descr
+val listen : socket_descr -> unit
+val recv : socket_descr -> string
+val send : socket_descr -> string -> int
+val accept_connection : socket_descr -> socket_descr
+val close_socket : socket_descr -> unit
+Our focus is how to write the interface modules for `coqffi`. Since the object
+of this tutorial is not the implementation of an echo server in itself, the
+implementation details of the `ffi` library will not be discussed, but is
+provided at the end of this article.
+`dune` generates `.cmi` files for the `.mli` files of our library, and
+provides the necessary bits to easily locate them. Besides, the
+`action` stanza can be used here to tell to `dune` how to generate the
+module `Socket.v` from `file.cmi`. We add the following entry to
+ (target Socket.v)
+ (action (run coqffi %{cmi:socket} -o %{target})))
+We call `coqffi` without any feature-related command-line argument,
+which means only the `simple-io` feature is enabled. As a consequence,
+the `socket_descr` type is axiomatized in Coq, and in addition to a
+`MonadSocket` monad, `coqffi` will generate an instance for this monad
+for the `IO` monad of `coq-simple-io`.
+The stanza generates the following Coq module.
+(* This file has been generated by coqffi. *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Unset Strict Implicit.
+Set Contextual Implicit.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Close Scope nat_scope.
+From CoqFFI Require Export Extraction.
+From SimpleIO Require Import IO_Monad.
+Axiom socket_descr : Type.
+Extract Constant socket_descr => "Ffi.Socket.socket_descr".
+(** * Impure Primitives *)
+(** ** Monad Definition *)
+Class MonadSocket (m : Type -> Type) : Type :=
+ { open_socket : string -> i63 -> m socket_descr
+ ; listen : socket_descr -> m unit
+ ; recv : socket_descr -> m string
+ ; send : socket_descr -> string -> m i63
+ ; accept_connection : socket_descr -> m socket_descr
+ ; close_socket : socket_descr -> m unit
+ }.
+(** ** [IO] Instance *)
+Axiom io_open_socket : string -> i63 -> IO socket_descr.
+Axiom io_listen : socket_descr -> IO unit.
+Axiom io_recv : socket_descr -> IO string.
+Axiom io_send : socket_descr -> string -> IO i63.
+Axiom io_accept_connection : socket_descr -> IO socket_descr.
+Axiom io_close_socket : socket_descr -> IO unit.
+Extract Constant io_open_socket
+ => "(fun x1 x2 k__ -> k__ ((Ffi.Socket.open_socket x1 x2)))".
+Extract Constant io_listen => "(fun x1 k__ -> k__ ((Ffi.Socket.listen x1)))".
+Extract Constant io_recv => "(fun x1 k__ -> k__ ((Ffi.Socket.recv x1)))".
+Extract Constant io_send
+ => "(fun x1 x2 k__ -> k__ ((Ffi.Socket.send x1 x2)))".
+Extract Constant io_accept_connection
+ => "(fun x1 k__ -> k__ ((Ffi.Socket.accept_connection x1)))".
+Extract Constant io_close_socket
+ => "(fun x1 k__ -> k__ ((Ffi.Socket.close_socket x1)))".
+Instance IO_MonadSocket : MonadSocket IO :=
+ { open_socket := io_open_socket
+ ; listen := io_listen
+ ; recv := io_recv
+ ; send := io_send
+ ; accept_connection := io_accept_connection
+ ; close_socket := io_close_socket
+ }.
+(* The generated file ends here. *)
+### Process Management
+In order to avoid a client to block the server by connecting to it
+without sending anything, we can fork a new process for each client.
+type identity = Parent of int | Child
+val fork : unit -> identity
+This time, the `proc.mli` module interface introduces a transparent
+type, /i.e./, it also provides its definition. This is a good use case
+for the `transparent-types` feature of `coqffi`. In the stanza for
+generating `Proc.v`, we enable it with the `-ftransparent-types`
+command-line argument, like this.
+ (target Proc.v)
+ (action (run coqffi -ftransparent-types %{cmi:proc} -o %{target})))
+which generates the following Coq module.
+(* This file has been generated by coqffi. *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Unset Strict Implicit.
+Set Contextual Implicit.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Close Scope nat_scope.
+From CoqFFI Require Export Extraction.
+From SimpleIO Require Import IO_Monad.
+Inductive identity : Type :=
+| Parent (x0 : i63) : identity
+| Child : identity.
+Extract Inductive identity => "Ffi.Proc.identity"
+ [ "Ffi.Proc.Parent" "Ffi.Proc.Child" ].
+(** * Impure Primitives *)
+(** ** Monad Definition *)
+Class MonadProc (m : Type -> Type) : Type := { fork : unit -> m identity
+ }.
+(** ** [IO] Instance *)
+Axiom io_fork : unit -> IO identity.
+Extract Constant io_fork => "(fun x1 k__ -> k__ ((Ffi.Proc.fork x1)))".
+Instance IO_MonadProc : MonadProc IO := { fork := io_fork
+ }.
+(* The generated file ends here. *)
+We now have everything we need to implement an echo server in Coq.
+## Implementing an Echo Server
+Our implementation will be part of a dedicated Coq theory, called `Echo`{.coq}.
+This is done easily a `dune`{.coq} file in the `src/` directory, with the
+following content.
+ (name Echo)
+ (theories FFI))
+In the rest of this section, we will discuss the content of the unique
+module of this theory. Hopefully, readers familiar with programming
+impurity by means of monads will not find anything particularly
+surprising here.
+Let us start with the inevitable sequence of import commands. We use
+the `Monad`{.coq} and `MonadFix`{.coq} typeclasses of `ExtLib`{.coq}, and our
+FFI modules from the `FFI`{.coq} theory we have previously defined.
+From ExtLib Require Import Monad MonadFix.
+From FFI Require Import Proc Socket.
+Letting Coq guess the type of unintroduced variables using the `` ` ``
+annotation (*e.g.*, in presence of`` `{Monad m}``{.coq}, Coq understands `m`
+is of type `Type -> Type`) is always nice, so we enable it.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+We enable the monad notation provided by `ExtLib`. In this article, we
+prefer the `let*` notation (as recently introduced by OCaml) over the
+`<-` notation of Haskell, but both are available.
+Import MonadLetNotation.
+Open Scope monad_scope.
+Then, we define a notation to be able to define local, monadic
+recursive functions using the `mfix` combinator of the `MonadFix`
+Notation "'let_rec*' f x ':`' p 'in' q" :`
+ (let f :` mfix (fun f x `> p) in q)
+ (at level 61, x pattern, f name, q at next level, right associativity).
+Note that `mfix` does /not/ check whether or not the defined function
+will terminate (contrary to the `fix` keyword of Coq). This is
+fortunate because in our case, we do not want our echo server to
+converge, but rather to accept an infinite number of connections.
+We can demonstrate how this notation can be leveraged by defining a
+generic TCP server, parameterized by a handler to deal with incoming
+Definition tcp_srv `{Monad m, MonadFix m, MonadProc m, MonadSocket m}
+ (handler : socket_descr -> m unit)
+ : m unit :=
+ let* srv := open_socket "" 8888 in
+ listen srv;;
+ let_rec* tcp_aux _ :=
+ let* client := accept_connection srv in
+ let* res := fork tt in
+ match res with
+ | Parent _ => close_socket client >>= tcp_aux
+ | Child => handler client
+ end
+ in
+ tcp_aux tt.
+The handler for the echo server is straightforward: it just reads
+incoming bytes from the socket, sends it back, and closes the socket.
+Definition echo_handler `{Monad m, MonadSocket m} (sock : socket_descr)
+ : m unit :=
+ let* msg := recv sock in
+ send sock msg;;
+ close_socket sock.
+Composing our generic TCP server with our echo handler gives us an
+echo server.
+Definition echo_server `{Monad m, MonadFix m, MonadProc m, MonadSocket m}
+ : m unit :=
+ tcp_srv echo_handler.
+Because `coqffi` has generated typeclasses for the impure primitives
+of `proc.mli` and `socket.mli`, `echo_server` is polymorphic, and can
+be instantiated for different monads. When it comes to extracting our
+program, we will generally prefer the `IO` monad of `coq-simple-io`.
+But we could also imagine verifying the client handler with FreeSpec,
+or the generic TCP server with Interaction Trees (which support
+diverging computations). Overall, we can have different verification
+strategies for different parts of our program, by leveraging the most
+relevant framework for each part, yet being able to extract it in an
+efficient form.
+The next section shows how this last part is achieved using, once
+again, a convenient stanza of dune.
+## Extracting and Building an Executable
+The `0.2` version of the Coq-related stanzas of `dune` provides the
+`coq.extraction` stanza, which can be used to build a Coq module
+expected to generate `ml` files.
+In our case, we will write `bin/echo.v` to extract the `echo_server`
+in a `` module, and uses the `executable` stanza of `dune` to
+get an executable from this file. To achieve this, the `bin/dune`
+file simply requires these two stanzas.
+ (prelude echo)
+ (theories Echo)
+ (extracted_modules echo))
+ (name echo)
+ (libraries ffi))
+We are almost done. We now need to write the `echo.v` module, which
+mostly consists of (1) providing a `MonadFix` instance for the `IO`
+monad, (2) using the `IO.unsafe_run` function to escape the `IO`
+monad, (3) calling the `Extraction`{.coq} command to wrap it up.
+From Coq Require Extraction.
+From ExtLib Require Import MonadFix.
+From SimpleIO Require Import SimpleIO.
+From Echo Require Import Server.
+Instance MonadFix_IO : MonadFix IO :=
+ { mfix := @IO.fix_io }.
+Definition main : io_unit :=
+ IO.unsafe_run echo_server.
+Extraction "" main.
+Since we are using the `i63`{.coq} type (signed 63bits integers) of the
+`CoqFFI` theory, and since `i63`{.coq} is implemented under the hood with Coq
+primitive integers, we *also* need to provide a `Uint63`{.ocaml} module with a
+`of_int`{.ocaml} function. Fortunately, this module is straightforward to
+let of_int x = x
+And *voilà*. A call to `dune` at the root of the repository will
+build everything (Coq and OCaml alike). Starting the echo server
+is as simple as
+dune exec bin/echo.exe
+And connecting to it can be achieved with a program like `telnet`.
+$ telnet 8888
+Connected to
+Escape character is '^]'.
+hello, echo server!
+hello, echo server!
+Connection closed by foreign host.
+## Appendix
+### The `Socket` OCaml Module
+There is not much to say, except that (as already stated) we use the
+`Unix`{.ocaml} module to manipulate sockets, and we attach to each socket a
+buffer to store incoming bytes.
+let buffer_size = 1024
+type socket_descr = {
+ fd : Unix.file_descr;
+ recv_buffer : bytes;
+let from_fd fd =
+ let rbuff = Bytes.create buffer_size in
+ { fd ` fd; recv_buffer ` rbuff }
+let open_socket hostname port =
+ let open Unix in
+ let addr = inet_addr_of_string hostname in
+ let fd = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
+ setsockopt fd SO_REUSEADDR true;
+ bind fd (ADDR_INET (addr, port));
+ from_fd fd
+let listen sock = Unix.listen sock.fd 1
+let recv sock =
+ let s = sock.fd sock.recv_buffer 0 buffer_size in
+ Bytes.sub_string sock.recv_buffer 0 s
+let send sock msg =
+ Unix.write_substring sock.fd msg 0 (String.length msg)
+let accept_connection sock =
+ Unix.accept sock.fd |> fst |> from_fd
+let close_socket sock = Unix.close sock.fd
+### The `Proc` OCaml Module
+Thanks to the `Unix` module, the implementation is pretty straightforward.
+type identity = Parent of int | Child
+let fork x =
+ match Unix.fork x with
+ | 0 -> Child
+ | x -> Parent x
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8d48c48..0000000
--- a/site/posts/
+++ /dev/null
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-#+TITLE: Implementing an Echo Server in Coq with ~coqffi~
-#+SERIES: ./Coqffi.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./CoqffiIntro.html
-#+NAME: coqffi_output
-#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :exports none :var mod=""
-cat ${ROOT}/lp/coqffi-tutorial/_build/default/ffi/${mod}
-In this article, we will demonstrate how ~coqffi~ can be used to
-implement an echo server, /i.e./, a TCP server which sends back any
-input it receives from its clients. In addition to ~coqffi~, you will
-need to install ~coq-simple-io~. The latter is available in the
-~released~ repository of the Opam Coq Archive.
-opam install coq-coqffi coq-simple-io
-Besides, this article is a literate program, and you can download
-[[/files/coqffi-tutorial.tar.gz][the resulting source tree]] if you
-want to try to read the source directly, or modify it to your taste.
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/posts/</div>
-* Project Layout
-Before diving too much into the implementation of our echo server, we
-first give an overview of the resulting project’s layout. Since we aim
-at implementing a program, we draw our inspiration from the idiomatic
-way of organizing a OCaml project.
-#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :exports results
-cd ${ROOT}/lp/coqffi-tutorial/
-tree --noreport -I "_build"
-We have three directories at the root of the project.
-- ~ffi/~ contains the low-level OCaml code ::
- It provides an OCaml library (~ffi~), and a Coq theory (~FFI~) which
- gathers the FFI modules generated by ~coqffi~.
-- ~src/~ contains the Coq implementation of our echo server ::
- It provides a Coq theory (~Echo~) which depends on the ~FFI~ theory
- the ~SimpleIO~ theory of ~coq-simple~io~. This theory provides the
- implementation of our echo server in Coq.
-- ~bin/~ contains the pieces of code to get an executable program ::
- It contains a Coq module (~echo.v~) which configures and uses the
- extraction mechanism to generate an OCaml module ( This
- OCaml module can be compiled to get an executable program.
-Note that we could have decided to only have one Coq theory. We could
-also have added a fourth directory (~theories/~) for formal
-verification specific code, but this is out of the scope of this
-Overall, we use ~dune~ to compile and compose the different parts of
-the echo server. ~dune~ has a native —yet unstable at the time of
-writing— support for building Coq projects, with very convenient
-stanzas like =coq.theory= and =coq.extraction=.
-The following graph summarizes the dependencies between each component
-(plain arrows symbolize software dependencies).
-#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file deps.svg :exports results
-digraph dependencies {
- graph [nodesep="0.4"];
- rankdir="LR";
- node [shape=box];
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- FFI [label="Socket.v" style="dashed"];
- ffi [label="socket.mli"];
- }
- subgraph {
- Echo [label="Echo.v"];
- }
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- echo_v [label="main.v"];
- echo_ml [label="" style="dashed"];
- }
- ffi -> FFI [style="dashed" label="coqffi "];
- echo_ml -> echo_v [dir=back style="dashed" label="coqc "];
- FFI -> Echo -> echo_v;
- ffi -> echo_ml;
-We enable Coq-related stanza with ~(using coq 0.2)~ in the
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle coqffi-tutorial/dune-project
-(lang dune 2.7)
-(using coq 0.2)
-The rest of this tutorial proceeds by diving into each directory.
-* FFI Bindings
-Our objective is to implement an echo server, /i.e./, a server which
-(1) accepts incoming connections, and (2) sends back any incoming
-messages. We will consider two classes of effects. One is related to
-creating and manipulating TCP sockets. The other is dedicated to
-process management, more precisely to be able to fork when receiving
-incoming connections.
-Therefore, the ~ffi~ library will provide two modules. Likewise, the
-~FFI~ theory will provide two analogous modules generated by ~coqffi~.
-In the ~ffi/~ directory, we add the following stanza to the ~dune~
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/dune
- (name ffi)
- (libraries unix))
-~dune~ will look for any and ~.mli~ files within the directory
-and will consider they belong to the ~ffi~ library. We use the
-library to implement the features we are looking for.
-Then, we add the following stanza to the ~dune~ file of the ~ffi/~
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/dune
- (name FFI))
-This tells ~dune~ to look for ~.v~ file within the ~ffi/~ directory,
-in order to build them with Coq. A nice feature of ~dune~ is that if
-we automatically generate Coq files, they will be automatically
-“attached” to this theory.
-** Sockets
-Sockets are boring. The following OCaml module interface provides the
-necessary type and functions to manipulate them.
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/socket.mli
-type socket_descr
-val open_socket : string -> int -> socket_descr
-val listen : socket_descr -> unit
-val recv : socket_descr -> string
-val send : socket_descr -> string -> int
-val accept_connection : socket_descr -> socket_descr
-val close_socket : socket_descr -> unit
-Our focus is how to write the interface modules for ~coqffi~. Since
-the object of this tutorial is not the implementation of an echo
-server in itself, the implementation details of the ~ffi~ library will
-not be discussed.
-#+HTML: <summary>Implementation for <code>socket.mli</code></summary>
-There is not much to say, except that (as already stated) we use the
-~Unix~ module to manipulate sockets, and we attach to each socket a
-buffer to store incoming bytes.
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/
-let buffer_size = 1024
-type socket_descr = {
- fd : Unix.file_descr;
- recv_buffer : bytes;
-let from_fd fd =
- let rbuff = Bytes.create buffer_size in
- { fd = fd; recv_buffer = rbuff }
-let open_socket hostname port =
- let open Unix in
- let addr = inet_addr_of_string hostname in
- let fd = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
- setsockopt fd SO_REUSEADDR true;
- bind fd (ADDR_INET (addr, port));
- from_fd fd
-let listen sock = Unix.listen sock.fd 1
-let recv sock =
- let s = sock.fd sock.recv_buffer 0 buffer_size in
- Bytes.sub_string sock.recv_buffer 0 s
-let send sock msg =
- Unix.write_substring sock.fd msg 0 (String.length msg)
-let accept_connection sock =
- Unix.accept sock.fd |> fst |> from_fd
-let close_socket sock = Unix.close sock.fd
-~dune~ generates ~.cmi~ files for the ~.mli~ files of our library, and
-provides the necessary bits to easily locate them. Besides, the
-=action= stanza can be used here to tell to ~dune~ how to generate the
-module ~Socket.v~ from ~file.cmi~. We add the following entry to
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/dune
- (target Socket.v)
- (action (run coqffi %{cmi:socket} -o %{target})))
-We call ~coqffi~ without any feature-related command-line argument,
-which means only the ~simple-io~ feature is enabled. As a consequence,
-the ~socket_descr~ type is axiomatized in Coq, and in addition to a
-=MonadSocket= monad, ~coqffi~ will generate an instance for this monad
-for the =IO= monad of ~coq-simple-io~.
-Interested readers can have a look at the generated Coq module below.
-#+HTML: <summary><code>Socket.v</code> as generated by <code>coqffi</code></summary>
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :noweb yes
-** Process Management
-In order to avoid a client to block the server by connecting to it
-without sending anything, we can fork a new process for each client.
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/proc.mli
-type identity = Parent of int | Child
-val fork : unit -> identity
-#+HTML: <summary>Implementation for <code>proc.mli</code></summary>
-Again, thanks to the ~Unix~ module, the implementation is pretty
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/
-type identity = Parent of int | Child
-let fork x =
- match Unix.fork x with
- | 0 -> Child
- | x -> Parent x
-This time, the ~proc.mli~ module interface introduces a transparent
-type, /i.e./, it also provides its definition. This is a good use case
-for the ~transparent-types~ feature of ~coqffi~. In the stanza for
-generating ~Proc.v~, we enable it with the ~-ftransparent-types~
-command-line argument, like this.
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle coqffi-tutorial/ffi/dune
- (target Proc.v)
- (action (run coqffi -ftransparent-types %{cmi:proc} -o %{target})))
-#+HTML: <summary><code>Proc.v</code> as generated by <code>coqffi</code></summary>
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :noweb yes
-We now have everything we need to implement an echo server in Coq.
-* Implementing an Echo Server
-Our implementation will be part of a dedicated Coq theory, called
-~Echo~. This is done easily a ~dune~ file in the ~src/~ directory,
-with the following content.
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/dune
- (name Echo)
- (theories FFI))
-In the rest of this section, we will discuss the content of the unique
-module of this theory. Hopefully, readers familiar with programming
-impurity by means of monads will not find anything particularly
-surprising here.
-Let us start with the inevitable sequence of import commands. We use
-the =Monad= and =MonadFix= typeclasses of =ExtLib=, and our FFI
-modules from the =FFI= theory we have previously defined.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/Server.v
-From ExtLib Require Import Monad MonadFix.
-From FFI Require Import Proc Socket.
-Letting Coq guess the type of unintroduced variables using the ~`~
-annotation (/e.g./, in presence of ~`{Monad m}~, Coq understands ~m~
-is of type ~Type -> Type~) is always nice, so we enable it.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/Server.v
-Generalizable All Variables.
-We enable the monad notation provided by =ExtLib=. In this article, we
-prefer the ~let*~ notation (as recently introduced by OCaml) over the
-~<-~ notation of Haskell, but both are available.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/Server.v
-Import MonadLetNotation.
-Open Scope monad_scope.
-Then, we define a notation to be able to define local, monadic
-recursive functions using the =mfix= combinator of the =MonadFix=
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/Server.v
-Notation "'let_rec*' f x ':=' p 'in' q" :=
- (let f := mfix (fun f x => p) in q)
- (at level 61, x pattern, f name, q at next level, right associativity).
-Note that ~mfix~ does /not/ check whether or not the defined function
-will terminate (contrary to the ~fix~ keyword of Coq). This is
-fortunate because in our case, we do not want our echo server to
-converge, but rather to accept an infinite number of connections.
-We can demonstrate how this notation can be leveraged by defining a
-generic TCP server, parameterized by a handler to deal with incoming
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/Server.v
-Definition tcp_srv `{Monad m, MonadFix m, MonadProc m, MonadSocket m}
- (handler : socket_descr -> m unit)
- : m unit :=
- let* srv := open_socket "" 8888 in
- listen srv;;
- let_rec* tcp_aux _ :=
- let* client := accept_connection srv in
- let* res := fork tt in
- match res with
- | Parent _ => close_socket client >>= tcp_aux
- | Child => handler client
- end
- in
- tcp_aux tt.
-The handler for the echo server is straightforward: it just reads
-incoming bytes from the socket, sends it back, and closes the socket.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/Server.v
-Definition echo_handler `{Monad m, MonadSocket m} (sock : socket_descr)
- : m unit :=
- let* msg := recv sock in
- send sock msg;;
- close_socket sock.
-Composing our generic TCP server with our echo handler gives us an
-echo server.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/src/Server.v
-Definition echo_server `{Monad m, MonadFix m, MonadProc m, MonadSocket m}
- : m unit :=
- tcp_srv echo_handler.
-Because ~coqffi~ has generated typeclasses for the impure primitives
-of ~proc.mli~ and ~socket.mli~, =echo_server= is polymorphic, and can
-be instantiated for different monads. When it comes to extracting our
-program, we will generally prefer the =IO= monad of ~coq-simple-io~.
-But we could also imagine verifying the client handler with FreeSpec,
-or the generic TCP server with Interaction Trees (which support
-diverging computations). Overall, we can have different verification
-strategies for different parts of our program, by leveraging the most
-relevant framework for each part, yet being able to extract it in an
-efficient form.
-The next section shows how this last part is achieved using, once
-again, a convenient stanza of dune.
-* Extracting and Building an Executable
-The ~0.2~ version of the Coq-related stanzas of ~dune~ provides the
-~coq.extraction~ stanza, which can be used to build a Coq module
-expected to generate ~ml~ files.
-In our case, we will write ~bin/echo.v~ to extract the ~echo_server~
-in a module, and uses the =executable= stanza of ~dune~ to
-get an executable from this file. To achieve this, the ~bin/dune~
-file simply requires these two stanzas.
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle coqffi-tutorial/bin/dune
- (prelude echo)
- (theories Echo)
- (extracted_modules echo))
- (name echo)
- (libraries ffi))
-We are almost done. We now need to write the ~echo.v~ module, which
-mostly consists of (1) providing a =MonadFix= instance for the =IO=
-monad, (2) using the =IO.unsafe_run= function to escape the =IO=
-monad, (3) calling the src_coq[:exports code]{Extraction} command to
-wrap it up.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq :tangle coqffi-tutorial/bin/echo.v
-From Coq Require Extraction.
-From ExtLib Require Import MonadFix.
-From SimpleIO Require Import SimpleIO.
-From Echo Require Import Server.
-Instance MonadFix_IO : MonadFix IO :=
- { mfix := @IO.fix_io }.
-Definition main : io_unit :=
- IO.unsafe_run echo_server.
-Extraction "" main.
-Since we are using the =i63= type (signed 63bits integers) of the
-~CoqFFI~ theory, and since =i63= is implemented under the hood with
-Coq primitive integers, we /also/ need to provide a =Uint63= module
-with a =of_int= function. Fortunately, this module is straightforward
-to write.
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :tangle coqffi-tutorial/bin/
-let of_int x = x
-And /voilà/. A call to ~dune~ at the root of the repository will
-build everything (Coq and OCaml alike). Starting the echo server
-is as simple as
-dune exec bin/echo.exe
-And connecting to it can be achieved with a program like =telnet=.
-#+BEGIN_SRC console
-$ telnet 8888
-Connected to
-Escape character is '^]'.
-hello, echo server!
-hello, echo server!
-Connection closed by foreign host.
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
deleted file mode 100644
index e85f4b4..0000000
--- a/site/posts/
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@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: ~coqffi~ in a Nutshell
-#+SERIES: ./Coqffi.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./CoqffiEcho.html
-For each entry of a ~cmi~ file (a /compiled/ ~mli~ file), ~coqffi~
-tries to generate an equivalent (from the extraction mechanism
-perspective) Coq definition. In this article, we walk through how
-~coqffi~ works.
-Note that we do not dive into the vernacular commands ~coqffi~
-generates. They are of no concern for users of ~coqffi~.
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/posts/</div>
-* Getting Started
-** Requirements
-The latest version of ~coqffi~ (~1.0.0~beta7~ at the time of writing)
-is compatible with OCaml ~4.08~ up to ~4.12~, and Coq ~8.12~ up top
-~8.13~. If you want to use ~coqffi~, but have incompatible
-requirements of your own, feel free to
-[[][submit an issue]].
-** Installing ~coqffi~
-The recommended way to install ~coqffi~ is through the
-[[][Opam Coq Archive]], in the ~released~
-repository. If you haven’t activated this repository yet, you can use
-the following bash command.
-opam repo add coq-released
-Then, installing ~coqffi~ is as simple as
-opam install coq-coqffi
-You can also get the source from
-[[][the upstream ~git~
-repository]]. The ~README~ provides the necessary pieces of
-information to build it from source.
-** Additional Dependencies
-One major difference between Coq and OCaml is that the former is pure,
-while the latter is not. Impurity can be modeled in pure languages,
-and Coq does not lack of frameworks in this respect. ~coqffi~
-currently supports two of them: [[][~coq-simple-io~]] and [[][FreeSpec]]. It is
-also possible to use it with [[][Interaction Trees]], albeit in a less
-direct manner.
-* Primitive Types
-~coqffi~ supports a set of primitive types, /i.e./, a set of OCaml
-types for which it knows an equivalent type in Coq. The list is the
-following (the Coq types are fully qualified in the table, but not in
-the generated Coq module as the necessary ~Import~ statement are
-generated too).
-| OCaml type | Coq type |
-| =bool= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.bool= |
-| =char= | =Coq.Strings.Ascii.ascii= |
-| =int= | =CoqFFI.Data.Int.i63= |
-| ='a list= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.list a= |
-| ='a Seq.t= | =CoqFFI.Data.Seq.t= |
-| ='a option= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.option a= |
-| =('a, 'e) result= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.sum= |
-| =string= | =Coq.Strings.String.string= |
-| =unit= | =Coq.Init.Datatypes.unit= |
-| =exn= | =CoqFFI.Exn= |
-The =i63= type is introduced by the =CoqFFI= theory to provide signed
-primitive integers to Coq users. They are implemented on top of the
-(sadly unsigned) Coq native integers introduced in Coq
-~8.10~. Hopefully, the =i63= type will be deprecated once [[][signed
-primitive integers find their way to Coq upstream]].
-When processing the entries of a given interface model, ~coqffi~ will
-check that they only use these types, or types introduced by the
-interface module itself.
-Sometimes, you may encounter a situation where you have two interface
-modules ~b.mli~ and ~b.mli~, such that ~b.mli~ uses a type introduced
-in ~a.mli~. To deal with this scenario, you can use the ~--witness~
-flag to generate ~A.v~. This will tell ~coqffi~ to also generate
-~A.ffi~; this file can then be used when generating ~B.v~ thanks to
-the ~-I~ option. Furthermore, for ~B.v~ to compile the ~--require~
-option needs to be used to ensure the ~A~ Coq library (~A.v~) is
-To give a more concrete example, given ~a.mli~
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-type t
-and ~b.mli~
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-type a = A.t
-To generate ~A.v~, we can use the following commands:
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-ocamlc a.mli
-coqffi --witness -o A.v a.cmi
-Which would generate the following axiom for =t=.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom t : Type.
-Then, generating ~B.v~ can be achieved as follows:
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-ocamlc b.mli
-coqffi -I A.ffi -ftransparent-types -r A -o B.v b.cmi
-which results in the following output for =v=:
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Require A.
-Definition u : Type := A.t.
-* Code Generation
-~coqffi~ distinguishes five types of entries: types, pure values,
-impure primitives, asynchronous primitives, exceptions, and
-modules. We now discuss how each one of them is handled.
-** Types
-By default, ~coqffi~ generates axiomatized definitions for each type
-defined in a ~.cmi~ file. This means that src_ocaml[:exports
-code]{type t} becomes src_coq[:exports code]{Axiom t : Type}.
-Polymorphism is supported, /i.e./, src_ocaml[:exports code]{type 'a t}
-becomes src_coq[:exports code]{Axiom t : forall (a : Type), Type}.
-It is possible to provide a “model” for a type using the =coq_model=
-annotation, for instance for reasoning purposes. For instance,
-we can specify that a type is equivalent to a =list=.
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-type 'a t [@@coq_model "list"]
-This generates the following Coq definition.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Definition t : forall (a : Type), Type := list.
-It is important to be careful when using the =coq_model= annotation.
-More precisely, the fact that =t= is a =list= in the “Coq universe”
-shall not be used while the implementation phase, only the
-verification phase.
-Unamed polymorphic type parameters are also supported. In presence of
-such parameters, ~coqffi~ will find it a name that is not already
-used. For instance,
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-type (_, 'a) ast
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-Axiom ast : forall (b : Type) (a : Type), Type.
-Finally, ~coqffi~ has got an experimental feature called
-~transparent-types~ (enabled by using the ~-ftransparent-types~
-command-line argument). If the type definition is given in the module
-interface, then ~coqffi~ tries to generates an equivalent definition
-in Coq. For instance,
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-type 'a llist =
- | LCons of 'a * (unit -> 'a llist)
- | LNil
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Inductive llist (a : Type) : Type :=
-| LCons (x0 : a) (x1 : unit -> llist a) : llist a
-| LNil : llist a.
-Mutually recursive types are supported, so
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-type even = Zero | ESucc of odd
-and odd = OSucc of even
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Inductive odd : Type :=
-| OSucc (x0 : even) : odd
-with even : Type :=
-| Zero : even
-| ESucc (x0 : odd) : even.
-Besides, ~coqffi~ supports alias types, as suggested in this write-up
-when we discuss witness files.
-The ~transparent-types~ feature is *experimental*, and is currently
-limited to variant types. It notably does not support
-records. Besides, it may generate incorrect Coq types, because it does
-not check whether or not the [[][positivity condition]] is
-** Pure values
-~coqffi~ decides whether or not a given OCaml values is pure or impure
-with the following heuristics:
-- Constants are pure
-- Functions are impure by default
-- Functions with a =coq_model= annotation are pure
-- Functions marked with the =pure= annotation are pure
-- If the ~pure-module~ feature is enabled (~-fpure-module~),
- then synchronous functions (which do not live inside the [[][~Lwt~]]
- monad) are pure
-Similarly to types, ~coqffi~ generates axioms (or definitions, if the
-~coq_model~ annotation is used) for pure values. Then,
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-val unpack : string -> (char * string) option [@@pure]
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom unpack : string -> option (ascii * string).
