path: root/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v
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+(** #
+<h1>Strongly-Specified Functions in Coq with the <code>Program</code> Framework</h1>
+This blogpost was initially published on <time
+datetime="2017-01-14">2017-01-14</time>, and as later been heavily rewritten in
+late 2019.
+ # *)
+(** #<div id="generate-toc"></div># *)
+(** For the past few weeks, I have been playing around with <<Program>>. *)
+(** ** The Theory *)
+(** If I had to explain `Program`, I would say `Program` is the heir
+ of the `refine` tactic. It gives you a convenient way to embed
+ proofs within functional programs that are supposed to fade away
+ during code extraction. But what do I mean when I say "embed
+ proofs" within functional programs? I found two ways to do it. *)
+(** *** Invariants *)
+(** First, we can define a record with one or more fields of type
+ [Prop]. By doing so, we can constrain the values of other fields. Put
+ another way, we can specify invariant for our type. For instance, in
+ SpecCert, I have defined the memory controller's SMRAMC register
+ as follows: *)
+Record SmramcRegister := {
+ d_open: bool;
+ d_lock: bool;
+ lock_is_close: d_lock = true -> d_open = false;
+(** So [lock_is_closed] is an invariant I know each instance of
+ `SmramcRegister` will have to comply with, because every time I
+ will construct a new instance, I will have to prove
+ [lock_is_closed] holds true. For instance: *)
+Definition lock
+ (reg: SmramcRegister)
+ : SmramcRegister.
+ refine ({| d_open := false; d_lock := true |}).
+(** Coq leaves us this goal to prove.
+reg : SmramcRegister
+ ============================
+true = true -> false = false
+ This sound reasonable enough. *)
+ trivial.
+(** We have witness in my previous article about strongly-specified
+ functions that mixing proofs and regular terms may leads to
+ cumbersome code.
+ From that perspective, [Program] helps. Indeed, the [lock]
+ function can also be defined as follows: *)
+From Coq Require Import Program.
+Program Definition lock'
+ (reg: SmramcRegister)
+ : SmramcRegister :=
+ {| d_open := false
+ ; d_lock := true
+ |}.
+(** *** Pre and Post Conditions *)
+(** Another way to "embed proofs in a program" is by specifying pre-
+ and post-conditions for its component. In Coq, this is done using
+ sigma-types. *)
+(** On the one hand, a precondition is a proposition a function input
+ has to satisfy in order for the function to be applied. For
+ instance, a precondition for [head : forall {a}, list a -> a] the
+ function that returns the first element of a list [l] requires [l]
+ to contain at least one element. We can write that using a
+ sigma-type. The type of [head] then becomes [forall {a} (l: list a
+ | l <> []) : a]
+ On the other hand, a post condition is a proposition a function
+ output has to satisfy in order for the function to be correctly
+ implemented. In this way, `head` should in fact return the first
+ element of [l] and not something else.
+ <<Program>> makes writing this specification straightforward. *)
+(* begin hide *)
+From Coq Require Import List.
+Import ListNotations.
+(* end hide *)
+Definition head {a} (l : list a | l <> []) : { x : a | exists l', x :: l' = l }.
+(* begin hide *)
+(* end hide *)
+(** We recall that because `{ l: list a | l <> [] }` is not the same
+ as [list a], in theory we cannot just compare [l] with [x ::
+ l'] (we need to use [proj1_sig]). One benefit on <<Program>> is to
+ deal with it using an implicit coercion.
+ Note that for the type inference to work as expected, the
+ unwrapped value (here, [x :: l']) needs to be the left operand of
+ [=].
+ Now that [head] have been specified, we have to implement it. *)
+Definition head {a} (l: list a | l <> []) : { x : a | exists l', cons x l' = l } :=
+ match l with
+ | x :: l' => x
+ | [] => !
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ exists l'.
+ reflexivity.
+(** I want to highlight several things here:
+ - We return [x] (of type [a]) rather than a gigma-type, then <<Program>> is smart
+ enough to wrap it. To do so, it tries to prove the post condition and because
+ it fails, we have to do it ourselves (this is the Obligation we solve after
+ the function definition.)
+ - The [[]] case is absurd regarding the precondition, we tell Coq that using
+ the bang (`!`) symbol.
+ We can have a look at the extracted code:
+(** val head : 'a1 list -> 'a1 **)
+let head = function
+| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
+| Cons (a, _) -> a
+ The implementation is pretty straightforward, but the pre- and
+ post conditions have faded away. Also, the absurd case is
+ discarded using an assertion. This means one thing: [head] should
+ not be used directly from the Ocaml world. "Interface" functions
+ have to be total. *)
+(** ** The Practice *)
+From Coq Require Import Lia.
