diff options
authorThomas Letan <>2020-02-22 14:34:21 +0100
committerThomas Letan <>2020-02-22 14:41:03 +0100
commitdae198a981becb270f62a817f2406f23481dc1b0 (patch)
parentInitiate the redaction of (diff)
Provide a generic and reliable way to extends cleopatra
5 files changed, 441 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 00c3b4c..3e485c5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -11,33 +11,36 @@ node_modules/
# begin generated files
# begin generated files
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 565cd8a..297f87e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
ROOT := $(shell pwd)
CLEODIR := site/posts/meta
-GENFILES := scripts/tangle-org.el
EMACS := ROOT="${ROOT}" emacs
+GENFILES := scripts/tangle-org.el
default: build
@@ -12,5 +13,8 @@ Makefile scripts/tangle-org.el \
@echo " tangle $<"
@${EMACS} $< --batch \
--eval "(require 'org)" \
+ --eval "(cd (getenv \"ROOT\"))" \
--eval "(setq org-src-preserve-indentation t)" \
- --eval "(org-babel-tangle)" 2>/dev/null
+ --eval "(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages'((shell . t)))" \
+ --eval "(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)" \
+ --eval "(org-babel-tangle)"
diff --git a/site/posts/meta/ b/site/posts/meta/
index 1683df5..379ad0b 100644
--- a/site/posts/meta/
+++ b/site/posts/meta/
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
<h1>Bootstrapping an Extensible Toolchain</h1>
-A literate program is a particular type of software program where the sentence
-/“the code is the documentation”/ is actually the expected result, rather than
-an admission of failure. That is, the same source files are used to generate the
-program *and* the documentation.
+A literate program is a particular type of software program where code is not
+directly written in source files, but rather in text document as code
+snippets. In some sense, literate programming allows for writing in the same
+place both the software program and its technical documentation.
That being said, *~cleopatra~* is a toolchain to build a website before being a
literate program, and one of its objective is to be /part of this very website
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ files.
The page you are currently reading is *~cleopatra~* entry point. Its primilarly
purpose is to introduce two Makefiles: ~Makefile~ and
+#+TOC: headlines 2
* The Root of Generation
~Makefile~ serves two purposes: it initiates a few global variables, and it
@@ -33,27 +35,101 @@ clean~.
This is similar to your computer: it requires a firmware to boot, whose purpose
—in a nutshell— is to find and load an operating system.
+Here, the generation process proceeds as follows:
Modifying the content of ~Makefile~ in this document /will/ modify
~Makefile~. This means one can easily put *~cleopatra~* into an inconsistent
state, which would prevent further generation. This is why the generated
-~Makefile~ should be versioned, so that you can use
+~Makefile~ should be versioned, so that you can restore it using ~git~ if you
+made a mistake when you modified it.
-#+BEGIN_SRC shell
-git restore Makefile
+We now detail the rules introduce by ~Makefile~, and why they effectively
+bootstrap a generation process. For readers interested in using *~cleopatra~*
+for their own websites, we highlight the potential modifications they would have
+to make.
+** Global Constants and Variables
+First, ~Makefile~ defines several global “constants” (although as far as I know
+~make~ does not support true constant values, it is expected further generation
+“components” will not modify them).
+In a nutshell,
+- ~ROOT~ ::
+ Tell Emacs where the root of your website sources is, so that tangled output
+ filenames can be given relative to it rather than the org files. So for
+ instance, the ~BLOCK_SRC~ headers for ~Makefile~ looks like
+ #+BEGIN_SRC org
+ #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle
+ instead of, /e.g./,
-before fixing your error.
+ #+BEGIN_SRC org
+ #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle ../../../Makefile :noweb tangle
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/Makefile") :noweb tangle
+- ~CLEODIR~ ::
+ Tell *~cleopatra~* where its sources live. If you place it inside the ~site/~
+ directory (as it is intended), and you enable the use of ~org~ files to author
+ your contents, then *~cleopatra~* documents will be part of your website. If
+ you don’t want that, just move the directory outside the ~site/~ directory,
+ and update the ~CLEODIR~ variable accordingly.
+- ~EMACS~ ::
+ Tell *~cleopatra~* the command to use to call Emacs. You can modify it to use
+ a custom Emacs you build yourself if you so desire. Note that the command *has
+ to be prefixed by ~ROOT=${ROOT}~, otherwise the source defined in
+ *~cleopatra~* documents will not be tangled in the right places.