-Polymorphic values are supported.
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list [@@pure]
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom map : forall (a : Type) (b : Type), (a -> b) -> list a -> list b.
-Again, unamed polymorphic type are supported, so
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-val ast_to_string : _ ast -> string [@@pure]
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom ast_to_string : forall (a : Type), string.
-** Impure Primitives
-~coqffi~ reserves a special treatment for /impure/ OCaml functions.
-Impurity is usually handled in pure programming languages by means of
-monads, and ~coqffi~ is no exception to the rule.
-Given the set of impure primitives declared in an interface module,
-~coqffi~ will (1) generate a typeclass which gathers these primitives,
-and (2) generate instances of this typeclass for supported backends.
-We illustrate the rest of this section with the following impure
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-val echo : string -> unit
-val scan : unit -> string
-where =echo= allows writing something the standard output, and =scan=
-to read the standard input.
-Assuming the processed module interface is named ~console.mli~, the
-following Coq typeclass is generated.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Class MonadConsole (m : Type -> Type) := { echo : string -> m unit
- ; scan : unit -> m string
- }.
-Using this typeclass and with the additional support of an additional
-=Monad= typeclass, we can specify impure computations which interacts
-with the console. For instance, with the support of ~ExtLib~, one can
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Definition pipe `{Monad m, MonadConsole m} : m unit :=
- let* msg := scan () in
- echo msg.
-There is no canonical way to model impurity in Coq, but over the years
-several frameworks have been released to tackle this challenge.
-~coqffi~ provides three features related to impure primitives.
-*** ~simple-io~
-When this feature is enabled, ~coqffi~ generates an instance of the
-typeclass for the =IO= monad introduced in the ~coq-simple-io~ package
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom io_echo : string -> IO unit.
-Axiom io_scan : unit -> IO string.
-Instance IO_MonadConsole : MonadConsole IO := { echo := io_echo
- ; scan := io_scan
- }.
-It is enabled by default, but can be disabled using the
-~-fno-simple-io~ command-line argument.
-*** ~interface~
-When this feature is enabled, ~coqffi~ generates an inductive type
-which describes the set of primitives available, to be used with
-frameworks like [[][FreeSpec]] or
-[[][Interactions Trees]]
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Inductive CONSOLE : Type -> Type :=
-| Echo : string -> CONSOLE unit
-| Scan : unit -> CONSOLE string.
-Definition inj_echo `{Inject CONSOLE m} (x0 : string) : m unit :=
- inject (Echo x0).
-Definition inj_scan `{Inject CONSOLE m} (x0 : unit) : m string :=
- inject (Scan x0).
-Instance Inject_MonadConsole `{Inject CONSOLE m} : MonadConsole m :=
- { echo := inj_echo
- ; scan := inj_scan
- }.
-Providing an instance of the form src_coq[:exports code]{forall i,
-Inject i M} is enough for your monad =M= to be compatible with this
-feature (see for instance
-FreeSpec implements it]]).
-*** ~freespec~
-When this feature in enabled, ~coqffi~ generates a semantics for the
-inductive type generated by the ~interface~ feature.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom unsafe_echo : string -> unit.
-Axiom unsafe_scan : uint -> string.
-Definition console_unsafe_semantics : semantics CONSOLE :=
- bootstrap (fun a e =>
- local match e in CONSOLE a return a with
- | Echo x0 => unsafe_echo x0
- | Scan x0 => unsafe_scan x0
- end).
-** Asynchronous Primitives
-~coqffi~ also reserves a special treatment for /asynchronous/
-primitives —/i.e./, functions which live inside the ~Lwt~ monad— when
-the ~lwt~ feature is enabled.
-The treatment is very analoguous to the one for impure primitives: (1)
-a typeclass is generated (with the ~_Async~ suffix), and (2) an
-instance for the ~Lwt~ monad is generated. Besides, an instance for
-the “synchronous” primitives is also generated for ~Lwt~. If the
-~interface~ feature is enabled, an interface datatype is generated,
-which means you can potentially use Coq to reason about your
-asynchronous programs (using FreeSpec and alike, although the
-interleaving of asynchronous programs in not yet supported in
-By default, the type of the ~Lwt~ monad is ~Lwt.t~. You can override
-this setting using the ~--lwt-alias~ option. This can be useful when
-you are using an alias type in place of ~Lwt.t~.
-** Exceptions
-OCaml features an exception mechanism. Developers can define their
-own exceptions using the ~exception~ keyword, whose syntax is similar
-to constructors definition. For instance,
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-exception Foo of int * bool
-introduces a new exception =Foo= which takes two parameters of type
-=int= and =bool=. =Foo (x, y)= constructs of value of type =exn=.
-For each new exceptions introduced in an OCaml module, ~coqffi~
-generates (1) a so-called “proxy type,” and (2) conversion functions
-to and from this type.
-Coming back to our example, the “proxy type” generates by ~coqffi~ is
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Inductive FooExn : Type :=
-| MakeFooExn (x0 : i63) (x1 : bool) : FooExn.
-Then, ~coqffi~ generates conversion functions.
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom exn_of_foo : FooExn -> exn.
-Axiom foo_of_exn : exn -> option FooExn.
-Besides, ~coqffi~ also generates an instance for the =Exn= typeclass
-provided by the =CoqFFI= theory:
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Instance FooExn_Exn : Exn FooExn :=
- { to_exn := exn_of_foo
- ; of_exn := foo_of_exn
- }.
-Under the hood, =exn= is an [[][extensible datatype]], and how ~coqffi~
-supports it will probably be generalized in future releases.
-Finally, ~coqffi~ has a minimal support for functions which may raise
-exceptions. Since OCaml type system does not allow to identify such
-functions, they need to be annotated explicitely, using the
-=may_raise= annotation. In such a case, ~coqffi~ will change the
-return type of the function to use the =sum= Coq inductive type.
-For instance,
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-val from_option : 'a option -> 'a [@@may_raise] [@@pure]
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Axiom from_option : forall (a : Type), option a -> sum a exn.
-** Modules
-Lastly, ~coqffi~ supports OCaml modules described within ~mli~ files,
-when they are specify as ~module T : sig ... end~. For instance,
-#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
-module T : sig
- type t
- val to_string : t -> string [@@pure]
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-Module T.
- Axiom t : Type.
- Axiom to_string : t -> string.
-End T.
-As of now, the following construction is unfortunately *not*
-supported, and will be ignored by ~coqffi~:
-#+BEGIN_SRC coq
-module S = sig
- type t
- val to_string : t -> string [@@pure]
-module T : S
-* Moving Forward
-~coqffi~ comes with a comprehensive man page. In addition, the
-interested reader can proceed to the next article of this series,
-which explains how [[./][~coqffi~ can be used to easily implement an echo
-server in Coq]].
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+published: 2018-06-17
+tags: ['lisp']
+abstract: |
+ Common Lisp is a venerable programming languages like no other I know. From
+ the creation of a Lisp package up to the creation of a standalone
+ executable, we explore the shore of this strange beast.
+# Discovering Common Lisp with `trivial-gamekit`
+I always wanted to learn some Lisp dialect. In the meantime,
+[lykan]( —my Slayers Online clone— begins to
+take shape. So, of course, my brain got an idea: *why not writing a client for
+lykan in some Lisp dialect?*[^why] I asked on
+[Mastodon]( if there were
+good game engines for Lisp, and someone told me about
+[^why]: Spoiler alert: this wasn’t the most efficient approach for the lykan
+ project. But it was fun.
+I have no idea if I will manage to implement a decent client using
+trivial-gamekit, but why not trying? This article is the first of a series
+about my experiments, discoveries and difficulties. The complete project
+detailed in this article is available [as a
+## Common Lisp, Quicklisp and `trivial-gamekit`
+The trivial-gamekit
+[website]( lists several
+requirements. Two are related to Lisp:
+1. Quicklisp
+2. SBCL or CCL
+[Quicklisp]( is an experimental package manager for
+Lisp projects, while SBCL and CCL are two Lisp implementations. I had already
+installed [Clisp](, and it took
+me quite some time to understand my mistake. Fortunately,
+[SBCL]( is also packaged in
+With a compatible Lisp implementation, installing Quicklisp as a user is
+straightforward. Following the website instructions is enough. At the end of
+the process, you will have a new directory `${HOME}/quicklisp`{.bash}[^go].
+[^go]: The purpose of this directory is similar to the [Go
+ workspace](
+Quicklisp is not a native feature of SBCL, and requires a small bit of
+configurations to be made available automatically. You have to create a file
+`${HOME}/.sbclrc`{.bash}, with the following content:
+(load "~/quicklisp/setup")
+There is one final step to be able to use `trivial-gamekit`.
+sbcl --eval '(ql-dist:install-dist "")' \
+ --quit
+As of June 2018, Quicklisp [does not support
+## Introducing Lysk
+### Packaging
+The first thing I search for when I learn a new language is how projects are
+organized. From this perspective, `trivial-gamekit` pointed me directly to
+Creating a new Quicklisp project is straightforward. From my understanding, new
+Quicklisp projects have to be located inside
+`${HOME}/quicklisp/local-projects`{.bash}. I am not particularly happy with
+this, but it is not really important.
+The current code name of my Lisp game client is lysk.
+mkdir ~/quicklisp/local-projects/lysk
+Quicklisp packages (systems?) are defined through `asd` files.
+I have firstly created `lysk.asd` as follows:
+(asdf:defsystem lysk
+ :description "Lykan Game Client"
+ :author "lthms"
+ :license "GPLv3"
+ :version "0.0.1"
+ :serial t
+ :depends-on (trivial-gamekit)
+ :components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "lysk")))
+`:serial t`{.lisp} means that the files detailed in the `components`{.lisp}
+field depends on the previous ones. That is, `lysk.lisp` depends on
+`package.lisp` in this case. It is possible to manage files dependencies
+manually, with the following syntax:
+(:file "seconds" :depends-on "first")
+I have declared only one dependency: `trivial-gamekit`. That way, Quicklisp
+will load it for us.
+The first “true” Lisp file we define in our skeleton is `package.lisp`.
+Here is its content:
+(defpackage :lysk
+ (:use :cl)
+ (:export run app))
+Basically, this means we use two symbols, `run`{.lisp} and `app`{.lisp}.
+### A Game Client
+The `lysk.lisp` file contains the program in itself. My first goal was to
+obtain the following program: at startup, it shall create a new window in
+fullscreen, and exit when users release the left button of their mouse. It is
+worth mentioning that I had to report [an issue to the `trivial-gamekit`
+upstream]( in order to
+make my program work as expected.
+While it may sound scary —it suggests `trivial-gamekit` is a relatively young
+project— the author has implemented a fix in less than an hour! He also took
+the time to answer many questions I had when I joined the `#lispgames` Freenode
+Before going any further, let’s have a look at the complete file.
+(cl:in-package :lysk)
+(gamekit:defgame app () ()
+ (:fullscreen-p 't))
+(defmethod gamekit:post-initialize ((app app))
+ (gamekit:bind-button :mouse-left :released
+ (lambda () (gamekit:stop))))
+(defun run ()
+ (gamekit:start 'app))
+The first line is some kind of header, to tell Lisp the owner of the file.
+The `gamekit:defgame`{.lisp} function allows for creating a new game
+application (called `app`{.lisp} in our case). I ask for a fullscreen window
+with `:fullscreen-p`{.lisp}. Then, we use the `gamekit:post-initialize`{.lisp}
+hook to bind a handler to the release of the left button of our mouse. This
+handler is a simple call to `gamekit:stop`{.lisp}. Finally, we define a new
+function `run`{.lisp} which only starts our application.
+Pretty straightforward!
+### Running our Program
+To “play” our game, we can start the SBCL REPL.
+sbcl --eval '(ql:quickload :lysk)' --eval '(lysk:run)'
+### A Standalone Executable
+It looks like empower a REPL-driven development. That being said, once the
+development is finished, I don't think I will have a lot of success if I ask my
+future players to start SBCL to enjoy my game. Fortunately, `trivial-gamekit`
+provides a dedicated function to bundle the game as a standalone executable.
+Following the advice of the [**@borodust**]( —the
+`trivial-gamekit` author— I created a second package to that end. First, we
+need to edit the `lysk.asd` file to detail a second package:
+(asdf:defsystem lysk/bundle
+ :description "Bundle the Lykan Game Client"
+ :author "lthms"
+ :license "GPLv3"
+ :version "0.0.1"
+ :serial t
+ :depends-on (trivial-gamekit/distribution lysk)
+ :components ((:file "bundle")))
+ ```
+This second package depends on lysk (our game client) and
+trivial-gamekit/distribution. The latter provides the `deliver`{.lisp}
+function, and we use it in the `bundle.lisp` file:
+(cl:defpackage :lysk.bundle
+ (:use :cl)
+ (:export deliver))
+(cl:in-package :lysk.bundle)
+(defun deliver ()
+ (gamekit.distribution:deliver :lysk 'lysk:app))
+To bundle the game, we can use SBCL from our command line interface.
+sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :lysk/bundle)" \
+ --eval "(lysk.bundle:deliver)" \
+ --quit
+## Conclusion
+Objectively, there is not much in this article. However, because I am totally
+new to Lisp, it took me quite some time to get these few lines of code to work
+together. All being told I think this constitutes a good `trivial-gamekit`
+skeleton. Do not hesitate to use it this way.
+Thanks again to [**@borodust**](, for your time and
+all your answers!
+## Appendix: a Makefile
+I like Makefile, so here is one to `run`{.lisp} the game directly, or
+`bundle`{.lisp} it.
+ @sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :lysk)" \
+ --eval "(lysk:run)"
+ @echo -en "[ ] Remove old build"
+ @rm -rf build/
+ @echo -e "\r[*] Remove old build"
+ @echo "[ ] Building"
+ @sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :lysk/bundle)" \
+ --eval "(lysk.bundle:deliver)" \
+ --quit
+ @echo "[*] Building"
+.PHONY: bundle run
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-<h1>Discovering Common Lisp with <code>trivial-gamekit</code></h1>
-<p>This article has originally been published on <span class="time">June 17,
-I always wanted to learn some Lisp dialect.
-In the meantime, [[][lykan]] —my Slayers Online clone— begins to take shape.
-So, of course, my brain got an idea: /why not writing a client for lykan in some
-Lisp dialect?/
-I asked on [[][Mastodon]] if there were good game engine for Lisp, and someone told me
-about [[][trivial-gamekit]].
-I have no idea if I will manage to implement a decent client using
-trivial-gamekit, but why not trying?
-This article is the first of a series about my experiments, discoveries and
-The code of my client is hosted on my server, using the pijul vcs.
-If you have pijul installed, you can clone the repository:
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-pijul clone ""
-In addition, the complete project detailed in this article is available [[][as a
-#+TOC: headlines 2
-<div id="history">site/posts/</div>
-* Common Lisp, Quicklisp and trivial-gamekit
-The trivial-gamekit [[][website]] lists several requirements.
-Two are related to Lisp:
-1. Quicklisp
-2. SBCL or CCL
-Quicklisp is an experimental package manager for Lisp project (it was easy to
-guess, because there is a link to [[][quicklisp website]] in the trivial-gamekit
-As for SBCL and CCL, it turns out they are two Lisp implementations.
-I had already installed [[][clisp]], and it took me quite some times to understand my
-Fortunately, [[][sbcl]] is also packaged in ArchLinux.
-With a compatible Lisp implementation, installing Quicklisp as a user is
-Following the website instructions is enough.
-At the end of the process, you will have a new directory ~${HOME}/quicklisp~,
-whose purpose is similar to the [[][go workspace]].
-Quicklisp is not a native feature of sbcl, and has to be loaded to be available.
-To do it automatically, you have to create a file ~${HOME}/.sbclrc~, with the
-following content:
-#+BEGIN_SRC common-lisp
-(load "~/quicklisp/setup")
-There is one final step to be able to use trivial-gamekit.
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-sbcl --eval '(ql-dist:install-dist "")' \
- --quit
-As for now[fn::June 2018], Quicklisp [[][does not support HTTPS]].
-* Introducing Lysk
-** Packaging
-The first thing I search for when I learn a new language is how projects are
-From this perspective, trivial-gamekit pointed me directly to Quicklisp
-Creating a new Quicklisp project is very simple, and this is a very good thing.
-As I said, the ~${HOME}/quicklisp~ directory acts like the go workspace.
-As far as I can tell, new Quicklisp projects have to be located inside
-I am not particularly happy with it, but it is not really important.
-The current code name of my Lisp game client is lysk.
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-mkdir ~/quicklisp/local-projects/lysk
-Quicklisp packages (systems?) are defined through ~asd~ files.
-I have firstly created ~lysk.asd~ as follows:
-#+BEGIN_SRC common-lisp
-(asdf:defsystem lysk
- :description "Lykan Game Client"
- :author "lthms"
- :license "GPLv3"
- :version "0.0.1"
- :serial t
- :depends-on (trivial-gamekit)
- :components ((:file "package")
- (:file "lysk")))
-~:serial t~ means that the files detailed in the ~components~ field depends on
-the previous ones.
-That is, ~lysk.lisp~ depends on ~package.lisp~ in this case.
-It is possible to manage files dependencies manually, with the following syntax:
-#+BEGIN_SRC common-lisp
-(:file "seconds" :depends-on "first")
-I have declared only one dependency: trivial-gamekit.
-That way, Quicklisp will load it for us.
-The first “true” Lisp file we define in our skeleton is ~package.lisp~.
-Here is its content:
-#+BEGIN_SRC common-lisp
-(defpackage :lysk
- (:use :cl)
- (:export run app))
-Basically, this means we use two symbols, ~run~ and ~app~.
-** A Game Client
-The ~lysk.lisp~ file contains the program in itself.
-My first goal was to obtain the following program: at startup, it shall creates
-a new window in fullscreen, and exit when users release the left button of their
-It is worth mentioning that I had to report [[][an issue to the trivial-gamekit
-upstream]] in order to make my program work as expected.
-While it may sounds scary —it definitely shows trivial-gamekit is a relatively
-young project— the author has implemented a fix in less than an hour!
-He also took the time to answer many questions I had when I joined the
-~#lispgames~ Freenode channel.
-Before going any further, lets have a look at the complete file.
-#+BEGIN_SRC common-lisp
-(cl:in-package :lysk)
-(gamekit:defgame app () ()
- (:fullscreen-p 't))
-(defmethod gamekit:post-initialize ((app app))
- (gamekit:bind-button :mouse-left :released
- (lambda () (gamekit:stop))))
-(defun run ()
- (gamekit:start 'app))
-The first line is some kind of header, to tell Lisp the owner of the file.
-The ~gamekit:defgame~ function allows for creating a new game application
-(called ~app~ in our case).
-I ask for a fullscreen window with ~:fullscreen-p~.
-Then, we use the ~gamekit:post-initialize~ hook to bind a handler to the release
-of the left button of our mouse.
-This handler is a simple call to ~gamekit:stop~.
-Finally, we define a new function ~run~ which only starts our application.
-Pretty straightforward, right?
-** Running our Program
-To “play” our game, we can start the sbcl REPL.
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-sbcl --eval '(ql:quickload :lysk)' --eval '(lysk:run)'
-And it works!
-** A Standalone Executable
-It looks like empower a REPL-driven development.
-That being said, once the development is finished, I don't think I will have a
-lot of success if I ask my future players to start sbcl to enjoy my game.
-Fortunately, trivial-gamekit provides a dedicated function to bundle the game as
-a standalone executable.
-Following the advises of the borodust —the trivial-gamekit author— I created a
-second package to that end.
-First, we need to edit the ~lysk.asd~ file to detail a second package:
-#+BEGIN_SRC common-lisp
-(asdf:defsystem lysk/bundle
- :description "Bundle the Lykan Game Client"
- :author "lthms"
- :license "GPLv3"
- :version "0.0.1"
- :serial t
- :depends-on (trivial-gamekit/distribution lysk)
- :components ((:file "bundle")))
-This second package depends on lysk (our game client) and and
-The latter provides the ~deliver~ function, and we use it in the ~bundle.lisp~
-#+BEGIN_SRC common-lisp
-(cl:defpackage :lysk.bundle
- (:use :cl)
- (:export deliver))
-(cl:in-package :lysk.bundle)
-(defun deliver ()
- (gamekit.distribution:deliver :lysk 'lysk:app))
-To bundle the game, we can use ~sbcl~ from our command line interface.
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :lysk/bundle)" \
- --eval "(lysk.bundle:deliver)" \
- --quit
-* Conclusion
-Objectively, there is not much in this article.
-However, because I am totally new to Lisp, it took me quite some time to get
-these few lines of code to work together.
-All being told I think this constitutes a good trivial-gamekit skeleton.
-Do not hesitate to us it this way.
-Thanks again to borodust, for your time and all your answers!
-* Appendix: a Makefile
-I like Makefile, so here is one to ~run~ the game directly, or ~bundle~ it.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
- @sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :lysk)" \
- --eval "(lysk:run)"
- @echo -en "[ ] Remove old build"
- @rm -rf build/
- @echo -e "\r[*] Remove old build"
- @echo "[ ] Building"
- @sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :lysk/bundle)" \
- --eval "(lysk.bundle:deliver)" \
- --quit
- @echo "[*] Building"
-.PHONY: bundle run
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+published: 2019-01-15
+tags: ['research']
+abstract: |
+ It has been a long journey —4 years, 10 days— but I have completed my PhD
+ on October 25, 2018.
+# I am no longer a PhD. student
+It has been a long journey —4 years, 10 days— but I have completed my PhD on
+October 25, 2018. The exact title of my PhD thesis is “[*Specifying and
+Verifying Hardware-based Security Enforcement
+## Abstract
+In this thesis, we consider a class of security enforcement mechanisms we
+called *Hardware-based Security Enforcement* (HSE). In such mechanisms, some
+trusted software components rely on the underlying hardware architecture to
+constrain the execution of untrusted software components with respect to
+targeted security policies. For instance, an operating system which configures
+page tables to isolate userland applications implements a HSE mechanism.
+For a HSE mechanism to correctly enforce a targeted security policy, it
+requires both hardware and trusted software components to play their parts.
+During the past decades, several vulnerability disclosures have defeated HSE
+mechanisms. We focus on the vulnerabilities that are the result of errors at
+the specification level, rather than implementation errors. In some critical
+vulnerabilities, the attacker makes a legitimate use of one hardware component
+to circumvent the HSE mechanism provided by another one. For instance, cache
+poisoning attacks leverage inconsistencies between cache and DRAM’s access
+control mechanisms. We call this class of attacks, where an attacker leverages
+inconsistencies in hardware specifications, *compositional attacks*.
+Our goal is to explore approaches to specify and verify HSE mechanisms using
+formal methods that would benefit both hardware designers and software
+developers. Firstly, a formal specification of HSE mechanisms can be leveraged
+as a foundation for a systematic approach to verify hardware specifications, in
+the hope of uncovering potential compositional attacks ahead of time. Secondly,
+it provides unambiguous specifications to software developers, in the form of a
+list of requirements.
+Our contribution is two-fold:
+1. We propose a theory of HSE mechanisms against hardware architecture models.
+ This theory can be used to specify and verify such mechanisms. To evaluate
+ our approach, we propose a minimal model for a single core x86-based
+ computing platform. We use it to specify and verify the HSE mechanism
+ provided by Intel to isolate the code executed while the CPU is in System
+ Management Mode (SMM), a highly privileged execution mode of x86
+ microprocessors. We have written machine-checked proofs in the Coq proof
+ assistant to that end.
+2. We propose a novel approach inspired by algebraic effects to enable modular
+ verification of complex systems made of interconnected components as a first
+ step towards addressing the challenge posed by the scale of the x86 hardware
+ architecture. This approach is not specific to hardware models, and could
+ also be leveraged to reason about the composition of software components as
+ well. In addition, we have implemented our approach in the Coq theorem
+ prover, and the resulting framework takes advantage of Coq proof automation
+ features to provide general-purpose facilities to reason about components
+ interactions.
+## Publications
+If you are interested, you can have a look at the paper I wrote during my PhD:
+- [SpecCert: Specifying and Verifying Hardware-based Security Enforcement
+ Mechanisms](,
+ with Pierre Chifflier, Guillame Hiet and Benjamin Morin, at Formal Methods
+ 2016
+- [Modular Verification of Programs with Effects and Effect Handlers in
+ Coq](, with Yann
+ Régis-Gianas, Pierre Chifflier and Guillaume Hiet, at Formal Methods 2018
+You can also have a look at the Coq frameworks I have published:
+- [SpecCert on Github]( (CeCILL-B)
+- [FreeSpec on Github]( (MPL-2.0)
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+published: 2018-02-04
+modified: 2023-05-08
+tags: ['haskell']
+abstract: |
+ Ever heard of “extensible effects?” By applying the same principle, but for
+ error handling, the result is nice, type-safe API for Haskell, with a lot
+ of GHC magic under the hood.
+# Extensible Type-Safe Error Handling in Haskell
+A colleague of mine introduced me to the benefits of
+[`error-chain`](, a crate which aims to
+implement “*consistent error handling*” for Rust. I found the overall design
+pretty convincing, and in his use case, the crate really makes error handling
+clearer and flexible. I knew [Pijul]( was also using
+`error-chain` at that time, but I never had the opportunity to dig more into it.
+At the same time, I have read quite a lot about *extensible effects* in
+Functional Programming, for an academic article I have submitted to [Formal
+Methods 2018]([^fm2018]. In particular, the
+[freer]( package provides a very nice
+API to define monadic functions which may use well-identified effects. For
+instance, we can imagine that `Console`{.haskell} identifies the functions
+which may print to and read from the standard output. A function
+`askPassword`{.haskell} which displays a prompt and get the user password would
+have this type signature:
+[^fm2018]: The odds were in my favor: the aforementioned academic article has
+ been accepted.
+askPassword :: Member Console r => Eff r ()
+Compared to `IO`{.haskell}, `Eff`{.haskell} allows for meaningful type
+signatures. It becomes easier to reason about function composition, and you
+know that a given function which lacks a given effect in its type signature
+will not be able to use them. As a predictable drawback, `Eff`{.haskell} can
+become burdensome to use.
+Basically, when my colleague showed me his Rust project and how he was using
+`error-chain`, the question popped out. *Can we use an approach similar to
+`Eff`{.haskell} to implement a Haskell-flavored `error-chain`?*
+Spoiler alert: the answer is yes. In this post, I will dive into the resulting
+API, leaving for another time the details of the underlying implementation[^api].
+Believe me, there is plenty to say. If you want to have a look already, the
+current implementation can be found on
+[^api]: For once, I wanted to write about the *result* of a project, instead of
+ *how it is implemented*.
+In this article, I will use several “advanced” GHC pragmas. I will not explain
+each of them, but I will *try* to give some pointers for the reader who wants
+to learn more.
+## State of the Art
+This is not an academic publication, and my goal was primarily to explore the
+arcane of the Haskell type system, so I might have skipped the proper study of
+the state of the art. That being said, I have written programs in Rust and
+Haskell before.
+### Starting Point
+In Rust, `Result<T, E>`{.rust} is the counterpart of `Either E T`{.haskell} in
+Haskell[^either]. You can use it to model to wrap either the result of a
+function (`T`) or an error encountered during this computation (~E~). Both
+`Either`{.haskell} and `Result`{.rust} are used in order to achieve the same
+end, that is writing functions which might fail.
+[^either]: I wonder if they deliberately choose to swap the two type arguments.
+On the one hand, `Either E`{.haskell} is a monad. It works exactly as
+`Maybe`{.haskell} (returning an error acts as a shortcut for the rest of the
+function), but gives you the ability to specify *why* the function has failed.
+To deal with effects, the `mtl` package provides `EitherT`{.haskell}, a
+transformer version of `Either`{.haskell} to be used in a monad stack.
+On the other hand, the Rust language provides the `?`{.rust} syntactic sugar,
+to achieve the same thing. That is, both languages provide you the means to
+write potentially failing functions without the need to care locally about
+failure. If your function `f` uses a function `g` which might fail, and want to
+fail yourself if `f` fails, it becomes trivial.
+Out of the box, neither `EitherT`{.haskell} nor `Result`{.rust} is extensible.
+The functions must use the exact same `E`, or errors must be converted
+### Handling Errors in Rust
+Rust and the `error-chain` crate provide several means to overcome this
+limitation. In particular, it has the `Into`{.rust} and `From`{.rust} traits to
+ease the conversion from one error to another. Among other things, the
+`error-chain` crate provides a macro to easily define a wrapper around many
+errors types, basically your own and the one defined by the crates you are
+I see several drawbacks to this approach. First, it is extensible if you take
+the time to modify the wrapper type each time you want to consider a new error
+type. Second, either you can either use one error type or every error
+However, the `error-chain` package provides a way to solve a very annoying
+limitation of `Result`{.rust} and `Either`{.haskell}. When you “catch” an
+error, after a given function returns its result, it can be hard to determine
+from where the error is coming from. Imagine you are parsing a very complicated
+source file, and the error you get is `SyntaxError`{.rust} with no additional
+context. How would you feel?
+`error-chain` solves this by providing an API to construct a chain of errors,
+rather than a single value.
+my_function().chain_err(|| "a message with some context")?;
+The `chain_err` function makes it easier to replace a given error in its
+context, leading to be able to write more meaningful error messages for
+## The `ResultT`{.haskell} Monad
+The `ResultT`{.haskell} is an attempt to bring together the extensible power of
+`Eff`{.haskell} and the chaining of errors of `chain_err`. I will admit that,
+for the latter, the current implementation of `ResultT`{.haskell} is probably
+less powerful, but to be honest I mostly cared about the “extensible” thing, so
+it is not very surprising.
+This monad is an alternative to neither Monad Stacks a la mtl nor to the
+`Eff`{.haskell} monad. In its current state, it aims to be a more powerful and
+flexible version of `EitherT`{.haskell}.
+### Parameters
+As often in Haskell, the `ResultT`{.haskell} monad can be parameterized in
+several ways.
+data ResultT msg (err :: [*]) m a
+- `msg`{.haskell} is the type of messages you can stack to provide more context
+ to error handling
+- `err`{.haskell} is a *row of errors*[^row], it basically describes the set of
+ errors you will eventually have to handle
+- `m`{.haskell} is the underlying monad stack of your application, knowing that
+ `ResultT`{.haskell} is not intended to be stacked itself
+- `a`{.haskell} is the expected type of the computation result
+[^row]: You might have noticed `err`{.haskell} is of kind `[*]`{.haskell}. To write such a thing,
+ you will need the
+ [`DataKinds`{.haskell}](
+ GHC pragmas.
+### `achieve`{.haskell} and `abort`{.haskell}
+The two main monadic operations which comes with ~ResultT~ are ~achieve~ and
+~abort~. The former allows for building the context, by stacking so-called
+messages which describe what you want to do. The latter allows for bailing on a
+computation and explaining why.
+achieve :: (Monad m)
+ => msg
+ -> ResultT msg err m a
+ -> ResultT msg err m a
+`achieve`{.haskell} should be used for `do`{.haskell} blocks. You can use
+`<?>`{.haskell} to attach a contextual message to a given computation.
+The type signature of `abort`{.haskell} is also interesting, because it
+introduces the `Contains`{.haskell} typeclass (e.g., it is equivalent to
+`Member`{.haskell} for `Eff`{.haskell}).
