path: root/site/cleopatra/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site/cleopatra/')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
index dce9520..9041be8 100644
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ b/site/cleopatra/
@@ -1,267 +1,471 @@
-<h1>Theming and Templating</h1>
+#+TITLE: Layout and Style
-The purpose of this build process is to implement the default layout of this
-website. To that end, it provides a template file (~main.html~), and a
-collection of SASS files that *~cleopatra~* then compiles into a single CSS file
-using ~sassc~.
+#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
+#+SERIES_PREV: ./literate-programming.html
+#+SERIES_NEXT: ./soupault.html
-We first discuss the structure of the website, by defining the default HTML
-template =soupault= will use to generate the website. Then, we specify its
-minimal design, implemented in SASS. Finally, we discuss the necessary build
-instructions for *~cleopatra~*.
+<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
+<div id="history">site/cleopatra/</div>
-* Main HTML Template
+* Setup
+ As often when it comes to frontend development, we will use several
+ tools hosted in the ~npm~ packages repository. ~npm~ is infamous
+ for downloading lots of files and to store it in the ~node_modules/~
+ directory. We configure *~cleopatra~* accordingly.
+ #+begin_src makefile :tangle
+CONFIGURE += package.json package-lock.json node_modules
+ #+end_src
+* Base CSS
+ We know construct piece by piece the “base” CSS layout which we will
+ inject inside a ~<style>~ tag in each web page.
+** Layout
+ Our goal is to have a three columns layout: one aside menu, with
+ the top-level navigation links (technical articles, news, etc.) and
+ the table of contents of the current pages if relevant, one main
+ area for the webpage content, and a margin column with side notes
+ and margin notes.
+ #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
+:root {
+ --main-width: 30rem;
+ --gutter-width: 5rem;
+ --margin-width: 15rem;
+ --body-width: calc(var(--main-width) + var(--gutter-width) + var(--margin-width));
+@media (max-width: 55rem) {
+ :root {
+ --body-width: var(--main-width);
+ }
+ #+end_src
+ #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
+,* {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+.fullwidth {
+ width: var(--body-width);
+html {
+ font-size: 1.1rem;
+body {
+ line-height: 1.3;
+ max-width: var(--body-width);
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+aside {
+ background: var(--bg);
+ z-index: 9999;
+ width: var(--body-width);
+ align-self: flex-start;
+ position: sticky;
+ top: 0;
+aside nav {
+ text-align: center;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid var(--fade);
+aside nav ul {
+ list-style: none;
+ padding: 1rem 0;
+ margin: 0;
+aside nav li {
+ display: inline;
+aside nav li:not(:first-of-type)::before {
+ content: " · ";
+main {
+ counter-reset: sidenote-counter;
+ max-width: var(--main-width);
+main nav {
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-size: smaller;
+ color: var(--fg-plus);
+ background: var(--current-line);
+ padding: .5rem 1rem;
+main nav .series-next {
+ text-align: right;
+main nav p.series-next::after {
+ content: " →";
+main nav p.series-prev::before {
+ content: "← ";
+img {
+ max-width: 100%;
+.marginnote {
+ font-size: smaller;
+ float: right;
+ clear: right;
+ margin-right: calc(-1 * (var(--margin-width) + var(--gutter-width)));
+ width: var(--margin-width);
+ position: relative;
+input.margin-toggle {
+ display: none;
+label.sidenote-number {
+ display: inline;
+label.margin-toggle:not(.sidenote-number) {
+ display: none;
+.sidenote:before {
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+.sidenote-number {
+ counter-increment: sidenote-counter;
+.sidenote-number::after {
+ content: "(" counter(sidenote-counter, lower-greek) ")";
+ font-size: 60%;
+ top: -0.4rem;
+ left: 0.1rem;
+.sidenote::before {
+ content: "(" counter(sidenote-counter, lower-greek) ")";
+ font-size: 70%;
