diff options
authorThomas Letan <>2020-02-04 21:46:13 +0100
committerThomas Letan <>2020-02-04 21:46:13 +0100
commitcdba2c81167350e5191a3518af12e8961732acf3 (patch)
parentTweak the CSS (diff)
Rework StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v b/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v
index 34496b6..78ccefb 100644
--- a/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v
+++ b/site/posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.v
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Definition lock
reg : SmramcRegister
- ============================
true = true -> false = false
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ Defined.
From Coq Require Import Program.
-Program Definition lock'
+Definition lock'
(reg: SmramcRegister)
: SmramcRegister :=
{| d_open := false
@@ -100,7 +101,8 @@ From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
(* end hide *)
-Definition head {a} (l : list a | l <> []) : { x : a | exists l', x :: l' = l }.
+Definition head {a} (l : list a | l <> [])
+ : { x : a | exists l', x :: l' = l }.
(* begin hide *)
(* end hide *)
@@ -117,7 +119,8 @@ Abort.
Now that [head] have been specified, we have to implement it. *)
-Definition head {a} (l: list a | l <> []) : { x : a | exists l', cons x l' = l } :=
+Definition head {a} (l: list a | l <> [])
+ : { x : a | exists l', cons x l' = l } :=
match l with
| x :: l' => x
| [] => !
@@ -183,7 +186,9 @@ Arguments vnil {a}.
-Fixpoint nth {a n} (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v} : option a :=
+Fixpoint nth {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v}
+ : option a :=
match v, i with
| vcons x _, O => Some x
| vcons x r, S i => nth r i
@@ -194,7 +199,9 @@ Fixpoint nth {a n} (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v} : option a :=
raises an anomaly. *)
-Fixpoint nth {a n} (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v} : option a :=
+Fixpoint nth {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v}
+ : option a :=
match v with
| vcons x r =>
match i with
@@ -207,8 +214,10 @@ Fixpoint nth {a n} (v : vector a n) (i : nat) {struct v} : option a :=
(** With [nth], it is possible to give a very precise definition of [take]: *)
-Fixpoint take {a n} (v : vector a n) (e : nat | e <= n)
- : { v': vector a e | forall i : nat, i < e -> nth v' i = nth v i } :=
+Fixpoint take {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (e : nat | e <= n)
+ : { v' : vector a e | forall i : nat,
+ i < e -> nth v' i = nth v i } :=
match e with
| S e' => match v with
| vcons x r => vcons x (take r e')
@@ -262,8 +271,10 @@ let rec take v = function
Then I could tackle `drop` in a very similar manner: *)
-Fixpoint drop {a n} (v : vector a n) (b : nat | b <= n)
- : { v': vector a (n - b) | forall i, i < n - b -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
+Fixpoint drop {a n}
+ (v : vector a n) (b : nat | b <= n)
+ : { v': vector a (n - b) | forall i,
+ i < n - b -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
match b with
| 0 => v
| S n => (match v with
@@ -311,8 +322,10 @@ let rec drop v = function
had to combine [take] and [drop]. *)
-Definition extract {a n} (v : vector a n) (e : nat | e <= n) (b : nat | b <= e)
- : { v': vector a (e - b) | forall i, i < (e - b) -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
+Definition extract {a n} (v : vector a n)
+ (e : nat | e <= n) (b : nat | b <= e)
+ : { v': vector a (e - b) | forall i,
+ i < (e - b) -> nth v' i = nth v (b + i) } :=
take (drop v b) (e - b).
@@ -353,7 +366,8 @@ let extract v e b =
Fixpoint map {a b n} (v : vector a n) (f : a -> b)
- : { v': vector b n | forall i, nth v' i = option_map f (nth v i) } :=
+ : { v': vector b n | forall i,
+ nth v' i = option_map f (nth v i) } :=
match v with
| vnil => vnil
| vcons a v => vcons (f a) (map v f)
@@ -367,9 +381,11 @@ Defined.
(** I also managed to specify and write [append]: *)
-Program Fixpoint append {a n m} (v : vector a n) (u : vector a m)
- : { w : vector a (n + m) | forall i, (i < n -> nth w i = nth v i) /\
- (n <= i -> nth w i = nth u (i - n)) } :=
+Program Fixpoint append {a n m}
+ (v : vector a n) (u : vector a m)
+ : { w : vector a (n + m) | forall i,
+ (i < n -> nth w i = nth v i) /\
+ (n <= i -> nth w i = nth u (i - n)) } :=
match v with
| vnil => u
| vcons a v => vcons a (append v u)
@@ -452,9 +468,11 @@ Fixpoint map2
(u: vector B n)
(f: A -> B -> C)
{struct v}
- : { w: vector C n | forall i, nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i } :=
+ : { w: vector C n | forall i,
+ nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i } :=
match v, u with
- | vcons x rst, vcons x' rst' => vcons (f x x') (map2 rst rst' f)
+ | vcons x rst, vcons x' rst' =>
+ vcons (f x x') (map2 rst rst' f)
| vnil, vnil => vnil
| _, _ => !
@@ -467,7 +485,8 @@ cannot be applied to the terms
"nat" : "Set"
"S wildcard'" : "nat"
"B" : "Type"
-The 3rd term has type "Type" which should be coercible to "nat".
+The 3rd term has type "Type" which should be
+coercible to "nat".
>> *)
@@ -478,7 +497,8 @@ Fixpoint map2
(u: vector B n)
(f: A -> B -> C)
{struct v}
- : { w: vector C n | forall i, nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i } := _.
+ : { w: vector C n | forall i,
+ nth w i = f <$> nth v i <*> nth u i } := _.
Next Obligation.
dependent induction v; dependent induction u.
@@ -505,14 +525,10 @@ Qed.
it). Have a look at the following code: *)
-Fixpoint map2
- {A B C: Type}
- {n: nat}
- (v: vector A n)
- (v': vector B n)
- (f: A -> B -> C)
- {struct v}
- : vector C n :=
+Fixpoint map2 {a b c n}
+ (v : vector a n) (v': vector b n)
+ (f: a -> b -> c) {struct v}
+ : vector c n :=
match v with
| _ => vnil
@@ -526,7 +542,8 @@ cannot be applied to the terms
"nat" : "Set"
"0" : "nat"
"wildcard'" : "vector A n'"
-The 3rd term has type "vector A n'" which should be coercible to "nat".
+The 3rd term has type "vector A n'" which should be
+coercible to "nat".
>> *)
(* begin hide *)
Reset map2.
diff --git a/site/style/main.css b/site/style/main.css
index 638583d..aadd9b0 100644
--- a/site/style/main.css
+++ b/site/style/main.css
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ body#default {
/* coqdoc output */
-body#default .code, code {
+body#default .code, code, pre {
font-family: 'Fira Code', monospace;