+abort :: (Contains err e, Monad m)
+ => e
+ -> ResultT msg err m a
+This reads as follows: “*you can abort with an error of type `e`{.haskell} if
+and only if the row of errors `err`{.haskell} contains the type
+For instance, imagine we have an error type `FileError`{.haskell} to describe
+filesystem-related errors. Then, we can imagine the following function:
+readContent :: (Contains err FileError, MonadIO m)
+ => FilePath
+ -> ResultT msg err m String
+We could leverage this function in a given project, for instance, to read its
+configuration files (for the sake of the example, it has several configuration
+files). This function can use its own type to describe ill-formed description
+parseConfiguration :: (Contains err ConfigurationError, MonadIO m)
+ => String
+ -> String
+ -> ResultT msg err m Configuration
+To avoid repeating `Contains`{.haskell} when the row of errors needs to
+contains several elements, we introduce `:<`{.haskell}[^top] (read *subset or
+getConfig :: ( '[FileError, ConfigurationError] :< err
+ , MonadIO m)
+ => ResultT String err m Configuration
+getConfig = do
+ achieve "get configuration from ~/.myapp directory" $ do
+ f1 <- readContent "~/.myapp/init.conf"
+ <?> "fetch the main configuration"
+ f2 <- readContent "~/.myapp/net.conf"
+ <?> "fetch the net-related configuration"
+ parseConfiguration f1 f2
+You might see, now, why I say ~ResultT~ is extensible. You can use two functions
+with totally unrelated errors, as long as the caller advertises that with
+~Contains~ or ~:<~.
+[^top]: If you are confused by `:<`{.haskell}, it is probably because you were
+ not aware that the
+ [`TypeOperators`{.haskell}](
+ GHC pragma was a thing.
+### Recovering by Handling Errors
+Monads are traps, you can only escape them by playing with their
+rules. `ResultT`{.haskell} comes with `runResultT`{.haskell}.
+runResultT :: Monad m => ResultT msg '[] m a -> m a
+This might be surprising: we can only escape out from the `ResultT`{.haskell}
+if we do not use *any errors at all*. That is, `ResultT`{.haskell} forces us to
+handle errors before calling `runResultT`{.haskell}.
+`ResultT`{.haskell} provides several functions prefixed by `recover`{.haskell}.
+Their type signatures can be a little confusing, so we will dive into the
+simpler one:
+recover :: forall e m msg err a.
+ (Monad m)
+ => ResultT msg (e ': err) m a
+ -> (e -> [msg] -> ResultT msg err m a)
+ -> ResultT msg err m a
+`recover`{.haskell} allows for *removing* an error type from the row of errors,
+To do that, it requires to provide an error handler to determine what to do
+with the error raised during the computation and the stack of messages at that
+time. Using `recover`{.haskell}, a function may use more errors than advertised
+in its type signature, but we know by construction that in such a case, it
+handles these errors so that it is transparent for the function user. The type
+of the handler is `e -> [msg] -> ResultT msg err m a`{.haskell}, which means
+the handler *can raise errors if required*.
+`recoverWhile msg`{.haskell} is basically a synonym for `achieve msg $
+recover`{.haskell}. `recoverMany`{.haskell} allows for doing the same with a
+row of errors, by providing as many functions as required. Finally,
+`recoverManyWith`{.haskell} simplifies `recoverMany`{.haskell}: you can provide
+only one function tied to a given typeclass, on the condition that the handling
+errors implement this typeclass.
+Using `recover`{.haskell} and its siblings often require to help a bit the
+Haskell type system, especially if we use lambdas to define the error handlers.
+Doing that is usually achieved with the `Proxy a`{.haskell} dataype (where
+`a`{.haskell} is a phantom type). I would rather use the
+`TypeApplications`{.haskell} pragma[^tap].
+recoverManyWith @[FileError, NetworkError] @DescriptiveError
+ (do x <- readFromFile f
+ y <- readFromNetwork socket
+ printToStd x y)
+ printErrorAndStack
+The `DecriptiveError`{.haskell} typeclass can be seen as a dedicated
+`Show`{.haskell}, to give textual representation of errors. It is inspired by
+the macros of `error_chain`.
+We can start from an empty row of errors, and allows ourselves to
+use more errors thanks to the `recover*` functions.
+[^tap]: The
+ [TypeApplications](
+ pragmas is probably one of my favorites.
+ When I use it, it feels almost like if I were writing a Coq document.
+## `cat` in Haskell using `ResultT`{.haskell}
+`ResultT`{.haskell} only cares about error handling. The rest of the work is up
+to the underlying monad `m`{.haskell}. That being said, nothing forbids us to
+provide fine-grained API, *e.g.*, for Filesystem-related functions. From an
+error handling perspective, the functions provided by `Prelude` (the standard
+library of Haskell) are pretty poor, and the documentation is not really
+precise regarding the kind of error we can encounter while using it.
+In this section, I will show you how we can leverage `ResultT`{.haskell} to
+**(i)** define an error-centric API for basic file management functions and
+**(ii)** use this API to implement a `cat`-like program which read a file and
+print its content in the standard output.
+### (A Lot Of) Error Types
+We could have one sum type to describe in the same place all the errors we can
+find, and later use the pattern matching feature of Haskell to determine which
+one has been raised. The thing is, this is already the job done by the row of
+errors of ~ResultT~. Besides, this means that we could raise an error for being
+not able to write something into a file in a function which /opens/ a file.
+Because ~ResultT~ is intended to be extensible, we should rather define several
+types, so we can have a fine-grained row of errors. Of course, too many types
+will become burdensome, so this is yet another time where we need to find the
+right balance.
+newtype AlreadyInUse = AlreadyInUse FilePath
+newtype DoesNotExist = DoesNotExist FilePath
+data AccessDeny = AccessDeny FilePath IO.IOMode
+data EoF = EoF
+data IllegalOperation = IllegalRead | IllegalWrite
+To be honest, this is a bit too much for the real life, but we are in a blog post
+here, so we should embrace the potential of `ResultT`{.haskell}.
+### Filesystem API
+By reading the
+documentation, we can infer what our functions type signatures should look
+like. I will not discuss their actual implementation in this article, as this
+requires me to explain how `IO`{.haskell} deals with errors itself (and this
+article is already long enough to my taste). You can have a look at [this
+gist]( if you
+are interested.
+openFile :: ( '[AlreadyInUse, DoesNotExist, AccessDeny] :< err
+ , MonadIO m)
+ => FilePath -> IOMode -> ResultT msg err m Handle
+getLine :: ('[IllegalOperation, EoF] :< err, MonadIO m)
+ => IO.Handle
+ -> ResultT msg err m Text
+closeFile :: (MonadIO m)
+ => IO.Handle
+ -> ResultT msg err m ()
+### Implementing `cat`
+We can use the `ResultT`{.haskell} monad, its monadic operations and our
+functions to deal with the file system in order to implement a `cat`-like
+program. I tried to comment on the implementation to make it easier to follow.
+cat :: FilePath -> ResultT String err IO ()
+cat path =
+ -- We will try to open and read this file to mimic
+ -- `cat` behaviour.
+ -- We advertise that in case something goes wrong
+ -- the process.
+ achieve ("cat " ++ path) $ do
+ -- We will recover from a potential error,
+ -- but we will abstract away the error using
+ -- the `DescriptiveError` typeclass. This way,
+ -- we do not need to give one handler by error
+ -- type.
+ recoverManyWith @[Fs.AlreadyInUse, Fs.DoesNotExist, Fs.AccessDeny, Fs.IllegalOperation]
+ @(Fs.DescriptiveError)
+ (do f <- Fs.openFile path Fs.ReadMode
+ -- `repeatUntil` works like `recover`, except
+ -- it repeats the computation until the error
+ -- actually happpens.
+ -- I could not have used `getLine` without
+ -- `repeatUntil` or `recover`, as it is not
+ -- in the row of errors allowed by
+ -- `recoverManyWith`.
+ repeatUntil @(Fs.EoF)
+ (Fs.getLine f >>= liftIO . print)
+ (\_ _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "%EOF")
+ closeFile f)
+ printErrorAndStack
+ where
+ -- Using the `DescriptiveError` typeclass, we
+ -- can print both the stack of Strings which form
+ -- the context, and the description of the generic
+ -- error.
+ printErrorAndStack e ctx = do
+ liftIO . putStrLn $ Fs.describe e
+ liftIO $ putStrLn "stack:"
+ liftIO $ print ctx
+The type signature of `cat`{.haskell} teaches us that this function handles any
+error it might encounter. This means we can use it anywhere we want: both in
+another computation inside `ResultT`{.haskell} which might raise errors
+completely unrelated to the file system, or we can use it with
+`runResultT`{.haskell}, escaping the `ResultT`{.haskell} monad (only to fall
+into the `IO`{.haskell} monad, but this is another story).
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-#+TITLE: Extensible Type-Safe Error Handling in Haskell
-#+SERIES: ../haskell.html
-<p>This article has originally been published on <span
-id="original-created-at">February 04, 2018</span>.</p>
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/posts/</div>
-A colleague of mine introduced me to the benefits of [[][~error-chain~]], a crate which
-aims to implement /“consistent error handling”/ for Rust. I found the overall
-design pretty convincing, and in his use case, the crate really makes its error
-handling clearer and flexible. I knew /pijul/ uses ~error-chain~ to, but I never
-had the occasion to dig more into it.
-At the same time, I have read quite a lot about /extensible effects/ in
-Functional Programming, for an academic article I have submitted to
-[[][Formal Methods 2018]][fn:fm2018]. In particular, the [[][freer]] package provides a very
-nice API to define monadic functions which may use well-identified effects. For
-instance, we can imagine that ~Console~ identifies the functions which may print
-to and read from the standard output. A function ~askPassword~ which displays a
-prompt and get the user password would have this type signature:
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-askPassword :: Member Console r => Eff r ()
-Compared to ~IO~, ~Eff~ allows for meaningful type signatures. It becomes easier
-to reason about function composition, and you know that a given function which
-lacks a given effect in its type signature will not be able to use them. As a
-predictable drawback, ~Eff~ can become burdensome to use.
-Basically, when my colleague showed me its Rust project and how he was using
-~error-chain~, the question popped out. *Can we use an approach similar to ~Eff~
-to implement a Haskell-flavoured ~error-chain~?*
-Spoiler alert: the answer is yes. In this post, I will dive into the resulting
-API, leaving for another time the details of the underlying
-implementation. Believe me, there is plenty to say. If you want to have a look
-already, the current implementation can be found on [[][GitHub]].
-In this article, I will use several “advanced” GHC pragmas. I will not explain
-each of them, but I will /try/ to give some pointers for the reader who wants to
-learn more.
-[fn:fm2018] If the odds are in my favour, I will have plenty of occasions to write
-more about this topic.
-* State of the Art
-This is not an academic publication, and my goal was primarily to explore the
-arcane of the Haskell type system, so I might have skipped the proper study of
-the state of the art. That being said, I have written programs in Rust and
-Haskell before.
-** Starting Point
-In Rust, ~Result<T, E>~ is the counterpart of ~Either E T~ in
-Haskell[fn:either]. You can use it to model to wrap either the result of a
-function (~T~) or an error encountered during this computation (~E~).
-Both ~Either~ and ~Result~ are used in order to achieve the same end, that is
-writing functions which might fail.
-On the one hand, ~Either E~ is a monad. It works exactly as ~Maybe~ (returning
-an error acts as a shortcut for the rest of the function), but gives you the
-ability to specify /why/ the function has failed. To deal with effects, the
-~mtl~ package provides ~EitherT~, a transformer version of ~Either~ to be used
-in a monad stack.
-On the other hand, the Rust language provides the ~?~ syntactic sugar, to
-achieve the same thing. That is, both languages provide you the means to write
-potentially failing functions without the need to care locally about failure. If
-your function ~B~ uses a function ~A~ which might fail, and want to fail
-yourself if ~A~ fails, it becomes trivial.
-Out of the box, neither ~EitherT~ nor ~Result~ is extensible. The functions must
-use the exact same ~E~, or errors must be converted manually.
-[fn:either] I wonder if they deliberately choose to swap the two type arguments.
-** Handling Errors in Rust
-Rust and the ~error-chain~ crate provide several means to overcome this
-limitation. In particular, it has the ~Into~ and ~From~ traits to ease the
-conversion from one error to another. Among other things, the ~error-chain~
-crate provides a macro to easily define a wrapper around many errors types,
-basically your own and the one defined by the crates you are using.
-I see several drawbacks to this approach. First, it is extensible if you take
-the time to modify the wrapper type each time you want to consider a new error
-type. Second, either you can either use one error type or every error
-However, the ~error-chain~ package provides a way to solve a very annoying
-limitation of ~Result~ and ~Either~. When you “catch” an error, after a given
-function returns its result, it can be hard to determine from where the error is
-coming from. Imagine you are parsing a very complicated source file, and the
-error you get is ~SyntaxError~ with no additional context. How would you feel?
-~error-chain~ solves this by providing an API to construct a chain of errors,
-rather than a single value.
-#+BEGIN_SRC rust
-my_function().chain_err(|| "a message with some context")?;
-The ~chain_err~ function makes it easier to replace a given error in its
-context, leading to be able to write more meaningful error messages for
-* The ResultT Monad
-The ~ResultT~ is an attempt to bring together the extensible power of ~Eff~ and
-the chaining of errors of ~chain_err~. I will admit that, for the latter, the
-current implementation of ~ResultT~ is probably less powerful, but to be honest
-I mostly cared about the “extensible” thing, so it is not very surprising.
-This monad is not an alternative to neither Monad Stacks a la mtl nor to the
-~Eff~ monad. In its current state, it aims to be a more powerful and flexible
-version of ~EitherT~.
-** Parameters
-As often in Haskell, the ~ResultT~ monad can be parameterised in several ways.
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-data ResultT msg (err :: [*]) m a
-- ~msg~ is the type of messages you can stack to provide more context to error
- handling
-- ~err~ is a /row of errors/[fn:row], it basically describes the set of errors
- you will eventually have to handle
-- ~m~ is the underlying monad stack of your application, knowing that ~ResultT~
- is not intended to be stacked itself
-- ~a~ is the expected type of the computation result
-[fn:row] You might have notice ~err~ is of kind ~[*]~. To write such a thing,
-you will need the [[][DataKinds]] GHC pragmas.
-** ~achieve~ and ~abort~
-The two main monadic operations which comes with ~ResultT~ are ~achieve~ and
-~abort~. The former allows for building the context, by stacking so-called
-messages which describe what you want to do. The latter allows for bailing on a
-computation and explaining why.
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-achieve :: (Monad m)
- => msg
- -> ResultT msg err m a
- -> ResultT msg err m a
-~achieve~ should be used for ~do~ blocks. You can use ~<?>~ to attach a
-contextual message to a given computation.
-The type signature of ~abort~ is also interesting, because it introduces the
-~Contains~ typeclass (e.g., it is equivalent to ~Member~ for ~Eff~).
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-abort :: (Contains err e, Monad m)
- => e
- -> ResultT msg err m a
-This reads as follows: /“you can abort with an error of type ~e~ if and only if
-the row of errors ~err~ contains the type ~e~.”/
-For instance, imagine we have an error type ~FileError~ to describe
-filesystem-related errors. Then, we can imagine the following function:
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-readContent :: (Contains err FileError, MonadIO m)
- => FilePath
- -> ResultT msg err m String
-We could leverage this function in a given project, for instance to read its
-configuration files (for the sake of the example, it has several configuration
-files). This function can use its own type to describe ill-formed description
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-parseConfiguration :: (Contains err ConfigurationError, MonadIO m)
- => String
- -> String
- -> ResultT msg err m Configuration
-To avoid repeating ~Contains~ when the row of errors needs to contains several
-elements, we introduce ~:<~[fn:top] (read /subset or equal/):
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-getConfig :: ( '[FileError, ConfigurationError] :< err
- , MonadIO m)
- => ResultT String err m Configuration
-getConfig = do
- achieve "get configuration from ~/.myapp directory" $ do
- f1 <- readContent "~/.myapp/init.conf"
- <?> "fetch the main configuration"
- f2 <- readContent "~/.myapp/net.conf"
- <?> "fetch the net-related configuration"
- parseConfiguration f1 f2
-You might see, now, why I say ~ResultT~ is extensible. You can use two functions
-with totally unrelated errors, as long as the caller advertises that with
-~Contains~ or ~:<~.
-[fn:top] If you are confused by ~:<~, it is probably because you were not aware
-of the [[][TypeOperators]] before. Maybe it was for the best. :D
-** Recovering by Handling Errors
-Monads are traps, you can only escape them by playing with their
-rules. ~ResultT~ comes with ~runResultT~.
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-runResultT :: Monad m => ResultT msg '[] m a -> m a
-This might be surprising: we can only escape out from the ~ResultT~ if we do not
-use /any errors at all/. In fact, ~ResultT~ forces us to handle errors before
-calling ~runResultT~.
-~ResultT~ provides several functions prefixed by ~recover~. Their type
-signatures can be a little confusing, so we will dive into the simpler one:
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-recover :: forall e m msg err a.
- (Monad m)
- => ResultT msg (e ': err) m a
- -> (e -> [msg] -> ResultT msg err m a)
- -> ResultT msg err m a
-~recover~ allows for /removing/ an error type from the row of errors, To do
-that, it requires to provide an error handler to determine what to do with the
-error raised during the computation and the stack of messages at that
-time. Using ~recover~, a function may use more errors than advertised in its
-type signature, but we know by construction that in such a case, it handles
-these errors so that it is transparent for the function user. The type of the
-handler is ~e -> [msg] -> ResultT msg err m a~, which means the handler /can
-raise errors if required/. ~recoverWhile msg~ is basically a synonym for
-~achieve msg $ recover~. ~recoverMany~ allows for doing the same with a row of
-errors, by providing as many functions as required. Finally, ~recoverManyWith~
-simplifies ~recoverMany~: you can provide only one function tied to a given
-typeclass, on the condition that the handling errors implement this typeclass.
-Using ~recover~ and its siblings often requires to help a bit the Haskell
-type system, especially if we use lambdas to define the error handlers. Doing
-that is usually achieved with the ~Proxy a~ dataype (where ~a~ is a phantom
-type). I would rather use the TypeApplications[fn:tap] pragma.
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-recoverManyWith @[FileError, NetworkError] @DescriptiveError
- (do x <- readFromFile f
- y <- readFromNetwork socket
- printToStd x y)
- printErrorAndStack
-The ~DecriptiveError~ typeclass can be seen as a dedicated ~Show~, to give
-textual representation of errors. It is inspired by the macros of ~error_chain~.
-We can start from an empty row of errors, and allows ourselves to
-use more errors thanks to the ~recover*~ functions.
-[fn:tap] The [[][TypeApplications]] pragmas is probably one of my favourites. When I
-use it, it feels almost like if I were writing some Gallina.
-* ~cat~ in Haskell using ResultT
-~ResultT~ only cares about error handling. The rest of the work is up to the
-underlying monad ~m~. That being said, nothing forbids us to provide
-fine-grained API for, e.g. Filesystem-related functions. From an error handling
-perspective, the functions provided by Prelude (the standard library of Haskell)
-are pretty poor, and the documentation is not really precise regarding the kind
-of error we can encounter while using it.
-In this section, I will show you how we can leverage ~ResultT~ to *(i)* define an
-error-centric API for basic file management functions and *(ii)* use this API to
-implement a ~cat~-like program which read a file and print its content in the
-standard output.
-** (A Lot Of) Error Types
-We could have one sum type to describe in the same place all the errors we can
-find, and later use the pattern matching feature of Haskell to determine which
-one has been raised. The thing is, this is already the job done by the row of
-errors of ~ResultT~. Besides, this means that we could raise an error for being
-not able to write something into a file in a function which /opens/ a file.
-Because ~ResultT~ is intended to be extensible, we should rather define several
-types, so we can have a fine-grained row of errors. Of course, too many types
-will become burdensome, so this is yet another time where we need to find the
-right balance.
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-newtype AlreadyInUse = AlreadyInUse FilePath
-newtype DoesNotExist = DoesNotExist FilePath
-data AccessDeny = AccessDeny FilePath IO.IOMode
-data EoF = EoF
-data IllegalOperation = IllegalRead | IllegalWrite
-To be honest, this is a bit too much for the real life, but we are in a blog post
-here, so we should embrace the potential of ~ResultT~.
-** Filesystem API
-By reading the [[][System.IO]] documentation, we can infer what our functions type
-signatures should look like. I will not discuss their actual implementation in
-this article, as this requires me to explain how `IO` deals with errors itself
-(and this article is already long enough to my taste). You can have a look at
-[[][this gist]] if you are interested.
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-openFile :: ( '[AlreadyInUse, DoesNotExist, AccessDeny] :< err
- , MonadIO m)
- => FilePath -> IOMode -> ResultT msg err m Handle
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-getLine :: ('[IllegalOperation, EoF] :< err, MonadIO m)
- => IO.Handle
- -> ResultT msg err m Text
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-closeFile :: (MonadIO m)
- => IO.Handle
- -> ResultT msg err m ()
-** Implementing ~cat~
-We can use the ~ResultT~ monad, its monadic operations and our functions to deal
-with the file system in order to implement a ~cat~-like program. I tried to
-comment on the implementation to make it easier to follow.
-#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
-cat :: FilePath -> ResultT String err IO ()
-cat path =
- -- We will try to open and read this file to mimic
- -- `cat` behaviour.
- -- We advertise that in case something goes wrong
- -- the process.
- achieve ("cat " ++ path) $ do
- -- We will recover from a potential error,
- -- but we will abstract away the error using
- -- the `DescriptiveError` typeclass. This way,
- -- we do not need to give one handler by error
- -- type.
- recoverManyWith @[Fs.AlreadyInUse, Fs.DoesNotExist, Fs.AccessDeny, Fs.IllegalOperation]
- @(Fs.DescriptiveError)
- (do f <- Fs.openFile path Fs.ReadMode
- -- `repeatUntil` works like `recover`, except
- -- it repeats the computation until the error
- -- actually happpens.
- -- I could not have used `getLine` without
- -- `repeatUntil` or `recover`, as it is not
- -- in the row of errors allowed by
- -- `recoverManyWith`.
- repeatUntil @(Fs.EoF)
- (Fs.getLine f >>= liftIO . print)
- (\_ _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "%EOF")
- closeFile f)
- printErrorAndStack
- where
- -- Using the `DescriptiveError` typeclass, we
- -- can print both the stack of Strings which form
- -- the context, and the description of the generic
- -- error.
- printErrorAndStack e ctx = do
- liftIO . putStrLn $ Fs.describe e
- liftIO $ putStrLn "stack:"
- liftIO $ print ctx
-The type system of ~cat~ teaches us that this function handles any error it
-might encounter. This means we can use it anywhere we want… in another
-computation inside ~ResultT~ which might raise errors completely unrelated to
-the file system, for instance. Or! We can use it with ~runResultT~, escaping the
-~ResultT~ monad (only to fall into the ~IO~ monad, but this is another story).
-* Conclusion
-For once, I wanted to write about the /result/ of a project, instead of /how it
-is implemented/. Rest assured, I do not want to skip the latter. I need to clean
-up a bit the code before bragging about it.
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-#+TITLE: A Series on Ltac
-#+SERIES: ../coq.html
-#+SERIES_PREV: ./StronglySpecifiedFunctions.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./RewritingInCoq.html
-Ltac is the “tactic language” of Coq. It is commonly advertised as the common
-approach to write proofs, which tends to bias how it is introduced to
-new Coq users[fn::I know /I/ was introduced to Coq in a similar way in
-my Master courses.]. In this series, we present Ltac as the
-metaprogramming tool it is, since fundamentally it is an imperative
-language which allows for constructing Coq terms interactively and
-- [[./LtacMetaprogramming.html][Ltac is an Imperative Metaprogramming Language]] ::
- Ltac generates terms, therefore it is a metaprogramming language. It does it
- incrementally, by using primitives to modifying an implicit state, therefore
- it is an imperative language. Henceforth, it is an imperative metaprogramming
- language.
-- [[./LtacPatternMatching.html][Pattern Matching on Types and Contexts]] ::
- Ltac allows for pattern matching on types and contexts. In this article, we
- give a short introduction on this feature of key importance. Ltac programs
- (“proof scripts”) generate terms, and the shape of said terms can be very
- different regarding the initial context. For instance, ~induction x~ will
- refine the current goal using an inductive principle dedicated to the type of
- ~x~.
-- [[./MixingLtacAndGallina.html][Mixing Ltac and Gallina Together for Fun and Profit]] ::
- One of the most misleading introduction to Coq is to say that “Gallina is for
- programs, while tactics are for proofs.” Gallina is the preferred way to
- construct programs, and tactics are the preferred way to construct proofs.
- The key word here is “preferred.” Coq actually allows for /mixing/
- Ltac and Gallina together.
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+published: 2020-08-28
+modified: 2023-05-08
+tags: ['coq']
+ parent: series/Ltac.html
+ next: posts/LtacPatternMatching.html
+abstract: |
+ Ltac generates terms, therefore it is a metaprogramming language. It does
+ it incrementally, by using primitives to modifying an implicit state,
+ therefore it is an imperative language. Henceforth, it is an imperative
+ metaprogramming language.
+# Ltac is an Imperative Metaprogramming Language
+Coq is often depicted as an _interactive_ proof assistant, thanks to its
+proof environment. Inside the proof environment, Coq presents the user a
+goal, and said user solves said goal by means of tactics which describes a
+logical reasoning. For instance, to reason by induction, one can use the
+`induction`{.coq} tactic, while a simple case analysis can rely on the
+`destruct`{.coq} or `case_eq`{.coq} tactics, etc. It is not uncommon for new
+Coq users to be introduced to Ltac, the Coq default tactic language, using this
+proof-centric approach. This is not surprising, since writing proofs remains
+the main use case for Ltac. In practice, though, this discourse remains an
+abstraction which hides away what actually happens under the hood when Coq
+executes a proof script.
+To really understand what Ltac is about, we need to recall ourselves that
+Coq kernel is mostly a type checker. A theorem statement is expressed as a
+“type” (which lives in a dedicated sort called `Prop`{.coq}), and a proof of
+this theorem is a term of this type, just like the term `S (S O)`{.coq} ($2$)
+is of type `nat`{.coq}. Proving a theorem in Coq requires to construct a term
+of the type encoding said theorem, and Ltac allows for incrementally
+constructing this term, one step at a time.
+Ltac generates terms, therefore it is a metaprogramming language. It does it
+incrementally, by using primitives to modifying an implicit state, therefore
+it is an imperative language. Henceforth, it is an imperative
+metaprogramming language.
+To summarize, a goal presented by Coq inside the environment proof is a hole
+within the term being constructed. It is presented to users as:
+- A list of “hypotheses,” which are nothing more than the variables
+ in the scope of the hole
+- A type, which is the type of the term to construct to fill the hole
+We illustrate what happens under the hood of Coq executes a simple proof
+script. One can use the `Show Proof`{.coq} vernacular command to exhibit
+We illustrate how Ltac works with the following example.
+Theorem add_n_O : forall (n : nat), n + O = n.
+The `Proof`{.coq} vernacular command starts the proof environment. Since no
+tactic has been used, the term we are trying to construct consists solely in a
+hole, while Coq presents us a goal with no hypothesis, and with the exact type
+of our theorem, that is `forall (n : nat), n + O = n`{.coq}.
+A typical Coq course will explain to students the `intro`{.coq} tactic allows for
+turning the premise of an implication into an hypothesis within the context.
+$$C \vdash P \rightarrow Q$$
+$$C,\ P \vdash Q$$
+This is a fundamental rule of deductive reasoning, and `intro`{.coq} encodes it.
+It achieves this by refining the current hole into an anonymous function.
+When we use
+ intro n.
+it refines the term
+ ?Goal1
+ fun (n : nat) => ?Goal2
+The next step of this proof is to reason about induction on `n`. For `nat`,
+it means that to be able to prove
+$$\forall n, \mathrm{P}\ n$$
+we need to prove that
+- $\mathrm{P}\ 0$
+- $\forall n, \mathrm{P}\ n \rightarrow \mathrm{P}\ (S n)$
+The `induction`{.coq} tactic effectively turns our goal into two subgoals. But
+why is that? Because, under the hood, Ltac is refining the current goal using
+the `nat_ind`{.coq} function automatically generated by Coq when `nat`{.coq}
+was defined. The type of `nat_ind`{.coq} is
+ forall (P : nat -> Prop),
+ P 0
+ -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n))
+ -> forall n : nat, P n
+Interestingly enough, `nat_ind`{.coq} is not an axiom. It is a regular Coq
+function, whose definition is
+ fun (P : nat -> Prop) (f : P 0)
+ (f0 : forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) =>
+ fix F (n : nat) : P n :=
+ match n as n0 return (P n0) with
+ | 0 => f
+ | S n0 => f0 n0 (F n0)
+ end
+So, after executing
+ induction n.
+The hidden term we are constructing becomes
+ (fun n : nat =>
+ nat_ind
+ (fun n0 : nat => n0 + 0 = n0)
+ ?Goal3
+ (fun (n0 : nat) (IHn : n0 + 0 = n0) => ?Goal4)
+ n)
+And Coq presents us two goals.
+First, we need to prove $\mathrm{P}\ 0$, *i.e.*,
+$0 + 0 = 0$. Similarly to Coq presenting a goal when what we are actually doing
+is constructing a term, the use of $=$ and $+$ (*i.e.*, the Coq notations
+mechanism) hides much here. We can ask Coq to be more explicit by using the
+vernacular command `Set Printing All`{.coq} to learn that when Coq presents us
+a goal of the form `0 + 0 = 0`{.coq}, it is actually looking for a term of type
+`@eq nat (Nat.add O O) O`{.coq}.
+`Nat.add`{.coq} is a regular Coq (recursive) function.
+ fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => m
+ | S p => S (add p m)
+ end
+Similarly, `eq`{.coq} is *not* an axiom. It is a regular inductive type, defined
+as follows.
+Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=
+| eq_refl : eq A x x
+Coming back to our current goal, proving `@eq nat (Nat.add 0 0) 0`{.coq}[^equ1]
+requires to construct a term of a type whose only constructor is
+`eq_refl`{.coq}. `eq_refl`{.coq} accepts one argument, and encodes the proof
+that said argument is equal to itself. In practice, Coq type checker will accept
+the term `@eq_refl _ x`{.coq} when it expects a term of type `@eq _ x y`{.coq}
+*if* it can reduce `x`{.coq} and `y`{.coq} to the same term.
+[^equ1]: That is, `0 + 0 = 0`{.coq}
+Is it the case for `@eq nat (Nat.add 0 0) 0`{.coq}? It is, since by definition
+of `Nat.add`{.coq}, `Nat.add 0 x`{.coq} is reduced to `x`{.coq}. We can use the
+`reflexivity`{.coq} tactic to tell Coq to fill the current hole with
+ + reflexivity.
+Suspicious readers may rely on `Show Proof`{.coq} to verify this assertion.
+ (fun n : nat =>
+ nat_ind
+ (fun n0 : nat => n0 + 0 = n0)
+ eq_refl
+ (fun (n0 : nat) (IHn : n0 + 0 = n0) => ?Goal4)
+ n)
+`?Goal3`{.coq} has indeed be replaced by `eq_refl`.
+One goal remains, as we need to prove that if `n + 0 = n`{.coq}, then `S n + 0
+= S n`{.coq}. Coq can reduce `S n + 0`{.coq} to `S (n + 0)`{.coq} by definition
+of `Nat.add`{.coq}, but it cannot reduce `S n`{.coq} more than it already is.
+ + cbn.
+We cannot just use `reflexivity`{.coq} here (*i.e.*, fill the hole with
+`eq_refl`{.coq}), since `S (n + 0)`{.coq} and `S n`{.coq} cannot be reduced to
+the same term.
+However, at this point of the proof, we have the `IHn`{.coq} hypothesis (*i.e.*, the
+`IHn`{.coq} argument of the anonymous function whose body we are trying to
+construct). The `rewrite`{.coq} tactic allows for substituting in a type an
+occurrence of `x`{.coq} by `y`{.coq} as long as we have a proof of `x = y`{.coq}. *)
+ rewrite IHn.
+Similarly to `induction`{.coq} using a dedicated function, `rewrite`{.coq} refines
+the current hole with the `eq_ind_r`{.coq} function[^noaxiom]. Replacing `n +
+0`{.coq} with `n`{.coq} transforms the goal into `S n = S n`{.coq}. Here, we
+can use `reflexivity`{.coq} (i.e., `eq_refl`{.coq}) to conclude. *)
+[^noaxiom]: Again, not an axiom.