+For this website, these constants are defined as follows.
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle
ROOT := $(shell pwd)
CLEODIR := site/posts/meta
-GENFILES := scripts/tangle-org.el
EMACS := ROOT="${ROOT}" emacs
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/Makefile") :noweb tangle
+We then introduce a variable that “generation” components will populate with
+their output files (using ~+=~).
+- ~GENFILES~ ::
+ List *~cleopatra~* Makefiles and scripts tangled throughout the generation
+ process (with the notable exception of ~Makefile~ itself).
+~GENFILES~ is initiated with files obtained after tangling this very document.
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle
+GENFILES := scripts/tangle-org.el
+One desired feature for *~cleopatra~* would be to let it populate ~GENFILES~
+automatically, by looking for relevant ~:tangle~ directives. The challenge lies
+in the “relevant” part: the risk exists that we have false posivite. Whether or
+not it is an issue remains an open question.
+** Bootstrapping
+The core purpose of ~Makefile~ remains *(1)* to bootstrap the generation process
+by generating, and *(2)* to enforce the ~build~ rules hopefully
+defined by the latter is called.
+For *(2)*, we introduce a ~default~ rule with ~build~ as a
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle
default: build
+For *(1)*, we rely on a particular behavior of ~make~ regarding the ~include~
+directive. If an operand of ~include~ does not yet exists, ~make~ will search
+for a rule to generate it.
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle
Makefile scripts/tangle-org.el \
@@ -61,60 +137,124 @@ Makefile scripts/tangle-org.el \
@echo " tangle $<"
@${EMACS} $< --batch \
--eval "(require 'org)" \
+ --eval "(cd (getenv \"ROOT\"))" \
--eval "(setq org-src-preserve-indentation t)" \
- --eval "(org-babel-tangle)" 2>/dev/null
+ --eval "(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages'((shell . t)))" \
+ --eval "(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)" \
+ --eval "(org-babel-tangle)"
-* Bootstrapping
+~&:~ is used in place of ~:~ to separate the target from its dependencies in
+this rule to tell to ~make~ that the commands run will generate all these files.
+From now on, the bootstrap process is completed: further generation processes
+will fully be defined using literate programming, with no special treatment for
+its output. For instance, you may not want to use ~soupault~? You can! Just
+modify accordingly.
+* Generation Processes
+*~cleopatra~* has been designed with extensibility in mind. In particular, it
+should be fairly easy to extend it to support additional input format. In this
+section, we explain how this is achieved.
+** Initialization
+First, additional global variables are introduced, since ~GENFILES~ is specific
+to *~cleopatra~*. These variables are
+- ~GENSASS~ ::
+ List auxiliary ~sass~ files which can be imported by the main ~sass~ files
+ (see [[/posts/meta/Theme/][“Theming and Templating”]]).
+- ~CONTENTS~ ::
+ List generated files which are part of the target website, and acts as inputs
+ for ~soupault~.
