path: root/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.v
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authorThomas Letan <>2020-02-04 18:13:38 +0100
committerThomas Letan <>2020-02-04 18:13:38 +0100
commit9754a53fdc14f6ee4cf00f851cda68d69889bdcd (patch)
tree0af2ae9e1488f22b56e92cb6b17bb82e2f919bd3 /site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.v
Initial commit with previous content and a minimal theme
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+(** #
+<h1>Strongly-Specified Functions in Coq with the <code>refine</code> Tactic</h1>
+<time datetime="2015-07-11">2015-07-11</time>
+ # *)
+(** I started to play with Coq, the interactive theorem prover
+ developed by Inria, a few weeks ago. It is a very powerful tool,
+ yet hard to master. Fortunately, there are some very good readings
+ if you want to learn (I recommend the Coq'Art). This article is
+ not one of them.
+ In this article, we will see how to implement strongly-specified
+ list manipulation functions in Coq. Strong specifications are used
+ to ensure some properties on functions' arguments and return
+ value. It makes Coq type system very expressive. Thus, it is
+ possible to specify in the type of the function [pop] that the
+ return value is the list passed in argument in which the first
+ element has been removed for example.
+ But since we will manipulate lists in this article, we first
+ enable several notations of the standard library. *)
+From Coq Require Import List.
+Import ListNotations.
+(** #<div id="generate-toc"></div># *)
+(** ** Is this list empty? *)
+(** It's the first question to deal with when manipulating
+ lists. There are some functions that require their arguments not
+ to be empty. It's the case for the [pop] function, for instance:
+ it is not possible to remove the first element of a list that does
+ not have any elements in the first place.
+ When one wants to answer such a question as “Is this list empty?”,
+ he has to keep in mind that there are two ways to do it: by a
+ predicate or by a boolean function. Indeed, [Prop] and [bool] are
+ two different worlds that do not mix easily. One solution is to
+ write two definitions and to prove their equivalence. That is
+ [forall args, predicate args <-> bool_function args = true].
+ Another solution is to use the [sumbool] type as middleman. The
+ scheme is the following:
+ - Defining [predicate : args → Prop]
+ - Defining [predicate_dec : args -> { predicate args } + { ~predicate args }]
+ - Defining [predicate_b]:
+Definition predicate_b (args) :=
+ if predicate_dec args then true else false.
+>> *)
+(** *** Defining the <<empty>> predicate *)
+(** A list is empty if it is [[]] ([nil]). It's as simple as that! *)
+Definition empty {a} (l : list a) : Prop := l = [].
+(** *** Defining a decidable version of <<empty>> *)
+(** A decidable version of [empty] is a function which takes a list
+ [l] as its argument and returns either a proof that [l] is empty,
+ or a proof that [l] is not empty. This is encoded in the Coq
+ standard library with the [sumbool] type, and is written as
+ follows: [{ empty l } + { ~ empty l }]. *)
+ Definition empty_dec {a} (l : list a) : { empty l } + { ~ empty l }.
+ Proof.
+ refine (match l with
+ | [] => left _ _
+ | _ => right _ _
+ end);
+ unfold empty; trivial.
+ unfold not; intro H; discriminate H.
+ Defined.
+(** In this example, I decided to use the [refine] tactic which is
+ convenient when we manipulate the [Set] and [Prop] sorts at the
+ same time. *)
+(** *** Defining <<empty_b>> *)
+(** With [empty_dec], we can define [empty_b]. *)
+ Definition empty_b {a} (l : list a) : bool :=
+ if empty_dec l then true else false.