+ reflexivity.
+After this last tactic, the work is done. There is no more goal to fill inside
+the proof term that we have carefully constructed.
+ (fun n : nat =>
+ nat_ind
+ (fun n0 : nat => n0 + 0 = n0)
+ eq_refl
+ (fun (n0 : nat) (IHn : n0 + 0 = n0) =>
+ eq_ind_r (fun n1 : nat => S n1 = S n0) eq_refl IHn)
+ n)
+We can finally use `Qed`{.coq} or `Defined`{.coq} to tell Coq to type check this
+term. That is, Coq does not trust Ltac, but rather type check the term to
+verify it is correct. This way, in case Ltac has a bug which makes it
+construct an ill-formed type, at the very least Coq can reject it.
+In conclusion, tactics are used to incrementally refine hole inside a term
+until the latter is complete. They do it in a very specific manner, to
+encode certain reasoning rules.
+On the other hand, the `refine`{.coq} tactic provides a generic, low-level way
+to do the same thing. Knowing how a given tactic works allows for mimicking
+its behavior using the `refine`{.coq} tactic.
+If we take the previous theorem as an example, we can prove it using this
+alternative proof script.
+Theorem add_n_O' : forall (n : nat), n + O = n.
+ refine (fun n => _).
+ refine (nat_ind (fun n => n + 0 = n) _ _ n).
+ + refine eq_refl.
+ + refine (fun m IHm => _).
+ refine (eq_ind_r (fun n => S n = S m) _ IHm).
+ refine eq_refl.
diff --git a/site/posts/LtacMetaprogramming.v b/site/posts/LtacMetaprogramming.v
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index 6b086e3..0000000
--- a/site/posts/LtacMetaprogramming.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-(** #<nav><p class="series">Ltac.html</p>
- <p class="series-next">LtacPatternMatching.html</p></nav># *)
-(** * Ltac is an Imperative Metaprogramming Language *)
-(** #<div id="history">site/posts/LtacMetaprogramming.v</div># *)
-(** Coq is often depicted as an _interactive_ proof assistant, thanks to its
- proof environment. Inside the proof environment, Coq presents the user a
- goal, and said user solves said goal by means of tactics which describes a
- logical reasoning. For instance, to reason by induction, one can use the
- <<induction>> tactic, while a simple case analysis can rely on the
- <<destruct>> or <<case_eq>> tactics, etc. It is not uncommon for new Coq
- users to be introduced to Ltac, the Coq default tactic language, using this
- proof-centric approach. This is not surprising, since writing proofs remains
- the main use-case for Ltac. In practice though, this discourse remains an
- abstraction which hides away what actually happens under the hood when Coq
- executes a proof scripts.
- To really understand what Ltac is about, we need to recall ourselves that
- Coq kernel is mostly a typechecker. A theorem statement is expressed as a
- “type” (which lives in a dedicated sort called [Prop]), and a proof of this
- theorem is a term of this type, just like the term [S (S O)] (#<span
- class="im">#2#</span>#) is of type [nat]. Proving a theorem in Coq requires
- to construct a term of the type encoding said theorem, and Ltac allows for
- incrementally constructing this term, one step at a time.
- Ltac generates terms, therefore it is a metaprogramming language. It does it
- incrementally, by using primitives to modifying an implicit state, therefore
- it is an imperative language. Henceforth, it is an imperative
- metaprogramming language.
- To summarize, a goal presented by Coq inside the environment proof is a hole
- within the term being constructed. It is presented to users as:
- - A list of “hypotheses,” which are nothing more than the variables
- in the scope of the hole
- - A type, which is the type of the term to construct to fill the hole
- We illustrate what happens under the hood of Coq executes a simple proof
- script. One can use the <<Show Proof>> vernacular command to exhibit
- this.
- We illustrate how Ltac works with the following example. *)
-Theorem add_n_O : forall (n : nat), n + O = n.
-(** The <<Proof>> vernacular command starts the proof environment. Since no
- tactic has been used, the term we are trying to construct consists solely in
- a hole, while Coq presents us a goal with no hypothesis, and with the exact
- type of our theorem, that is [forall (n : nat), n + O = n].
- A typical Coq course will explain students the <<intro>> tactic allows for
- turning the premise of an implication into an hypothesis within the context.
- #<div class="dmath">#C \vdash P \rightarrow Q#</div>#
- becomes
- #<div class="dmath">#C,\ P \vdash Q#</div>#
- This is a fundamental rule of deductive reasoning, and <<intro>> encodes it.
- It achieves this by refining the current hole into an anymous function.
- When we use *)
- intro n.
-(** it refines the term
- ?Goal1
- into
- fun (n : nat) => ?Goal2
- The next step of this proof is to reason about induction on [n]. For [nat],
- it means that to be able to prove
- #<div class="dmath">#\forall n, \mathrm{P}\ n#</div>#
- we need to prove that
- - #<div class="imath">#\mathrm{P}\ 0#</div>#
- - #<div class="imath">#\forall n, \mathrm{P}\ n \rightarrow \mathrm{P}\ (S n)#</div>#
- The <<induction>> tactic effectively turns our goal into two subgoals. But
- why is that? Because, under the hood, Ltac is refining the current goal
- using the [nat_ind] function automatically generated by Coq when [nat] was
- defined. The type of [nat_ind] is
- forall (P : nat -> Prop),
- P 0
- -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n))
- -> forall n : nat, P n
- Interestingly enough, [nat_ind] is not an axiom. It is a regular Coq function, whose definition is
- fun (P : nat -> Prop) (f : P 0)
- (f0 : forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) =>
- fix F (n : nat) : P n :=
- match n as n0 return (P n0) with
- | 0 => f
- | S n0 => f0 n0 (F n0)
- end
- So, after executing *)
- induction n.
-(** The hidden term we are constructing becomes
- (fun n : nat =>
- nat_ind
- (fun n0 : nat => n0 + 0 = n0)
- ?Goal3
- (fun (n0 : nat) (IHn : n0 + 0 = n0) => ?Goal4)
- n)
- And Coq presents us two goals.
- First, we need to prove #<span class="dmath">#\mathrm{P}\ 0#</span>#, i.e.,
- #<span class="dmath">#0 + 0 = 0#</span>#. Similarly to Coq presenting a goal
- when what we are actually doing is constructing a term, the use of #<span
- class="dmath">#+#</span># and #<span class="dmath">#+#</span># (i.e., Coq
- notations mechanism) hide much here. We can ask Coq to be more explicit by
- using the vernacular command <<Set Printing All>> to learn that when Coq
- presents us a goal of the form [0 + 0 = 0], it is actually looking for a
- term of type [@eq nat (Nat.add O O) O].
- [Nat.add] is a regular Coq (recursive) function.
- fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | 0 => m
- | S p => S (add p m)
- end
- Similarly, [eq] is _not_ an axiom. It is a regular inductive type, defined
- as follows.
-Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=
-| eq_refl : eq A x x
- Coming back to our current goal, proving [@eq nat (Nat.add 0 0) 0] (i.e., [0
- + 0 = 0]) requires to construct a term of a type whose only constructor is
- [eq_refl]. [eq_refl] accepts one argument, and encodes the proof that said
- argument is equal to itself. In practice, Coq typechecker will accept the
- term [@eq_refl _ x] when it expects a term of type [@eq _ x y] _if_ it can
- reduce [x] and [y] to the same term.
- Is it the case for [0 + 0 = 0]? It is, since by definition of [Nat.add], [0
- + x] is reduced to [x]. We can use the <<reflexivity>> tactic to tell Coq to
- fill the current hole with [eq_refl]. *)
- + reflexivity.
- (** Suspicious readers may rely on <<Show Proof>> to verify this assertion
- assert:
- (fun n : nat =>
- nat_ind
- (fun n0 : nat => n0 + 0 = n0)
- eq_refl
- (fun (n0 : nat) (IHn : n0 + 0 = n0) => ?Goal4)
- n)
- <<?Goal3>> has indeed be replaced by [eq_refl].
- One goal remains, as we need to prove that if [n + 0 = n], then [S n + 0 = S
- n]. Coq can reduce [S n + 0] to [S (n + 0)] by definition of [Nat.add], but
- it cannot reduce [S n] more than it already is. We can request it to do so
- using tactics such as [cbn]. *)
- + cbn.
-(** We cannot just use <<reflexivity>> here (i.e., fill the hole with
- [eq_refl]), since [S (n + 0)] and [S n] cannot be reduced to the same term.
- However, at this point of the proof, we have the [IHn] hypothesis (i.e., the
- [IHn] argument of the anonymous function whose body we are trying to
- construct). The <<rewrite>> tactic allows for substituting in a type an
- occurence of [x] by [y] as long as we have a proof of [x = y]. *)
- rewrite IHn.
- (** Similarly to <<induction>> using a dedicated function , <<rewrite>> refines
- the current hole with the [eq_ind_r] function (not an axiom!). Replacing [n
- + 0] with [n] transforms the goal into [S n = S n]. Here, we can use
- <<reflexivity>> (i.e., [eq_refl]) to conclude. *)
- reflexivity.
-(** After this last tactic, the work is done. There is no more goal to fill
- inside the proof term that we have carefully constructed.
- (fun n : nat =>
- nat_ind
- (fun n0 : nat => n0 + 0 = n0)
- eq_refl
- (fun (n0 : nat) (IHn : n0 + 0 = n0) =>
- eq_ind_r (fun n1 : nat => S n1 = S n0) eq_refl IHn)
- n)
- We can finally use [Qed] or [Defined] to tell Coq to typecheck this
- term. That is, Coq does not trust Ltac, but rather typecheck the term to
- verify it is correct. This way, in case Ltac has a bug which makes it
- construct ill-formed type, at the very least Coq can reject it. *)
-(** In conclusion, tactics are used to incrementally refine hole inside a term
- until the latter is complete. They do it in a very specific manner, to
- encode certain reasoning rule.
- On the other hand, the <<refine>> tactic provides a generic, low-level way
- to do the same thing. Knowing how a given tactic works allows for mimicking
- its behavior using the <<refine>> tactic.
- If we take the previous theorem as an example, we can prove it using this
- alternative proof script. *)
-Theorem add_n_O' : forall (n : nat), n + O = n.
- refine (fun n => _).
- refine (nat_ind (fun n => n + 0 = n) _ _ n).
- + refine eq_refl.
- + refine (fun m IHm => _).
- refine (eq_ind_r (fun n => S n = S m) _ IHm).
- refine eq_refl.
-(** ** Conclusion *)
-(** This concludes our introduction to Ltac as an imperative metaprogramming
- language. In the #<a href="LtacPatternMatching.html">#next part of this series#</a>#, we
- present Ltac powerful pattern matching capabilities. *)
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+published: 2020-08-28
+tags: ['coq']
+ parent: series/Ltac.html
+ prev: posts/LtacMetaprogramming.html
+ next: posts/MixingLtacAndGallina.html
+abstract: |
+ Ltac allows for pattern matching on types and contexts. In this article, we
+ give a short introduction on this feature of key importance. Ltac programs
+ (“proof scripts”) generate terms, and the shape of said terms can be very
+ different regarding the initial context. For instance, `induction x`{.coq}
+ will refine the current goal using an inductive principle dedicated to the
+ type of `x`{.coq}.
+# Pattern Matching on Types and Contexts
+In the [a previous article](/posts/LtacMetaprogramming.html) of our series on
+Ltac, we have shown how tactics allow for constructing Coq terms incrementally.
+Ltac programs (“proof scripts”) generate terms, and the shape of said terms can
+be very different regarding the initial context. For instance, `induction
+x`{.coq} will refine the current goal by using an inductive principle dedicated to
+the type of `x`{.coq}.
+This is possible because Ltac allows for pattern matching on types and
+contexts. In this article, we give a short introduction on this feature of
+key importance.
+## To `lazymatch`{.coq} or to `match`{.coq}
+Gallina provides one pattern matching construction, whose semantics is always
+the same: for a given term, the first pattern to match will always be selected.
+On the contrary, Ltac provides several pattern matching constructions with
+different semantics. This key difference has probably been motivated because
+Ltac is not a total language: a tactic may not always succeed.
+Ltac programmers can use `match`{.coq} or `lazymatch`{.coq}. One the one hand,
+with `match`{.coq}, if one pattern matches, but the branch body fails, Coq will
+backtrack and try the next branch. On the other hand, `lazymatch`{.coq} will
+stop with an error.
+So, for instance, the two following tactics will print two different messages:
+Ltac match_failure :=
+ match goal with
+ | _
+ => fail "fail in first branch"
+ | _
+ => fail "fail in second branch"
+ end.
+Ltac lazymatch_failure :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | _
+ => fail "fail in first branch"
+ | _
+ => fail "fail in second branch"
+ end.
+We can try that quite easily by starting a dumb goal (eg. `Goal (True).`{.coq})
+and call our tactic. For `match_failure`{.coq}, we get:
+Ltac call to "match_failure" failed.
+Error: Tactic failure: fail in second branch.
+On the other hand, for `lazymatch_failure`{.coq}, we get:
+Ltac call to "match_failure'" failed.
+Error: Tactic failure: fail in first branch.
+Moreover, pattern matching allows for matching over *patterns*, not just
+constants. Here, Ltac syntax differs from Gallina’s. In Gallina, if a
+variable name is used in a pattern, Gallina creates a new variable in the
+scope of the related branch. If a variable with the same name already
+existed, it is shadowed. On the contrary, in Ltac, using a variable name
+as-is in a pattern implies an equality check.
+To illustrate this difference, we can take the example of the following
+Ltac successive x y :=
+ lazymatch y with
+ | S x => idtac
+ | _ => fail
+ end.
+`successive x y`{.coq} will fail if `y`{.coq} is not the successor of
+`x`{.coq}. On the contrary, the “syntactically equivalent” function in Gallina
+will exhibit a totally different behavior.
+Definition successor (x y : nat) : bool :=
+ match y with
+ | S x => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Here, the first branch of the pattern match is systematically selected when
+`y`{.coq} is not `O`{.coq}, and in this branch, the argument `x`{.coq} is shadowed by the
+predecessor of `y`{.coq}.
+For Ltac to adopt a behavior similar to Gallina, the `?`{.coq} prefix shall be
+used. For instance, the following tactic will check whether its argument
+has a known successor, prints it if it does, or fail otherwise.
+Ltac print_pred_or_zero x :=
+ match x with
+ | S ?x => idtac x
+ | _ => fail
+ end.
+On the one hand, `print_pred_or_zero 3`{.coq} will print `2`{.coq}. On the
+other hand, if there exists a variable `x : nat`{.coq} in the context, calling
+`print_pred_or_zero x`{.coq} will fail, since the exact value of `x`{.coq} is
+not known.
+### Pattern Matching on Types with `type of`{.coq}
+The `type of`{.coq} operator can be used in conjunction to pattern matching to
+generate different terms according to the type of a variable. We could
+leverage this to reimplement `induction`{.coq} for instance.
+As an example, we propose the following `not_nat`{.coq} tactic which, given an
+argument `x`{.coq}, fails if `x`{.coq} is of type `nat`{.coq}.
+Ltac not_nat x :=
+ lazymatch type of x with
+ | nat => fail "argument is of type nat"
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+With this definition, `not_nat true`{.coq} succeeds since `true`{.coq} is of
+type `bool`{.coq}, and `not_nat O`{.coq} since `O`{.coq} encodes $0$ in
+We can also use the `?`{.coq} prefix to write true pattern. For instance, the
+following tactic will fail if the type of its supplied argument has at least
+one parameter.
+Ltac not_param_type x :=
+ lazymatch type of x with
+ | ?f ?a => fail "argument is of type with parameter"
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Both `not_param_type (@nil nat)`{.coq} of type `list nat`{.coq} and `@eq_refl
+nat 0`{.coq} of type `0 = 0`{.coq} fail, but `not_param_type 0`{.coq} of type
+`nat`{.coq} succeeds. *)
+## Pattern Matching on the Context with `goal`{.coq}
+Lastly, we discuss how Ltac allows for inspecting the context (*i.e.*, the
+hypotheses and the goal) using the `goal`{.coq} keyword.
+For instance, we propose a naive implementation of the `subst`{.coq} tactic
+as follows.
+Ltac subst' :=
+ repeat
+ match goal with
+ | H : ?x = _ |- context[?x]
+ => repeat rewrite H; clear H
+ end.
+With `goal`{.coq}, patterns are of the form `H : (pattern), ... |-
+- At the left side of `|-`{.coq}, we match on hypotheses. Beware that
+ contrary to variable names in pattern, hypothesis names behaves as in
+ Gallina (i.e., fresh binding, shadowing, etc.). In the branch, we are
+ looking for equations, i.e., a hypothesis of the form `?x = _`{.coq}.
+- At the right side of `|-`{.coq}, we match on the goal.
+In both cases, Ltac makes available an interesting operator,
+`context[(pattern)`{.coq}], which is satisfied if `(pattern)`{.coq} appears somewhere in
+the object we are pattern matching against. So, the branch of the `match`{.coq}
+reads as follows: we are looking for an equation `H`{.coq} which specifies the
+value of an object `x`{.coq} which appears in the goal. If such an equation
+exists, `subst'`{.coq} tries to `rewrite x`{.coq} as many times as possible.
+This implementation of `subst'`{.coq} is very fragile, and will not work if the
+equation is of the form `_ = ?x`{.coq}, and it may behave poorly if we have
+“transitive equations”, such as there exists hypotheses `?x = ?y`{.coq} and `?y
+= _`{.coq}. Motivated readers may be interested in proposing a more robust
+implementation of `subst'`{.coq}.
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-(** #<nav><p class="series">Ltac.html</p>
- <p class="series-prev">./LtacMetaprogramming.html</p>
- <p class="series-next">./MixingLtacAndGallina.html</p></nav># *)
-(** * Pattern Matching on Types and Contexts *)
-(** In the #<a href="LtacMetaprogramming.html">#previous article#</a># of our
- series on Ltac, we have shown how tactics allow for constructing Coq terms
- incrementally. Ltac programs (“proof scripts”) generate terms, and the
- shape of said terms can be very different regarding the initial context. For
- instance, [induction x] will refine the current goal using an inductive
- principle dedicated to the type of [x].
- This is possible because Ltac allows for pattern matching on types and
- contexts. In this article, we give a short introduction on this feature of
- key importance. *)
-(** #<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>#
- #<div id="history">site/posts/LtacPatternMatching.v</div># *)
-(** ** To [lazymatch] or to [match] *)
-(** Gallina provides one pattern matching construction, whose semantics is
- always the same: for a given term, the first pattern to match will always be
- selected. On the contrary, Ltac provides several pattern matching
- constructions with different semantics. This key difference has probably
- been motivated because Ltac is not a total language: a tactic may not always
- succeed.
- Ltac programmers can use [match] or [lazymatch]. One the one hand, with
- [match], if one pattern matches, but the branch body fails, Coq will
- backtrack and try the next branch. On the other hand, [lazymatch] will stop
- on error.
- So, for instance, the two following tactics will print two different
- messages: *)
-Ltac match_failure :=
- match goal with
- | _
- => fail "fail in first branch"
- | _
- => fail "fail in second branch"
- end.
-Ltac lazymatch_failure :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | _
- => fail "fail in first branch"
- | _
- => fail "fail in second branch"
- end.
-(** We can try that quite easily by starting a dumb goal (eg. [Goal (True).])
- and call our tactic. For [match_failure], we get:
-Ltac call to "match_failure" failed.
-Error: Tactic failure: fail in second branch.
- On the other hand, for [lazymatch_failure], we get:
-Ltac call to "match_failure'" failed.
-Error: Tactic failure: fail in first branch.
- Moreover, pattern matching allows for matching over _patterns_, not just
- constants. Here, Ltac syntax differs from Gallina’s. In Gallina, if a
- variable name is used in a pattern, Gallina creates a new variable in the
- scope of the related branch. If a variable with the same name already
- existed, it is shadowed. On the contrary, in Ltac, using a variable name
- as-is in a pattern implies an equality check.
- To illustrate this difference, we can take the example of the following
- tactic. *)
-Ltac successive x y :=
- lazymatch y with
- | S x => idtac
- | _ => fail
- end.
-(** [successive x y] will fails if [y] is not the successor of [x]. On the
- contrary, the “syntactically equivalent” function in Gallina will exhibit
- a totally different behavior. *)
-Definition successor (x y : nat) : bool :=
- match y with
- | S x => true
- | _ => false
- end.
-(** Here, the first branch of the pattern match is systematically selected when
- [y] is not O, and in this branch, the argument [x] is shadowed by the
- predecessor of [y].
- For Ltac to adopt a behavior similar to Gallina, the [?] prefix shall be
- used. For instance, the following tactic will check whether its argument
- has a known successor, prints it if it does, or fail otherwise. *)
-Ltac print_pred_or_zero x :=
- match x with
- | S ?x => idtac x
- | _ => fail
- end.
-(** On the one hand, [print_pred_or_zero 3] will print [2]. On the other hand,
- if there exists a variable [x : nat] in the context, calling
- [print_pred_or_zero x] will fail, since the exact value of [x] is not
- known. *)
-(** ** Pattern Matching on Types with [type of] *)
-(** The [type of] operator can be used in conjunction to pattern matching to
- generate different terms according to the type of a variable. We could
- leverage this to reimplement <<induction>> for instance.
- As an example, we propose the following <<not_nat>> tactic which, given an
- argument [x], fails if [x] is of type [nat]. *)
-Ltac not_nat x :=
- lazymatch type of x with
- | nat => fail "argument is of type nat"
- | _ => idtac
- end.
-(** With this definition, <<not_nat true>> succeeds since [true] is of type
- [bool], and [not_nat O] since [O] encodes #<span class="imath">#0#</span># in
- [nat].
- We can also use the [?] prefix to write true pattern. For instance, the
- following tactic will fail if the type of its supplied argument has at least
- one parameter. *)
-Ltac not_param_type x :=
- lazymatch type of x with
- | ?f ?a => fail "argument is of type with parameter"
- | _ => idtac
- end.
-(** Both <<not_param_type (@nil nat)>> of type [list nat] and
- <<(@eq_refl nat 0)>> of type [0 = 0] fail, but <<not_param_type 0>> of type [nat]
- succeeds. *)
-(** ** Pattern Matching on the Context with [goal] *)
-(** Lastly, we discuss how Ltac allows for inspecting the context (i.e., the
- hypotheses and the goal) using the [goal] keyword.
- For instance, we propose a naive implementation of the [subst] tactic
- as follows. *)
-Ltac subst' :=
- repeat
- match goal with
- | H : ?x = _ |- context[?x]
- => repeat rewrite H; clear H
- end.
-(** With [goal], patterns are of the form <<H : (pattern), ... |- (pattern)>>.
- - At the left side of [|-], we match on hypotheses. Beware that
- contrary to variable name in pattern, hypothesis names behaves as in
- Gallina (i.e., fresh binding, shadowing, etc.). In the branch, we are
- looking for equations, i.e., an hypothesis of the form [?x = _].
- - At the right side of [|-], we match on the goal.
- In both cases, Ltac makes available an interesting operator,
- [context[(pattern)]], which is satisfies if [(pattern)] appears somewhere in
- the object we are pattern matching against. So, the branch of the [match]
- reads as follows: we are looking for an equation [H] which specifies the
- value of an object [x] which appears in the goal. If such an equation
- exists, <<subst'>> tries to <<rewrite>> [x] as many time as possible.
- This implementation of [subst'] is very fragile, and will not work if the
- equation is of the form [_ = ?x], and it may behaves poorly if we have
- “transitive equations”, such as there exists hypotheses [?x = ?y] and [?y =
- _]. Motivated readers may be interested in proposing more robust
- implementation of [subst']. *)
-(** ** Conclusion *)
-(** This concludes our tour on Ltac pattern matching capabilities. In the #<a
- href="MixingLtacAndGallina.html">#next article of this series#</a>#, we
- explain how Ltac and Gallina can actually be used simultaneously. *)
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+published: 2023-05-18
+ - emacs
+ - meta
+ - neovim
+ - releases
+ - spatial-shell
+ parent: series/Retrospectives.html
+ prev: posts/November2022.html
+abstract: |
+ “Regularity is key.” But sometimes, it is a bit hard to get right.
+ Anyway, let’s catch up.
+# What happened since December 2022?
+Initially, I started this “What happened” series as an exercise to publish
+more regularly on this website. Suffice to say, I haven’t done a particularly
+impressive job in that regard, which only means I have a lot of room for
+Anyway, if the first few months of 2023 has been mostly `$WORK`{.bash} focus,
+the same cannot be said for April and May. For one, I have started
+[running](/running.html) again. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.
+## Spatial Shell got its first releases
+[Spatial Shell]( is probably my hobby
+project I am most excited about. The [“call for testers”
+article](/posts/CFTSpatialShell.html) I have published recently managed to
+catch the attention of a few folks[^fail]. The perspective to publish such a
+write-up was a very strong source of motivation for me to clean up a project I
+was using daily for several months now, and I am very satisfied with the
+[^fail]: You want to hear a lesson I learned the hard way just after publishing
+ it? Before calling for testers, it is better to [be sure your project can
+ actually be compiled easily by the potential
+ volunteers](
+Mass adoption is still a distant horizon, but still, the project is now
+mainstream enough that it has already been mentioned in [a random topic on the
+OCaml discourse by someone who isn’t
+me]( 🎉
+This led me to formally release a first version of Spatial Shell in the end of
+April, and a second today. For the first time, I have also published [an
+Archlinux package](, to make
+the life of potential early adopters even easier. Do not hesitate to upvote it
+so that it can find its way to the `extra` repository some day.
+## Goodbye Emacs! Remember me, Neovim?
+In 2015, I started using Coq for my PhD thesis and at the time, there was no
+real support for (Neo)vim[^coq]. Everyone was using [Proof
+General]( and Emacs, so I was left with little
+choice but to follow through. With only my courage and the [good advice of a
+fellow “vimer” who had also made a similar
+I started using Emacs.
+[^coq]: The situation later improved. Nowadays, you can implement your theories
+ using [Coqtail](, and [Coq
+ LSP]( will probably become a viable
+ and interesting setup in a near future.
+Fast forward 8 years later, and my [Emacs
+configuration]( has become a project
+of its own. Overall, I was pretty happy with my setup, but in the same time, I
+always remained a bit nostalgic of my Neovim days. This is probably why I
+decided to give this old friend a try when my company bought me a new laptop. I
+also used this as an opportunity to try out this LSP-thing everyone was talking
+It has been a month now, and I do not plan to come back to my previous habits.
+There are still some few edges here and there, I still need to get my head
+around lua, but LSP is nice, and plugins like
+[telescope]( are simply too
+That being said, there was one aspect of moving from Emacs to Neovim I had not
+anticipated: Org mode. Which constitutes a perfect transition to the next
+## Website redesign, again
+Did you notice this website has been revamping recently? The changes are
+actually deeper than “just” a redesign, to a point where I had to port *all* my
+write-ups to a different markup language[^transition].
+Why, you ask? Well, it’s actually pretty simple: as time goes, I’ve grown
+[^transition]: Are you starting to understand why “Org mode” was the perfect
+ transition to move on to this section?
+Let me give you some context. Until very recently, my website was built around
+the idea to have literate programming as a first-class citizen of my author
+tools. For instance, you can have a look at [what used to be the literate
+program which was responsible for generating the
+website](/posts/CleopatraV1.html). Similarly, most of [my write-ups about
+Coq](/tags/coq.html) were actually Coq documents. Literate programming is
+actually a very nice paradigm for authoring technical contents, because it
+gives you the tools to keep said contents accurate and up-to-date. In a
+nutshell, you cannot have a typo in one of your code snippets which would
+prevent it from compiling, because you actually
+compile the snippet and catch the typo when you try to generate your website.
+Or at least, it is what I used to do.
+I decided to stop because, for all its benefits, this approach has one major
+drawback: it is hard to maintain. I had invested quite some time and efforts to
+keep my website sources under control, but it really was an everyday fight.
+There are some strange things which start happening when you fully commit to
+this, as I think I did. For instance, software dependencies tie your article
+together. Suddenly, you cannot talk about this new fancy feature of the latest
+Coq release without upgrading *all* your write-ups implemented as Coq
+[^actually]: Well, in theory you can. Just have each Coq document specifies the
+ Coq version it requires, and support this level of customization in your
+ build toolchain. But then, your blog takes forever to build from a cold
+ repository.
+That being said, most of the work had already been done. This website *was* a
+collection of literate programs, and I was pretty proud of the state of things.
+I could deal with the annoyances[^coqdoc]. But then, as I explained in the
+previous section, I decided to move away from Emacs. The first time I tried to
+start a new write-up, it hit me.
+[^coqdoc]: Like using Coqdoc syntax to write my articles, for instance. I could
+ write about how the Coqdoc syntax irks me for ages.
+I used to write most of my contents using Org mode. Org mode, also known as
+*the* Emacs markup language.
+I know of at least [one “Org plugin” for
+Neovim](, but instead of giving it a
+try, I decided to use this opportunity to tackle my “maintenance problem” once
+and for all. *I gave up on literate programming for this website.* As a result,
+this website is now generated from Markdown files only (using
+[markdown-it]( with many plugins).
+As a consequence, the generated HTML is way more “predictable.” This was enough
+to motivate me at giving a try at [Soupault’s
+which are way more powerful than I anticipated. Now, this website has
+- Tags. Each write-up can be labeled with as many tags as I want, there is [a
+ page which lists all the tags used in the website](/tags), and each tag has
+ its own page (for instance, the [`coq` tag](/tags/coq.html).
+- A [RSS feed](/posts/index.xml). It was actually one of the main features I
+ really wanted to get with this revamp.
+- Automatically generated list of articles in the [home page](/), for each
+ series (see the [Ltac series](/series/Ltac.html) for instance). Before, I was
+ publishing “curated indexes,” or put in other words: I was writing these
+ indexes myself, by hand. And again, I’ve grown lazier.
+It took me a week to go through this rework. Translating manually every write-up
+was tedious, to say the least, as was implementing the Lua plugins for Soupault
+since I have neither proficiency nor tooling to help me write Lua code. But I
+am very glad for the final result.
+Also, I have invested in an Antidote license, so hopefully, this website will
+have fewer typos and English butchering as of now. A clean text, delivered with
+a nice and simple design, from a sane and maintainable [Git
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+published: 2020-07-26
+modified: 2020-08-28
+ parent: series/Ltac.html
+ prev: posts/LtacPatternMatching.html
+tags: ['coq']
+abstract: |
+ One of the most misleading introduction to Coq is to say that “Gallina is
+ for programs, while tactics are for proofs.” Gallina is the preferred way
+ to construct programs, and tactics are the preferred way to construct
+ proofs. The key word here is “preferred.” Coq actually allows for *mixing*
+ Ltac and Gallina together.
+# Mixing Ltac and Gallina for Fun and Profit
+One of the most misleading introductions to Coq is to say that “Gallina is
+for programs, while tactics are for proofs.” Indeed, in Coq we construct
+terms of given types, always. Terms encodes both programs and proofs about
+these programs. Gallina is the preferred way to construct programs, and
+tactics are the preferred way to construct proofs.
+The key word here is “preferred.” We do not always need to use tactics to
+construct a proof term. Conversely, there are some occasions where
+constructing a program with tactics become handy. Furthermore, Coq actually
+allows for *mixing together* Ltac and Gallina.
+In the [previous article of this series](/posts/LtacPatternMatching.html), we
+discuss how Ltac provides two very interesting features:
+- With `match goal with`{.coq} it can inspect its context
+- With `match type of _ with`{.coq} it can pattern matches on types
+It turns out these features are more than handy when it comes to
+metaprogramming (that is, the generation of programs by programs).