+and they are initially empty
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
-#+NAME: tangle-org
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/scripts/tangle-org.el")
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/tangle-org.el
(require 'org)
+(cd (getenv "ROOT"))
+(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
(setq org-src-preserve-indentation t)
+ 'org-babel-load-languages
+ '((shell . t)))
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/")
-GENFILES += scripts/export-org.el \
- ${SASS} templates/main.html \
- soupault.conf
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
+TANGLEARGS := --batch \
+ --load="${ROOT}/scripts/tangle-org.el"
+#+NAME: extends
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash :var MK="" :var IN="" :var GF="" :var GS="" :results output :exports none
+cat <<EOF
+include ${MK}
-TANGLEARGS := --batch \
- --load="${ROOT}/scripts/tangle-org.el" \
- 2>/dev/null
+${MK} ${GF} ${GS} \\
+ &: \${CLEODIR}/${IN}
+ @echo " tangle \$<"
+ @\${EMACS} $< \${TANGLEARGS}
+GENFILES += ${MK} ${GF}
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :noweb yes
+<<extends(MK="${MK}", MF="${MF}", IN="${IN}", GF="${GF}", GS="${GS}")>>
+** Authoring Contents
+- Using Coq :: [[/posts/meta/Contents/Coq/][Learn more]]
+- Using Org :: [[/posts/meta/Contents/Org/][Learn more]]
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle :noweb tangle :exports none
+<<extends(MK="", IN="Contents/", GS="site/style/coq.sass")>>
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle :noweb tangle :exports none
+<<extends(MK="", IN="Contents/", GF="scripts/export-org.el emacs.d", GS="site/style/org.sass")>>
+** Theming and Templating
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle :noweb tangle :exports none
+<<extends(MK="", IN="", GS="site/style/main.sass")>>
+** Postprocessing HTML using ~soupault~
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle :noweb tangle :exports none
+<<extends(IN="", GF="soupault.conf")>>
+** Wrapping-up
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
@echo " run soupault"
@echo " update .gitignore"
+serve :
+ @echo " start a python server"
+ @cd build; python -m http.server 2>/dev/null
clean :
@echo " remove generated files"
@rm -rf ${CONTENTS} ${GENFILES} build/
force : clean build
-soupault.conf : ${CLEODIR}/
- @echo " tangle $<"
- scripts/export-org.el site/style/org.sass \ site/style/coq.sass \
- &: ${CLEODIR}/
- @echo " tangle $<"
- ${SASS} templates/main.html \
- &: ${CLEODIR}/
- @echo " tangle $<"
-.PHONY: clean build force default
# Local Variables:
diff --git a/site/posts/meta/ b/site/posts/meta/
index d287585..0863709 100644
--- a/site/posts/meta/
+++ b/site/posts/meta/
@@ -1,116 +1,3 @@
<h1>Authoring Contents and HTML Generation</h1>
-* Using Org files
-** Author Guidelines
-** Under the Hood
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/scripts/export-org.el")
-(require 'package)
-(setq user-emacs-directory (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/emacs.d"))
-(setq package-user-dir (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/emacs.d"))
-(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
- ("melpa" . "")))
-(or (file-exists-p package-user-dir)
- (package-refresh-contents))
-(defun require-packages-force (&rest packages)
- "Ensure every PACKAGES is available"
- (mapcar
- (lambda (package)
- (let ((package (if (listp package)
- package
- (cons package package))))
- (if (not (package-installed-p (car package)))
- (package-install (car package)))
- (if (cdr package)
- (require (cdr package)))
- package))
- packages))
- 'org 'htmlize 'nordless-theme
- 'sass-mode 'haskell-mode)
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/scripts/export-org.el")
-(setq htmlize-output-type 'inline-css)
-(setq org-export-with-toc nil)
-(org-html-export-to-html nil nil nil t)
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/")
-ORG_POSTS := $(shell find site/ -name "*.org")
-GENSASS += site/style/org.sass
-GENFILES += emacs.d/
-EXPORTARGS := --batch \
- --load="${ROOT}/scripts/export-org.el"
-%.html : scripts/export-org.el
- @echo " export $*.org"
-#+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/site/style/org.sass")
- display: inline
- margin-left: .2em
-.section-number-2:after, .section-number-3:after, .section-number-4:after
- content: ". "
-* Using Coq files
-** Author Guidelines
-** Under the Hood
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/")
-COQ_POSTS := $(shell find site/ -name "*.v")
-CONTENTS += $(COQ_POSTS:.v=.html)
-GENSASS += site/style/coq.sass
-COQLIB := ""
-COQCARG := -async-proofs-cache force \
- -w -custom-entry-overriden
-COQDOCARG := --no-index --charset utf8 --short \
- --body-only --coqlib "${COQLIB}"
-%.html : %.v
- @echo " export $*.v"
- @coqc ${COQCARG} $<
- @coqdoc ${COQDOCARG} -d $(shell dirname $<) $<
