path: root/site/cleopatra/
diff options
authorThomas Letan <>2021-03-28 00:03:41 +0100
committerThomas Letan <>2021-03-28 14:19:29 +0200
commit495f9db0606b0ed09e6fac59dc32de4cdc8c0087 (patch)
tree82ea5c5e247c664de247a0f3818f393ffdb00067 /site/cleopatra/
parentRelease of coqffi 1.0.0~beta4 (diff)
2021 Spring redesign
Diffstat (limited to 'site/cleopatra/')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
index acfd432..829272b 100644
--- a/site/cleopatra/
+++ b/site/cleopatra/
@@ -1,54 +1,30 @@
-* Author Guidelines
-* Under the Hood
+#+TITLE: Authoring Content with ~org-mode~
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/packages.el
-(use-package lua-mode :ensure t :defer t)
-(use-package rust-mode :ensure t :defer t)
-(use-package sass-mode :ensure t :defer t)
-(use-package haskell-mode :ensure t :defer t)
-(use-package toml-mode :ensure t :defer t)
-(use-package json-mode :ensure t :defer t)
-(use-package proof-general :ensure t :defer t)
-(use-package tuareg :ensure t :defer t)
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/export-org.el
+#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
+#+SERIES_PREV: ./coq.html
+#+SERIES_NEXT: ./literate-programming.html
-(setq org-html-doctype "html5")
-(setq org-html-html5-fancy t)
- 'org-babel-load-languages
- '((shell . t)
- (dot . t)))
+<nav id="generate-toc"></nav>
+<div id="history">site/cleopatra/</div>
-(setq org-html-htmlize-output-type nil)
-(setq org-export-with-toc nil)
-(add-to-list 'org-entities-user
- '("im" "\\(" nil "<span class=\"imath\">" "" "" ""))
-(add-to-list 'org-entities-user
- '("mi" "\\)" nil "</span>" "" "" ""))
+* Author Guidelines
-(org-html-export-to-html nil nil nil t)
+* Implementation
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
+#+begin_src makefile :tangle
EMACS := cleopatra-emacs
-ORG_POSTS := $(shell find site/ -name "*.org")
-ORG_HTML := $(
+ORG_IN := $(shell find site/ -name "*.org")
+ORG_OUT := $(
org-prebuild : .emacs
-org-build : ${ORG_HTML}
+org-build : ${ORG_OUT}
-theme-build : site/style/org.sass
soupault-build : org-build
-org-build : literate-programming-build
CONFIGURE += .emacs
EXPORT := --batch \
@@ -68,44 +44,91 @@ INIT := --batch --load="${ROOT}/scripts/packages.el" \
@cleopatra echo Exporting "$*.org"
@${EMACS} $< ${EXPORT}
-#+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/org.sass
- max-width : 35rem
- display: inline
- margin-left: .2em
- content: ". "
- display: none
- dd p
- margin-top: 0
- font-size : 1rem
- .org-src-tangled-to:before
- content: "\f054"
- font : normal normal normal 11px/1 ForkAwesome
- .org-src-tangled-to,
- padding-left : 2rem
- .org-src-tangled-to,
- .org-src-name
- font-family : 'Fira Code', monospace
- font-size : 70%
- font-weight: bold
- color : #444
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/packages.el
+(use-package ox-tufte :ensure t)
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/export-org.el
+ 'org-babel-load-languages
+ '((dot . t)
+ (shell . t)))
+(setq org-export-with-toc nil
+ org-html-htmlize-output-type nil
+ org-export-with-section-numbers nil)
+(add-to-list 'org-entities-user
+ '("im" "\\(" nil "<span class=\"imath\">" "" "" ""))
+(add-to-list 'org-entities-user
+ '("mi" "\\)" nil "</span>" "" "" ""))
+(defun with-keyword (keyword k)
+ "Look-up for keyword KEYWORD, and call continuation K with its value."
+ (pcase (org-collect-keywords `(,keyword))
+ (`((,keyword . ,kw))
+ (when kw (funcall k (string-join kw " "))))))
+(defun get-keyword (keyword)
+ "Look-up for keyword KEYWORD, and returns its value"
+ (with-keyword keyword (lambda (x) x)))
+(defun get-org-title (path)
+ "Fetch the title of an Org file whose path is PATH."
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (find-file-read-only path)
+ (get-keyword "TITLE")))
+(defun insert-title ()
+ "Insert the title of the article."
+ (with-keyword
+ (lambda (title)
+ (insert
+ (format "\n\n@@html:<h1>@@ %s @@html:</h1>@@\n\n" title)))))
+(defun insert-series ()
+ "Insert the series root link."
+ (with-keyword
+ (lambda (series)
+ (insert "\n\n#+attr_html: :class series\n")
+ (insert series))))
+(defun insert-series-prev ()
+ "Insert the series previous article link."
+ (with-keyword
+ (lambda (series-prev)
+ (insert "\n\n#+attr_html: :class series-prev\n")
+ (insert series-prev))))
+(defun insert-series-next ()
+ "Insert the series next article link."
+ (with-keyword
+ (lambda (series-next)
+ (insert "\n\n#+attr_html: :class series-next\n")
+ (insert series-next))))
+(defun insert-nav ()
+ "Insert the navigation links."
+ (when (get-keyword "SERIES")
+ (insert "\n\n#+begin_nav\n")
+ (insert-series)
+ (insert-series-prev)
+ (insert-series-next)
+ (insert "\n\n#+end_nav\n")))
+(let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name ".html"))
+ (org-html-footnotes-section "<!-- %s --><!-- %s -->"))
+ (org-export-to-file 'tufte-html outfile nil nil nil t))