+## A Tale of Two Worlds, and Some Bridges
+Constructing terms proofs directly in Gallina often happens when one is
+writing dependently typed definition. For instance, we can write a type-safe
+`from_option`{.coq} function (inspired by [this very nice
+write-up]( such that
+the option to unwrap shall be accompanied by a proof that said option contains
+something. This extra argument is used in the `None`{.coq} case to derive a
+proof of `False`{.coq}, from which we can derive
+Definition is_some {α} (x : option α) : bool :=
+ match x with Some _ => true | None => false end.
+Lemma is_some_None {α} (x : option α)
+ : x = None -> is_some x <> true.
+Proof. intros H. rewrite H. discriminate. Qed.
+Definition from_option {α}
+ (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
+ : α :=
+ match x as y return x = y -> α with
+ | Some x => fun _ => x
+ | None => fun equ => False_rect α (is_some_None x equ some)
+ end eq_refl.
+In `from_option`{.coq}, we construct two proofs without using tactics:
+- `False_rect α (is_some_None x equ some)`{.coq} to exclude the absurd case
+- `eq_refl`{.coq} in conjunction with a dependent pattern matching (if you are
+ not familiar with this trick: the main idea is to allow Coq to
+ “remember” that `x = None`{.coq} in the second branch)
+We can use another approach. We can decide to implement `from_option`{.coq}
+with a proof script.
+Definition from_option' {α}
+ (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
+ : α.
+ case_eq x.
+ + intros y _.
+ exact y.
+ + intros equ.
+ rewrite equ in some.
+ now apply is_some_None in some.
+There is a third approach we can consider: mixing Gallina terms and tactics.
+This is possible thanks to the `ltac:()`{.coq} feature.
+Definition from_option'' {α}
+ (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
+ : α :=
+ match x as y return x = y -> α with
+ | Some x => fun _ => x
+ | None => fun equ => ltac:(rewrite equ in some;
+ now apply is_some_None in some)
+ end eq_refl.
+When Coq encounters `ltac:()`{.coq}, it treats it as a hole. It sets up a
+corresponding goal, and tries to solve it with the supplied tactic.
+Conversely, there exists ways to construct terms in Gallina when writing a proof
+script. Certain tactics take such terms as arguments. Besides, Ltac provides
+`constr:()`{.coq} and `uconstr:()`{.coq} which work similarly to
+`ltac:()`{.coq}. The difference between `constr:()`{.coq} and
+`uconstr:()`{.coq} is that Coq will try to assign a type to the argument of
+`constr:()`{.coq}, but will leave the argument of `uconstr:()`{.coq} untyped.
+For instance, consider the following tactic definition.
+Tactic Notation "wrap_id" uconstr(x) :=
+ let f := uconstr:(fun x => x) in
+ exact (f x).
+Both `x`{.coq} the argument of `wrap_id`{.coq} and `f`{.coq} the anonymous identity function
+are not typed. It is only when they are composed together as an argument of
+`exact`{.coq} (which expects a typed argument, more precisely of the type of the
+goal) that Coq actually tries to type check it.
+As a consequence, `wrap_id`{.coq} generates a specialized identity function for
+each specific context.
+Definition zero : nat := ltac:(wrap_id 0).
+The generated anonymous identity function is `fun x : nat => x`{.coq}.
+Definition empty_list α : list α := ltac:(wrap_id nil).
+The generated anonymous identity function is `fun x : list α => x`{.coq}.
+Besides, we do not need to give more type information about `nil`{.coq}. If
+`wrap_id`{.coq} were to be expecting a typed term, we would have to replace
+`nil`{.coq} by [(@nil α)].
+## Beware the Automation Elephant in the Room
+Proofs and computational programs are encoded in Coq as terms, but there is a
+fundamental difference between them, and it is highlighted by one of the axioms
+provided by the Coq standard library: proof irrelevance.
+Proof irrelevance states that two proofs of the same theorem (i.e., two proof
+terms which share the same type) are essentially equivalent, and can be
+substituted without threatening the trustworthiness of the system. From a
+formal methods point of view, it makes sense. Even if we value “beautiful
+proofs,” we mostly want correct proofs.
+The same reasoning does _not_ apply to computational programs. Two functions of
+type `nat -> nat -> nat`{.coq} are unlikely to be equivalent. For instance,
+`add`{.coq}, `mul`{.coq} or `sub`{.coq} share the same type, but computes
+totally different results.
+Using tactics such as `auto`{.coq} to generate terms which do not live inside
+`Prop`{.coq} is risky, to say the least. For instance,
+Definition add (x y : nat) : nat := ltac:(auto).
+This works, but it is certainly not what you would expect:
+add = fun _ y : nat => y
+ : nat -> nat -> nat
+That being said, if we keep that in mind, and assert the correctness of the
+generated programs (either by providing a proof, or by extensively testing it),
+there is no particular reason not to use Ltac to generate terms when it makes
+Dependently typed programming can help you here. If we decorate the return type of
+a function with the expected properties of the result wrt. the function’s
+arguments, we can ensure the function is correct, and conversely prevent tactics
+such as `auto`{.coq} to generate “incorrect” terms. Interested readers may
+refer to [the dedicated series on this very
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-(** #<nav><p class="series">Ltac.html</p>
- <p class="series-prev">./LtacPatternMatching.html</p></nav># *)
-(** * Mixing Ltac and Gallina for Fun and Profit *)
-(** One of the most misleading introduction to Coq is to say that “Gallina is
- for programs, while tactics are for proofs.” Indeed, in Coq we construct
- terms of given types, always. Terms encodes both programs and proofs about
- these programs. Gallina is the preferred way to construct programs, and
- tactics are the preferred way to construct proofs.
- The key word here is “preferred.” We do not always need to use tactics to
- construct a proof term. Conversly, there are some occasions where
- constructing a program with tactics become handy. Furthermore, Coq actually
- allows for _mixing together_ Ltac and Gallina.
- In the #<a href="LtacPatternMatching.html">#previous article of this
- series#</a>#, we discuss how Ltac provides two very interesting features:
- - With [match goal with] it can inspect its context
- - With [match type of _ with] it can pattern matches on types
- It turns out these features are more than handy when it comes to
- metaprogramming (that is, the generation of programs by programs). *)
-(** #<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>#
- #<div id="history">site/posts/MixingLtacAndGallina.v</div># *)
-(** ** A Tale of Two Worlds, and Some Bridges *)
-(** Constructing terms proofs directly in Gallina often happens when one is
- writing dependently-typed definition. For instance, we can write a type safe
- [from_option] function (inspired by #<a
- href="">#this very
- nice write-up#</a>#) such that the option to unwrap shall be accompagnied by
- a proof that said option contains something. This extra argument is used in
- the [None] case to derive a proof of [False], from which we can derive
- anything. *)
-Definition is_some {α} (x : option α) : bool :=
- match x with Some _ => true | None => false end.
-Lemma is_some_None {α} (x : option α)
- : x = None -> is_some x <> true.
-Proof. intros H. rewrite H. discriminate. Qed.
-Definition from_option {α}
- (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
- : α :=
- match x as y return x = y -> α with
- | Some x => fun _ => x
- | None => fun equ => False_rect α (is_some_None x equ some)
- end eq_refl.
-(** In [from_option], we construct two proofs without using tactics:
- - [False_rect α (is_some_None x equ some)] to exclude the absurd case
- - [eq_refl] in conjunction with a dependent pattern matching (if you are
- not familiar with this trick: the main idea is to allow Coq to
- “remember” that [x = None] in the second branch)
- We can use another approach. We can decide to implement [from_option]
- with a proof script. *)
-Definition from_option' {α}
- (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
- : α.
- case_eq x.
- + intros y _.
- exact y.
- + intros equ.
- rewrite equ in some.
- now apply is_some_None in some.
-(** There is a third approach we can consider: mixing Gallina terms, and
- tactics. This is possible thanks to the [ltac:()] feature. *)
-Definition from_option'' {α}
- (x : option α) (some : is_some x = true)
- : α :=
- match x as y return x = y -> α with
- | Some x => fun _ => x
- | None => fun equ => ltac:(rewrite equ in some;
- now apply is_some_None in some)
- end eq_refl.
-(** When Coq encounters [ltac:()], it treats it as a hole. It sets up a
- corresponding goal, and tries to solve it with the supplied tactic.
- Conversly, there exists ways to construct terms in Gallina when writing a
- proof script. Certains tactics takes such terms as arguments. Besides, Ltac
- provides [constr:()] and [uconstr:()] which work similarly to [ltac:()].
- The difference between [constr:()] and [uconstr:()] is that Coq will try to
- assign a type to the argument of [constr:()], but will leave the argument of
- [uconstr:()] untyped.
- For instance, consider the following tactic definition. *)
-Tactic Notation "wrap_id" uconstr(x) :=
- let f := uconstr:(fun x => x) in
- exact (f x).
-(** Both [x] the argument of [wrap_id] and [f] the anonymous identity function
- are not typed. It is only when they are composed together as an argument of
- [exact] (which expects a typed argument, more precisely of the type of the
- goal) that Coq actually tries to typecheck it.
- As a consequence, [wrap_id] generates a specialized identity function for
- each specific context. *)
-Definition zero : nat := ltac:(wrap_id 0).
-(** The generated anonymous identity function is [fun x : nat => x]. *)
-Definition empty_list α : list α := ltac:(wrap_id nil).
-(** The generated anonymous identity function is [fun x : list α => x]. Besides,
- we do not need to give more type information about [nil]. If [wrap_id] were
- to be expecting a typed term, we would have to replace [nil] by [(@nil
- α)]. *)
-(** ** Beware the Automation Elephant in the Room *)
-(** Proofs and computational programs are encoded in Coq as terms, but there is
- a fundamental difference between them, and it is highlighted by one of the
- axiom provided by the Coq standard library: proof irrelevance.
- Proof irrelevance states that two proofs of the same theorem (i.e., two
- proof terms which share the same type) are essentially equivalent, and can
- be substituted without threatening the trustworthiness of the system. From a
- formal methods point of view, it makes sense. Even if we value “beautiful
- proofs,” we mostly want correct proofs.
- The same reasoning does _not_ apply to computational programs. Two functions
- of type [nat -> nat -> nat] are unlikely to be equivalent. For instance,
- [add], [mul] or [sub] share the same type, but computes totally different
- results.
- Using tactics such as [auto] to generate terms which do not live inside
- [Prop] is risky, to say the least. For instance, *)
-Definition add (x y : nat) : nat := ltac:(auto).
-(** This works, but it is certainly not what you would expect:
-add = fun _ y : nat => y
- : nat -> nat -> nat
- That being said, if we keep that in mind, and assert the correctness of the
- generated programs (either by providing a proof, or by extensively testing
- it), there is no particular reason not to use Ltac to generate terms when it
- makes sens.
- Dependently-typed programming can help here. If we decorate the return type
- of a function with the expected properties of the result wrt. the function’s
- arguments, we can ensure the function is correct, and conversly prevent
- tactics such as [auto] to generate “incorrect” terms. Interested readers may
- refer to #<a href="/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.html">#the dedicated
- series on this very website#</a>. *)
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+published: 2017-07-15
+tags: ['haskell', 'opinions']
+abstract: |
+ Monads are hard to get right, monad transformers are harder. Yet, they
+ remain a very powerful abstraction.
+# Monad Transformers are a Great Abstraction
+Monads are hard to get right. I think it took me around a year of Haskelling to
+feel like I understood them. The reason is, to my opinion, there is not such
+thing as *the* Monad. It is even the contrary. When someone asks me how I would
+define Monads in only a few words, I say monads are a convenient formalism to
+chain specific computations. Once I’ve got that, I started noticing “monadic
+construction” everywhere, from the Rust `?`{.rust} operator to the [Elixir
+`with`{.elixir} keyword](
+Haskell often uses another concept above Monads: Monad Transformers. This allows
+you to work not only with *one* Monad, but rather a stack. Each Monad brings its
+own properties and you can mix them into your very own one. That you can’t have
+in Rust or Elixir, but it works great in Haskell. Unfortunately, it is not an
+easy concept and it can be hard to understand. This article is not an attempt to
+do so, but rather a postmortem review of one situation where I found them
+extremely useful. If you think you have understood how they work, but don’t see
+the point yet, you might find here a beginning of the answer.
+Recently, I ran into a very good example of why Monad Transformers worth it[^doubts]. I
+have been working on a project called ogma for a couple years now. In a
+nutshell, I want to build “a tool” to visualize in time and space a
+storytelling. We are not here just yet, but, in the meantime, I have written a
+software called `celtchar` to build a novel from a list of files. One of its
+newest features is the choice of language, and by extension, the typographic
+rules. This information is read from a configuration file very early in the
+program flow. Unfortunately, its use comes much later, after several function
+[^doubts]: Time has passed since the publication of this article. Whether or
+ not I remain in sync with its conclusions is an open question. Monad
+ Transformers are a great abstraction, but nowadays I would probably try to
+ choose another approach.
+In Haskell, you deal with that kind of challenge by relying on the Reader
+Monad. It carries an environment in a transparent way. The only thing is, I was
+already using the State Monad to carry the computation result. But that’s not an
+issue with the Monad Transformers.
+-type Builder = StateT Text IO
++type Builder = StateT Text (ReaderT Language IO)
+As you may have already understood, I wasn't using the “raw” `State`{.haskell}
+Monad, but rather the transformer version `StateT`{.haskell}. The underlying
+Monad was `IO`{.haskell}, because I needed to be able to read some files from
+the file system. By replacing `IO`{.haskell} by `ReaderT Language IO`{.haskell},
+I basically fixed my “carry the variable to the correct function call easily”
+Retrieving the chosen language is as simple as:
+getLanguage :: Builder Language
+getLanguage = lift ask
+And that was basically it.
+Now, my point is not that Monad Transformers are the ultimate beast we will have
+to tame once and then everything will be shiny and easy[^funny]. There are a lot of
+other ways to achieve what I did with my `Builder`{.haskell} stack. For instance, in an
+OO language, I probably would have to add a new class member to my `Builder`{.haskell}
+class and I would have done basically the same thing.
+[^funny]: It is amusing to see Past Me being careful here.
+However, there is something I really like about this approach: the
+`Builder`{.haskell} type definition gives you a lot of useful information
+already. Both the `State`{.haskell} and `Reader`{.haskell} Monads have a
+well-established semantics most Haskellers will understand in a glance. A bit
+of documentation won’t hurt, but I suspect it is not as necessary as one could
+expect. Moreover, the presence of the `IO`{.haskell} Monad tells everyone using
+the `Builder`{.haskell} Monad might cause I/O.
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+published: 2023-05-01
+modified: 2023-05-02
+tags: ['ocaml', 'neovim']
+abstract: |
+ Can we all agree that witnessing syntax highlighting being absolutely off
+ is probably the most annoying thing that can happen to anybody?
+# Neovim, OCaml Interfaces, Tree-Sitter and LSP
+Can we all agree that witnessing syntax highlighting being absolutely off is
+probably the most annoying thing that can happen to anybody?
+I mean, just look at this horror.
+#[Syntax highlighting being absolutely wrong.](/img/wrong-highlighting.png)
+What you are looking at is the result of trying to enable `tree-sitter` for
+OCaml hacking and calling it a day. In a nutshell, OCaml `mli` files are
+quickly turning into a random mess of nonsensical colors, and I didn’t know
+why. I tried to blame
+but, of course I was wrong.
+The issue is subtle, and to be honest, I don’t know if I totally grasp it. But
+from my rough understanding, it breaks down as follows.
+- `tree-sitter-ocaml` defines two grammars: `ocaml` for the `ml` files, and
+ `ocaml_interface` (but `ocamlinterface` also works) for the `mli` files
+- By default, neovim uses the filetype `ocaml` for `mli` files, so the incorrect
+ parser is being used for syntax highlighting. This explains the root issue
+- Bonus: `ocamllsp` does not recognize the `ocamlinterface` filetype by
+ default (but somehow use the `ocaml.interface` id for `mli` files…[^contrib]).
+[^contrib]: There is probably something to be done here.
+So, in order to have both `tree-sitter` and `ocamllsp` working at the same
+time, I had to tweak my configuration a little bit.
+``` lua
+ filetypes = vim.list_extend(
+ require('lspconfig.server_configurations.ocamllsp')
+ .default_config
+ .filetypes,
+ { 'ocamlinterface' }
+ ),
+vim.cmd([[au! BufNewFile,BufRead *.mli setfiletype ocamlinterface]])
+And now, I am blessed with a consistent syntax highlighting for my `mli` files.
+#[Syntax highlighting being absolutely right.](/img/good-highlighting.png)
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+published: 2022-11-19
+modified: 2023-05-09
+tags: ['spatial-shell', 'nanowrimo', 'coqffi']
+ parent: series/Retrospectives.html
+ prev: posts/September2022.html
+ next: posts/May2023.html
+abstract: |
+ Spatial Sway has basically reached the MVP stage, I failed to fully commit
+ to this year’s NaNoWriMo, and someone has worked on adding some support for
+ `coqffi` to `dune`.
+# What happened in October and November 2022?
+It is November 19 today, and I’m one month and 4 days late for the October
+Retrospective! Truth is, `$WORK`{.bash} has been intense lately, to a point
+where I have not made much progress on my side projects. Anyway.
+I have implemented the last feature I was really missing in my daily
+use of Spatial Sway: moving windows to adjacent workspaces. As a
+result, I think I can say that Spatial Sway has really reached the
+“Minimum Viable Product” stage, with a convenient UX, and a nice
+enough UI. It is still lacking when it comes to configurability,
+though. It is the next item of my TODO list, but I have no idea when I
+will implement the support for a configuration file.
+Another highlight of the past two months was the
+[NaNoWriMo]( I took the last week of October and the
+first week of November off to plan and start writing a fiction project for it.
+Writing again was really nice, and I even gave writing fiction in English a
+shot. That made me uncover a bug in the English support of
+[ogam](, my markup language for fiction writers,
+which led me to publish a fix on However, as soon as I came back to
+`$WORK`{.bash}, my writing spree ended. That’s okay, though. It gave me plenty
+of ideas for future sessions. Thanks, NaNoWriMo! Sorry to quit so soon, and see
+you next year, maybe.
+Finally, a nice surprise of the past month is that [someone has started working
+on adding proper support for `coqffi` to
+`dune`](, the build system for OCaml
+and Coq! I’m thrilled by this. Thanks,
+This wraps up this retrospective. I hope I will have more interesting,
+concrete news to share next month.
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+published: 2022-08-07
+modified: 2022-08-12
+tags: ['ocaml']
+abstract: |
+ In OCaml, it is not possible to write a function whose argument is a
+ polymorphic function. Trying to write such a function results in the
+ type-checker complaining back at you. The trick to be able to write such a
+ function is to use records.
+# Writing a Function Whose Argument is a Polymorphic Function in OCaml
+In OCaml, it is not possible to write a function whose argument is a
+polymorphic function. Trying to write such a function results in the
+type-checker complaining back at you.
+let foo (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y)
+Line 1, characters 50-51:
+1 | let foo (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y);;
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type b but an expression was expected
+of type a
+When OCaml tries to type check `foo`{.ocaml}, it infers `id`{.ocaml} expects an
+argument of type `a`{.ocaml} because of `id x`{.ocaml}, then fails when trying
+to type check `id y`{.ocaml}.
+The trick to be able to write `foo`{.ocaml} is to use records. Indeed, while
+the argument of a function cannot be polymorphic, the field of a record can.
+This effectively makes it possible to write `foo`{.ocaml}, at the cost of a
+level of indirection.
+type id = {id : 'a. 'a -> 'a}
+let foo {id} x y = (id x, id y)
+From a runtime perspective, it is possible to tell OCaml to remove the
+introduced indirection with the `unboxed`{.ocaml} annotation. There is nothing
+we can do in the source, though. We need to destruct `id`{.ocaml} in
+`foo`{.ocaml}, and we need to construct it at its call site.
+g {id = fun x -> x}
+As a consequence, this solution is not a silver bullet, but it is an option
+that is worth considering if, *e.g.*, it allows us to export a cleaner API to the
+consumer of a module. Personally, I have been considering this trick recently
+to remove the need for a library to be implemented as a functor.
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+published: 2017-05-13
+tags: ['coq']
+abstract: |
+ The `rewrite`{.coq} tactics are really useful, since they are not limited
+ to the Coq built-in equality relation.
+# Rewriting in Coq
+I have to confess something. In the codebase of SpecCert lies a shameful
+secret, which takes the form of a set of unnecessary axioms.
+I thought I couldn’t avoid them at first, but it was before I heard about
+“generalized rewriting,” setoids and morphisms. Now, I know the truth, and I
+will have to update SpecCert eventually. But, in the meantime, let me try to
+explain how it is possible to rewrite a term in a proof using an ad hoc
+equivalence relation and, when necessary, a proper morphism.
+## Case Study: Gate System
+Now, why would anyone want such a thing as “generalized rewriting” when the
+`rewrite`{.coq} tactic works just fine.
+The thing is: it does not in some cases. To illustrate my statement, we will
+consider the following definition of a gate in Coq:
+Record Gate :=
+ { open: bool
+ ; lock: bool
+ ; lock_is_close: lock = true -> open = false
+ }.
+According to this definition, a gate can be either open or closed. It can also
+be locked, but if it is, it cannot be open at the same time. To express this
+constraint, we embed the appropriate proposition inside the Record. By doing so,
+we *know* for sure that we will never meet an ill-formed `Gate`{.coq} instance.
+The Coq engine will prevent it, because to construct a gate, one will have to
+prove the `lock_is_close`{.coq} predicate holds.
+The `program`{.coq} attribute makes it easy to work with embedded proofs. For
+instance, defining the ”open gate” is as easy as:
+Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
+Definition open_gate :=
+ {| open := true
+ ; lock := false
+ |}.
+Under the hood, `program`{.coq} proves what needs to be proven, that is the
+`lock_is_close`{.coq} proposition. Just have a look at its output:
+open_gate has type-checked, generating 1 obligation(s)
+Solving obligations automatically...
+open_gate_obligation_1 is defined
+No more obligations remaining
+open_gate is defined
+In this case, using `Program`{.coq} is a bit like cracking a nut with a
+sledgehammer. We can easily do it ourselves using the `refine`{.coq} tactic.
+Definition open_gate': Gate.
+ refine ({| open := true
+ ; lock := false
+ |}).
+ intro Hfalse.
+ discriminate Hfalse.
+## `Gate`{.coq} Equality
+What does it mean for two gates to be equal? Intuitively, we know they have to
+share the same states (`open`{.coq} and `lock`{.coq} is our case).
+### Leibniz Equality Is Too Strong
+When you write something like `a = b`{.coq} in Coq, the `=`{.coq} refers to the
+`eq`{.coq} function and this function relies on what is called the Leibniz Equality:
+`x`{.coq} and `y`{.coq} are equal iff every property on `A`{.coq} which is true
+of `x`{.coq} is also true of `y`{.coq}.
+As for myself, when I first started to write some Coq code, the
+Leibniz Equality was not really something I cared about and I tried to
+prove something like this:
+Lemma open_gates_are_equal (g g': Gate)
+ (equ : open g = true) (equ' : open g' = true)
+ : g = g'.
+Basically, it means that if two doors are open, then they are equal. That made
+sense to me, because by definition of `Gate`{.coq}, a locked door is closed,
+meaning an open door cannot be locked.
+Here is an attempt to prove the `open_gates_are_equal`{.coq} lemma.
+ assert (forall g, open g = true -> lock g = false). {
+ intros [o l h] equo.
+ cbn in *.
+ case_eq l; auto.
+ intros equl.
+ now rewrite (h equl) in equo.
+ }
+ assert (lock g = false) by apply (H _ equ).
+ assert (lock g' = false) by apply (H _ equ').
+ destruct g; destruct g'; cbn in *; subst.
+The term to prove is now:
+{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close0 |} =
+{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close1 |}
+The next tactic I wanted to use `reflexivity`{.coq}, because I'd basically proven
+`open g = open g'`{.coq} and `lock g = lock g'`{.coq}, which meets my definition of equality
+at that time.
+Except Coq wouldn’t agree. See how it reacts:
+Unable to unify "{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close1 |}"
+ with "{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close0 |}".
+It cannot unify the two records. More precisely, it cannot unify
+`lock_is_close1`{.coq} and `lock_is_close0`{.coq}. So we abort and try something
+### Ah-Hoc Equivalence Relation
+This is a familiar pattern. Coq cannot guess what we have in mind. Giving a
+formal definition of “our equality” is fortunately straightforward.
+Definition gate_eq
+ (g g': Gate)
+ : Prop :=
+ open g = open g' /\ lock g = lock g'.
+Because “equality” means something very specific in Coq, we won't say “two
+gates are equal” anymore, but “two gates are equivalent.” That is,
+`gate_eq`{.coq} is an equivalence relation. But “equivalence relation” is also
+something very specific. For instance, such relation needs to be symmetric (`R
+x y -> R y x`{.coq}), reflexive (`R x x`{.coq}) and transitive (`R x y -> R y z
+-> R x z`{.coq}).
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
+Instance Gate_Equivalence
+ : Equivalence gate_eq.
+Next Obligation.
+ split; reflexivity.
+Next Obligation.
+ intros g g' [Hop Hlo].
+ symmetry in Hop; symmetry in Hlo.
+ split; assumption.
+Next Obligation.
+ intros g g' g'' [Hop Hlo] [Hop' Hlo'].
+ split.
+ + transitivity (open g'); [exact Hop|exact Hop'].
+ + transitivity (lock g'); [exact Hlo|exact Hlo'].
+Afterwards, the `symmetry`{.coq}, `reflexivity`{.coq} and `transitivity`{.coq}
+tactics also works with `gate_eq`{.coq}, in addition to `eq`{.coq}. We can try
+again to prove the `open_gate_are_the_same`{.coq} lemma and it will
+[^lemma]: I know I should have proven an intermediate lemma to avoid code
+ duplication. Sorry about that, it hurts my eyes too.
+Lemma open_gates_are_the_same:
+ forall (g g': Gate),
+ open g = true
+ -> open g' = true
+ -> gate_eq g g'.
+ induction g; induction g'.
+ cbn.
+ intros H0 H2.
+ assert (lock0 = false).
+ + case_eq lock0; [ intro H; apply lock_is_close0 in H;
+ rewrite H0 in H;
+ discriminate H
+ | reflexivity
+ ].
+ + assert (lock1 = false).
+ * case_eq lock1; [ intro H'; apply lock_is_close1 in H';
+ rewrite H2 in H';
+ discriminate H'
+ | reflexivity
+ ].
+ * subst.
+ split; reflexivity.
+## Equivalence Relations and Rewriting
+So here we are, with our ad hoc definition of gate equivalence. We can use
+`symmetry`{.coq}, `reflexivity`{.coq} and `transitivity`{.coq} along with
+`gate_eq`{.coq} and it works fine because we have told Coq `gate_eq`{.coq} is
+indeed an equivalence relation for `Gate`{.coq}.
+Can we do better? Can we actually use `rewrite`{.coq} to replace an occurrence
+of `g`{.coq} by an occurrence of `g’`{.coq} as long as we can prove that
+`gate_eq g g’`{.coq}? The answer is “yes”, but it will not come for free.
+Before moving forward, just consider the following function:
+Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
+Program Definition try_open
+ (g: Gate)
+ : Gate :=
+ if eqb (lock g) false
+ then {| lock := false
+ ; open := true
+ |}
+ else g.
+It takes a gate as an argument and returns a new gate. If the former is not
+locked, the latter is open. Otherwise the argument is returned as is.
+Lemma gate_eq_try_open_eq
+ : forall (g g': Gate),
+ gate_eq g g'
+ -> gate_eq (try_open g) (try_open g').
+ intros g g' Heq.
+What we could have wanted to do is: `rewrite Heq`{.coq}. Indeed, `g`{.coq} and `g’`{.coq}
+“are the same” (`gate_eq g g’`{.coq}), so, _of course_, the results of `try_open g`{.coq} and
+`try_open g’`{.coq} have to be the same. Except...
+Error: Tactic failure: setoid rewrite failed: Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
+ ?X49==[g g' Heq |- relation Gate] (internal placeholder) {?r}
+ ?X50==[g g' Heq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
+ |- Morphisms.Proper (gate_eq ==> ?X49@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq}) try_open] (internal placeholder) {?p}
+ ?X52==[g g' Heq |- relation Gate] (internal placeholder) {?r0}
+ ?X53==[g g' Heq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
+ |- Morphisms.Proper (?X49@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} ==> ?X52@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl) eq]
+ (internal placeholder) {?p0}
+ ?X54==[g g' Heq |- Morphisms.ProperProxy ?X52@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} (try_open g')] (internal placeholder) {?p1}
+What Coq is trying to tell us here —in a very poor manner, I’d say— is actually
+pretty simple. It cannot replace `g`{.coq} by `g’`{.coq} because it does not
+know if two equivalent gates actually give the same result when passed as the
+argument of `try_open`{.coq}. This is actually what we want to prove, so we
+cannot use `rewrite`{.coq} just yet, because it needs this result so it can do
+its magic. Chicken and egg problem.
+In other words, we are making the same mistake as before: not telling Coq what
+it cannot guess by itself.
+The `rewrite`{.coq} tactic works out of the box with the Coq equality
+(`eq`{.coq}, or most likely `=`{.coq}) because of the Leibniz Equality:
+`x`{.coq} and `y`{.coq} are equal iff every property on `A`{.coq} which is true
+of `x`{.coq} is also true of `y`{.coq}
+This is a pretty strong property, and one that a lot of equivalence relations do not
+have. Want an example? Consider the relation `R`{.coq} over `A`{.coq} such that
+forall `x`{.coq} and `y`{.coq}, `R x y`{.coq} holds true. Such a relation is
+reflexive, symmetric and reflexive. Yet, there is very little chance that given
+a function `f : A -> B`{.coq} and `R’`{.coq} an equivalence relation over
+`B`{.coq}, `R x y -> R' (f x) (f y)`{.coq}. Only if we have this property, we
+would know that we could rewrite `f x`{.coq} by `f y`{.coq}, *e.g.*, in `R' z
+(f x)`{.coq}. Indeed, by transitivity of `R’`{.coq}, we can deduce `R' z (f
+y)`{.coq} from `R' z (f x)`{.coq} and `R (f x) (f y)`{.coq}.
+If `R x y -> R' (f x) (f y)`{.coq}, then `f`{.coq} is a morphism because it
+preserves an equivalence relation. In our previous case, `A`{.coq} is
+`Gate`{.coq}, `R`{.coq} is `gate_eq`{.coq}, `f`{.coq} is `try_open`{.coq} and
+therefore `B`{.coq} is `Gate`{.coq} and `R’`{.coq} is `gate_eq`{.coq}. To make
+Coq aware that `try_open`{.coq} is a morphism, we can use the following syntax:
+Open Scope signature_scope.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Instance try_open_Proper
+ : Proper (gate_eq ==> gate_eq) try_open.
+This notation is actually more generic because you can deal with functions that
+take more than one argument. Hence, given `g : A -> B -> C -> D`{.coq},
+`R`{.coq} (respectively `R’`{.coq}, `R’’`{.coq} and `R’’’`{.coq}) an equivalent
+relation of `A`{.coq} (respectively `B`{.coq}, `C`{.coq} and `D`{.coq}), we can
+prove `f`{.coq} is a morphism as follows:
+Add Parametric Morphism: (g)
+ with signature (R) ==> (R') ==> (R'') ==> (R''')
+ as <name>.
+Back to our `try_open`{.coq} morphism. Coq needs you to prove the following
+1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 50)
+ ============================
+ forall x y : Gate, gate_eq x y -> gate_eq (try_open x) (try_open y)
+Here is a way to prove that:
+Next Obligation.
+ intros g g' Heq.
+ assert (gate_eq g g') as [Hop Hlo] by (exact Heq).
+ unfold try_open.
+ rewrite <- Hlo.
+ destruct (bool_dec (lock g) false) as [Hlock|Hnlock]; subst.