+ top: -0.5rem;
+ right: 0.1rem;
+pre {
+ width: var(--body-width);
+ overflow-x: auto;
+ overflow-y: hidden;
+ padding: 1rem 2rem;
+main {
+ padding-top: 4.2rem;
+h1 {
+ text-align: center;
+h2, h3, h4 {
+ font-style: italic;
+h1, h2, h3, h4 {
+ font-weight: normal;
+dt {
+ font-weight: bold;
+.doc pre,
+.imath {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ font-size: 80%;
+details {
+ margin: 1.5rem 0;
+table {
+ border-top: 2px solid var(--fg);
+ border-bottom: 2px solid var(--fg);
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 1.5rem 0;
+th {
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+th {
+ border-top: 1px solid var(--fade);
+ height: 2em;
+ padding: 0 1em;
+td.commit {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 0.75em;
+ font-family: monospace;
+/* max-width has to be equal to --body-width */
+@media (max-width: 55rem) {
+ body {
+ padding: 2rem;
+ margin: auto;
+ display: block;
+ }
+ aside {
+ width: var(--main-width);
+ margin: auto;
+ }
+ label.margin-toggle:not(.sidenote-number) {
+ display: inline;
+ }
+ .sidenote,
+ .marginnote {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .margin-toggle:checked + .sidenote,
+ .margin-toggle:checked + .marginnote {
+ display: block;
+ float: left;
+ left: 1rem;
+ clear: both;
+ width: 95%;
+ margin: 1rem 2.5%;
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+ position: relative;
+ }
+ label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ pre, aside {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ #+end_src
+** Colors
+ #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
+:root {
+ --bg: white;
+ --bg-plus: #f9f8f4;
+ --current-line: #fbfbfb;
+ --fade: #cfcecb;
+ --fg: #3c3c3c;
+ --fg-plus: #575757;
+ --doc: #ff4c99;
+ --warning: #bd745e;
+ --red: #b3534b;
+ --green: #6d9319;
+ --yellow: #d4b100;
+ #+end_src
+ #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
+body {
+ font-family: serif;
+ color: var(--fg);
+ background: var(--bg);
+a[href] {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration-color: var(--doc);
+h2 a.anchor-link,
+h3 a.anchor-link,
+h4 a.anchor-link {
+ display: none;
+ font-style: normal;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ font-family: monospace;
+ font-size: smaller;
+ color: var(--doc);
+[id] {
+ scroll-margin-top: 4rem;
+h2:hover a.anchor-link,
+h3:hover a.anchor-link,
+h4:hover a.anchor-link {
+ display: inline;
+.marginnote {
+ color: var(--fg-plus);
+tt {
+ color: var(--doc);
+ #+end_src
+** Coq
+ #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
+div.code {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+span.inlinecode {
+ font-family : monospace;
+.paragraph {
+ margin-bottom : .8em;
+.code a[href] {
+ color : inherit;
+ text-decoration : none;
+ background : var(--bg-plus);
+ padding : .1rem .15rem .1rem .15rem;
+ border-radius : 15%;
+.code .icon {
+ display: none;
-#+BEGIN_SRC html :tangle templates/main.html :noweb yes
+** Icons
+ #+begin_src css :tangle style.css
+.icon svg {
+ fill: var(--doc);
+ display: inline;
+ width: 1em;
+ height: .9em;
+ vertical-align: text-top;
+.url-mark.fa {
+ display: inline;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ width: 1em;
+.url-mark.fa-github::before {
+ content: "\00a0\f09b";
+.url-mark.fa-external-link::before {
+ content: "\00a0\f08e";
+ #+end_src
+** Minify CSS
+ #+begin_src shell :shebang #!/bin/bash :tangle scripts/
+minify="$(npm bin)/minify"
+normalize="$(npm root)/normalize.css/normalize.css"
+# minify add a newline character at the end of its input
+# we remove it using `head'
+echo "
+@charset \"UTF-8\";
+$(cat ${normalize})
+$(cat ${style})
+" | ${minify} --css | head -c -1 > style.min.css
+ #+end_src
+ #+begin_src makefile :tangle
+style.min.css : style.css
+ @cleopatra echo "Minifying" "CSS"
+ @scripts/
+ARTIFACTS += style.min.css
+theme-build : style.min.css
+ #+end_src
+* HTML Templates
+ It would be best if we had a preprocessing step to inject the
+ minified style, rather than using ~soupault~ to do the work once per
+ page.