+(** I have challenged myself to build a strongly specified library. My goal was to
+ define a type [vector : nat -> Type -> Type] such as [vector a n] is a list of
+ [n] instance of [a]. *)
+Inductive vector (a : Type) : nat -> Type :=
+| vcons {n} : a -> vector a n -> vector a (S n)
+| vnil : vector a O.
+Arguments vcons [a n] _ _.
+Arguments vnil {a}.
+(** I had three functions in mind: [take], [drop] and [extract]. I
+ learned few lessons. My main take-away remains: do not use
+ gigma-types, <<Program>> and dependent-types together. From my
+ point of view, Coq is not yet ready for this. Maybe it is possible
+ to make those three work together, but I have to admit I did not
+ find out how. As a consequence, my preconditions are defined as
+ extra arguments.
+ To be able to specify the post conditions my three functions and
+ some others, I first defined [nth] to get the _nth_ element of a
+ vector.
+ My first attempt to write [nth] was a failure.
+Fixpoint nth {a n} (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v} : option a :=
+ match v, i with
+ | vcons x _, O => Some x
+ | vcons x r, S i => nth r i
+ | vnil, _ => None
+ end.
+ raises an anomaly. *)
+Fixpoint nth {a n} (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v} : option a :=
+ match v with
+ | vcons x r =>
+ match i with
+ | O => Some x
+ | S i => nth r i
+ end
+ | vnil => None
+ end.
+(** With [nth], it is possible to give a very precise definition of [take]: *)
+Fixpoint take {a n} (v : vector a n) (e : nat | e <= n)
+ : { v': vector a e | forall i : nat, i < e -> nth v' i = nth v i } :=
+ match e with
+ | S e' => match v with
+ | vcons x r => vcons x (take r e')
+ | vnil => !
+ end
+ | O => vnil
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply le_S_n.
+Next Obligation.
+ induction i.
+ + reflexivity.
+ + apply e0.
+ now apply Lt.lt_S_n.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nle_succ_0 in H.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nlt_0_r in H.
+(** As a side note, I wanted to define the post condition as follows:
+ [{ v': vector A e | forall (i : nat | i < e), nth v' i = nth v i
+ }]. However, this made the goals and hypotheses become very hard
+ to read and to use. Sigma-types in sigma-types: not a good
+ idea. *)
+From Coq Require Import Extraction.
+Extraction Implicit take [a n].
+Extraction take.
+(** val take : 'a1 vector -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
+let rec take v = function
+| O -> Vnil
+| S e' ->
+ (match v with
+ | Vcons (_, x, r) -> Vcons (e', x, (take r e'))
+ | Vnil -> assert false (* absurd case *))
+ Then I could tackle `drop` in a very similar manner: *)
+Fixpoint drop {a n} (v : vector a n) (b : nat | b <= n)
+ : { v': vector a (n - b) | forall i, i < n - b -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
+ match b with
+ | 0 => v
+ | S n => (match v with
+ | vcons _ r => (drop r n)
+ | vnil => !
+ end)
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ now rewrite <- Minus.minus_n_O.
+Next Obligation.
+ induction n;
+ rewrite <- eq_rect_eq;
+ reflexivity.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply le_S_n.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.nle_succ_0 in H.
+(*begin hide *)
+Extraction Implicit drop [a n].
+Extraction drop.
+(* end hide *)
+(** The proofs are easy to write, and the extracted code is exactly what one might
+ want it to be: *)
+(** val drop : 'a1 vector -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
+let rec drop v = function
+| O -> v
+| S n ->
+ (match v with
+ | Vcons (_, _, r) -> drop r n
+ | Vnil -> assert false (* absurd case *))
+ But <<Program>> really shone when it comes to implementing extract. I just
+ had to combine [take] and [drop]. *)
+Definition extract {a n} (v : vector a n) (e : nat | e <= n) (b : nat | b <= e)
+ : { v': vector a (e - b) | forall i, i < (e - b) -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
+ take (drop v b) (e - b).
+Next Obligation.
+ transitivity e; auto.
+Next Obligation.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.sub_le_mono_r.
+Next Obligation.
+ destruct drop; cbn in *.
+ destruct take; cbn in *.
+ rewrite e1; auto.
+ rewrite <- e0; auto.
+ lia.
+(*begin hide *)
+Extraction Implicit extract [a n].
+Extraction extract.
+(* end hide *)
+(** The proofs are straightforward because the specifications of [drop] and
+ [take] are precise enough, and we do not need to have a look at their
+ implementations. The extracted version of [extract] is as clean as we can
+ anticipate.
+(** val extract : 'a1 vector -> nat -> nat -> 'a1 vector **)
+let extract v e b =
+ take (drop v b) (sub e b)
+>> *)
+(** I was pretty happy, so I tried some more. Each time, using [nth], I managed
+ to write a precise post condition and to prove it holds true. For instance,
+ given [map] to apply a function [f] to each element of a vector [v]: *)
+Fixpoint map {a b n} (v : vector a n) (f : a -> b)
+ : { v': vector b n | forall i, nth v' i = option_map f (nth v i) } :=
+ match v with
+ | vnil => vnil
+ | vcons a v => vcons (f a) (map v f)
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ induction i.