+ + rewrite Hlock.
+ split; cbn; reflexivity.
+ + apply not_false_is_true in Hnlock.
+ rewrite Hnlock.
+ cbn.
+ exact Heq.
+Now, back to our `gate_eq_try_open_eq`{.coq}, we now can use `rewrite`{.coq}
+and `reflexivity`{.coq}.
+Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Lemma gate_eq_try_open_eq
+ : forall (g g': Gate),
+ gate_eq g g'
+ -> gate_eq (try_open g) (try_open g').
+ intros g g' Heq.
+ rewrite Heq.
+ reflexivity.
+We did it! We actually rewrite `g`{.coq} as `g’`{.coq}, even if we weren’t able
+to prove `g = g’`{.coq}.
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-(** #<nav><p class="series">../coq.html</p>
- <p class="series-prev">./Ltac.html</p>
- <p class="series-next">./ClightIntroduction.html</p></nav># *)
-(** * Rewriting in Coq *)
-(** I have to confess something. In the codebase of SpecCert lies a shameful
- secret. It takes the form of a set of unnecessary axioms. I thought I
- couldn’t avoid them at first, but it was before I heard about “generalized
- rewriting,” setoids and morphisms. Now, I know the truth, and I will have
- to update SpecCert eventually. But, in the meantime, let me try to explain
- in this article originally published on #<span id="original-created-at">May
- 13, 2017</span> how it is possible to rewrite a term in a proof using a
- ad-hoc equivalence relation and, when necessary, a proper morphism. *)
-(** #<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>#
- #<div id="history">site/posts/RewritingInCoq.v</div># *)
-(** ** Gate: Our Case Study *)
-(** Now, why would anyone want such a thing as “generalized rewriting” when the
- [rewrite] tactic works just fine.
- The thing is: it does not in some cases. To illustrate my statement, we will
- consider the following definition of a gate in Coq: *)
-Record Gate :=
- { open: bool
- ; lock: bool
- ; lock_is_close: lock = true -> open = false
- }.
-(** According to this definition, a gate can be either open or closed. It can
- also be locked, but if it is, it cannot be open at the same time. To express
- this constrain, we embed the appropriate proposition inside the Record. By
- doing so, we _know_ for sure that we will never meet an ill-formed Gate
- instance. The Coq engine will prevent it, because to construct a gate, one
- will have to prove the [lock_is_close] predicate holds.
- The [program] attribute makes it easy to work with embedded proofs. For
- instance, defining the ”open gate” is as easy as: *)
-Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
-Definition open_gate :=
- {| open := true
- ; lock := false
- |}.
-(** Under the hood, [program] proves what needs to be proven, that is the
- [lock_is_close] proposition. Just have a look at its output:
-open_gate has type-checked, generating 1 obligation(s)
-Solving obligations automatically...
-open_gate_obligation_1 is defined
-No more obligations remaining
-open_gate is defined
- In this case, using <<Program>> is a bit like cracking a nut with a
- sledgehammer. We can easily do it ourselves using the [refine] tactic. *)
-Definition open_gate': Gate.
- refine ({| open := true
- ; lock := false
- |}).
- intro Hfalse.
- discriminate Hfalse.
-(** ** Gate Equality
-What does it mean for two gates to be equal? Intuitively, we know they
-have to share the same states ([open] and [lock] is our case).
-*** Leibniz Equality Is Too Strong
-When you write something like [a = b] in Coq, the [=] refers to the
-[eq] function and this function relies on what is called the Leibniz
-Equality: [x] and [y] are equal iff every property on [A] which is
-true of [x] is also true of [y]
-As for myself, when I first started to write some Coq code, the
-Leibniz Equality was not really something I cared about and I tried to
-prove something like this: *)
-Lemma open_gates_are_equal (g g': Gate)
- (equ : open g = true) (equ' : open g' = true)
- : g = g'.
-(** Basically, it means that if two doors are open, then they are equal. That
-made sense to me, because by definition of [Gate], a locked door is closed,
-meaning an open door cannot be locked.
-Here is an attempt to prove the [open_gates_are_equal] lemmas. *)
- assert (forall g, open g = true -> lock g = false). {
- intros [o l h] equo.
- cbn in *.
- case_eq l; auto.
- intros equl.
- now rewrite (h equl) in equo.
- }
- assert (lock g = false) by apply (H _ equ).
- assert (lock g' = false) by apply (H _ equ').
- destruct g; destruct g'; cbn in *; subst.
-(** The term to prove is now:
-{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close0 |} =
-{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close1 |}
-The next tactic I wanted to use [reflexivity], because I'd basically proven
-[open g = open g'] and [lock g = lock g'], which meets my definition of equality
-at that time.
-Except Coq wouldn’t agree. See how it reacts:
-Unable to unify "{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close1 |}"
- with "{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close0 |}".
-It cannot unify the two records. More precisely, it cannot unify
-[lock_is_close1] and [lock_is_close0]. So we abort and try something
-else. *)
-(** *** Ah hoc Equivalence Relation
-This is a familiar pattern. Coq cannot guess what we have in mind. Giving a
-formal definition of “our equality” is fortunately straightforward. *)
-Definition gate_eq
- (g g': Gate)
- : Prop :=
- open g = open g' /\ lock g = lock g'.
-(** Because “equality” means something very specific in Coq, we won't say “two
-gates are equal” anymore, but “two gates are equivalent”. That is, [gate_eq] is
-an equivalence relation. But “equivalence relation” is also something very
-specific. For instance, such relation needs to be symmetric ([R x y -> R y x]),
-reflexive ([R x x]) and transitive ([R x y -> R y z -> R x z]). *)
-Require Import Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
-Instance Gate_Equivalence
- : Equivalence gate_eq.
-Next Obligation.
- split; reflexivity.
-Next Obligation.
- intros g g' [Hop Hlo].
- symmetry in Hop; symmetry in Hlo.
- split; assumption.
-Next Obligation.
- intros g g' g'' [Hop Hlo] [Hop' Hlo'].
- split.
- + transitivity (open g'); [exact Hop|exact Hop'].
- + transitivity (lock g'); [exact Hlo|exact Hlo'].
-(** Afterwards, the [symmetry], [reflexivity] and [transitivity] tactics also
-works with [gate_eq], in addition to [eq]. We can try again to prove the
-[open_gate_are_the_same] lemma and it will work[fn:lemma]. *)
-Lemma open_gates_are_the_same:
- forall (g g': Gate),
- open g = true
- -> open g' = true
- -> gate_eq g g'.
- induction g; induction g'.
- cbn.
- intros H0 H2.
- assert (lock0 = false).
- + case_eq lock0; [ intro H; apply lock_is_close0 in H;
- rewrite H0 in H;
- discriminate H
- | reflexivity
- ].
- + assert (lock1 = false).
- * case_eq lock1; [ intro H'; apply lock_is_close1 in H';
- rewrite H2 in H';
- discriminate H'
- | reflexivity
- ].
- * subst.
- split; reflexivity.
-(** [fn:lemma] I know I should have proven an intermediate lemma to avoid code
-duplication. Sorry about that, it hurts my eyes too.
-** Equivalence Relations and Rewriting
-So here we are, with our ad-hoc definition of gate equivalence. We can use
-[symmetry], [reflexivity] and [transitivity] along with [gate_eq] and it works
-fine because we have told Coq [gate_eq] is indeed an equivalence relation for
-Can we do better? Can we actually use [rewrite] to replace an occurrence of [g]
-by an occurrence of [g’] as long as we can prove that [gate_eq g g’]? The answer
-is “yes”, but it will not come for free.
-Before moving forward, just consider the following function: *)
-Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
-Program Definition try_open
- (g: Gate)
- : Gate :=
- if eqb (lock g) false
- then {| lock := false
- ; open := true
- |}
- else g.
-(** It takes a gate as an argument and returns a new gate. If the former is not
-locked, the latter is open. Otherwise the argument is returned as is. *)
-Lemma gate_eq_try_open_eq
- : forall (g g': Gate),
- gate_eq g g'
- -> gate_eq (try_open g) (try_open g').
- intros g g' Heq.
-(** What we could have wanted to do is: [rewrite Heq]. Indeed, [g] and [g’]
-“are the same” ([gate_eq g g’]), so, _of course_, the results of [try_open g] and
-[try_open g’] have to be the same. Except...
-Error: Tactic failure: setoid rewrite failed: Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
- ?X49==[g g' Heq |- relation Gate] (internal placeholder) {?r}
- ?X50==[g g' Heq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
- |- Morphisms.Proper (gate_eq ==> ?X49@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq}) try_open] (internal placeholder) {?p}
- ?X52==[g g' Heq |- relation Gate] (internal placeholder) {?r0}
- ?X53==[g g' Heq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
- |- Morphisms.Proper (?X49@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} ==> ?X52@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl) eq]
- (internal placeholder) {?p0}
- ?X54==[g g' Heq |- Morphisms.ProperProxy ?X52@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} (try_open g')] (internal placeholder) {?p1}
-What Coq is trying to tell us here —in a very poor manner, I’d say— is actually
-pretty simple. It cannot replace [g] by [g’] because it does not know if two
-equivalent gates actually give the same result when passed as the argument of
-[try_open]. This is actually what we want to prove, so we cannot use [rewrite]
-just yet, because it needs this result so it can do its magic. Chicken and egg
-In other words, we are making the same mistake as before: not telling Coq what
-it cannot guess by itself.
-The [rewrite] tactic works out of the box with the Coq equality ([eq], or most
-likely [=]) because of the Leibniz Equality: [x] and [y] are equal iff every
-property on [A] which is true of [x] is also true of [y]
-This is a pretty strong property, and one a lot of equivalence relations do not
-have. Want an example? Consider the relation [R] over [A] such that forall [x]
-and [y], [R x y] holds true. Such relation is reflexive, symmetric and
-reflexive. Yet, there is very little chance that given a function [f : A -> B]
-and [R’] an equivalence relation over [B], [R x y -> R' (f x) (f y)]. Only if we
-have this property, we would know that we could rewrite [f x] by [f y], e.g. in
-[R' z (f x)]. Indeed, by transitivity of [R’], we can deduce [R' z (f y)] from
-[R' z (f x)] and [R (f x) (f y)].
-If [R x y -> R' (f x) (f y)], then [f] is a morphism because it preserves an
-equivalence relation. In our previous case, [A] is [Gate], [R] is [gate_eq],
-[f] is [try_open] and therefore [B] is [Gate] and [R’] is [gate_eq]. To make Coq
-aware that [try_open] is a morphism, we can use the following syntax: *)
-Open Scope signature_scope.
-Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
-Instance try_open_Proper
- : Proper (gate_eq ==> gate_eq) try_open.
-(** This notation is actually more generic because you can deal with functions
-that take more than one argument. Hence, given [g : A -> B -> C -> D], [R]
-(respectively [R’], [R’’] and [R’’’]) an equivalent relation of [A]
-(respectively [B], [C] and [D]), we can prove [f] is a morphism as follows:
-Add Parametric Morphism: (g)
- with signature (R) ==> (R') ==> (R'') ==> (R''')
- as <name>.
-Back to our [try_open] morphism. Coq needs you to prove the following
-1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 50)
- ============================
- forall x y : Gate, gate_eq x y -> gate_eq (try_open x) (try_open y)
-Here is a way to prove that: *)
-Next Obligation.
- intros g g' Heq.
- assert (gate_eq g g') as [Hop Hlo] by (exact Heq).
- unfold try_open.
- rewrite <- Hlo.
- destruct (bool_dec (lock g) false) as [Hlock|Hnlock]; subst.
- + rewrite Hlock.
- split; cbn; reflexivity.
- + apply not_false_is_true in Hnlock.
- rewrite Hnlock.
- cbn.
- exact Heq.
-(** Now, back to our [gate_eq_try_open_eq], we now can use [rewrite] and
-[reflexivity]. *)
-Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
-Lemma gate_eq_try_open_eq
- : forall (g g': Gate),
- gate_eq g g'
- -> gate_eq (try_open g) (try_open g').
- intros g g' Heq.
- rewrite Heq.
- reflexivity.
-(** We did it! We actually rewrite [g] as [g’], even if we weren’t able to prove
-[g = g’]. *)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a15d25
--- /dev/null
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+published: 2022-09-18
+modified: 2023-05-09
+ parent: series/Retrospectives.html
+ prev: posts/August2022.html
+ next: posts/November2022.html
+tags: ['spatial-shell', 'meta']
+abstract: |
+ In a nutshell, my latest hobby project (Spatial Sway) works well enough
+ so that I can use it daily, and I have done some unsuccessful experiments
+ for this website.
+# What happened in September 2022?
+It is September 18 today, and it has already been a month since I
+decided to start these retrospectives. This means it is time to take a
+step back and reflect of what happened these past few thirty days or
+[^syntax]: There is the shocking news that I have started to use syntax
+ highlighting again. But let’s not linger too much into it just yet.
+## Spatial Sway
+A few days after publishing my August Retrospective, I have learned
+the existence of [Material Shell](, an extension for
+GNOME 3 that provides a very interesting user experience.
+I tried it for a few hours, but the thing kept crashing (it’s
+probably on me, I did not even remember I had Gnome installed on my
+machine, and I would not be surprised the culprit was my dusty setup
+rather than Material Shell itself). The experience remained very
+promising, though. Their “spatial model” especially felt like a very
+good fit for me. Basically, the main idea is that you have a grid of
+windows, with your workspaces acting as the rows. You can navigate
+horizontally (from one workspace to another), or horizontally, and
+you choose how many windows you want to see at once on your screen.
+And so for a few hours, I was a bit frustrated by the situation…
+until I learned about how one can actually manage and extend Sway
+(the Wayland compositor I use for several years now) thanks to its IPC
+protocol. I spend like three days experimenting, first in Rust, then in
+OCaml[^ocaml], and by the end of the week, I had a first working prototype I
+called [Spatial Sway]( It works pretty
+well; well enough that I am using it daily for several weeks now. It feels
+clunky at times, but it works well, and I have been able to write a
+[Waybar]( configuration heavily inspired on
+Material Shell UI.
+[^ocaml]: This was actually an interesting thought process. I am using OCaml at
+ `$WORK`{.bash} for about more than a year now.
+ I have curated a setup that works pretty well, and I am familiar with the
+ development tools. On the contrary, I had not written a line of Rust for at
+ least a year, my Emacs configuration for this language was broken, and I
+ had lost all my fluency in this language. Still, I was not expecting to
+ pick OCaml when I started this project.
+Overall, I am pretty satisfied with this turnout. Writing a hobbyist
+software project is always nice, but the ones you can integrate in
+your daily workflow are the best one. The last time I did that was
+[**keyrd**](, my little keystrokes counting
+[^keyrcount]: 19,970,965 since I started using it at the time of writing this
+ article
+Anyway, lots remains to be said about Spatial Sway, but I might save
+it for a bit later. I still have some key features to implement
+(notably, moving a window to another workspace), then I will
+probably try to advertise it a bit. I am under the impression this
+project could be of interest for others, and I would love to see it
+used by folks willing to give a Material Shell-like experience a
+try, without having to deal with Gnome Shell. By the way,
+considering Sway is a drop-in replacement for i3, and that it
+implements the exact same IPC protocol, there is no reason why
+Spatial Sway is actually Sway specific, and I will rename it Spatial
+Shell at some point.
+#[Mandatory screenshot of Spatial Sway.](/img/spatial-sway-preview.png)
+## This Website
+On a side note, I have started to refine the layout of this website
+a bit. Similarly, I have written a new, curated home page where I
+want to highlight the most recent things I have published on the
+I have been experimenting with
+[Alectryon]( as a way to replace
+`coqdoc`, to improve the readability of my Coq-related articles. Unfortunately,
+it looks like this tool is missing [a key feature I
+need]( I might try to get
+my hand dirty and implement it myself if I find the time and the motivation
+in the following weeks.
+Finally, reading about how [Xe Iaso’s talk about how she generates her
+blog]( was very inspiring to me.
+I can only suggest that you have a look.
+Though not to the same extent, I also think I have spent way too much effort in
+my website. Most of my Coq-related articles are actual Coq program, expect the
+articles about `coqffi` which are Org mode literate programs. Hell, this website
+itself used to be a literate program of the sort, until I stopped using my
+homegrown literate programming toolchain **`cleopatra`** last month. At some
+point, I have even spent a bit of time to ensure most of the pages of this
+website were granted a 100/100 on websites like PageSpeed Insight[^goodnews]. I
+had almost forgotten.
+[^goodnews]: Good news, I’ve just checked, and it still is!
+A lot remains to be done, but watching this talk made me reflect on
+the job done. And opened my eyes to a new perspective, too. We will
+see what translates into reality.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c0e45b
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+published: 2022-01-16
+modified: 2022-08-07
+tags: ['stacked-git', 'workflow']
+abstract: |
+ I’ve been using Stacked Git at work since early 2021, and as of January
+ 2022, it has become a cornerstone of my daily workflow.
+# How I Use Stacked Git at `$WORK`{.bash}
+According to [my history](, I
+have run into [Stacked Git]( in early April
+2021, and I remember that its promises hit a soft spot. A few weeks later, I was
+submitting [a *pull request* to teach Stacked Git to sign
+commits]( It was all I needed to
+start using it at `$WORK`{.bash}, and now it has become a cornerstone of my
+development workflow.
+## What is Stacked Git?
+Before going any further, it is probably a good idea to take a moment and
+present Stacked Git. The website introduces the tool as follows:
+> Stacked Git, *StGit* for short, is an application for managing Git
+> commits as a stack of patches.
+There are a few things to unpack here. First and as its name suggests, Stacked
+Git is a tool built on top of Git[^pijul]. It is *not* a brand new VCS, and as
+a consequence you keep using all your existing tools and plugins[^magit].
+Secondly, Stacked Git helps you curate your Git history, by turning your
+commits into patches, and your branches into stacks of patches. This speaks to
+me, maybe because I have been fascinated by email-based workflows for quite
+some time.
+[^pijul]: My main takeaway from my Pijul adventure is connected to this. Git
+ is not limited to the `git` binary. Git comes with a collection of powerful
+ forges, nice editor plugins, and years of good practices.
+ To this day, it’s neither the bugs nor the breaking changes that made me
+ quite Pijul. Those were expected. What I naively did not anticipate is the
+ dry feeling that Pijul was just the `pijul` binary, which left me with a
+ lot of tasks to do manually.
+[^magit]: I am looking at you, Magit.
+To me, the two core features of Stacked Git are (1) allowing you to
+name your commits, and (2) to navigate among them.
+Together, they create a wonderful companion to help you keep your
+history clean.
+## My Subset of Stacked Git
+I do not want this article to be a Stacked Git tutorial.
+Fortunately, I don’t really use the tool at its full potential.
+I only care about a relatively small subset of commands I feel
+comfortable with and use daily.
+First, to decide which commits are part of my “stack of patches,” I
+can count of these commands:
+- `stg new NAME` creates an empty commit, and gives it the name
+ `NAME`.
+ Having a way to identify a patch with a meaningful name that is
+ resistant to rebase and amend is very nice.
+ These are two properties commit hashes do not have.
+- `stg uncommit NAME` names the most recent commit under my
+ stack with `NAME` and integrates it into it. I do this when I am
+ tasked to work on a merge request made by a colleague, for
+ instance.
+- `stg commit` removes from my stack its last patch. I do this when
+ said commit has been merged into `master`.
+Once my stack of patches is ready, the fun begins.
+At a given time, a patch can either be (1) applied, (2) unapplied, or (3)
+hidden. On the one hand, if a patch is applied it is part of the Git history.
+On the other hand, unapplying a patch means removing it from the working branch
+(but not from the stack of patches of Stacked Git). If a patch becomes
+irrelevant, but you don’t want to remove it entirely because it can become
+handy later, you can hide it. A hidden patch sits beside the stack of patches,
+and can be reintegrated if need be.
+Analogous to `git log` ---which allows you to visualize your Git history---,
+`stg series` gives you a view of the state of your stack of patches. Patches
+prefixed with `+` (or `>`) are applied, while `-` means the patch is unapplied.
+- `stg pop` unapplies the patch on top of the list of applied
+ patches.
+- `stg push` applies the patch on the bottom of the list of unapplied
+ patches.
+- `stg goto NAME` unapplies or applies the necessary patches so that
+ `NAME` becomes the top patch of the list of applied patches.
+Both `HEAD` and the work tree are updated accordingly.
+In addition, `stg sink` and `stg float` allow reorganizing your
+stack of patches, moving patches around.
+Basically, they are like `git rebase -i`, but without having to use
+Modifying patches is done with `stg refresh`.
+It’s akin to `git commit --amend`, except it is more powerful because
+you can modify any applied patches with the `-p` option.
+I’d always encourage you to `stg goto` first, because `stg refresh
+-p` remains unfortunately error-prone (nothing prevents you from targeting
+the wrong patch).
+But when used carefully, it can be very handy.
+Finally, `stg rebase REF` moves your stack of patches on top of `REF`[^rebase].
+It is akin to `git rebase --onto`, but more straightforward. What happens is
+Stacked Git pop all the patches of my stack, reset the `HEAD` of the current
+branch to `REF`, and tries applying the patches one by one In case of
+conflicts, the process stop, and I am left with an empty patch, and a dirty
+work tree with conflicts to solve. The hidden gem is that, contrary to `git
+rebase`, the repository is not “in the middle of a rebase.”
+Suppose there are many conflicting patches still waiting in my stack of patches,
+and an urgent task I need to take care of first. I can just leave them here. I
+can switch to another branch, and when I come back, I get my patches back. I
+call this feature “incremental rebases.”
+[^rebase]: Stacked Git is supposedly able to detect, during a rebase, which of
+ your patches have been applied to your target branch. I’d rather use `stg
+ uncommit`{.bash} before doing the rebase, though.
+And that is basically it. In a nutshell, Stacked Git equips commits with the
+same features as branches.
+## My Stacked Git Workflow
+As mentioned in the introduction of this article, Stacked Git has become a
+cornerstone of my workflow. I’ve been asked a few times what this workflow is,
+and why Magit is not enough[^magit2]. So let’s try to do that. But first, a
+warning. Yes, because Stacked Git is only a wrapper above Git, everything I
+will explain can be achieved using Git alone, especially if you are a Magit
+[^magit2]: It’s always about Magit. ;)
+Stacked Git makes just everything so more convenient to me.
+### Planning My Commits Ahead Of Time
+I’ve been introduced to Git with a pretty simple workflow: I am
+supposed to start working on a feature, and once it’s ready, I
+can commit, and move on to the next task on my to-do list.
+To me, this approach is backward.
+It makes you set your intent after the fact.
+With Stacked Git, I often try to plan my final history /before
+writing the very first line of code/.
+Using `stack new`, I create my patches, and take the time to write
+their description.
+It helps me visualize where I want to go.
+Then, I use `stack goto` to go back to the beginning of my stack,
+and start working.
+It is not, and cannot be, an exact science. I often have to refine
+them as my work progresses.
+Yet, I think my Git history is cleaner, more focused, since I have
+started this exercise.
+### Getting My Fixup Commits Right
+Reviews are a fundamental aspect of a software developer job.
+At `$WORK`, we use Gitlab and their merge requests workflow,
+which I find very annoying, because it does not provide meaningful
+ways to compare two versions of your submission[^gitlab].
+[^gitlab]: There is a notion of “versions” in Gitlab, but its ergonomics fall
+ short of my expectations for such a tool.
+What we end up doing is creating “fixup commits,” and we push them
+to Gitlab so that reviewers can easily verify that their feedback
+has correctly been taken into account.
+A fixup commit is a commit that will eventually be squashed into
+You can understand it as a delayed `git commit --amend`.
+Git has some built-in features to manipulate them.
+You create them with `git commit --fixup=<HASH>`, and they are
+interpreted in a specific manner by `git rebase -i`.
+But they have always felt to me like a sordid hack.
+It is way too easy to create a fixup commit that targets the wrong
+commit, and you can end up with strange conflicts when you finally
+squash them.
+That being said, if used carefully, they are a powerful tool to
+keep a Git history clean.
+I am not sure we are using them carefully, though.
+Some reviews can be excruciating, with dozens of comments to
+address, and theoretically as many fixup commits to create.
+Then you push all of them on Gitlab, and days later, after the
+green light from the reviewer, you get to call `git rebase`
+and discover your history is broken, you have tones of conflicts
+to fix, and you’re good for a long afternoon of untangling.
+The main reason behind this mess is that you end up fixing a commit
+from the `HEAD` of your working branch, not the commit itself.
+But with Stacked Git, things are different.
+With `stg goto`, I put my working tree in the best state possible
+to fix a commit: the commit itself.
+I can use `stg new` to create a fixup commit, with a meaningful
+Then, I am forced to deal with the potential conflicts it brings
+when I call `stg push`.
+Once my reviewer is happy with my work, I can call `stg squash`.
+It is less automated than `git rebase -i`, but the comfort I gained
+during the development is worth this little annoyance.
+### Managing Stacked Merge Requests
+At `$WORK`, we are trying to change how we deliver new features to
+our `master` branch.
+More precisely, we want to merge smaller contributions more
+We have had our fair share of large and complex merge requests that
+were a nightmare to review in the past, and it’s really not a fun
+position to be put in.
+For a few months, I have been involved in a project wherein we
+decided /not/ to fall in the same trap again.
+We agreed on a “planning of merge requests” and started working.
+The first merge request was soon opened.
+We’ve nominated an “owner” to take care of the review, and the rest
+of the team carried on.
+Before the first merge request was merged, the second one was
+declared ready, and another owner was appointed.
+Then, the owner of the first merge request had a baby, and yours
+truly ended up having to manage two interdependent merge requests.
+It turns out Stacked Git is a wonderful tool to help me keep this
+under control.
+I only have one branch, and I use the same workflow to deal with
+feedback, even if they are coming from more than one merge
+To remember the structure of everything, I just prefix the name of
+my patches with a merge request nickname.
+So my stack will look something like this:
++ mr1-base
++ mr1-tests
++ mr1-doc
+> mr2-command
+- mr2-tests
+A reviewer leaves a hard-truth comment that requires a significant rework of
+the oldest merge request? `stg goto` reverts my work tree in the appropriate
+state, and `stg push` allows me to deal with conflicts one patch at a time. If
+I need to spend more time on the oldest merge request at some point, I can
+continue my work, knowing the patches related to the newest one are awaiting in
+my stack.
+The most annoying part is when the time comes to push everything. I need to
+`stg goto` at the last patch of each merge request, and `git push
+HEAD:the-branch`. It’s not horrible. But I will probably try to automate it at
+some point.
+## Conclusion
+Overall, I am really thankful to Stacked Git’s authors! Thank you! You are
+making my interactions with Git fun and carefree. You provide me some of the
+convenience of patch-based VCS like [Darcs]( and
+[Pijul](, but without sacrificing the power of Git.
+I encourage anyone to at least give it a try, and I really hope I
+will be able to contribute back to Stacked Git in the near future.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..313901f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+published: 2023-01-16
+tags: ['stacked-git', 'workflow']
+abstract: |
+ One year has passed, and I keep using Stacked Git almost daily. How I am
+ using it has slightly changed, though.
+# How I Keep Using Stacked Git at `$WORK`{.bash}
+One year ago, I have published an article summarizing [my experience using
+Stacked Git at `$WORK`{.bash}](/posts/StackedGit.html). Twelve months later,
+enough has changed to motivate a spin-off piece.
+## Stacked Git is *Fast*
+Firstly, it is important to state that my main complaint about
+Stacked Git is now a thing of the past[^edit]! Stacked Git does not feel slow
+anymore, and far from it. This is because [Stacked Git 2.0 has been rewritten
+in Rust]( While RiiR
+(*Rewrite it in Rust*) is a running meme on the Internet, in this particular
+case, the result is very exciting.
+[^edit]: For fairness, I have removed the related section in my previous
+ write-up.
+Thanks to the performance boost, my Zsh prompt does not take 0.1s to
+Speaking of Zsh prompt, basically what I ended up displaying is `(<TOP PATCH
+instance, `(fix-1337 1/2 3)`.
+In case you want to take inspiration in my somewhat working configuration, here
+is the snippet of interest.
+local series_top="$(stg top 2> /dev/null)"
+local total="$(stg series 2> /dev/null | wc -l)"
+local hidden="$(stg series --hidden 2> /dev/null | wc -l)"
+if [[ "${total}" -gt 0 ]]; then
+ local not_applied="$(stg series | grep -E '^-' | wc -l)"
+ local applied="$(($total - $not_applied))"
+ if [[ -z "${series_top}" ]]; then
+ series_top="·"
+ fi
+ echo -n "(${status_color}${series_top} ${applied}/${total} ${hidden})"
+ echo -n " ($(current_branch))"
+## Branchless Workflow
+Last year, I was using Stacked Git on top of git branches. More precisely, I
+had one branch for each (stack of) Merge Request. It worked well, because my
+typical MR counted 3 to 4 commits in average.
+Fast forward today, and things have changed on this front too. In a nutshell, I
+have become a “one commit per MR” maximalist of sort[^onecommit]. I find this
+approach very effective to get more focused reviews, and to reduce the time it
+takes for a given MR to be integrated into the main branch.
+[^onecommit]: It goes without saying that this approach comes with its set of
+ drawbacks too.
+ During the past year, I’ve pushed fairly large commits which could have
+ been split into several smaller ones, for the sake of keeping my “one
+ commit per MR” policy. I have also had to manage large stacks of MRs.
+My previous approach based on git branches did not scale well with
+this new mindset, and during the course of the year, I stopped using
+branches altogether[^branchless].
+[^branchless]: I have not invented the branchless workflow, of
+ course.
+ After it was first published, someone posted a link to my Stacked Git
+ article on Hacker News, and [*@arxanas* posted a comment about
+ `git-branchless`]( I tried
+ the tool, and even if it never clicked for me, I was really compelled by
+ its core ideas.
+ Similarly, [Drew DeVault has published a complete article on its own
+ branchless workflow in
+ 2020](
+These days, I proceed as follows.
+1. I name each patch after the branch to which I will push it on our
+ upstream Git remote.
+2. 99% of the time, I push my work using `git push -f upstream @:$(stg
+ top)`{.bash}
+3. I created a small git plugin I called `git-prepare` which allows
+ me to select one of the patch of my current patchset using `fzf`,
+ and which pops all other patches that are currently applied.
+`git-prepare` is really straightforward:
+patch=$(stg series -P | fzf)
+if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ exit $?
+if [ -n "$(stg series -A)" ]; then
+ stg pop -a
+stg push ${patch}
+The main hurdle which I still need to figure out is how to deal with
+stacked MRs. Currently, this is very manual. I need to remember
+which commit belongs to the stack, the order and dependencies of
+these commits, and I need to publish each commit individually using
+`stg push; git push @:$(stg top)`{.bash}.
+The pragmatic answer is definitely to come back to git branches *for
+this particular use case*, but it's not the *fun* answer. So from
+time to time, I try to experiment with alternative approaches. My current
+intuition is that, by adopting a naming convention for my patches, I
+could probably implement a thin tooling on top of Stacked Git to
+deal with dependents commits.
+## Conclusion
+Putting aside stacked MRs for now, I am really satisfied with my
+workflow. It’s very lightweight and intuitive, and working without
+Stacked Git now feels backward and clunky.
+So I will take this opportunity to thank one more time Stacked Git’s
+authors and contributors. You all are making my professional like
+easier with your project.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cd81be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+published: 2023-01-26
+tags: ['stacked-git', 'ideas']
+abstract: |
+ Could patch dependencies could help reduce the friction my branchless
+ workflow suffers from when it comes to stacked MRs?
+# Patch Dependencies for Stacked Git
+Every time I catch myself thinking about dependencies between
+changeset of a software project, the fascinating field of patch
+theories comes to my mind.