+(** Let's try to extract [empty_b]:
+type bool =
+| True
+| False
+type sumbool =
+| Left
+| Right
+type 'a list =
+| Nil
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+(** val empty_dec : 'a1 list -> sumbool **)
+let empty_dec = function
+| Nil -> Left
+| Cons (a, l0) -> Right
+(** val empty_b : 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let empty_b l =
+ match empty_dec l with
+ | Left -> True
+ | Right -> False
+ In addition to <<list 'a>>, Coq has created the <<sumbool>> and
+ <<bool>> types and [empty_b] is basically a translation from the
+ former to the latter. We could have stopped with [empty_dec], but
+ [Left] and [Right] are less readable that [True] and [False]. Note
+ that it is possible to configure the Extraction mechanism to use
+ primitive OCaml types instead, but this is out of the scope of
+ this article. *)
+(** ** Defining some utility functions *)
+(** *** Defining [pop] *)
+(** There are several ways to write a function that removes the first
+ element of a list. One is to return `nil` if the given list was
+ already empty: *)
+Definition pop {a} ( l :list a) :=
+ match l with
+ | _ :: l => l
+ | [] => []
+ end.
+(** But it's not really satisfying. A `pop` call over an empty list
+ should not be possible. It can be done by adding an argument to
+ `pop`: the proof that the list is not empty. *)
+(* begin hide *)
+Reset pop.
+(* end hide *)
+Definition pop {a} (l : list a) (h : ~ empty l) : list a.
+(** There are, as usual when it comes to lists, two cases to
+ consider.
+ - [l = x :: rst], and therefore [pop (x :: rst) h] is [rst]
+ - [l = []], which is not possible since we know [l] is not empty.
+ The challenge is to convince Coq that our reasoning is
+ correct. There are, again, several approaches to achieve that. We
+ can, for instance, use the [refine] tactic again, but this time we
+ need to know a small trick to succeed as using a “regular” [match]
+ will not work.
+ From the following goal:
+ a : Type
+ l : list a
+ h : ~ empty l
+ ============================
+ list a
+>> *)
+(** Using the [refine] tactic naively, for instance this way: *)
+ refine (match l with
+ | _ :: rst => rst
+ | [] => _
+ end).
+(** leaves us the following goal to prove:
+ a : Type
+ l : list a
+ h : ~ empty l
+ ============================
+ list a
+ Nothing has changed! Well, not exactly. See, [refine] has taken
+ our incomplete Gallina term, found a hole, done some
+ type-checking, found that the type of the missing piece of our
+ implementation is [list a] and therefore has generated a new
+ goal of this type. What [refine] has not done, however, is
+ remember that we are in the case where [l = []]!
+ We need to generate a goal from a hole wherein this information is
+ available. It is possible using a long form of [match]. The
+ general approach is this: rather than returning a value of type
+ [list a], our match will return a function of type [l = ?l' ->
+ list a], where [?l] is value of [l] for a given case (that is,
+ either [x :: rst] or [[]]). Of course, As a consequence, the type
+ of the [match] in now a function which awaits a proof to return
+ the expected result. Fortunately, this proof is trivial: it is
+ [eq_refl]. *)
+(* begin hide *)
+ Undo.
+(* end hide *)
+ refine (match l as l' return l = l' -> list a with
+ | _ :: rst => fun _ => rst
+ | [] => fun equ => _
+ end eq_refl).
+(** For us to conclude the proof, this is way better.
+ a : Type
+ l : list a
+ h : ~ empty l
+ equ : l = []
+ ============================
+ list a
+ We conclude the proof, and therefore the definition of [pop]. *)
+ rewrite equ in h.
+ exfalso.
+ now apply h.
+(** It's better and yet it can still be improved. Indeed, according to its type,
+ [pop] returns “some list”. As a matter of fact, [pop] returns “the
+ same list without its first argument”. It is possible to write
+ such precise definition thanks to sigma-types, defined as:
+Inductive sig (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Type :=
+ exist : forall (x : A), P x -> sig P.
+ Rather that [sig A p], sigma-types can be written using the
+ notation [{ a | P }]. They express subsets, and can be used to constraint
+ arguments and results of functions.