+ + reflexivity.
+ + apply e.
+(** I also managed to specify and write [append]: *)
+Program Fixpoint append {a n m} (v : vector a n) (u : vector a m)
+ : { w : vector a (n + m) | forall i, (i < n -> nth w i = nth v i) /\
+ (n <= i -> nth w i = nth u (i - n)) } :=
+ match v with
+ | vnil => u
+ | vcons a v => vcons a (append v u)
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ split.
+ + now intro.
+ + intros _.
+ now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.sub_0_r.
+Next Obligation.
+ rename wildcard' into n.
+ destruct (Compare_dec.lt_dec i (S n)); split.
+ + intros _.
+ destruct i.
+ ++ reflexivity.
+ ++ cbn.
+ specialize (a1 i).
+ destruct a1 as [a1 _].
+ apply a1.
+ auto with arith.
+ + intros false.
+ lia.
+ + now intros.
+ + intros ord.
+ destruct i.
+ ++ lia.
+ ++ cbn.
+ specialize (a1 i).
+ destruct a1 as [_ a1].
+ apply a1.
+ auto with arith.
+(** Finally, I tried to implement [map2] that takes a vector of [a], a vector of
+ [b] (both of the same size) and a function [f : a -> b -> c] and returns a
+ vector of [c].
+ First, we need to provide a precise specification for [map2]. To do that, we
+ introduce [option_app], a function that Haskellers know all to well as being
+ part of the <<Applicative>> type class. *)
+Definition option_app
+ {A B: Type}
+ (opf: option (A -> B))
+ (opx: option A)
+ : option B :=
+ match opf, opx with
+ | Some f, Some x => Some (f x)
+ | _, _ => None
+(** We thereafter use [<$>] as an infix operator for [option_map] and [<*>] as
+ an infix operator for [option_app]. *)
+Infix "<$>" := option_map (at level 50).
+Infix "<*>" := option_app (at level 55).
+(** Given two vectors [v] and [u] of the same size and a function [f], and given
+ [w] the result computed by [map2], then we can propose the following
+ specification for [map2]:
+ [forall (i : nat), nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i]
+ This reads as follows: the [i]th element of [w] is the result of applying
+ the [i]th elements of [v] and [u] to [f].
+ It turns out implementing [map2] with the <<Program>> framework has proven
+ to be harder than I originally expected. My initial attempt was the
+ following:
+Fixpoint map2
+ {A B C: Type}
+ {n: nat}
+ (v: vector A n)
+ (u: vector B n)
+ (f: A -> B -> C)
+ {struct v}
+ : { w: vector C n | forall i, nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i } :=
+ match v, u with
+ | vcons x rst, vcons x' rst' => vcons (f x x') (map2 rst rst' f)
+ | vnil, vnil => vnil
+ | _, _ => !
+ end.
+Error: Illegal application:
+The term "@eq" of type "forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop"
+cannot be applied to the terms
+ "nat" : "Set"
+ "S wildcard'" : "nat"
+ "B" : "Type"
+The 3rd term has type "Type" which should be coercible to "nat".
+>> *)
+Fixpoint map2
+ {A B C: Type}
+ {n: nat}
+ (v: vector A n)
+ (u: vector B n)
+ (f: A -> B -> C)
+ {struct v}
+ : { w: vector C n | forall i, nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i } := _.
+Next Obligation.
+ dependent induction v; dependent induction u.
+ + remember (IHv u f) as u'.
+ inversion u'.
+ refine (exist _ (vcons (f a a0) x) _).
+ intros i.
+ induction i.
+ * cbv.
+ reflexivity.
+ * simpl.
+ apply (H i).
+ + refine (exist _ vnil _).
+ cbv.
+ reflexivity.
+(** ** Is It Usable? *)
+(** This post mostly gives the "happy ends" for each function. I think I tried
+ to hard for what I got in return and therefore I am convinced <<Program>> is
+ not ready (at least for a dependent type, I cannot tell for the rest). For
+ instance, I found at least one bug in Program logic (I still have to report
+ it). Have a look at the following code: *)
+Fixpoint map2
+ {A B C: Type}
+ {n: nat}
+ (v: vector A n)
+ (v': vector B n)
+ (f: A -> B -> C)
+ {struct v}
+ : vector C n :=
+ match v with
+ | _ => vnil
+ end.
+(** It gives the following error:
+Error: Illegal application:
+The term "@eq" of type "forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop"
+cannot be applied to the terms
+ "nat" : "Set"
+ "0" : "nat"
+ "wildcard'" : "vector A n'"
+The 3rd term has type "vector A n'" which should be coercible to "nat".
+>> *)
+(* begin hide *)
+Reset map2.
+(* end hide *)