+A “patch theory” usually refers to the mathematical foundation behind
+the data model of so-called Patch-based DVCS like Darcs and
+Pijul. More precisely, a patch theory is an encoding of the state of a
+repository, equipped with operations (gathered in so-called patches,
+not to be confused with `GNU diff` patches) one can do to this
+state. For instance, my rough understanding of Pijul’s patch theory is
+that a repository is an oriented graph of lines, and a patch is a set
+of operations onto this graph.
+An interesting aspect of patch theory is that it requires a partial
+order for its patches, from which a Patch-based DVCS derives a
+dependency graph. In a nutshell, a patch $P$ depends on the patches
+which are responsible for the presence of the lines that $P$
+I have always found this idea of a dependency graph for the patches
+of a repository fascinating, because I though it would be a very
+valuable tool in the context of software development.
+I wanted to slightly change the definition of what a patch
+dependency is, though. See, the partial order of Darcs and Pijul
+focus on syntactic dependencies: the relation between lines in text
+files. They need that to reconstruct these text files in the file
+system of their users. As a software developers writing these text
+files, I quickly realized these dependencies were of little interest
+to me, though. What I wanted to be able to express was that a
+feature introduced by a patch $P$ relied on a fix introduced by a
+patch $P'$.
+I have experimented with Darcs and Pijul quite a bit, with this idea
+stuck in the back of my mind. At the end of this journey, I
+convinced myself[^caution] (1) this beautiful idea I
+had simply could not scale, and (2) neither I nor our industry is
+ready to give up on the extensive ecosystem that has been built on top
+of `git` just yet. As a consequence, my interest in Patch-based DVCS
+decreased sensibly.
+[^caution]: I am not trying to convince you, per say. This is a very personal
+ and subjective feedback, it does not mean someone else couldn't reach a
+ different conclusion.
+Until very recently, that is. I got reminded of the appeal of a
+dependency graph for changesets when I started adopted a Gitlab
+workflow centered around Stacked Git and smaller, sometimes
+interdependent MRs.
+A manually curated graph dependency for a whole repository is not
+practical, but what about my local queue of patches, patiently
+waiting to be integrated into the upstream repository I am
+contributing too? Not only does it look like a more approachable
+task, it could make synchronizing my stacked MRs a lot easier.
+The workflow I have in mind would proceed as follows.
+- Stacked Git’s `new` and `edit` commands could be extended to let
+ developers declare dependencies between their patches. It would be
+ the commands’ responsibility to enforce the wellfoundness of the
+ dependency graph (*e.g.*, prevent the introduction of cycles in the
+ graph, and maybe diamonds too[^diamond]).
+- The `series` command could be improved to display the resulting
+ dependency graph.
+- `push` and `pop` would automatically take care (pushing or popping)
+ of the selected patch(es) dependencies.
+- Ideally, Stacked Git would get a new command `prepare <PATCH NAME>`
+ which would pop every patches applied, then only only push `<PATCH
+ NAME>` and its dependencies (in the reverse order). Developers could
+ fix conflicts if need be. That is, Stacked Git would not be
+ responsible for the consistency or correctness of the dependency
+ graph.
+- Stacked Git could get commands to detect potential issues with the
+ dependency graph specified by the developer (mostly consisting in
+ dry-run of `prepare` to check if it would lead to conflicts).
+[^diamond]: At least in a first version. There is definitely value in being
+ able to work with two independent patches in conjunction with a third one
+ that needs them both. That being said, our goal here is to organize our
+ work locally, and if it is made easier by declaring artificial dependency,
+ this is a pragmatic sacrifice I am personally willing to make.
+Because what we want is semantic dependencies, not syntactic dependencies
+between patches, I really think it makes a lot of sense to completely delegate
+the dependencies declaration to the developer[^future]. The very mundane
+example that convinced me is the `CHANGELOG` file any mature software project
+ends up maintaining. If the contribution guidelines require to modify the
+`CHANGELOG` file in the same commit as a feature is introduced, then the
+patches to two independent features will systematically conflict. This does not
+mean, from my patch queue perspective, I should be forced to `pop` the first
+commit before starting to work on the second one. It just means that when I
+call `stg prepare`, I can have to fix a conflict, but fixing Git conflicts is
+part of the job after all[^rerere]. If for some reasons solving a conflict
+proves to be too cumbersome, I can always acknowledge that, and declare a new
+dependency to the appropriate patch. It only means I and my reviewers will be
+constrained a bit more than expected when dealing with my stack of MRs.
+[^future]: Further versions of Stacked Git could explore computing the
+ dependency graph automatically, similarly to what Git does. But I think
+ that if Darcs and Pijul told us anything, it's that this computation is far
+ from being trivial.
+[^rerere]: And we have tools to help us. I wonder to which extends `git rerere`
+ could save the day in some cases, for instance.
+I am under the impression that this model extends quite nicely the current way
+Stacked Git is working. To its core, it extends its data model to constraint a
+bit `push` and `pop`, and empowers developers to organize a bit its local mess.
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83148c6..0000000
--- a/site/posts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: A Series on Strongly-Specified Functions in Coq
-#+SERIES: ../coq.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ./Ltac.html
-Using dependent types and the ~Prop~ sort, it becomes possible to specify
-functions whose arguments and results are constrained by properties. Using such
-a “strongly-specified” function requires to provide a proof that the supplied
-arguments satisfy the expected properties, and allows for soundly assuming the
-results are correct too. However, implementing dependently-typed functions can
-be challenging. In this series, we explore several approaches available to Coq
-- [[./StronglySpecifiedFunctionsRefine.html][Implementing Strongly-Specified Functions with the ~refine~ Tactic]] ::
-- [[./StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.html][Implementing Strongly-Specified Functions with the ~Program~ Framework]] ::
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a16eca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+published: 2017-01-01
+tags: ['coq']
+ parent: series/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.html
+ prev: posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsRefine.html
+abstract: |
+ `Program`{.coq} is the heir of the `refine`{.coq} tactic. It gives you a
+ convenient way to embed proofs within functional programs that are supposed
+ to fade away during code extraction.
+# Implementing Strongly-Specified Functions with the `Program`{.coq} Framework
+## The Theory
+If I had to explain `Program`{.coq}, I would say `Program`{.coq} is the heir of
+the `refine`{.coq} tactic. It gives you a convenient way to embed proofs within
+functional programs that are supposed to fade away during code extraction. But
+what do I mean when I say "embed proofs" within functional programs? I found
+two ways to do it.
+### Invariants
+First, we can define a record with one or more fields of type
+`Prop`{.coq}. By doing so, we can constrain the values of other fields. Put
+another way, we can specify invariant for our type. For instance, in
+[SpecCert](, I have defined the memory
+controller's SMRAMC register as follows:
+Record SmramcRegister := {
+ d_open: bool;
+ d_lock: bool;
+ lock_is_close: d_lock = true -> d_open = false;
+So `lock_is_closed`{.coq} is an invariant I know each instance of
+`SmramcRegister` will have to comply with, because every time I
+will construct a new instance, I will have to prove
+`lock_is_closed`{.coq} holds true. For instance:
+Definition lock (reg: SmramcRegister)
+ : SmramcRegister.
+ refine ({| d_open := false; d_lock := true |}).
+Coq leaves us this goal to prove.
+reg : SmramcRegister
+true = true -> false = false
+This sound reasonable enough.
+ trivial.
+We have seen in my previous article about strongly specified
+functions that mixing proofs and regular terms may lead to
+cumbersome code.
+From that perspective, `Program`{.coq} helps. Indeed, the `lock`{.coq} function
+can also be defined as follows:
+From Coq Require Import Program.
+Definition lock' (reg: SmramcRegister)
+ : SmramcRegister :=
+ {| d_open := false
+ ; d_lock := true
+ |}.
+### Pre and Post Conditions
+Another way to "embed proofs in a program" is by specifying pre-
+and post-conditions for its component. In Coq, this is done using
+sigma types.
+On the one hand, a precondition is a proposition a function input has to
+satisfy in order for the function to be applied. For instance, a precondition
+for `head : forall {a}, list a -> a`{.coq} the function that returns the first
+element of a list `l`{.coq} requires `l`{.coq} to contain at least one element.
+We can write that using a sigma-type. The type of `head`{.coq} then becomes
+`forall {a} (l: list a | l <> []) : a`{.coq}.
+On the other hand, a post condition is a proposition a function
+output has to satisfy in order for the function to be correctly
+implemented. In this way, `head` should in fact return the first
+element of `l`{.coq} and not something else.
+`Program`{.coq} makes writing this specification straightforward.
+Definition head {a} (l : list a | l <> [])
+ : { x : a | exists l', x :: l' = l }.
+We recall that because `{ l: list a | l <> [] }`{.coq} is not the same as `list
+a`{.coq}, in theory we cannot just compare `l`{.coq} with `x :: l'`{.coq} (we need to
+use `proj1_sig`{.coq}). One advantage of `Program`{.coq} is to deal with it using
+an implicit coercion.
+Note that for the type inference to work as expected, the
+unwrapped value (here, `x :: l'`{.coq}) needs to be the left operand of
+Now that `head`{.coq} have been specified, we have to implement it.
+Definition head {a} (l: list a | l <> [])
+ : { x : a | exists l', cons x l' = l } :=
+ match l with
+ | x :: l' => x
+ | [] => !
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ exists l'.
+ reflexivity.
+I want to highlight several things here:
+- We return `x`{.coq} (of type `a`{.coq}) rather than a sigma-type, then
+ `Program`{.coq} is smart enough to wrap it. To do so, it tries to prove the post
+ condition and because it fails, we have to do it ourselves (this is the
+ Obligation we solve after the function definition.)
+- The `[]`{.coq} case is absurd regarding the precondition, we tell Coq that
+ using the bang (`!`{.coq}) symbol.
+We can have a look at the extracted code:
+(** val head : 'a1 list -> 'a1 **)
+let head = function
+| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
+| Cons (a, _) -> a
+The implementation is pretty straightforward, but the pre- and
+post conditions have faded away. Also, the absurd case is
+discarded using an assertion. This means one thing: [head] should
+not be used directly from the Ocaml world. "Interface" functions
+have to be total. *)
+## The Practice
+From Coq Require Import Lia.
+I have challenged myself to build a strongly specified library. My goal was to
+define a type `vector : nat -> Type -> Type`{.coq} such as `vector a n`{.coq}
+is a list of `n`{.coq} instance of `a`{.coq}.
+Inductive vector (a : Type) : nat -> Type :=
+| vcons {n} : a -> vector a n -> vector a (S n)
+| vnil : vector a O.
+Arguments vcons [a n] _ _.
+Arguments vnil {a}.
+I had three functions in mind: `take`{.coq}, `drop`{.coq} and `extract`{.coq}.
+I learned a few lessons. My main takeaway remains: do not use sigma types,
+`Program`{.coq} and dependent types together. From my point of view, Coq is not
+yet ready for this. Maybe it is possible to make those three work together, but
+I have to admit I did not find out how. As a consequence, my preconditions are
+defined as extra arguments.
+To be able to specify the post conditions of my three functions and
+some others, I first defined `nth`{.coq} to get the _nth_ element of a
+My first attempt to write `nth`{.coq} was a failure.
+Fixpoint nth {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v}
+ : option a :=
+ match v, i with
+ | vcons x _, O => Some x
+ | vcons x r, S i => nth r i
+ | vnil, _ => None
+ end.
+raised an anomaly.
+Fixpoint nth {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v}
+ : option a :=
+ match v with
+ | vcons x r =>
+ match i with
+ | O => Some x
+ | S i => nth r i
+ end
+ | vnil => None
+ end.
+With `nth`{.coq}, it is possible to give a very precise definition of
+Fixpoint take {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (e : nat | e <= n)
+ : { u : vector a e | forall i : nat,
+ i < e -> nth u i = nth v i } :=
+ match e with
+ | S e' => match v with
+ | vcons x r => vcons x (take r e')
+ | vnil => !
+ end
+ | O => vnil
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply le_S_n.
+Next Obligation.
+ induction i.
+ + reflexivity.
+ + apply e0.
+ now apply Lt.lt_S_n.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nle_succ_0 in H.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nlt_0_r in H.
+As a side note, I wanted to define the post condition as follows:
+`{ v': vector A e | forall (i : nat | i < e), nth v' i = nth v i
+}`{.coq}. However, this made the goals and hypotheses become very hard
+to read and to use. Sigma types in sigma types: not a good
+(** val take : 'a1 vector -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
+let rec take v = function
+| O -> Vnil
+| S e' ->
+ (match v with
+ | Vcons (_, x, r) -> Vcons (e', x, (take r e'))
+ | Vnil -> assert false (* absurd case *))
+Then I could tackle `drop` in a very similar manner:
+Fixpoint drop {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (b : nat | b <= n)
+ : { v': vector a (n - b) | forall i,
+ i < n - b -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
+ match b with
+ | 0 => v
+ | S n => (match v with
+ | vcons _ r => (drop r n)
+ | vnil => !
+ end)
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ now rewrite <- Minus.minus_n_O.
+Next Obligation.
+ induction n;
+ rewrite <- eq_rect_eq;
+ reflexivity.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply le_S_n.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nle_succ_0 in H.
+The proofs are easy to write, and the extracted code is exactly what one might
+want it to be:
+(** val drop : 'a1 vector -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
+let rec drop v = function
+| O -> v
+| S n ->
+ (match v with
+ | Vcons (_, _, r) -> drop r n
+ | Vnil -> assert false (* absurd case *))
+But `Program`{.coq} really shone when it comes to implementing extract. I just
+had to combine `take`{.coq} and `drop`{.coq}. *)
+Definition extract {a n} (v : vector a n)
+ (e : nat | e <= n) (b : nat | b <= e)
+ : { v': vector a (e - b) | forall i,
+ i < (e - b) -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
+ take (drop v b) (e - b).
+Next Obligation.
+ transitivity e; auto.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.sub_le_mono_r.
+Next Obligation.
+ destruct drop; cbn in *.
+ destruct take; cbn in *.
+ rewrite e1; auto.
+ rewrite <- e0; auto.
+ lia.
+The proofs are straightforward because the specifications of `drop`{.coq} and
+`take`{.coq} are precise enough, and we do not need to have a look at their
+implementations. The extracted version of `extract`{.coq} is as clean as we can
+(** val extract : 'a1 vector -> nat -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
+let extract v e b =
+ take (drop v b) (sub e b)
+I was pretty happy, so I tried some more. Each time, using `nth`{.coq}, I managed
+to write a precise post condition and to prove it holds true. For instance,
+given `map`{.coq} to apply a function `f`{.coq} to each element of a vector `v`{.coq}:
+Fixpoint map {a b n} (v : vector a n) (f : a -> b)
+ : { v': vector b n | forall i,
+ nth v' i = option_map f (nth v i) } :=
+ match v with
+ | vnil => vnil
+ | vcons a v => vcons (f a) (map v f)
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ induction i.
+ + reflexivity.
+ + apply e.
+I also managed to specify and write `append`{.coq}:
+Fixpoint append {a n m}
+ (v : vector a n) (u : vector a m)
+ : { w : vector a (n + m) | forall i,
+ (i < n -> nth w i = nth v i) /\
+ (n <= i -> nth w i = nth u (i - n))
+ } :=
+ match v with
+ | vnil => u
+ | vcons a v => vcons a (append v u)
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ split.
+ + now intro.
+ + intros _.
+ now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.sub_0_r.
+Next Obligation.
+ rename wildcard' into n.
+ destruct (Compare_dec.lt_dec i (S n)); split.
+ + intros _.
+ destruct i.
+ ++ reflexivity.
+ ++ cbn.
+ specialize (a1 i).
+ destruct a1 as [a1 _].
+ apply a1.
+ auto with arith.
+ + intros false.
+ lia.
+ + now intros.
+ + intros ord.
+ destruct i.
+ ++ lia.
+ ++ cbn.
+ specialize (a1 i).
+ destruct a1 as [_ a1].
+ apply a1.
+ auto with arith.
+Finally, I tried to implement `map2`{.coq} that takes a vector of `a`{.coq}, a vector of
+`b`{.coq} (both of the same size) and a function `f : a -> b -> c`{.coq} and returns a
+vector of `c`{.coq}.
+First, we need to provide a precise specification for `map2`{.coq}. To do that, we
+introduce `option_app`{.coq}, a function that Haskellers know all to well as being
+part of the `Applicative`{.haskell} type class.
+Definition option_app {a b}
+ (opf: option (a -> b))
+ (opx: option a)
+ : option b :=
+ match opf, opx with
+ | Some f, Some x => Some (f x)
+ | _, _ => None
+We thereafter use `<$>`{.coq} as an infix operator for `option_map`{.coq} and `<*>`{.coq} as
+an infix operator for `option_app`{.coq}. *)
+Infix "<$>" := option_map (at level 50).
+Infix "<*>" := option_app (at level 55).
+Given two vectors `v`{.coq} and `u`{.coq} of the same size and a function `f`{.coq}, and given
+`w`{.coq} the result computed by `map2`{.coq}, then we can propose the following
+specification for `map2`{.coq}:
+`forall (i : nat), nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i`{.coq}
+This reads as follows: the `i`{.coq}th element of `w`{.coq} is the result of applying
+the `i`{.coq}th elements of `v`{.coq} and `u`{.coq} to `f`{.coq}.
+It turns out implementing `map2`{.coq} with the `Program`{.coq} framework has
+proven to be harder than I originally expected. My initial attempt was the
+Fixpoint map2 {a b c n}
+ (v : vector a n) (u : vector b n)
+ (f : a -> b -> c) {struct v}
+ : { w: vector c n | forall i,
+ nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i
+ } :=
+ match v, u with
+ | vcons x rst, vcons x' rst' =>
+ vcons (f x x') (map2 rst rst' f)
+ | vnil, vnil => vnil
+ | _, _ => !
+ end.
+Illegal application:
+The term "@eq" of type "forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop"
+cannot be applied to the terms
+ "nat" : "Set"
+ "S wildcard'" : "nat"
+ "b" : "Type"
+The 3rd term has type "Type" which should be coercible
+to "nat".
+So I had to fallback to defining the function in pure Ltac.
+Fixpoint map2 {a b c n}
+ (v : vector a n) (u : vector b n)
+ (f : a -> b -> c) {struct v}
+ : { w: vector c n | forall i,
+ nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i
+ } := _.
+Next Obligation.
+ dependent induction v; dependent induction u.
+ + remember (IHv u f) as u'.
+ inversion u'.
+ refine (exist _ (vcons (f a0 a1) x) _).
+ intros i.
+ induction i.
+ * reflexivity.
+ * apply (H i).
+ + refine (exist _ vnil _).
+ reflexivity.
+## Is It Usable?
+This post mostly gives the "happy ends" for each function. I think I tried
+too hard for what I got in return and therefore I am convinced `Program`{.coq}
+is not ready (at least for a dependent type, I cannot tell for the rest). For
+instance, I found at least one bug in Program logic (I still have to report
+it). Have a look at the following code:
+Fixpoint map2 {a b c n}
+ (u : vector a n) (v : vector b n)
+ (f : a -> b -> c) {struct v}
+ : vector c n :=
+ match u with
+ | _ => vnil
+ end.
+It gives the following error:
+Error: Illegal application:
+The term "@eq" of type "forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop"
+cannot be applied to the terms
+ "nat" : "Set"
+ "0" : "nat"
+ "wildcard'" : "vector A n'"
+The 3rd term has type "vector A n'" which should be
+coercible to "nat".
diff --git a/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v b/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c5763ea..0000000
--- a/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-(** * Implementing Strongly-Specified Functions with the <<Program>> Framework
- This is the second article (initially published on #<span
- id="original-created-at">January 01, 2017</span>#) of a series of two on how
- to write strongly-specified functions in Coq. You can read the previous part
- #<a href="./StronglySpecifiedFunctionsRefine.html">here</a>#. # *)
-(** #<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>#
- #<div id="history">site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v</div># *)
-(** ** The Theory *)
-(** If I had to explain `Program`, I would say `Program` is the heir
- of the `refine` tactic. It gives you a convenient way to embed
- proofs within functional programs that are supposed to fade away
- during code extraction. But what do I mean when I say "embed
- proofs" within functional programs? I found two ways to do it. *)
-(** *** Invariants *)
-(** First, we can define a record with one or more fields of type
- [Prop]. By doing so, we can constrain the values of other fields. Put
- another way, we can specify invariant for our type. For instance, in
- SpecCert, I have defined the memory controller's SMRAMC register
- as follows: *)
-Record SmramcRegister := {
- d_open: bool;
- d_lock: bool;
- lock_is_close: d_lock = true -> d_open = false;
-(** So [lock_is_closed] is an invariant I know each instance of
- `SmramcRegister` will have to comply with, because every time I
- will construct a new instance, I will have to prove
- [lock_is_closed] holds true. For instance: *)
-Definition lock
- (reg: SmramcRegister)
- : SmramcRegister.
- refine ({| d_open := false; d_lock := true |}).
-(** Coq leaves us this goal to prove.
-reg : SmramcRegister
-true = true -> false = false
- This sound reasonable enough. *)
- trivial.
-(** We have witness in my previous article about strongly-specified
- functions that mixing proofs and regular terms may leads to
- cumbersome code.
- From that perspective, [Program] helps. Indeed, the [lock]
- function can also be defined as follows: *)
-From Coq Require Import Program.
-Definition lock'
- (reg: SmramcRegister)
- : SmramcRegister :=
- {| d_open := false
- ; d_lock := true
- |}.
-(** *** Pre and Post Conditions *)
-(** Another way to "embed proofs in a program" is by specifying pre-
- and post-conditions for its component. In Coq, this is done using
- sigma-types. *)
-(** On the one hand, a precondition is a proposition a function input
- has to satisfy in order for the function to be applied. For
- instance, a precondition for [head : forall {a}, list a -> a] the
- function that returns the first element of a list [l] requires [l]
- to contain at least one element. We can write that using a
- sigma-type. The type of [head] then becomes [forall {a} (l: list a
- | l <> []) : a]
- On the other hand, a post condition is a proposition a function
- output has to satisfy in order for the function to be correctly
- implemented. In this way, `head` should in fact return the first
- element of [l] and not something else.
- <<Program>> makes writing this specification straightforward. *)
-(* begin hide *)
-From Coq Require Import List.
-Import ListNotations.
-(* end hide *)
-Definition head {a} (l : list a | l <> [])
- : { x : a | exists l', x :: l' = l }.
-(* begin hide *)
-(* end hide *)
-(** We recall that because `{ l: list a | l <> [] }` is not the same
- as [list a], in theory we cannot just compare [l] with [x ::
- l'] (we need to use [proj1_sig]). One benefit on <<Program>> is to
- deal with it using an implicit coercion.
- Note that for the type inference to work as expected, the
- unwrapped value (here, [x :: l']) needs to be the left operand of
- [=].
- Now that [head] have been specified, we have to implement it. *)
-Definition head {a} (l: list a | l <> [])
- : { x : a | exists l', cons x l' = l } :=
- match l with
- | x :: l' => x
- | [] => !
- end.
-Next Obligation.
- exists l'.
- reflexivity.
-(** I want to highlight several things here:
- - We return [x] (of type [a]) rather than a gigma-type, then <<Program>> is smart
- enough to wrap it. To do so, it tries to prove the post condition and because
- it fails, we have to do it ourselves (this is the Obligation we solve after
- the function definition.)
- - The [[]] case is absurd regarding the precondition, we tell Coq that using
- the bang (`!`) symbol.
- We can have a look at the extracted code:
-(** val head : 'a1 list -> 'a1 **)
-let head = function
-| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
-| Cons (a, _) -> a
- The implementation is pretty straightforward, but the pre- and
- post conditions have faded away. Also, the absurd case is
- discarded using an assertion. This means one thing: [head] should
- not be used directly from the Ocaml world. "Interface" functions
- have to be total. *)
-(** ** The Practice *)
-From Coq Require Import Lia.
-(** I have challenged myself to build a strongly specified library. My goal was to
- define a type [vector : nat -> Type -> Type] such as [vector a n] is a list of
- [n] instance of [a]. *)
-Inductive vector (a : Type) : nat -> Type :=
-| vcons {n} : a -> vector a n -> vector a (S n)
-| vnil : vector a O.
-Arguments vcons [a n] _ _.
-Arguments vnil {a}.
-(** I had three functions in mind: [take], [drop] and [extract]. I
- learned few lessons. My main take-away remains: do not use
- gigma-types, <<Program>> and dependent-types together. From my
- point of view, Coq is not yet ready for this. Maybe it is possible
- to make those three work together, but I have to admit I did not
- find out how. As a consequence, my preconditions are defined as
- extra arguments.
- To be able to specify the post conditions my three functions and
- some others, I first defined [nth] to get the _nth_ element of a
- vector.
- My first attempt to write [nth] was a failure.
-Fixpoint nth {a n}
- (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v}
- : option a :=
- match v, i with
- | vcons x _, O => Some x
- | vcons x r, S i => nth r i
- | vnil, _ => None
- end.
- raises an anomaly. *)
-Fixpoint nth {a n}
- (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v}
- : option a :=
- match v with
- | vcons x r =>
- match i with
- | O => Some x
- | S i => nth r i
- end
- | vnil => None
- end.
-(** With [nth], it is possible to give a very precise definition of [take]: *)
-Fixpoint take {a n}
- (v : vector a n) (e : nat | e <= n)
- : { u : vector a e | forall i : nat,
- i < e -> nth u i = nth v i } :=
- match e with
- | S e' => match v with
- | vcons x r => vcons x (take r e')
- | vnil => !
- end
- | O => vnil
- end.
-Next Obligation.
- now apply le_S_n.
-Next Obligation.
- induction i.
- + reflexivity.
- + apply e0.
- now apply Lt.lt_S_n.
-Next Obligation.
- now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nle_succ_0 in H.
-Next Obligation.
- now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nlt_0_r in H.
-(** As a side note, I wanted to define the post condition as follows:
- [{ v': vector A e | forall (i : nat | i < e), nth v' i = nth v i
- }]. However, this made the goals and hypotheses become very hard
- to read and to use. Sigma-types in sigma-types: not a good
- idea.
-(** val take : 'a1 vector -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
-let rec take v = function
-| O -> Vnil
-| S e' ->
- (match v with
- | Vcons (_, x, r) -> Vcons (e', x, (take r e'))
- | Vnil -> assert false (* absurd case *))
- Then I could tackle `drop` in a very similar manner: *)
-Fixpoint drop {a n}
- (v : vector a n) (b : nat | b <= n)
- : { v': vector a (n - b) | forall i,
- i < n - b -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
- match b with
- | 0 => v
- | S n => (match v with
- | vcons _ r => (drop r n)
- | vnil => !
- end)
- end.
-Next Obligation.
- now rewrite <- Minus.minus_n_O.
-Next Obligation.
- induction n;
- rewrite <- eq_rect_eq;
- reflexivity.
-Next Obligation.
- now apply le_S_n.
-Next Obligation.
- now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nle_succ_0 in H.
-(** The proofs are easy to write, and the extracted code is exactly what one might
- want it to be:
-(** val drop : 'a1 vector -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
-let rec drop v = function
-| O -> v
-| S n ->
- (match v with
- | Vcons (_, _, r) -> drop r n
- | Vnil -> assert false (* absurd case *))
- But <<Program>> really shone when it comes to implementing extract. I just
- had to combine [take] and [drop]. *)
-Definition extract {a n} (v : vector a n)
- (e : nat | e <= n) (b : nat | b <= e)
- : { v': vector a (e - b) | forall i,
- i < (e - b) -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
- take (drop v b) (e - b).
-Next Obligation.
- transitivity e; auto.
-Next Obligation.
- now apply PeanoNat.Nat.sub_le_mono_r.
-Next Obligation.
- destruct drop; cbn in *.
- destruct take; cbn in *.
- rewrite e1; auto.
- rewrite <- e0; auto.
- lia.
-(** The proofs are straightforward because the specifications of [drop] and
- [take] are precise enough, and we do not need to have a look at their
- implementations. The extracted version of [extract] is as clean as we can
- anticipate.
-(** val extract : 'a1 vector -> nat -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
-let extract v e b =
- take (drop v b) (sub e b)
- *)
-(** I was pretty happy, so I tried some more. Each time, using [nth], I managed
- to write a precise post condition and to prove it holds true. For instance,
- given [map] to apply a function [f] to each element of a vector [v]: *)
-Fixpoint map {a b n} (v : vector a n) (f : a -> b)
- : { v': vector b n | forall i,
- nth v' i = option_map f (nth v i) } :=
- match v with
- | vnil => vnil
- | vcons a v => vcons (f a) (map v f)
- end.
-Next Obligation.
- induction i.
- + reflexivity.
- + apply e.
-(** I also managed to specify and write [append]: *)
-Program Fixpoint append {a n m}
- (v : vector a n) (u : vector a m)
- : { w : vector a (n + m) | forall i,
- (i < n -> nth w i = nth v i) /\
- (n <= i -> nth w i = nth u (i - n))
- } :=
- match v with
- | vnil => u
- | vcons a v => vcons a (append v u)
- end.
-Next Obligation.
- split.
- + now intro.
- + intros _.
- now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.sub_0_r.
-Next Obligation.
- rename wildcard' into n.
- destruct (Compare_dec.lt_dec i (S n)); split.
- + intros _.
- destruct i.
- ++ reflexivity.
- ++ cbn.
- specialize (a1 i).
- destruct a1 as [a1 _].
- apply a1.
- auto with arith.
- + intros false.
- lia.
- + now intros.
- + intros ord.
- destruct i.
- ++ lia.
- ++ cbn.
- specialize (a1 i).
- destruct a1 as [_ a1].
- apply a1.
- auto with arith.
-(** Finally, I tried to implement [map2] that takes a vector of [a], a vector of
- [b] (both of the same size) and a function [f : a -> b -> c] and returns a
- vector of [c].
- First, we need to provide a precise specification for [map2]. To do that, we
- introduce [option_app], a function that Haskellers know all to well as being
- part of the <<Applicative>> type class. *)
-Definition option_app {a b}
- (opf: option (a -> b))
- (opx: option a)
- : option b :=
- match opf, opx with
- | Some f, Some x => Some (f x)
- | _, _ => None
-(** We thereafter use [<$>] as an infix operator for [option_map] and [<*>] as
- an infix operator for [option_app]. *)
-Infix "<$>" := option_map (at level 50).
-Infix "<*>" := option_app (at level 55).
-(** Given two vectors [v] and [u] of the same size and a function [f], and given
- [w] the result computed by [map2], then we can propose the following
- specification for [map2]:
- [forall (i : nat), nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i]
- This reads as follows: the [i]th element of [w] is the result of applying
- the [i]th elements of [v] and [u] to [f].
- It turns out implementing [map2] with the <<Program>> framework has proven
- to be harder than I originally expected. My initial attempt was the
- following:
-Fixpoint map2 {a b c n}
- (v : vector a n) (u : vector b n)
- (f : a -> b -> c) {struct v}
- : { w: vector c n | forall i,
- nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i
- } :=
- match v, u with
- | vcons x rst, vcons x' rst' =>
- vcons (f x x') (map2 rst rst' f)
- | vnil, vnil => vnil
- | _, _ => !
- end.
-Illegal application:
-The term "@eq" of type "forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop"
-cannot be applied to the terms
- "nat" : "Set"
- "S wildcard'" : "nat"
- "b" : "Type"
-The 3rd term has type "Type" which should be coercible
-to "nat".
- *)
-Fixpoint map2 {a b c n}
- (v : vector a n) (u : vector b n)
- (f : a -> b -> c) {struct v}
- : { w: vector c n | forall i,
- nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i
- } := _.
-Next Obligation.
- dependent induction v; dependent induction u.
- + remember (IHv u f) as u'.
- inversion u'.
- refine (exist _ (vcons (f a0 a1) x) _).
- intros i.
- induction i.
- * reflexivity.
- * apply (H i).
- + refine (exist _ vnil _).
- reflexivity.