+ We finally propose a strongly-specified definition of [pop]. *)
+(* begin hide *)
+Reset pop.
+(* end hide *)
+Definition pop {a} (l : list a | ~ empty l) : { l' | exists a, proj1_sig l = cons a l' }.
+(** If you think the previous use of [match] term was ugly, brace yourselves. *)
+ refine (match proj1_sig l as l'
+ return proj1_sig l = l' -> { l' | exists a, proj1_sig l = cons a l' } with
+ | [] => fun equ => _
+ | (_ :: rst) => fun equ => exist _ rst _
+ end eq_refl).
+(** This leaves us two goals to tackle.
+ First, we need to discard the case where [l] is the empty list.
+ a : Type
+ l : {l : list a | ~ empty l}
+ equ : proj1_sig l = []
+ ============================
+ {l' : list a | exists a0 : a, proj1_sig l = a0 :: l'}
+>> *)
+ + destruct l as [l nempty]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite equ in nempty.
+ exfalso.
+ now apply nempty.
+(** Then, we need to prove that the result we provide ([rst]) when the
+ list is not empty is correct with respect to the specification of
+ [pop].
+ a : Type
+ l : {l : list a | ~ empty l}
+ a0 : a
+ rst : list a
+ equ : proj1_sig l = a0 :: rst
+ ============================
+ exists a1 : a, proj1_sig l = a1 :: rst
+>> *)
+ + destruct l as [l nempty]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite equ.
+ now exists a0.
+(** Let's have a look at the extracted code:
+(** val pop : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
+let pop = function
+| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
+| Cons (a, l0) -> l0
+ If one tries to call [pop nil], the [assert] ensures the call fails. Extra
+ information given by the sigma-type have been stripped away. It can be
+ confusing, and in practice it means that, we you rely on the extraction
+ mechanism to provide a certified OCaml module, you _cannot expose
+ strongly-specified functions in its public interface_ because nothing in the
+ OCaml type system will prevent a miseuse which will in practice leads to an
+ <<assert false>>. *)
+(** ** Defining [push] *)
+(** It is possible to specify [push] the same way [pop] has been. The only
+ difference is [push] accepts lists with no restriction at all. Thus, its
+ definition is a simpler, and we can write it without [refine]. *)
+Definition push {a} (l : list a) (x : a) : { l' | l' = x :: l } :=
+ exist _ (x :: l) eq_refl.
+(** And the extracted code is just as straightforward.
+let push l a =
+ Cons (a, l)
+>> *)
+(** ** Defining [head] *)
+(** Same as [pop] and [push], it is possible to add extra information in the
+ type of [head], namely the returned value of [head] is indeed the firt value
+ of [l]. *)
+Definition head {a} (l : list a | ~ empty l) : { x | exists r, proj1_sig l = x :: r }.
+(** It's not a surprise its definition is very close to [pop]. *)
+ refine (match proj1_sig l as l' return proj1_sig l = l' -> _ with
+ | [] => fun equ => _
+ | x :: _ => fun equ => exist _ x _
+ end eq_refl).
+(** The proof are also very similar, and are left to read as an exercise for
+ passionate readers. *)
+ + destruct l as [l falso]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite equ in falso.
+ exfalso.
+ now apply falso.
+ + exists l0.
+ now rewrite equ.
+(** Finally, the extracted code is as straightforward as it can get.
+let head = function
+| Nil -> assert false (* absurd case *)
+| Cons (a, l0) -> a
+>> *)
+(** ** Conclusion & Moving Forward *)
+(** Writing strongly-specified functions allows for reasoning about the result
+ correctness while computing it. This can help in practice. However, writing
+ these functions with the [refine] tactic does not enable a very idiomatic
+ Coq code.
+ To improve the situation, the <<Program>> framework distributed with the Coq
+ standard library helps, but it is better to understand what <<Program>> achieves
+ under its hood, which is basically what we have done in this article. *)