- @sed -i -e 's/href="$(shell basename $@)\#/href="\#/g' $@
- @rm -f $(shell dirname $<)/coqdoc.css
-#+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle (concat (getenv "ROOT") "/site/style/coq.sass")
- white-space: nowrap
- overflow-x: visible
-.code a[href]
- text-decoration: none
- .fa-external-link
- display: none
- margin-top: 1em
- margin-bottom: 1em
-# Local Variables:
-# org-src-preserve-indentation: t
-# End:
diff --git a/site/posts/meta/ b/site/posts/meta/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51981d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/meta/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+<h1>Theming and Templating</h1>
+* Main HTML Template
+#+NAME: js_lazyloading
+let noscript = document.getElementById('lazyloading');
+let resources = noscript.innerText.split('\n');
+for (var ix in resources) {
+ noscript.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', resources[ix]);
+#+NAME: html_lazyloading
+#+BEGIN_SRC html
+<noscript id="lazyloading">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendors/katex.0.11.1/katex.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet"
+ href="/vendors/fork-awesome.1.1.7/css/fork-awesome.min.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendors/fira-code.2/font.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendors/et-book/font.css">
+#+BEGIN_SRC html :tangle templates/main.html :noweb tangle
+<html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title> <!-- set automatically, see soupault.conf --> </title>
+ <meta name="viewport"
+ content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style/main.css">
+ <link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="/img/merida.webp">
+ <<html_lazyloading>>
+ </head>
+ <body id="default">
+ <nav>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <a href="/news">News</a></li>
+ <li> <a href="/posts">Write-ups</a></li>
+ <li> <a href="/">About</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ <header>
+ <img src="/img/merida.webp"
+ alt="This picture is Merida in Ralph 2.0, and is my main avatar" />
+ </header>
+ <main>
+ <!-- your page content will be inserted here,
+ see the content_selector option in soupault.conf -->
+ </main>
+ <script>
+ <<js_lazyloading>>
+ </script>
+ </body>
+* Main SASS File
+#+BEGIN_SRC sass :tangle site/style/main.sass
+$bg-color: #fcfcfc
+$fg-color: #333
+$primary-color: black
+ box-sizing: border-box
+body, html
+ width: 100%
+ height: 100%
+ padding: 0
+ margin: 0
+ font-size: 100%
+ background: $bg-color
+ color: $fg-color
+ font-family: 'et-book', serif
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, a[href]
+ color: $primary-color
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5
+ font-family: sans-serif
+ text-align: center
+a[href] .url-mark
+ font-size: smaller;
+ padding-left: 0.2em
+/* default */
+ overflow-x: hidden
+ nav
+ padding-top: 1em
+ padding-bottom: 1em
+ width: 100%
+ ul
+ padding: 0
+ margin: 0
+ width: 100%
+ display: flex
+ flex-direction: row
+ justify-content: center
+ list-style-type: none
+ li
+ padding-left: .5em
+ padding-right: .5em
+ text-transform: uppercase
+ font-family: sans-serif
+ font-size: 130%
+ font-weight: bold
+ a
+ text-decoration: none
+ header
+ text-align: center
+ img
+ text-align: center
+ border-radius: 50%
+ width: 125px
+ main
+ max-width: 550px
+ margin: auto
+ padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em
+ font-size: 130%
+body#default main .code, code, pre, .inlinecode, tt
+ font-family: 'Fira Code', monospace
+ font-size: 75%
+ main
+ @import coq, org
+ background: #fae7c5
+ padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em
+ p
+ margin: 0
+ p:not(:list-child)
+ margin-bottom: 1em
+/* VCARD (index.html) */
+ display: flex
+ align-items: center
+ flex-direction: column
+ font-size: 125%
+ article
+ max-width: 400px
+ width: 80%
+ margin: auto
+ img
+ display: block
+ border-radius: 50%
+ width: 175px
+ margin: auto
+ margin-bottom: 3em
+ h1
+ color: $primary-color
+ font-size: 300%
+ text-align: center
+ nav dt
+ font-weight: bold
+ a
+ color: $primary-color
+/* indexes */
+ dt
+ font-weight: bold
+ color: $primary-color
+ dd
+ margin-left: 0
+ margin-bottom: 1em
+ ol
+ margin-top: 0.3em
+ summary
+ color: $primary-color
+ font-weight: bold
+ table
+ border-top: 2px solid $primary-color
+ border-bottom: 2px solid $primary-color
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ td
+ border-bottom: 1px solid $primary-color
+ padding: .5em
+ vertical-align: top
+ td.commit
+ font-size: smaller
+ td.commit
+ font-family: 'Fira Code', monospace
+ font-size: 80%
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ font-size: smaller
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle
+SASS := site/style/main.sass
+CSS := $(SASS:.sass=.css)
+${CSS} : ${SASS} ${GENSASS}
+ @echo " compile $<"
+ @sassc --style=compressed --sass $< $@