-(** ** Is It Usable? *)
-(** This post mostly gives the "happy ends" for each function. I think I tried
- to hard for what I got in return and therefore I am convinced <<Program>> is
- not ready (at least for a dependent type, I cannot tell for the rest). For
- instance, I found at least one bug in Program logic (I still have to report
- it). Have a look at the following code:
-Fixpoint map2 {a b c n}
- (u : vector a n) (v : vector b n)
- (f : a -> b -> c) {struct v}
- : vector c n :=
- match u with
- | _ => vnil
- end.
- It gives the following error:
-Error: Illegal application:
-The term "@eq" of type "forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop"
-cannot be applied to the terms
- "nat" : "Set"
- "0" : "nat"
- "wildcard'" : "vector A n'"
-The 3rd term has type "vector A n'" which should be
-coercible to "nat".
- *)
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+published: 2015-01-11
+tags: ['coq']
+ parent: series/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.html
+ next: posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.html
+abstract: |
+ We see how to implement strongly-specified list manipulation functions in
+ Coq. Strong specifications are used to ensure some properties on functions'
+ arguments and return value. It makes Coq type system very expressive.
+# Implementing Strongly-Specified Functions with the `refine`{.coq} Tactic
+I started to play with Coq, the interactive theorem prover
+developed by Inria, a few weeks ago. It is a very powerful tool,
+yet hard to master. Fortunately, there are some very good readings
+if you want to learn (I recommend the Coq'Art). This article is
+not one of them.
+In this article, we will see how to implement strongly specified
+list manipulation functions in Coq. Strong specifications are used
+to ensure some properties on functions' arguments and return
+value. It makes Coq type system very expressive. Thus, it is
+possible to specify in the type of the function `pop`{.coq} that the return
+value is the list passed as an argument in which the first element has been
+removed, for example.
+## Is This List Empty?
+It's the first question to deal with when manipulating
+lists. There are some functions that require their arguments not
+to be empty. It's the case for the `pop`{.coq} function, for instance
+it is not possible to remove the first element of a list that does
+not have any elements in the first place.
+When one wants to answer such a question as “Is this list empty?”,
+he has to keep in mind that there are two ways to do it: by a
+predicate or by a boolean function. Indeed, `Prop`{.coq} and `bool`{.coq} are
+two different worlds that do not mix easily. One solution is to
+write two definitions and to prove their equivalence. That is
+`forall args, predicate args <-> bool_function args = true`{.coq}.
+Another solution is to use the `sumbool`{.coq} type as middlemen. The
+scheme is the following:
+- Defining `predicate : args → Prop`{.coq}
+- Defining `predicate_dec : args -> { predicate args } + { ~predicate args }`{.coq}
+- Defining `predicate_b`{.coq}:
+Definition predicate_b (args) :=
+ if predicate_dec args then true else false.
+### Defining the `empty`{.coq} Predicate
+A list is empty if it is `[]`{.coq} (`nil`{.coq}). It's as simple as that!
+Definition empty {a} (l : list a) : Prop := l = [].
+### Defining a decidable version of `empty`{.coq}
+A decidable version of `empty`{.coq} is a function which takes a list
+`l`{.coq} as its argument and returns either a proof that `l`{.coq} is empty,
+or a proof that `l`{.coq} is not empty. This is encoded in the Coq
+standard library with the `sumbool`{.coq} type, and is written as
+follows: `{ empty l } + { ~ empty l }`{.coq}.
+Definition empty_dec {a} (l : list a)
+ : { empty l } + { ~ empty l }.
+ refine (match l with
+ | [] => left _ _
+ | _ => right _ _
+ end);
+ unfold empty; trivial.
+ unfold not; intro H; discriminate H.
+In this example, I decided to use the `refine`{.coq} tactic which is
+convenient when we manipulate the `Set`{.coq} and `Prop`{.coq} sorts at the
+same time.
+### Defining `empty_b`{.coq}
+With `empty_dec`{.coq}, we can define `empty_b`{.coq}.
+Definition empty_b {a} (l : list a) : bool :=
+ if empty_dec l then true else false.
+Let's try to extract `empty_b`{.coq}:
+type bool =
+| True
+| False
+type sumbool =
+| Left
+| Right
+type 'a list =
+| Nil
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+(** val empty_dec : 'a1 list -> sumbool **)
+let empty_dec = function
+| Nil -> Left
+| Cons (a, l0) -> Right
+(** val empty_b : 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let empty_b l =
+ match empty_dec l with
+ | Left -> True
+ | Right -> False
+In addition to `'a list`{.ocaml}, Coq has created the `sumbool`{.ocaml} and
+`bool`{.ocaml} types and `empty_b`{.ocaml} is basically a translation from the
+former to the latter. We could have stopped with `empty_dec`{.ocmal}, but
+`Left`{.ocaml} and `Right`{.ocaml} are less readable that `True`{.ocaml} and
+`False`{.ocaml}. Note that it is possible to configure the Extraction mechanism
+to use primitive OCaml types instead, but this is out of the scope of this
+## Defining Some Utility Functions
+### Defining `pop`{.coq}
+There are several ways to write a function that removes the first
+element of a list. One is to return `nil` if the given list was
+already empty:
+Definition pop {a} ( l :list a) :=
+ match l with
+ | _ :: l => l
+ | [] => []
+ end.
+But it's not really satisfying. A `pop` call over an empty list should not be
+possible. It can be done by adding an argument to `pop`: the proof that the
+list is not empty.
+Definition pop {a} (l : list a) (h : ~ empty l)
+ : list a.
+There are, as usual when it comes to lists, two cases to
+- `l = x :: rst`{.coq}, and therefore `pop (x :: rst) h`{.coq} is `rst`{.coq}
+- `l = []`{.coq}, which is not possible since we know `l`{.coq} is not empty.
+The challenge is to convince Coq that our reasoning is
+correct. There are, again, several approaches to achieve that. We
+can, for instance, use the `refine`{.coq} tactic again, but this time we
+need to know a small trick to succeed as using a “regular” `match`{.coq}
+will not work.
+From the following goal:
+ a : Type
+ l : list a
+ h : ~ empty l
+ ============================
+ list a
+Using the `refine`{.coq} tactic naively, for instance, this way:
+ refine (match l with
+ | _ :: rst => rst
+ | [] => _
+ end).
+leaves us the following goal to prove:
+ a : Type
+ l : list a
+ h : ~ empty l
+ ============================
+ list a
+Nothing has changed! Well, not exactly. See, `refine`{.coq} has taken
+our incomplete Gallina term, found a hole, done some
+type-checking, found that the type of the missing piece of our
+implementation is `list a`{.coq} and therefore has generated a new
+goal of this type. What `refine`{.coq} has not done, however, is
+remembering that we are in the case where `l = []`{.coq}.
+We need to generate a goal from a hole wherein this information is
+available. It is possible to use a long form of `match`{.coq}. The
+general approach is this: rather than returning a value of type
+`list a`{.coq}, our match will return a function of type `l = ?l' ->
+list a`{.coq}, where `?l`{.coq} is a value of `l`{.coq} for a given case (that is,
+either `x :: rst`{.coq} or `[]`{.coq}). Of course and as a consequence, the type
+of the `match`{.coq} in now a function which awaits a proof to return
+the expected result. Fortunately, this proof is trivial: it is
+ refine (match l as l'
+ return l = l' -> list a
+ with
+ | _ :: rst => fun _ => rst
+ | [] => fun equ => _
+ end eq_refl).
+For us to conclude the proof, this is way better.
+ a : Type
+ l : list a
+ h : ~ empty l
+ equ : l = []
+ ============================
+ list a
+We conclude the proof, and therefore the definition of `pop`{.coq}.
+ rewrite equ in h.
+ exfalso.
+ now apply h.
+It's better and yet it can still be improved. Indeed, according to its type,
+`pop`{.coq} returns “some list.” As a matter of fact, `pop`{.coq} returns “the
+same list without its first argument.” It is possible to write
+such precise definition thanks to sigma types, defined as:
+Inductive sig (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Type :=
+ exist : forall (x : A), P x -> sig P.
+Rather than `sig A p`{.coq}, sigma-types can be written using the
+notation `{ a | P }`{.coq}. They express subsets, and can be used to constraint
+arguments and results of functions.
+We finally propose a strongly specified definition of `pop`{.coq}.
+Definition pop {a} (l : list a | ~ empty l)
+ : { l' | exists a, proj1_sig l = cons a l' }.
+If you think the previous use of `match`{.coq} term was ugly, brace yourselves.
+ refine (match proj1_sig l as l'
+ return proj1_sig l = l'
+ -> { l' | exists a, proj1_sig l = cons a l' }
+ with
+ | [] => fun equ => _
+ | (_ :: rst) => fun equ => exist _ rst _
+ end eq_refl).
+This leaves us two goals to tackle.
+First, we need to discard the case where `l`{.coq} is the empty list.
+ a : Type
+ l : {l : list a | ~ empty l}
+ equ : proj1_sig l = []
+ ============================
+ {l' : list a | exists a0 : a, proj1_sig l = a0 :: l'}
+ + destruct l as [l nempty]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite equ in nempty.
+ exfalso.
+ now apply nempty.
+Then, we need to prove that the result we provide (`rst`{.coq}) when the
+list is not empty is correct with respect to the specification of
+ a : Type
+ l : {l : list a | ~ empty l}
+ a0 : a
+ rst : list a
+ equ : proj1_sig l = a0 :: rst
+ ============================
+ exists a1 : a, proj1_sig l = a1 :: rst
+ + destruct l as [l nempty]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite equ.
+ now exists a0.
+Let's have a look at the extracted code:
+(** val pop : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
+let pop = function
+| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
+| Cons (a, l0) -> l0
+If one tries to call `pop nil`{.coq}, the `assert`{.coq} ensures the call fails. Extra
+information given by the sigma type has been stripped away. It can be
+confusing, and in practice it means that, we you rely on the extraction
+mechanism to provide a certified OCaml module, you _cannot expose
+strongly specified functions in its public interface_ because nothing in the
+OCaml type system will prevent a misuse which will in practice leads to an
+`assert false`{.ocaml}. *)
+## Defining `push`{.coq}
+It is possible to specify `push`{.coq} the same way `pop`{.coq} has been. The only
+difference is `push`{.coq} accepts lists with no restriction at all. Thus, its
+definition is a simpler, and we can write it without `refine`{.coq}.
+Definition push {a} (l : list a) (x : a)
+ : { l' | l' = x :: l } :=
+ exist _ (x :: l) eq_refl.
+And the extracted code is just as straightforward.
+let push l a =
+ Cons (a, l)
+## Defining `head`{.coq}
+Same as `pop`{.coq} and `push`{.coq}, it is possible to add extra information in the
+type of `head`{.coq}, namely the returned value of `head`{.coq} is indeed the first value
+of `l`{.coq}.
+Definition head {a} (l : list a | ~ empty l)
+ : { x | exists r, proj1_sig l = x :: r }.
+It's not a surprise its definition is very close to `pop`{.coq}.
+ refine (match proj1_sig l as l'
+ return proj1_sig l = l' -> _
+ with
+ | [] => fun equ => _
+ | x :: _ => fun equ => exist _ x _
+ end eq_refl).
+The proof is also very similar, and are left to read as an exercise for
+passionate readers.
+ + destruct l as [l falso]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite equ in falso.
+ exfalso.
+ now apply falso.
+ + exists l0.
+ now rewrite equ.
+Finally, the extracted code is as straightforward as it can get.
+let head = function
+| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
+| Cons (a, l0) -> a
+## Conclusion
+Writing strongly specified functions allows for reasoning about the result
+correctness while computing it. This can help in practice. However, writing
+these functions with the `refine`{.coq} tactic does not enable a very idiomatic
+Coq code.
+To improve the situation, the `Program`{.coq} framework distributed with the
+Coq standard library helps, but it is better to understand what `Program`{.coq}
+achieves under its hood, which is basically what we have done in this article.
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-(** * Implementing Strongly-Specified Functions with the <<refine>> Tactic *)
-(** This is the first article (initially published on #<span
- class="original-created-at">January 11, 2015</span>#) of a series of two on
- how to write strongly-specified functions in Coq. You can read the next part
- #<a href="./StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.html">here</a>#.
- I started to play with Coq, the interactive theorem prover
- developed by Inria, a few weeks ago. It is a very powerful tool,
- yet hard to master. Fortunately, there are some very good readings
- if you want to learn (I recommend the Coq'Art). This article is
- not one of them.
- In this article, we will see how to implement strongly-specified
- list manipulation functions in Coq. Strong specifications are used
- to ensure some properties on functions' arguments and return
- value. It makes Coq type system very expressive. Thus, it is
- possible to specify in the type of the function [pop] that the
- return value is the list passed in argument in which the first
- element has been removed for example.
- #<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>#
- #<div id="history">site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsRefine.v</div># *)
-(** ** Is this list empty? *)
-(** Since we will manipulate lists in this article, we first
- enable several notations of the standard library. *)
-From Coq Require Import List.
-Import ListNotations.
-(** It's the first question to deal with when manipulating
- lists. There are some functions that require their arguments not
- to be empty. It's the case for the [pop] function, for instance:
- it is not possible to remove the first element of a list that does
- not have any elements in the first place.
- When one wants to answer such a question as “Is this list empty?”,
- he has to keep in mind that there are two ways to do it: by a
- predicate or by a boolean function. Indeed, [Prop] and [bool] are
- two different worlds that do not mix easily. One solution is to
- write two definitions and to prove their equivalence. That is
- [forall args, predicate args <-> bool_function args = true].
- Another solution is to use the [sumbool] type as middleman. The
- scheme is the following:
- - Defining [predicate : args → Prop]
- - Defining [predicate_dec : args -> { predicate args } + { ~predicate args }]
- - Defining [predicate_b]:
-Definition predicate_b (args) :=
- if predicate_dec args then true else false.
- *)
-(** *** Defining the <<empty>> predicate *)
-(** A list is empty if it is [[]] ([nil]). It's as simple as that! *)
-Definition empty {a} (l : list a) : Prop := l = [].
-(** *** Defining a decidable version of <<empty>> *)
-(** A decidable version of [empty] is a function which takes a list
- [l] as its argument and returns either a proof that [l] is empty,
- or a proof that [l] is not empty. This is encoded in the Coq
- standard library with the [sumbool] type, and is written as
- follows: [{ empty l } + { ~ empty l }]. *)
-Definition empty_dec {a} (l : list a)
- : { empty l } + { ~ empty l }.
- refine (match l with
- | [] => left _ _
- | _ => right _ _
- end);
- unfold empty; trivial.
- unfold not; intro H; discriminate H.
-(** In this example, I decided to use the [refine] tactic which is
- convenient when we manipulate the [Set] and [Prop] sorts at the
- same time. *)
-(** *** Defining <<empty_b>> *)
-(** With [empty_dec], we can define [empty_b]. *)
-Definition empty_b {a} (l : list a) : bool :=
- if empty_dec l then true else false.
-(** Let's try to extract [empty_b]:
-type bool =
-| True
-| False
-type sumbool =
-| Left
-| Right
-type 'a list =
-| Nil
-| Cons of 'a * 'a list
-(** val empty_dec : 'a1 list -> sumbool **)
-let empty_dec = function
-| Nil -> Left
-| Cons (a, l0) -> Right
-(** val empty_b : 'a1 list -> bool **)
-let empty_b l =
- match empty_dec l with
- | Left -> True
- | Right -> False
- In addition to <<list 'a>>, Coq has created the <<sumbool>> and
- <<bool>> types and [empty_b] is basically a translation from the
- former to the latter. We could have stopped with [empty_dec], but
- [Left] and [Right] are less readable that [True] and [False]. Note
- that it is possible to configure the Extraction mechanism to use
- primitive OCaml types instead, but this is out of the scope of
- this article. *)
-(** ** Defining some utility functions *)
-(** *** Defining [pop] *)
-(** There are several ways to write a function that removes the first
- element of a list. One is to return `nil` if the given list was
- already empty: *)
-Definition pop {a} ( l :list a) :=
- match l with
- | _ :: l => l
- | [] => []
- end.
-(** But it's not really satisfying. A `pop` call over an empty list
- should not be possible. It can be done by adding an argument to
- `pop`: the proof that the list is not empty. *)
-(* begin hide *)
-Reset pop.
-(* end hide *)
-Definition pop {a} (l : list a) (h : ~ empty l)
- : list a.
-(** There are, as usual when it comes to lists, two cases to
- consider.
- - [l = x :: rst], and therefore [pop (x :: rst) h] is [rst]
- - [l = []], which is not possible since we know [l] is not empty.
- The challenge is to convince Coq that our reasoning is
- correct. There are, again, several approaches to achieve that. We
- can, for instance, use the [refine] tactic again, but this time we
- need to know a small trick to succeed as using a “regular” [match]
- will not work.
- From the following goal:
- a : Type
- l : list a
- h : ~ empty l
- ============================
- list a
- *)
-(** Using the [refine] tactic naively, for instance this way: *)
- refine (match l with
- | _ :: rst => rst
- | [] => _
- end).
-(** leaves us the following goal to prove:
- a : Type
- l : list a
- h : ~ empty l
- ============================
- list a
- Nothing has changed! Well, not exactly. See, [refine] has taken
- our incomplete Gallina term, found a hole, done some
- type-checking, found that the type of the missing piece of our
- implementation is [list a] and therefore has generated a new
- goal of this type. What [refine] has not done, however, is
- remember that we are in the case where [l = []]!
- We need to generate a goal from a hole wherein this information is
- available. It is possible using a long form of [match]. The
- general approach is this: rather than returning a value of type
- [list a], our match will return a function of type [l = ?l' ->
- list a], where [?l] is value of [l] for a given case (that is,
- either [x :: rst] or [[]]). Of course, As a consequence, the type
- of the [match] in now a function which awaits a proof to return
- the expected result. Fortunately, this proof is trivial: it is
- [eq_refl]. *)
-(* begin hide *)
- Undo.
-(* end hide *)
- refine (match l as l'
- return l = l' -> list a
- with
- | _ :: rst => fun _ => rst
- | [] => fun equ => _
- end eq_refl).
-(** For us to conclude the proof, this is way better.
- a : Type
- l : list a
- h : ~ empty l
- equ : l = []
- ============================
- list a
- We conclude the proof, and therefore the definition of [pop]. *)
- rewrite equ in h.
- exfalso.
- now apply h.
-(** It's better and yet it can still be improved. Indeed, according to its type,
- [pop] returns “some list”. As a matter of fact, [pop] returns “the
- same list without its first argument”. It is possible to write
- such precise definition thanks to sigma-types, defined as:
-Inductive sig (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Type :=
- exist : forall (x : A), P x -> sig P.
- Rather that [sig A p], sigma-types can be written using the
- notation [{ a | P }]. They express subsets, and can be used to constraint
- arguments and results of functions.
- We finally propose a strongly-specified definition of [pop]. *)
-(* begin hide *)
-Reset pop.
-(* end hide *)
-Definition pop {a} (l : list a | ~ empty l)
- : { l' | exists a, proj1_sig l = cons a l' }.
-(** If you think the previous use of [match] term was ugly, brace yourselves. *)
- refine (match proj1_sig l as l'
- return proj1_sig l = l'
- -> { l' | exists a, proj1_sig l = cons a l' }
- with
- | [] => fun equ => _
- | (_ :: rst) => fun equ => exist _ rst _
- end eq_refl).
-(** This leaves us two goals to tackle.
- First, we need to discard the case where [l] is the empty list.
- a : Type
- l : {l : list a | ~ empty l}
- equ : proj1_sig l = []
- ============================
- {l' : list a | exists a0 : a, proj1_sig l = a0 :: l'}
- *)
- + destruct l as [l nempty]; cbn in *.
- rewrite equ in nempty.
- exfalso.
- now apply nempty.
-(** Then, we need to prove that the result we provide ([rst]) when the
- list is not empty is correct with respect to the specification of
- [pop].
- a : Type
- l : {l : list a | ~ empty l}
- a0 : a
- rst : list a
- equ : proj1_sig l = a0 :: rst
- ============================
- exists a1 : a, proj1_sig l = a1 :: rst
- *)
- + destruct l as [l nempty]; cbn in *.
- rewrite equ.
- now exists a0.
-(** Let's have a look at the extracted code:
-(** val pop : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
-let pop = function
-| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
-| Cons (a, l0) -> l0
- If one tries to call [pop nil], the [assert] ensures the call fails. Extra
- information given by the sigma-type have been stripped away. It can be
- confusing, and in practice it means that, we you rely on the extraction
- mechanism to provide a certified OCaml module, you _cannot expose
- strongly-specified functions in its public interface_ because nothing in the
- OCaml type system will prevent a miseuse which will in practice leads to an
- <<assert false>>. *)
-(** ** Defining [push] *)
-(** It is possible to specify [push] the same way [pop] has been. The only
- difference is [push] accepts lists with no restriction at all. Thus, its
- definition is a simpler, and we can write it without [refine]. *)
-Definition push {a} (l : list a) (x : a)
- : { l' | l' = x :: l } :=
- exist _ (x :: l) eq_refl.
-(** And the extracted code is just as straightforward.
-let push l a =
- Cons (a, l)
- *)
-(** ** Defining [head] *)
-(** Same as [pop] and [push], it is possible to add extra information in the
- type of [head], namely the returned value of [head] is indeed the firt value
- of [l]. *)
-Definition head {a} (l : list a | ~ empty l)
- : { x | exists r, proj1_sig l = x :: r }.
-(** It's not a surprise its definition is very close to [pop]. *)
- refine (match proj1_sig l as l'
- return proj1_sig l = l' -> _
- with
- | [] => fun equ => _
- | x :: _ => fun equ => exist _ x _
- end eq_refl).
-(** The proof are also very similar, and are left to read as an exercise for
- passionate readers. *)
- + destruct l as [l falso]; cbn in *.
- rewrite equ in falso.
- exfalso.
- now apply falso.
- + exists l0.
- now rewrite equ.
-(** Finally, the extracted code is as straightforward as it can get.
-let head = function
-| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
-| Cons (a, l0) -> a
- *)
-(** ** Conclusion & Moving Forward *)
-(** Writing strongly-specified functions allows for reasoning about the result
- correctness while computing it. This can help in practice. However, writing
- these functions with the [refine] tactic does not enable a very idiomatic
- Coq code.
- To improve the situation, the <<Program>> framework distributed with the Coq
- standard library helps, but it is better to understand what <<Program>> achieves
- under its hood, which is basically what we have done in this article. *)
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-#+TITLE: Thanks!
-#+SERIES: ../meta.html
-#+SERIES_NEXT: ../cleopatra.html
-This website could not exist without many awesome free software
-projects. Although I could not list them all even if I wanted, my
-desire is at least to try keeping up-to-date a curated description of
-the most significant ones.
-<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
-<div id="history">site/posts/</div>
-* Authoring Content
-- [[][Emacs]] ::
- Emacs is an extensible editor which I use daily to author this website
- content, and write the code related to this website (and any code, really). It
- is part of the [[][GNU project]].
-- [[][Org mode]] ::
- Org mode is a major mode of Emacs which I use to author several posts. It has
- initially been written by [[][Carsten Dominik]], and is currently maintained by
- [[][Bastien Guerry]].
-- [[][Coq]] ::
- Coq is a theorem prover and a proof assistant built by [[][Inria]]. Many of my posts
- on Coq are regular Coq file processed by ~coqdoc~.
-* Static Website Generation
-- [[][soupault]] ::
- Soupault is a static website generator and HTML processor written by [[][Daniil
- Baturin]].
-- [[][~cleopatra~]] ::
- ~cleopatra~ is a generic, extensible toolchain with facilities for
- literate programming projects using Org mode and more. I have
- written it for this very website.
-* Frontend
-- [[][\im \KaTeX \mi]] ::
- \im \KaTeX \mi is the “fastest” math typesetting library for the web, and is
- used to render inline mathematics in my posts at build time. It has been
- created by [[][Emily Eisenberg]] and
- [[][Sophie Alpert]], with the help of
- [[][many contributors]].
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Archives
diff --git a/site/projects/ b/site/projects/
deleted file mode 100644
index 705ef55..0000000
--- a/site/projects/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-To be written. One day.
diff --git a/site/projects/keyr/stats.html b/site/projects/keyr/stats.html
deleted file mode 100644
index eabec58..0000000
--- a/site/projects/keyr/stats.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-<h1>Keystrokes Reporting</h1>
- We have counted <span id="global_count">0</span> on <strong>lthms</strong>’
- computers since <span id="start_date">today</span>, thanks to
- <a href=""><strong>keyr</strong></a>.
- <strong>Beware:</strong> Contrary to the rest of this blog, you need to enable
- JavaScript for this webpage to work.
-<h2>during the past 10 days</h2>
-<div id="heatmap-weeks" class="fullwidth"></div>
-<h2>during the past 6 months</h2>
-<div id="heatmap-year" class="fullwidth"></div>
-<script src=""></script>
-<script src=""></script>
- #heatmap-weeks,
- #heatmap-year {
- overflow-x : scroll;
- }
-<script type="text/javascript">
- // First, we load the necessary CSS
- document.getElementsByTagName('style')[0]
- .insertAdjacentHTML(
- 'beforebegin',
- '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />'
- );
- let gcount = document.getElementById("global_count");
- let start_date = document.getElementById("start_date");
- let min_date = new Date();
- const months = {
- 0: 'January',
- 1: 'February',
- 2: 'March',
- 3: 'April',
- 4: 'May',
- 5: 'June',
- 6: 'July',
- 7: 'August',
- 8: 'September',
- 9: 'October',
- 10: 'November',
- 11: 'December'
- }
- .then((response) =>
- response.json()
- .then((raw_datas) => {
- var global_count = 0;
- var min_date = new Date() / 1000;
- for (var prop in raw_datas) {
- global_count += raw_datas[prop];
- min_date = Math.min(min_date, prop);
- }
- min_date = new Date(min_date * 1000);
- start_date.innerText =
- `${months[min_date.getMonth()]} ${min_date.getDate()}, ${min_date.getFullYear()}`;
- gcount.innerText = global_count.toLocaleString();
- var calweeks = new CalHeatMap();
- calweeks.init({
- itemSelector: "#heatmap-weeks",
- itemName: "keystroke",
- data: raw_datas,
- start: new Date(new Date() - 9 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
- domain: "day",
- subDomain: "hour",
- domainGutter: 0,
- range: 10,
- legend: [500, 3000, 5000, 7000]
- });
- var calyear = new CalHeatMap();
- calyear.init({
- itemSelector: "#heatmap-year",
- itemName: "keystroke",
- data: raw_datas,
- domain: "month",
- subDomain: "day",
- domainGutter: 10,
- start: new Date(new Date() - 5 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
- range: 6,
- legend: [1000, 15000, 30000, 45000]
- });
- }));
diff --git a/site/projects/knitting.html b/site/projects/knitting.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 727c027..0000000
--- a/site/projects/knitting.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<h1>Knitting Journal</h1>
- I have started knitting on August, 2020. Here is my progress, hidden in plain
- sight. Feel free to have a look!
-<div id="gallery">
- <img src="/img/knitting-20200901.jpeg" alt="Knitting in progress with blue yarn" />
diff --git a/site/running.html b/site/running.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30d842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/running.html
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+<h1>🏃 Running Log</h1>
+ Each square is a kilometer, and if two consecutive kilometers share the same
+ color, then they have been run during the same running session.
+<div class="running-container">
+- date: "2023-05-19"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2023-05-18"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2023-05-16"
+ count: 13
+- date: "2023-05-14"
+ count: 15
+- date: "2023-05-12"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2023-05-10"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2023-05-08"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2023-05-06"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2023-05-03"
+ count: 13
+- date: "2023-04-30"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2023-04-28"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2023-04-26"
+ count: 4
+- date: "2023-04-23"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2023-04-21"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2023-04-18"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2023-04-16"
+ count: 4
+- date: "2023-01-02"
+ count: 11
+<div class="running-container">
+- date: "2022-12-31"
+ count: 4
+- date: "2022-12-27"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2022-12-25"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2022-10-09"
+ count: 20
+ race: true
+- date: "2022-09-30"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2022-09-06"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2022-09-04"
+ count: 13
+- date: "2022-09-01"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2022-08-30"
+ count: 11
+- date: "2022-08-28"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2022-08-26"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2022-08-23"
+ count: 13
+- date: "2022-08-21"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2022-08-20"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2022-08-15"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2022-08-13"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2022-08-09"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2022-08-07"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2022-08-05"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2022-08-02"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2022-07-31"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2022-07-29"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2022-07-26"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2022-07-24"
+ count: 4
+- date: "2022-07-10"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2022-06-18"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2022-06-01"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2022-05-28"
+ count: 9
+- date: "2022-05-21"
+ count: 5
+- date: "2022-05-18"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2022-05-15"
+ count: 13
+- date: "2022-05-08"
+ count: 13
+- date: "2022-05-01"
+ count: 9
+- date: "2022-04-18"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2022-04-02"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2022-01-01"
+ count: 8
+<div class="running-container">
+- date: "2021-12-30"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2021-11-01"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2021-10-17"
+ count: 9
+- date: "2021-10-10"
+ count: 20
+ race: true
+- date: "2021-09-12"
+ count: 11
+- date: "2021-09-05"
+ count: 21
+ race: true
+- date: "2021-08-31"
+ count: 16
+- date: "2021-08-18"
+ count: 12
+- date: "2021-08-25"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2021-08-23"
+ count: 17
+- date: "2021-08-20"
+ count: 9
+- date: "2021-08-18"
+ count: 14
+- date: "2021-08-15"
+ count: 11
+- date: "2021-08-13"
+ count: 10
+- date: "2021-08-11"
+ count: 11
+- date: "2021-08-08"
+ count: 14
+- date: "2021-08-06"
+ count: 6
+- date: "2021-08-03"
+ count: 13
+- date: "2021-07-30"
+ count: 7
+- date: "2021-07-27"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2021-07-24"
+ count: 11
+- date: "2021-05-19"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2021-05-15"
+ count: 8
+- date: "2021-05-13"
+ count: 9
diff --git a/site/series/ b/site/series/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/series/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+abstract: |
+ Ltac is the “tactic language” of Coq. It is commonly advertised as the
+ common approach to write proofs, which tends to bias how it is introduced
+ to new Coq users. In this series, we present Ltac as the metaprogramming
+ tool it is, since fundamentally it is an imperative language which allows
+ for constructing Coq terms interactively and incrementally.
+# A Series on Ltac
+Ltac is the “tactic language” of Coq. It is commonly advertised as the common
+approach to write proofs, which tends to bias how it is introduced to
+new Coq users[^anecdote]. In this series, we present Ltac as the
+metaprogramming tool it is, since fundamentally it is an imperative
+language which allows for constructing Coq terms interactively and
+[^anecdote]: I know *I* was introduced to Coq in a similar way in
+ my Master courses.
diff --git a/site/series/ b/site/series/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5def2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/series/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+abstract: |
+ A collection of articles I have written to reflect on what happened at a
+ given time. It is heavily inspired by Drew DeVault “status update” series.
+# Retrospectives
diff --git a/site/series/ b/site/series/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f72776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/series/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+abstract: |
+ Using dependent types and the `Prop`{.coq} sort, it becomes possible to
+ specify functions whose arguments and results are constrained by
+ properties. However, implementing such functions can be challenging. In
+ this series, we explore several approaches available to Coq developers.
+# A Series on Strongly-Specified Functions in Coq
+Using dependent types and the `Prop`{.coq} sort, it becomes possible to specify
+functions whose arguments and results are constrained by properties. Using
+such a “strongly-specified” function requires to provide a proof that the
+supplied arguments satisfy the expected properties, and allows for soundly
+assuming the results are correct too. However, implementing such functions can
+be challenging. In this series, we explore several approaches available to Coq
diff --git a/site/series/ b/site/series/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..043f1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/series/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Series
+A series gathers together a collection of contents (that is, either posts or
+other series) into a coherent whole. This is by opposition to tags, which only
+allows for signaling that two posts refers to a given subject.
diff --git a/site/styles/.gitkeep b/site/styles/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/styles/.gitkeep
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+# Tags