+ #+begin_src html :tangle templates/main.html :noweb yes
<html lang="en">
- <<meta-tags>>
- <title><!-- page title will be inserted here --></title>
- <<syncloading_html>>
- <<asyncloading_html>>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+ <style></style>
+ <link href="" rel="stylesheet" media="none" onload="if(media!='all')media='all'">
+ <title></title>
- <<body>>
+ <body>
+ <aside>
+ <nav>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="/">Technical Posts</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="/opinions">Opinions</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="/news">News</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ </aside>
+ <main>
+ </main>
+ </body>
-** ~<head>~
-#+NAME: meta-tags
-#+BEGIN_SRC html :noweb no-export
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<meta name="viewport"
- content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
-*** Assets Loading
-#+NAME: syncloading_html
-#+BEGIN_SRC html
-<link href=""
- rel="stylesheet">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style/main.css">
-<link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="/img/merida.webp">
-#+NAME: asyncloading_js
-let noscript = document.getElementById('asyncloading');
-noscript.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', noscript.innerText);
-#+NAME: asyncloading_html
-#+BEGIN_SRC html
-<noscript id="asyncloading">
- <link href=""
- rel="stylesheet">
- <link href=""
- rel="stylesheet">
- <link href=""
- rel="stylesheet">
-** ~body~
-#+NAME: body
-#+BEGIN_SRC html :noweb no-export
- <header>
- <a href="/">Technical Articles</a> /
- <a href="/opinions">Opinions</a> /
- <a href="/news">News</a> /
- <a href="/projects">Projects</a>
- </header>
- <main>
- <!-- page content will be inserted here -->
- </main>
- <footer>
- <img src=""
- alt="Merida from the movie Ralph 2.0 from Disney is the
- avatar I use most of the time on the Internet"
- title="lthms’ avatar" />
- <p>
- Hi, I’m <strong>lthms</strong>, and this is my humble corner of the
- Internet. You are very welcome here! If you are interested in
- <em>functional programming</em>, <em>formal verification</em>, or <em>free
- software projects in the making</em>, you may even enjoy your stay!
- </p>
- <p>
- This website has been generated using a collection of <a
- href="/posts/Thanks.html">awesome free software projects</a>. You can have
- a look at <a href="">the source
- of this website</a> or <a href="/cleopatra.html">how it is being
- generated</a>, and if you run into an error, feel free to <a
- href="">shoot me a friendly email</a>.
- </p>
- </footer>
- <script>
- <<asyncloading_js>>
- </script>
-* Main SASS File
-First, we introduce a set of variables.
-#+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/main.sass
-$content-width : 30rem
-$large-side-margin : 7rem
-$small-side-margin : 2rem
-$monospace-color : #FF006D
-Then, we introduce a key CSS variable whose definition will change according to
-the current width of the page (something we cannot achieve with SASS variables,
-whose behavior is purely static).
-#+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/main.sass
- @media screen and (min-width: calc(#{$content-width} + 2 * #{$large-side-margin}))
- --side-margin : #{$large-side-margin}
- @media screen and (max-width: calc(#{$content-width} + 2 * #{$large-side-margin}))
- --side-margin : #{$small-side-margin}
-Then, we style!
-#+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/main.sass
- box-sizing : border-box
- width : 100%
- height : 100%
- font-size : 100%
- font-weight : normal
- color : #222
- color : black
- color : #222
- font-family : serif
- margin : 0 var(--side-margin) 0 calc(var(--side-margin) - 2rem) !important
- padding : 2rem
- @media screen and (min-width: calc(#{$content-width} + 2 * #{$large-side-margin}))
- border-left : 1px solid #ccc
-main p,
-main h1,
-main h2,
-main h3,
-main h4,
-main h5,
-main h6,
-main ul,
-main dl,
-main ol,
- max-width : $content-width
- line-height : 140%
-main h1,
-main h2,
-main h3,
-main h4,
-main h5,
-main h6
- font-weight : bold
- color : #0c0016
-header a,
-footer p
- font-size : 90%
- padding-top : 4rem
- padding-bottom : 4rem
- dl dd
- margin-left : 0
- dl dt
- font-weight : bold
- dl dt:not(:first-child)
- padding-top : .5rem
- details
- font-size : 90%
- filter : opacity(0.8)
-footer img
- border-radius : 100%
- max-width : 7rem
- float : right
- margin-left : 1rem
- margin-bottom : 1rem
- padding-left : 1.5rem
- padding-right : 1.5rem
- overflow-x : auto
- font-family : 'Fira Code', monospace
- font-size : 80%
- line-height : 140%
- color : $monospace-color
- display : flex
- flex-wrap : wrap
- align-content : flex-start
- img
- max-width : 20rem
-@import plugins
-@import org
-@import coq
-* Build Instructions
-The build instruction are pretty straightforward. We start by how to compile the
-main CSS file.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
-SASS := $(wildcard site/style/*.sass)
-MAIN_SASS := site/style/main.sass
-CSS := $(MAIN_SASS:.sass=.css)
-${CSS} : ${SASS}
- @cleopatra echo Compiling "${CSS}"
- @sassc --style=compressed --sass ${MAIN_SASS} ${CSS}
-Since the HTML template does not need any particular processing, the
-=theme-build= phase is only responsible for generating the main CSS file. The
-[[./][=soupault= build phase]] needs to start after the CSS file is
-compiled (since it copies all relevant files to the ~build/~ directory), so we
-explicit this dependency.
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
-theme-build : ${CSS}
-soupault-build : theme-build
-Therefore, at the end of this generation process only one file has been
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
+ #+end_src